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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-7-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-7-16  Part 2 of 2

Nassif: "The most important" of the countries in the region is believed to want the interest of Iraq
07/06/2016 09:13 | Press direction - Special /MP for the rule of law high Nassif said it was believed the local leaders that the countries in the region want the interest of Iraq is the "most important", while suggesting the need for international action over the countries that manipulate the Iraqi government and its security forces.
]Nassif, in an interview with "direction Press" made it clear that the thought of the local leaders that the countries in the region want the best for Iraq is the "most important" because those countries are using "Daash" acting in attacking Iraq and to try to divide it, indicating that a lot of mercenary politicians Atnagmon with agendas of countries in the region and execute them in Iraq,[/rtl]
She added: respect for nations have strong state, where it was supposed Iraqi government and foreign have an active role on the battles of Fallujah, pointing out that there are international resolutions issued against personalities and bodies and satellites to support them, "Daash"[/rtl]
He continued: Iraq did not stir any file against the countries of the region to Akhrsha which make them persist and fester over to hit the security establishment and popular crowd, calling on the Iraqi Foreign Ministry that the institute proceedings and Tarishv Alttaulat obtained and presented the United Nations and the international community, especially since there are resolutions supporting Iraq in its case and this is a the correct action to be taken by the government.[/rtl]

This rejection of the National Alliance MP Haneen Qaddo Saudi ambassador in Iraq Thamer Sbhat comments, viewing it as a blatant interference in the affairs of the country.[/rtl]
Qaddo said in an interview for "direction Press" that Sabhan working in Iraq outside the framework of the official mission as an ambassador to a country in another country, in addition to the one that works out to improve relations between his country and Iraq is built on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.
 [tlm724] Nassif said it was believed the local leaders that the countries in the region want the interest of Iraq is the "most important", while suggesting the need for international action over the countries that manipulate the Iraqi government and its security forces
[tlm724] yeah what she said  
[tlm724] She added: respect for nations have strong state, where it was supposed Iraqi government and foreign have an active role on the battles of Fallujah, pointing out that there are international resolutions issued against personalities and bodies and satellites to support them, "Daash"
[tlm724] they are going after them too ! against personalities and bodies and satellites to support them, "Daash"
Iraq looking with the European Union to join the World Trade Organization procedures
Author: AR, HH Editor: AR, HH 07/06/2016 12:30   Long-Presse / Baghdad, Confirmed the Ministry of Commerce, said Tuesday that Iraq needs a solid institutions recognized in the world as in some Arab countries, as discussed with the EU Commission to help Iraq to join the World Trade Organization.
The Director General of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry of Commerce Hashim Mohammed Hatem in a statement received (long-Presse) a copy of it, "The meeting brought together representatives of the Directorate with the President of the EU Commission in Iraq to discuss the requests submitted by Iraq to the European Union mission, which is for providing aid to Iraq According to the partnership agreement between the two parties. "
He said Hatem, "The meeting witnessed ask a lot of issues that concern Iraq in customs areas in addition to helping Iraq in the technical aspects of joining the World Trade Organization regarding the team trained negotiator in the field of intellectual property rights, as well as to discuss the establishment of recognized institutes possible that awarded certificates on intellectual property protection and for the granting trademarks or something like that. "

Hatem said that "Iraq needs to possess solid institutions recognized by the nations of the world, as in Lebanon, Egypt and other Arab countries," pointing out that "the meeting will also discuss the financial crisis plaguing Iraq as a result of the current low oil prices."
Hatem stressed that "the two sides and the situation paragraphs of introductory to hold future meetings during the month of September, in addition to a meeting of the European Union with the Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, which will hopefully be held during the month of November," adding that "the aim of this meeting is the development of bilateral relations between Iraq and the European Union in order to develop the economic potentials in all fields. "
And the World Trade Organization, which was established in 1995, is one of the youngest international organizations-lived, as the WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which established in the aftermath of World War II.
And despite the fact that the WTO is still the modern multilateral trading system, which was originally set up under GATT he has reached fifty years old, and celebrate the golden jubilee of the system in Geneva on May 19, 1998 in the presence of many heads of state and government leaders.   LINK 
 [tlm724] Confirmed the Ministry of Commerce, said Tuesday that Iraq needs a solid institutions recognized in the world as in some Arab countries, as discussed with the EU Commission to help Iraq to join the World Trade Organization.
[tlm724] hello  Very Happy
[tlm724] "The meeting brought together representatives of the Directorate with the President of the EU Commission in Iraq to discuss the requests submitted by Iraq to the European Union mission, which is for providing aid to Iraq According to the partnership agreement between the two parties. "
[tlm724] I
[tlm724] LOVE
[tlm724] IT !!
[tlm724] that "Iraq needs to possess solid institutions recognized by the nations of the world, as in Lebanon, Egypt and other Arab countries,
[tlm724] stressed that "the two sides and the situation paragraphs of introductory to hold future meetings during the month of September,
[tlm724] WTO full membership should be in Iraq's relative near future, as they make the needed changes to the tax structure and continue on with reforms it only makes sense  Wink
Central Bank: procedures in determining the dollar intended to codify sell
07/06/2016 12:55 | Direction Press / Baghdad   The Central Bank, on Tuesday, that the procedures on determining the dollar intended to codify sell, asking all employees domain banking to abide by his decision on the sale at a price of 1200 dinars to the dollar.
The director of the banking and credit control Ihsan Shomran Yasiri in a press interview that "a Bank on determine the sale price of the dollar in 1200 dinars comes to codify and rationalize sell , "noting that" citizens can , who are forced to buy the dollar for more than its price have submitted complaints to the Central Bank to be paid by the bank account and the firms conversion done Baaah more than the price fixed
He Yasiri on "citizens to get a dollar from registered as a follow - up and accountability of institutions in case bucked the FAQ , " pointing out that " the citizen who allows himself to deal with parties unknown and unregistered , not given a receipt , he wasted a chance accounting and re - rights."
He called Yasiri All workers domain banking as "commitment decision because the country is fighting , " pointing out that "some of them are indifferent to what is happening in the country."
He called on the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday (June 6, 2016) citizens and merchants who pay more than 1,200 dinars for the dollar , which they purchased from banks or remittance companies to submit a complaint to him.
 [tlm724] Bank on determine the sale price of the dollar in 1200 dinars comes to codify and rationalize sell
[tlm724] He called on the Iraqi Central Bank, on Monday (June 6, 2016) citizens and merchants who pay more than 1,200 dinars for the dollar , which they purchased from banks or remittance companies to submit a complaint to him.
[tlm724] there is a lil more than meets the eye here
[tlm724] remember the CBI stated they wanted to get rid of around 300 traders/banks etc... ?
[tlm724] well if there are complaints filed against them then it gives the CBI more power to enforce their new rules
[tlm724] sooooo it's all good
Finance: Iraq will be true to its obligations under the standby credit agreement
Direction Press / follow-up  Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari stressed that the Iraqi government will be faithful to its commitments under an agreement to prepare the credit program, which reached his recent between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund, noting that the IMF loan contributed greatly to stimulate the donor countries to provide adequate support, and enhance the credibility of Iraq's finance markets global money and upon international credit rating agencies.

According to a statement the Ministry of Finance received "direction Press" on a copy of "Zebari met this morning Rasat and the European Union UN missions and the Group of Seven and the European countries and the World Bank and the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation (JICA) accredited to Iraq. 
And gave Zebari during the meeting, "a briefing agreement Stand-By (SBA) with the International Monetary Fund and the efforts made by the Government's efforts to get the international financial support from friendly countries and international institutions to help Iraq to withstand and overcome the challenges faced by the war on terrorism and defeat al Daash terrorist hand and narrowing the financial gap taking place in Iraq's budget for 2016 and the years that followed, which will enable Iraq to overcome the financial crisis experienced by the other hand. "
Through Zebari expressed gratitude to those organizations and countries for their support for Iraq at this stage, reflecting the international community's understanding of the challenges experienced by the extent of international support enjoyed by his government and gave the minister Acknowledgements government states the Group of Seven G7 on providing financial support $ 3.6 billion
 [tlm724] Iraq will be true to its obligations under the standby credit agreement *hallelujah* big boy panties on , check  !
And gave Zebari during the meeting, "a briefing agreement Stand-By (SBA) with the International Monetary Fund and the efforts made by the Government's efforts to get the international financial support from friendly countries and international institutions to help Iraq to withstand and overcome the challenges faced by the war on terrorism and defeat al Daash terrorist hand and narrowing the financial gap taking place in Iraq's budget for 2016 and the years that followed,
which will enable Iraq to overcome the financial crisis experienced by the other hand. " Through Zebari expressed gratitude to those organizations and countries for their support for Iraq at this stage, reflecting the international community's understanding of the challenges experienced by the extent of international support enjoyed by his government and gave the minister Acknowledgements government states the Group of Seven G7 on providing financial support $ 3.6 billion
[tlm724] its all coming together

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