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Monday, May 2, 2016

Tidbits From KTFA Members Monday Afternoon  5-2-16


Lexi:  Are we thinking they have missed their good window?  Thursday to today?  Are we looking at next month? Thanks and hoping tonight's cc will shed some light

Islandg1211:  Frank's video could be indicating that some baddies could be heading to jail/the hanging rope - Maliki? Baghdadi? 

He also posted there's a roll out of the Monetary Reform East to West. 

His team reported that the BIS approved Iraq's  (maybe a couple of other countries?) RV on April 28.

The three Musketeers have been educating us all on the global changes taken place including currency swaps, gold market opening in China and valued in Yuan, oil prices depegging from Petro dollars (Russia, China, Vietnam, Iran, maybe Saudi Arabia)

Abadi and Sadr "coordinated" the protest on Saturday. Abadi got his State of Emergency declared, and had his meeting with the three presidencies which gave him the mandate to take control.

With a created chaos, citizens crying out for change, a solution for Abadi to take sole control will be viewed as the answer. 
Aggiedad77: Lexi,  No I don't think so....No perhaps the window is open a bit wider today because of what happened this weekend......and not me.   Aloha   Randy

Reddstarr: do you know the bad guys are running out of time.....they are becoming very desperate.....this is only going to end one way.....IMO

Shahristani, the National Alliance: Sadr poses a threat to the political process and should be held accountable!


Aggiedad77:  Stand by for more of my opinion......peppered with a few things we know of course.......Shahristani is one of the bad guys.....who knows how bulging his back pockets are or his bank accounts for all the dirty work he did for Maliki while he was a part of the Oil Ministry.....

He's been booted or is being booted from Abadi's cabinet....for good reason....IMO....and he along with all the other belly-achers like him in the government are the very ones the people are demonstrating against......his motives are personal....they are for a life-line......

He and others like him are recognizing that the gravy train is coming to an end and what lies at the station is not likely to fare well in their favor......

Remember those roots that hang down from the Banyon Tree.....remember how they swing....reminiscent of the gallows I thought last that a size 17 shirt you are wearing Shahristani....just curious.   Aloha   Randy


Islandg1211:  There's a number of "hanging vines"  ready for Shahristani and Maliki and the rest of the corrupt. But, IMO, ABADI MUST LEAD NOW. 


Mountainman:  Thank You WS (see article below)  .......and This How in this {TRANSITIONAL} Time Frame IRAN is Doing What They Do in their TRADE DEALS/Agreements......

The U S A didn't Leave Them HIGH and DRY.......After [ALL] We made A Deal w/Them, But On Our Terms and they/IRAN Agreed to......and That is WHY they are behaving.....

Don't FORGET Like for example:An EMPLOYEE Who (KNOWS) that a HUGE Raise is Coming Soon.....that Person gets a Little ANXIOUS w/ Anticipation and Ambition.......

So Too, IRAN is No Different Here.....Countries will {SWAP} CURRENCIES w/Each Other and this is ONE MAJOR (Change) of WHAT Brings such DEMAND/VALUE of Ones CURRENCY.........

Previous Articles have (Noted) said "SWAPS"........thus MANY Other Countries are and Will do Likewise........

So if Ones RESOURCES/GOODS/SERVICES are of HIGH DEMAND,that Right there should Tell the REAL STORY to You......The Other Side of the COIN......So to Speak .....Is that CURRENCY can be  held in their CENTRAL BANKS and As NEW VALUES come into Play it becomes An {ASSET}.....

Do You See HOW and WHY this would be of [MANY] a Countries Personal {INTERESTS}.......???......IMO
Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings........for CURRENCY SWAPS......
Walkingstick:    IRAN..................Monday, May 2, 2016 - 02:00

CBI to Promote Currency Swap


Business And Markets

Lawmakers Sunday passed legislation that allows the central bank to sign currency swap agreements with Iran’s major commercial partners.

The CBI has been tasked with promoting the usage of local currencies in coordination with ministries of foreign affairs, economy, energy, oil, and ministry of industries, mining and commerce, Alef news website reported.

Law also requires the bank to provide Majlis with reports of its progress on the issue every six months.

Iran has been trying to avoid dollar transactions since the imposition of economic sanctions a decade ago and gradually replace the US currency with the Chinese yuan, euro, Turkish lira, Russian ruble, and South Korean won. Legislators also allowed the CBI to continue printing and distributing ‘Iran Checks’, urging the regulator to adhere to the limits set by the Money and Credit Council.

Iran Checks are financial instruments which the CBI is permitted to issue with the purpose of easing monetary affairs and preserve public interest and assets.

Export Development Bank of Iran, Export Guarantee Fund of Iran and Iran Foreign Investment Company received exemption from paying tax on the profit they make when selling foreign currency. The Majlis also exempted banks and licensed foreign exchange operators from paying value added tax on their forex deals. Value-added tax in Iran is 9%
Thunderhawk:  End of 30 Year 'Golden Age' of Stocks and Bonds Signals Tough Times Ahead

The decline and even reversal of the forces driving exceptional investment returns over the past 30 years means that returns on Western equities and fixed-income investments could be considerably lower in the coming decades, with serious consequences for pension funds and young investors, according to a report from the McKinsey Global Institute.
A so-called "Golden Age" of investment based on a unique set of circumstances has come to an end after 30 years and will be replaced by lower returns on equities and bonds over the next two decades, according to business and economics research firm McKinsey Global Institute (MGI).
From 1985 to 2014 total returns on equities and bonds in the United States and Western Europe were significantly higher than the long-term average, driven by an extraordinary confluence of favorable economic and business fundamentals, MGI reports.
These include sharp declines in inflation and interest rates from peaks in the late 1970s and 1980s, and strong global economic growth fueled by positive demographics, productivity gains, and rapid growth in China.
"Corporate-profit growth was even stronger, reflecting revenue gains in new markets, declining corporate taxes, and advances in automation and global supply chains that helped rein in costs. Publicly listed North American companies alone increased their posttax margins by 65 percent in this three-decade period," MGI wrote.
The analysts also predicted the returns on investments in the United States and Western Europe over the next two decades and found that in both regions average annual returns for equities could be 1.5 to 4.0 percent lower.
For fixed-income investments the gap could be even larger, 3 to 5 percentage points, and in some cases even lower than that.
A future of low returns could create even larger gaps in pension funds than today, since most pension funds are still assuming relatively high future returns of about 7.5 to 7.7 percent, before adjusting for inflation.
"A two- percentage-point difference in average annual returns over an extended period would mean that a 30-year-old today would have to work seven years longer or almost double her savings to live as well in retirement," MGI wrote.
A sustained period of low returns could also have a broader economic and political impact, if, for instance households were to raise their savings rate substantially to make up for the shortfall in investment returns. This could depress demand, additionally hindering growth and exacerbating the effects of low returns.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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