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Saturday, June 4, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-4-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-4-16  Part 1 of 2

Central Bank: We have received requests for the granting of agricultural, industrial and residential loans
03/06/2016 04:31 | Direction Press / follow-up He said assistant general manager of statistics and research at the central bank Alaa Abdul Ghani, said the bank received several requests from wanting Atniv agricultural and industrial projects and housing, adding that the bank will distribute the $ five trillion dinars on the agricultural, industrial and housing banks are granting loans after the feasibility study projects that seek port for its establishment.
He said Abdul Ghani, in a press statement that "lending initiative very excellent in a matter of economic downturn and blessed the move and supported the central bank governor on the Keywords idea, and stressed that the central banks' implementation of this order to pump money agro-industrial and residential banks, and this initiative will be launched in the coming days and was greeted applications to grant loans for the implementation of industrial projects, agricultural and residential. "
He noted that "there are several projects submitted will be examined by the specialized committees and in terms of the importance of the project and the role of development and how to address the unemployment benefit generated from the country, in order to approve such projects,"
noting that "the real estate sector is one of the important sectors in these loans being takes 70 % of the workforce, as well as agricultural projects is very important and is awaiting approval by the banks to release loans from the central bank. "
He noted that "the issue by launching a competent financial operations department at the central bank loans."
He said he "will be the five Exchange trillion Iraqi dinars on the industrial, agricultural and housing banks, it is possible the amounts spent on projects that accomplish and we emphasize the seriousness of the project importance and that the owner of the project be serious created and not taking the amounts on the basis of fake projects."
He noted that "there is control over the money has been spent and the follow-up projects hosted by the borrowers."
The office of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, had confirmed earlier government's commitment to implement a comprehensive reform program, which announced a few months ago and within these obligations approval of the Cabinet in its meeting on Tuesday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ {6.5 trillion axes dinars} as part of the focus of economic reform,
which seeks through the government to restructure the Iraqi economy and guidance that will ensure his stay on the basis of sound and diversifying its sources, and transportation of the economy of a yield to the productive economy and the transformation of the economic system of the State of the consumer system to a multi-resource production system ".
 [tlm724] the bank received several requests from wanting Atniv agricultural and industrial projects and housing, adding that the bank will distribute the $ five trillion dinars on the agricultural, industrial and housing banks are granting loans after the feasibility study projects that seek port for its establishment.
[tlm724] I believe the feasibility study is just making sure the money goes into the right hands   
[cat] uh huh
[tlm724] this initiative will be launched in the coming days
[tlm724] "the real estate sector is one of the important sectors in these loans being takes 70 % of the workforce, as well as agricultural projects is very important and is awaiting approval by the banks to release loans from the central bank.
[tlm724] we emphasize the seriousness of the project importance and that the owner of the project be serious created and not taking the amounts on the basis of fake projects.
[tlm724] yep there it is, making sure the money doesn't go to fake projects
[tlm724] al-Abadi, had confirmed earlier government's commitment to implement a comprehensive reform program   
[tlm724] within these obligations approval of the Cabinet in its meeting on Tuesday to launch a Government loan to the sectors of housing, industry and agriculture form the amount of $ {6.5 trillion axes dinars} as part of the focus of economic reform,
[tlm724] which seeks through the government to restructure the Iraqi economy and guidance that will ensure his stay on the basis of sound and diversifying its sources
[tlm724] guidance, our friends at the IMF, World Bank, UN, US Treasury etc... Wink

Parliamentary Finance: Contact City firms to the government for $ 4 billion

04/06/2016 09:44 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Between a member of the Finance Committee MP Rahim al-Darraji, Saturday, that the city of telecom companies to the government more than four billion dollars, but the government is unable to claim them.
Said Darraji's "Eye of Iraq News," "The Maaasv him that the government has the ability to earn money away from foreign loans by addressing the issue of corruption and obtaining debt which has owed by third parties."
"The government asks telecom companies more than four billion dollars, but they are unable to claim and instead Asthsalha go to external borrowing harsh conditions."
He said. "If the government wants to effectively overcome the financial crisis, it is capable of simply by calling four or five corrupt and return to the state treasury of their money was stolen and that it is possible to cover between 50-60 billion dollars."
He Darraji that "the government mired in corruption, a Maidf price of ordinary citizens through the state of austerity and taxes that burdened his shoulders and in spite of all this are still the government to Ataatkhz any real and pragmatic actions contribute to overcome the crisis and only encumber future fiscal foreign loans."
 [tlm724] "The government asks telecom companies more than four billion dollars, but they are unable to claim and instead Asthsalha go to external borrowing harsh conditions
[tlm724] "If the government wants to effectively overcome the financial crisis, it is capable of simply by calling four or five corrupt and return to the state treasury of their money was stolen and that it is possible to cover between 50-60 billion dollars.
[tlm724] dayum 60 billion USD !

Parliamentary Finance : Do not share Arbil from the international loan, but ..
06/04/2016 13:02  BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : affirmed the decision of the Finance Committee and member of the parliamentary coalition of Kurdish blocs, Hama Rashid Ahmed said on Saturday that the Kurdistan region will not receive a share of the World Bank loan because of failing to pay for imports - exports ( 550) thousand barrels to the federal government .
Rashid said for " tomorrow Press " that " a loan of Iraq from the International Monetary Fund 5 billion and 400 million dollars , " noting " that the World Bank conditioned on Iraq, bring out the staff Alohman and scan job redundancy and pay oil dues and company Basra gas and reduce costs in addition to other conditions ".
He explained that " the World Bank loan, is a cash loan to support the budget deficit, and will be the region 's share of 17% if he adheres to the terms of the general budget, according to the general budget of the terms of Article X , paragraph third van on the provincial commitment to pay 550 thousand barrels per day " ,

stressing " the lack of commitment to the region this amount would be the federal government in resolving all financial obligations to the province or cash , including that the province has not committed to pay the amount the province will not share his loan . "
He noted that the " head of the provincial government said yesterday that it is its priorities discussed with the federal government to reach an agreement that ends the existing differences between the government and the province an issue the federal budget and revenues " , pointing out that " If the parties reach a new agreement thus possible to end the differences ."   LINK  

 [tlm724] that the Kurdistan region will not receive a share of the World Bank loan because of failing to pay for imports - exports ( 550) thousand barrels to the federal government
[tlm724] oh the kurds are gonna love that lol 
[tlm724] He explained that " the World Bank loan, is a cash loan to support the budget deficit, and will be the region 's share of 17% if he adheres to the terms of the general budget, according to the general budget of the terms of Article X , paragraph third van on the provincial commitment to pay 550 thousand barrels per day " ,
stressing " the lack of commitment to the region this amount would be the federal government in resolving all financial obligations to the province or cash , including that the province has not committed to pay the amount the province will not share his loan . "
[tlm724] that the province has not committed to pay the amount the province will not share his loan
[tlm724] well now that should make things interesting, how much you wanna bet the Kurds play ball now ??  
[cat] never ends
[tlm724] head of the provincial government said yesterday that it is its priorities discussed with the federal government to reach an agreement that ends the existing differences
[tlm724] I'll just bet he did  lol
[tlm724] cat this may be what was needed to make them reach an agreement
[cat] yep
[tlm724] as I always say money talks BS walks  Cool
Iraq receives first batch of international financial and mortgage loan parliamentary denies Basra oil
Economy   Since 04/06/2016 12:30 (Baghdad time) Special scales News   Finance Committee announced on Saturday that Iraq will receive $ 800 million from the first IMF loan as a down payment.
Said committee member Ahmed Sarhan's / balances News /, that "Iraq will receive $ 800 million from the first IMF loan as a down payment, in the next few days."
Ahmed said, "This amount will be allocated to support the 2016 budget exclusively," denying saying, "There is no truth to reports that talked about mortgaging the Basra oil, and that's a shame the place for health."
It is said that the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and international partners have agreed, in the May 19, 2016, to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5%.
And deliberated news view that the International Monetary required to Basra Iraq under oil-for-granted LINK      From: Enam Amauri      

 [tlm724] that "Iraq will receive $ 800 million from the first IMF loan as a down payment, in the next few days." they did something right  Wink
[tlm724] *hallelujah* and thank you Lord !

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