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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

BGG News Time & Tuesday  PM Chat  5-31-16   Part 1 of 2

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BGG News Time & Tuesday  PM Chat  5-31-16   Part 1 of 2

oldmechanic says():I have a question, does ramadon affect any thing becides goi? With imf in the cbi, I would think Imf does not care about ramadon. But I get to thinking well the laws need to be done. And goi gone for a month. don't hate on me for asking, just my anxiety goes crazy with ramadon.
Hutch says():In years past, they continued to work, I personally dont think that it is an issue.
Dinar Dave says to oldmechanic():IMO... If the IMF has stated that iraq will be internationally accepted by the end of the first half of 2016, then you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure that IMF did their homework before making such a BOLD statement and I'm sure the GOI and CBI would have "no no we can't do it then" if their was going to be a Just sit back and enjoy watching it play out....
oldmechanic says():8-) I'm just going to keep grounded and watch, IMF is not a speculator in this game. and only time and what the news tell's us.
oldmechanic says():Is all we have to go by.
 Dinar Dave says to oldmechanic():Remember too some articles coming out of iraq are PURE JIBBER.... for many reasons.... Just let it play out and you'll the end result make everyone
oldmechanic says():Oh I remember how they toy with this and or it is taken wrong in translation.
 BGG: Let folks know I am getting some info together - will be about 15 min delay...... too much info
Hutch says():NEWSTIME with BGG!!!
dwightj says():ok bgg kick it in gear
Hutch says to dwightj():He's getting the clutch adjusted, Its grinding a little:D

BGG says):OK here we go.
dwightj says):THATS WHY I SAID KICK IT(lol)
jimplants says():AMEN
BGG says():and to all of our DU peeps...
BGG says():I got called out on an emergency run 1st thing this AM and didn't get back until late. Schedule got all messed up... but as I do this News Time (and after)... I'm working on the BLOG and The OBSERVER... (WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS)...
BGG says():I know I have been a little "light" in that department... but I have just recently (the last couple of days) been finishing up those big projects I mentioned so I can devote a little more time now... WHEW.
BGG says):On it now...
sassy says():BGG all is good. Life happens ya know
BGG says():there is sooooooooo much news - I don't know where to start...
BGG says():so in no particular order.
BGG says():(and BTW - I don't paint things "rosy" for any particular benefit. I reflect on things as I see it - currently. Period.)
BGG says():Here we go...
Hutch says to BGG():Thats a good thing !
BGG says():BTW - thanks to all the DU Contributors over on the FB Group as well... ROCKIN' BUNCH!!
BGG says(:The House of Representatives, on Tuesday, (April 26, 2016).
15 deputies of the reform front will attend the session of parliament as opposition.
BGG says():Long-Presse / BaghdadAnnounced a reform in the House of Representatives Front, said on Tuesday that about 15 deputies attending the parliamentary session scheduled for today, as oppositionThe MP said the front Fadel Kanani said in an interview to a number of media, including (range Press),
 "The Front discussed the two options on the parliament session today, including participating in a session chaired a House of Representatives with the exception of Salim al-Jubouri, or participate in the hearing Kmaatardan."...

BGG says():Still a lot of political wrangling going on - BUT IMHO - the "alliances" against reform and progress are failing daily...
Dinar Dave says to BGG():You do know what the date is today???

BGG says():War: The pleading of the Federal Court on 29/5 made a judgment soon
BGG says():Follow-up / Iraq today - Confirmed the legal expert Tareq Harb said the hearing conducted by the Federal Supreme Court on 05.29.2016 was almost close to resolving the case and semi-close in favor of one of the parties to the proceedings at the appeal hearings of Parliament for the month of April 2016,
particularly after the agents parliament speaker presented photographs and CDs, documents and films attendees and non-attendees at those meetings are the subject of disagreement and the matter of the proceeding,
Which supports the point of view of the party and in exchange for that, the agents of the other party any front reformist and sitters to hasten to refute the conclusions reached and the agents of the other party so that said Mlhozathm these documents and share some MPs from the Reform attending mass, said the war
"where asked permission of Representatives of the Court to talk, and after the court authorized them spoke MP architecture Ihsanoglu one Governing Council of Representatives on the list that includes the signatures of Representatives, which exceeds the quorum here responded agents other party that signed something and the audience is something else...
BGG says():Here's the deal... (on this piece...)
BGG says):This Fed Court decision is a big deal...
BGG says():sounds like a lot of back and forth (again) - BUT...
BGG says():It appears as though they are very close to advertising their decision... those speaking for Jubouri had to resort to providing "HARD EVIDENCE" - (because all these d0@$c43 BAGS are ALL LIARS... and the SJC sounds like it will side with Jubouri.
BGG says():This is a classic battle between "the sitters" (aka - Maliki sycophants) and the Abadi GOI... the bad guys - who have been at the "trough of corruption" are having a terrible time letting to... JUST SELL ON LETGO!!
BGG says():Jubouri declared al-Jubouri, from the end of the legislative term and stands ready for any emergency session
BGG says():House of Representatives ended its session today in the dismissal of the current legislative to enter into the legislative Attlath which lasts one month after reduced from two months.
The House of Representatives held a special meeting chaired by Salim al-President of the Council and the presence of 161 deputies on Tuesday, to discuss the general situation in the country.
At the outset of the session Jubouri announced the second legislative term ends within the second legislative year on holiday today and according to the constitutional and legislative materials.
He commended the Speaker of Parliament to attend the House of Representatives and the role of the special parliamentary committee to hold the meeting in Hawwartha with the various parliamentary blocs, "noting that" the existence and meetings dialogues with a number of objectors Representatives Awalven within [Front reform] [Representatives of the protesters], where we have received positive signals to resume entering the meetings of the Council and to move the process of reform and activating the role of the Council. "...
BGG says():My commentary about this is really two-fold...

BGG says():1) What does he know - that we don't - leading him to leave open the option of an "emergency session"... that sounds pretty BIG... if you ask me.
BGG says():2) they want to get this reform process started SOON... approve the Cabinet and activate their role...
BGG says():this means the cabinet has relatively ineffective or non-existent for a while...
BGG says():BTW - there are only 2 ways to introduced new laws correctly - 1) via the CoM (the Cabinet) 2) via the PoR - Fuad Massoum (aka - worthless as 7!7s on a BULL)... :D
BGG says():so they really - really - really need this CoM to get approved, ACTIVATED and operational SOON.
BGG says():and it looks like they will.
Martha Sue says():will it just be for an extended period that will be the "special emergency meeting?" ... or as long as necessary to get it done??

Martha Sue says():hope that made sense?
Martha Sue says():I know it says they shortened the 2 month thing to 30 days ... and does it mean that they can have an emergency meeting at any time as needed during the next 30 days?
BGG says():It does.
Martha Sue says():DANG wish it would start at midnight tonight! :D
Martha Sue says():thanks BGG
BGG says():It's not an "official" emergency session - it's him telling them he is "ready, willing and able" to call them back at a moments notice.
BGG says):under the "emergency guidelines"...
Martha Sue says():and if they don't all show up when called for that emergency meeting ... do they forfeit because of not having a quoram?

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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