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Sunday, June 5, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-5-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-5-16  Part 1 of 2

Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Sunday, June 5, 2016

Economy   Since 05.06.2016 at 08:36 (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - balances News

U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,181.0000 Iraqi dinars affraid affraid afraid
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,342.3246
IQD 1 = 0.0007 euros
 Sterling pound
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
 Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 912.8150 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
 Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 869.9239 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Australian dollars
 Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 11.0845 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0902 Japanese yen


tlm724      MOF June 5, 2016 this confirms the MOF site is a day behind the new sources !
tlm724      Rates of foreign currencies compared to the Iraqi dinar

BAGHDAD - The Journal News   It amounted to currency exchange rates, on Sunday, as received from the Iraqi market to sell the currency as follows:
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,181.0000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,342.3246
IQD 1 = 0.0007 euros
Sterling pound
£ 1 = 1,714.2227 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 912.8150 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 869.9239 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Australian dollars
Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 11.0845 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0902 Japanese yen


National government calls for more transparency Karza details of the IMF and the US
05/06/2016 10:09 | Direction Press / Agencies The head of the National Coalition Bloc Kadhim al-Shammari, the government for more transparency and clarity to the Iraqi people in what he called Karza already know the guts of the International Monetary Fund and a loan of US arming of Iraq.
Al-Shammari said a member of the reform front in Parliament in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it: that talking and concerns raised from many quarters about the recent loans signed by the government with the International Monetary Fund and the United States that have ratified it would be a real disaster plaguing Iraq will represent restrictions shackle the country for years many".
He added that the signing of Iraq for loans includes impossible conditions, both significant benefits in terms or compel Iraq to impose extra taxes on the citizens are the things you need to review a real discussion and clarification and greater transparency by the government and the Atnfred in steps could afford more negative than its benefits to the country ".
He continued: he was supposed to on the government to make foreign loans option is the last option and work initially on other solutions Casthsal debt owed ​​by telecommunications companies, which exceeded four billion dollars , or move cases more quickly against spoilers to recover stolen and smuggled and work systematically money to stimulate the rest industrial, agricultural, tourism and commercial sectors in the country to be anadditional resource to support the budget. "
[tlm724] the recent loans signed by the government with the International Monetary Fund and the United States that have ratified it would be a real disaster plaguing Iraq will represent restrictions shackle the country for years many
[tlm724] yeah well thats a good thing, they need to be shackled to a plan that works !

Justice reveal manipulation loans of about 70 billion dinars and adopt new mechanism to maintain public money
Author: AR Editor: AR 6.5.2016 09:30      Long-Presse / Baghdad
The Ministry of Justice, on Sunday, announced the launch of the new work instructions for loans for industrial, commercial and agricultural bank, while suggesting a new mechanism guaranteed to keep public money and prevent fraud, manipulation uncovered loans of about 70 billion dinars.
The ministry statement said in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, "The Ministry of Education announces near the launch of the work of new instructions to book a property in exchange for the loans granted to investors from the industrial, commercial and agricultural bank after it has been several meetings and joint lecturer between representatives of the relevant banks and the Department of Real Estate Registration contract and the Office of the Inspector General at the ministry,
"noting that" instruction includes the adoption of a new mechanism works to maintain public money and prevent weak people of falsifying statements for the assessment of property to be detained in exchange for the loan and that it exaggerated assessment of ICON and more of the property value. "
The statement added that "the ministry is continuing to pursue guess loan amounts that are underway as well as the follow-up to what has to take place outside the checks and refer violators to the competent courts," stressing that "these measures have contributed to disclose manipulation lending operations by nearly 70 billion dinars and stop wasting more than this amount in exchange for loans destined for Exchange has been shut off. "
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, honest (the ninth of March 2016), to lend the special housing fund mechanisms loans the central bank's five trillion Iraqi dinars, as stipulated distribution of loans standard adoption population ratio and the degree of poverty for each province mechanism, also stipulated that loan no more than 50 million paid to the beneficiary in two installments.​
It is noteworthy that the Council of Ministers announced, in (31st May 2016), the launch of the distribution of land to citizens in a manner and installment terms "soft", and briefed on the launch of the electronic program industrial, agricultural and residential loans mechanism.     LINK _
 [tlm724] he Ministry of Justice, on Sunday, announced the launch of the new work instructions for loans for industrial, commercial and agricultural bank, while suggesting a new mechanism guaranteed to keep public money and prevent fraud, manipulation uncovered loans of about 70 billion dinars.
[tlm724] ya gotta love that 
[tlm724] announces near the launch of the work of new instructions to book a property in exchange for the loans granted to investors
[tlm724] after it has been several meetings and joint lecturer between representatives of the relevant banks and the Department of Real Estate Registration contract and the Office of the Inspector General at the ministry
[tlm724] theres some involvement of the Real Estate BL talked about
[tlm724] "the ministry is continuing to pursue guess loan amounts that are underway as well as the follow-up to what has to take place outside the checks and refer violators to the competent courts," stressing that "these measures have contributed to disclose manipulation lending operations by nearly 70 billion dinars and stop wasting more than this amount in exchange for loans destined for Exchange has been shut off.
[tlm724] yet another important step in accountability and transparency

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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