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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tlar & Member Discussion  Part 2 of 2

Post From Currency Chatter 5-2-16

Tlar & Member Discussion  Part 2 of 2
JD Blue      Demanding it in a single session.
I reckon Thusday would be too late, IMHO. By then, the citizens are getting whipped up into a frenzy. The 3 presidents have a few days to get specific and concrete if you ask me.

 United States: We will remain committed partner of Iraq, according to the Strategic Framework Agreement
May 1, 2016 Walter
[Wayne – Baghdad] confirmed Alammerakh United States, it will remain a committed partner to the government and the Iraqi people at all levels in accordance with the provisions of the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries. 
She said in a statement the US embassy in Baghdad received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it was “concerned about the demonstrations on Saturday, which occurred inside the campus of the House of Representatives, and led to property damage and violence against certain individuals.”
She added “While we realize the right to engage in peaceful protest, the embassy joins the United Nations and the European Union in urging restraint and respect for the constitutional institutions and the rights of others, and we urge the Iraqi government and all the political leaders and security officials and representatives of civil society to work together to restore security and pay the political and economic reform process forward. ”
She noted that” the organization of Daash terrorist is still determined enemy and continuing to carry out deadly attacks across the country , including Baghdad. ”
the United States urged all parties to work together to defeat Bdaash, and to support the aspirations of the Iraqi people also in laying the foundations for governance and transparent economic stability and establish security. ”
stormed the protesters are angry followers of cleric Moqtada al – Sadr, on Saturday , the parliament building and the halls of parliamentary and stormed the headquarters of the information department and other facilities.
the intrusion minutes after word of the current leader Moqtada al – Sadr and his announcement” i’tikaaf “for two months , a rejection of the principle of quotas in the formation of the new ministry.
a number of MPs , including the second Deputy Speaker of parliament Iaram Sheikh Mohammed and head of the virtue Ammar Tohme beaten in addition to civil servants and Oaalamyin and military personnel charged with the protection of the building by demonstrators.
the face of the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi prosecute elements that attacked the security forces and members of parliament.
and still demonstrators in the Square celebrations amid the green zone that contains the top – most government institutions.
and met the three presidencies, on Sunday, in the home of President Fuad Masum , to discuss the current situation and the repercussions of the storming of the demonstrators green Zone, and condemned the storming of parliament and promised breach the Constitution calls for the prosecution of the assailants to justice, “
G-Lin     IMO there is one thing and one thing only that the future of Iraq hinges on right now. That is the Supreme Court ruling on the position of the V.P.'s. Mahmoun has managed to postpone it three times and that has given Maliki enough time to try to create total distruction of the country.
The U.S., E.U., Abadi, Masum, Jabouri, Sadr or any other individual or Country, are totally helpless as long as Maliki still enjoys immunity. Iraq is a sovereign country. Period. That's why we still see him in the palace and enjoying all the perks immunity offers.
If the Supreme Court upholds their original ruling Maliki will no longer enjoy immunity and it wouldn't surprise me to see an arrest warrant issued shortly after. And then Abadi can take action. But he is handcuffed until that occurs.
If Maliki is arrested, his empire will crumble along with his majority of his cohorts. That decision is due around the middle of May I think. It is in the form, I just didn't take time to retrieve it. If Iraq can hold together long enough for that decision to come down they might make it.
You also have to remember there are 4 or five armies co-mingling in Iraq. If Sadr continues his impatience and his army gets involved we will have a full flown military coup pitting Peshmerga, Ameri, Iraq military, and Sadr's army in a power move and we can say goodbye to this investment for a while.
The first protestor that is shot could be the beginning. I pray that doesn't occur. But to say Iraq isn't on the brink of disaster would be naive. All it takes is one loose cannon to shoot a member of the Parl. and the military will react. And that is exactly what Maliki is working towards. It could possibly be his own men that start firing. He has done it many times before.
We can only pray that the many, and there are many decision makers in Iraq, that love their country and want to see it prosper and grow, can influence and over power the insanity of the radical entities. Just hang on good guys until we can put handcuffs on the bad guys.
JD Blue     Yes, all valid points, G-Lin,. I agree, but I dont know if they have untll the middle of May, to be honest.
Sadrists decide to withdraw from the green and call for a vote on the government in a single session
Author: AB Editor: AB 05/01/2016 18:29  Number of Views: 364 Long-Presse / Baghdad
Decided supporters of the Sadrist movement, on Sunday, out of the green "respected and venerated" the region to visit the Imam al-Kazim, and provide an opportunity for policymakers to "return to their senses," and called for a vote on a government of technocrats in a single session, as threatened dismissal of the three presidencies, and to call for elections early, then break into three presidencies and civil disobedience or a general strike in the event of non-implementation of it, they threatened that the return will be "stronger" after the end of the visit.
The supervisory committee, said the subsidiary of the stream Aba demonstrations in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "the masses now and competence and power site announces exit from the Green Zone, respected and venerated to visit Musa Bin Jaafar peace be upon him, in order to provide an opportunity for political decision-makers, and Amhalam to return to their senses. "
The statement called, "a vote on a government of technocrats in one sitting," and threatened "to move to the second phase, which is the dismissal of the three presidencies in the event of failure to achieve that."
The statement continued, "The masses will move to the third phase, a call for early elections in the absence of verification the second phase," stressing that "the people will take all lawful means which least the entry of the three presidencies and civil disobedience or a general strike in the absence of verification of those stages."
It threatened the statement, saying that "the return will be stronger after the end of the visit, decrees, and woe for thieves and corrupt", stressing said, "O ye masses revocation, return to us after the end of the visit, and we have a great pause in the next Friday."
The three presidencies and political blocs condemned today, to break into the Green Zone by the demonstrators, on Saturday (April 30, 2016), which took place minutes after the declaration of the cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, during a press conference, a boycott of all politicians and rejected "Majalsthm", and decided "intensify" their meetings to reach a "radical reform",
 while threatened Kurdish blocs to reconsider their participation in the political process, after what he described to storm the protesters as "painful blow" to the political process, said State of law coalition leader Nuri al-Maliki to achieve ministerial change "can not be achieved amid the threat and the occupation of the parliament, calling for a "re prestige of the state."
danny griffin     the only thing that will fix this is for the parliament to convene and put the technocrats in this week. complete the agenda.
get sadr on the same sheet of music as abadi. arest that rag mouth maliki for all his crimes and send a message to maliki's cronies and all the others on the list of crooks being investigated,
you are next and instead of being in the streets stirring up dissentiion, you better be trying to figure out how you are going to argue why you shouldn't be prosecuted and watch them start singing and pointing fingers at each other. 
they would be so busy pointing fingers trying  to save their sorry ass necks, they wouldn't have time to be out stirring up trouble and maybe the govt. could move forward and they could finally concentrate on getting rid of isis and get on with reconstruction and fire the sorry xx that are holding down seats like our sorrry carreer politicians in this country, like dems and reps and tell the sit in people if you come back to the parliament one more time with a sit in, you will be sitting in jail. 
the time to molly caudle these trouble makers is over. like barney fife says, nip it in the bud. the time for pussy futting is over. too many brave men and women have sacrificed bloom and limbs and right now i am talking about americans, to let these idiots keep playing games.
Greg     Well it's a good thing the IMF said By the end of the first half of the year.. Just like they said Iraq would be a donor Nation in 2015. Lol ;)
This Dinar investment is psychologically complex dealing with parallel theories of ambiguity and disjunction.... translation - "It's all jacked up!" :D
danny griffin    you're right blue  they gotta do it in a single session.  i don't blame the kurds.  i think actually baghdad needs the kurds more than the kurds need baghdad, if push come to shove. 
if baghdad just wants to keeps playing games  the kurds can keep pumping oil and making money and eventually declare independence. if baghdad don't get it together i wouldn't blame the kurds.compared the rest of iraq. kurdistan is relatively a normal country.
tlar         Abadi is in a hard place.  He is trying to maintain order, avoid a civil war and reshape the government by removing the corruption from the system.  This weekend we hope to see the fruits of  Abadi's patience as they attempt to complete the change over of government. 

If they can do this they need immediately to go after the Judicial branch and clean it up.  We all know this is a make or break it opportunity.  If they can get the new government installed, the rest will begin to fall into place fairly quickly.
To the corrupt they will see it as a loss of all power and will react in one of two ways.  They will either rise up and try to take the government by force or they will evaporate across borders and run. 
If there is a trial of Maliki down the road I think it will be a trial in absentia as Maliki like his son, won't stick around to see it.  That is not to say that at some time in the future he won't be dragged back to Iraq kicking and screaming, but IMO he will run just as his family and son have already done. 
It's at that time that many accused mp's, block leaders, along with lessor corrupt government officials still in Iraq will be trying to make deals, offering to return monies, turning states evidence,  etc in hopes of being pardoned or even exonerated.
Many officials will and should be forgiven because the truth is it was dangerous to go against Maliki while he was in  power and many found themselves in a tenuous situation where it was safer for their lives to go along. 
The trouble will be separating those folks who were corrupted by intimidation out from the guys who were intimidating and corrupting them.  Mutlag is a prime example.  Just like Hashemi he too was falsely charged by Maliki under the new terrorism law.  
Just like Hashemi his only real crime was he a stated publically that Maliki was attempting to take control of Iraq as it's next dictator..  Mutlag had his family and roots in Iraq whom he feared for, so he chose to go along to get along. 
Maliki allowed him to come back from his exile and remain as VP and all charges were dropped.  Where as Hashemi who was defiantly stating he was not a terrorist and refused to knuckle under, was tried under the law in absentia and put under a death sentence. 
He had to stay exiled for years under fear of losing his life if he ever returned to Iraq.  Once Mutlag made the decision to come back, he was corruptable and he was corrupted.  He is guilty for sure because he took money, but his is a case that under the circumstances, most would have done the same. 
Many were forced into corruption and Maliki kept files on them just so he could muscle them when he needed to do something or get something done.  Blackmail pure and simple. 
When the leader of a country and his henchmen are all corrupt, it is easy to understand why sometimes the personal safety of yourself and that of your family would drive you to do things that otherwise you may have never done.
 IMO the future of Iraq depends on the government and the judicial system being sharp enough to know the difference and wise enough to understand it and put it into practice..  tlar  
Flyboy       Well stated, Tlar...nothing will go forward until the justice Dept is overhauled...and I do believe the folks know that as well. They will be back for another helping..very and see...jmo
JD Blue      In G-lin's post above..she mentions mid May as a significant date for the judiciary to rule once and for all on the VP's.

​If Abadi can do the ight thing and seat ALL the final technocrats this week... and the Federal Court rules against Maliki.. maybe the moment will finaly be here.

That BAM moment we have all waited for... like Tlar says.... when they all run or turn states evidence.

Crossed fingers... so much of what we need to hapen is ready... we just need to pass that one moment of no return... when Maliki is truly twisting in the wind, and the country is freed from his viselike grip.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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