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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 5-25-16


Frank26:  I wish to express Great Thanks to .............. FROSTY and DOODLEBUG for the work they did on MONDAY CC NOTES .............. I bow to You both.......\m/

As for this article ...................... "GIVE ME MOSUL !!! .........THEN IMO YOU WILL SEE THE MR AT AN ACCELERATED RATE FOR ............ A RATE"

KTFA  Frank

ReddStarr:  Abadi: the coming days will witness the liberation of Fallujah and then we will move on to Mosul!

Baghdad: Euphrates News} Prime Minister announced a single-Abadi said the coming days   will witness the liberation of Fallujah and then will direct the liberation of Mosul.
A statement by the Office of the Abadi agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today that "Abadi met with ambassadors of Islamic countries accredited in Iraq to inform them ofthe latest developments in the fight against terror Daash to liberate Iraqi territory and stability gangs in the area., Stressing that" terrorism threatens not only Iraq but threatens allcountries of the world, adding that the deviant terrorism distorts our Islamic religion. "

He said Abadi , according to the statement that" the liberation of Fallujah operations began yesterday and is witnessing progress and successes of our heroine in the city that fell to the terrorist gangs before the occupation of Mosul more than six months and we are keen to safety civilians in and provide safe places for them and isolate the terrorists.

and that "there are successful liberalization of the Heat and wet experiments to keep the population and not to exploit the terror of these homes gangs and state institutions for booby - trapping, stressing the importance of moving away from any escalation of sectarian we are in the firing line and the enemy is trying to stir up sectarian strife and must Do not let him.
He said al - Abadi said the crowd the popular state - owned and under the command of the commander in chief of the armed forces and funding from the government and popular crowd innocent of all of the talking sectarian language institution which is condemned by us.

"The coming days will witness the liberation of Fallujah and then we will move on to Mosul , which began fighting in which some time ago and there are many areas liberated and are keen on the safety of civilians"


Frank26 : (From Mon.Night CC)     What about Ramadan?  Will that delay things? I don’t believe that Ramadan will interfere with’s not even a holiday...It’s a period of fasting.   The IMF doesn’t practice Ramadan.   

 What about Ramadan?  Will that delay things?

I don’t believe that Ramadan will interfere with’s not even a holiday...It’s a period of fasting.   The IMF doesn’t practice Ramadan.


Walkingstick:  US to Grant KRG with a Financial Package

 USA will deliver significant support to Kurdistan Region in the upcoming months, says KRG financial advisor

ERBIL — An official from Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) revealed that USA is expected to send financial aid to Kurdistan Region during the upcoming months. 
Hakeem Mukhtar, the KRG Financial Advisor, confirmed the report to BasNews and without referring to the amount of the assistance, said that " US will deliver significant support to Kurdistan Region in the upcoming months.” 

Earlier in April, 2016, a KRG delegation visited US and asked Washington officials to provide the Peshmerga forces with further financial aid as Kurdistan Region is struggling with the financial crisis. 

Mukhtar however explained that USA's support, expected to be delivered soon, is not part of the US assistance for Peshmerga. It is part of the US support for Iraq, which will directly send to Kurdistan Region. 

“Some other new approaches are expected to be made by USA to support Kurdistan Region financially and politically within the next few months" he added.


Beams:  I'm optimistic about this week. I keep hearing that we should get started.. but even though I believe in the people I speak with.. my gut tells me I will still end up surprised when it really happens

Beams:  China To Replace Dollar System With Gold Standard

Beams:  NZ getting new notes : >>

Beams:  the G7’s leaders carefully-chosen words on economic and monetary po​licy will be the issue to watch over the next two days>>

Beams:  Paper published on same day as economic reform announcement


GJHHonor:  Fisher starts answering questions at about 105 minutes Fisher call Bruce call was on at the beginning

Dinar Updates:

firefly   Parliament could jump in a lake of all I care...has nothing to do with the IMF or the reform



Harambe:  Saudi Devaluation Bets Show Foreign Banks More Wary Than Locals

Harambe:  Bloomberg: China Wants to Set Prices for the World's Commodities



Silverdo:  Good Morning All. Monday afternoon on Public Television Japan News stated A G-7 meeting Will be on a resort island off the coast of Japan this week the 26th and 27th. Road blocks in place, even divers in the water for security

STAG1 : We are close yes indeed but we are headed to a 3 day weekend. dd someone say shababi likes a 3 day weekend

RaginCajun :  frank indicated the 3 day's refers to in country 3 days for the citizens, then public, one to one in counrty, look out after the 3 days

Zimber:  @zerohedge: CFTC ORDERS CITIBANK TO PAY $250M FOR ATTEMPTED MANIPULATION @zerohedge: The CFTC Has Imposed Over $5.08 Billion in Penalties in 17 Actions against Banks and Brokers to Address ISDAFIX, and LIBOR Abuses

Roush:  French-police-raid-Google-s-Paris-headquarters-1-6-billion-tax-fraud-investigation
Roush:  Lawsuit accusing 16 big banks of Libor manipulation reinstated by US court
May 24, 2016  

Judge warns case could bankrupt 16 of the worlds most important financial institutions including Barclays, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and UBS

A US appeals court on Monday reinstated a civil lawsuit accusing 16 major banks of conspiring to manipulate the Libor benchmark interest rate. The ruling, which overturns a 2013 decision, could bankrupt the institutions, the judges warned.
A lower court judge erred in dismissing the antitrust portion of private litigation against Barclays, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, UBS and others on the ground that the investors failed to allege harm to competition, according to the US circuit court of appeals in Manhattan.
Libor, or the London interbank offered rate, underpins hundreds of trillions of dollars of transactions and is used to set rates on credit cards, student loans and mortgages. It is calculated based on submissions by banks that sit on panels.
In litigation that began in 2011, investors accused big banks of suppressing Libor during the financial crisis in order to boost earnings or make their finances appear healthier.
Back in early 2013, Manhattan federal district court judge Naomi Reice Buchwald dismissed the claims filed by private plaintiffs. According to her 161-page decision, the banks did not violate antitrust laws when they colluded to manipulate the Libor benchmark interest rate and that the plaintiffs failed to prove harm from such collusion.
Buchwalds 2013 decision surprised some, as at the time Barclays, UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland had already settled cases with more than $2.5bn in penalties. Since then penalties in Libor-rigging probes have climbed to roughly $9bn, including a penalty of $2.5bn against Deutsche Bank.
The three-judge appellate court panel disagreed with her decision.
Appellants sustained their burden of showing injury by alleging that they paid artificially fixed higher prices, Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote on behalf of the panel.
After determining that the plaintiffs had sufficiently shown they had been harmed by the alleged rate manipulations, the panel sent the case back to the lower court. Two of the judges asked that when revisiting the case, Buchwald consider if the plaintiffs are the appropriate parties to bring such charges. Among the plaintiffs bringing charges against the 16 banks are cities including Baltimore, San Diego and Houston.
They also warned of dire consequences should the case be proven against the banks. If the court were to rule in favor of the plaintiffs, they would be eligible to receive triple damages and attorneys fees for any violations.
Requiring the banks to pay treble damages to every plaintiff who ended up on the wrong side of an independent Libordenominated derivative swap would, if appellants allegations were proved at trial, not only bankrupt 16 of the worlds most important financial institutions, but also vastly extend the potential scope of antitrust liability in myriad markets where derivative instruments have proliferated, the US court of appeals in New York said in the ruling issued on Monday.
The decision could help investors in several other lawsuits in Manhattan seeking to hold banks liable for alleged price fixing in bond, commodity, currency, derivatives, interest rate and other financial markets.
It strengthens the hand of investors in other price-fixing cases based on benchmarks that were reached in collaborative, or outright collusive, arrangements, said Lawrence White, a professor at New York Universitys Stern School of Business.
Thomas Goldstein, a lawyer who argued the investors appeal, was not immediately available for comment. Robert Wise, a lawyer who argued on the banks behalf, declined to comment.
Reuters contributed to this report.
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