Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


(Thank you WS for emailing this to Dinar Recaps.)


The process of remembering your path.

As you grew up, did you know that there was to be something special about your life, that you were born for some important reason?

Did it feel like it might be “greatness" and despite all the obstacles put in your way, did you stay focused on the hope that you were right?

Were you touched with moments of Divine Inspiration that kept you motivated enough to keep going.

Do you remember the day that someone told you about the Iraqi currency? Is it a moment frozen in time? Can you remember all the specifics?
Did it feel like you were in the right place at the right time?

Did it all sound too good to be true, but the more you investigated it, the more sense it all made? 

Did it change your perspective on how you viewed the world?

Did you want to help others experience the happiness in the changes that you saw on the horizon?

Some people would share in your excitement, others couldn’t see your vision.

You stayed strong and remained undeterred.

You even found a like community that kept you motivated for the hardest part of this journey.
The dates and rates changes. But instead of giving up, you doubled down. You even diversified incase you had only a portion of the story.

Finally, you committed to making the world a better place if this should ever happen. 

You now know your sacred path,You have been walking it for quite a while.

You are beginning to wake up and you will have much support along the way, as you always have.

Make grounded decisions and change this world for the better. You were born for this. You are the chosen.

You have made it, You are so strong now. Remember from where you came.


Much LOVE & All Good Things.

- Shaman

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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