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Monday, May 2, 2016

Mountainman and Thunderhawk Mon.AM 5-2-16  Part 2

Part 2:

Mountainman:  As this Monetary Change Moves Closer for Everyone.....Countries like RUSSIA ARE WILLING TO MAKE HUGE STRIDES.....Where as In the Past Deals and Trade Agreements would take Months and Years Depending on the Details being Put together.....

Here Again In the New Reality Countries will Use each others CURRENCIES to Help make TRANSACTIONS Easier and More Valuable....Especially as they become (ASSET BACKED) and the FIAT Side says Bye BYE.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.....In CURRENCIES......

Thunderhawk:  Tehran expects Iran, Russia banks to start cooperation soon

Tehran expects that major financial institutions of Russia and Iran will soon start cooperating, said Iran's Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei.
He further said that Tehran and Moscow have achieved some positive results in talks on establishing the Russian-Iranian bank. "It is expected that large banks of the two countries will soon begin cooperation," the ambassador told the Russian Kommersant newspaper.
The diplomat also hoped that the central banks of Russia and Iran would "take effective steps toward national currencies exchange" to promote trade and economic ties between the countries.
Tehran is also interested in Russia's presence in various investment projects in Iran, the ambassador added.
Most of the large Russian banks severed links with Iranian banks in the past few years amid Western sanctions against Tehran. The sanctions were lifted earlier this year, after the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report in January stating that it had found no evidence of nuclear weapons development in Iran.  To read more


Mountainman:  Hey DOC......Isn't shall we say, (INTERESTING).......How when MAJOR CHANGES are Needed to "BE MADE"......that ELECTIONS
Can be the PIVOT POINT for the CITIZENS w........CHOICE...Hmmm.......SPAIN......You Too huh.....Whose NEXT......ITALY and the Rest of Course.....IMO
Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.......for an EU.......No E....Say What......IMO

Thunderhawk:  Backdoc Alert

Spain's election re-run would fail to break deadlock: poll

A new election due to be held in Spain on June 26 is unlikely to break the political stalemate to form a government after a previous vote in December produced the most fragmented result in decades, a poll showed on Sunday.

According to the monthly Metroscopia poll published by El Pais newspaper, the conservative People's Party (PP) of acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would still win the election with 29 percent of the votes, from 28.7 percent in December.

The Socialists (PSOE) would come second with 20.3 percent, down from 22 percent, while anti-austerity Podemos would come third with 18.1 percent, also down from 20.7 percent, and newcomer liberal Ciudadanos would remain fourth with 16.9 percent, up from 13.9 percent.  To read more:


Mountainman:  Do You (REMEMBER) when last Summer the DOLLAR was FLYING HIGH like an EAGLE......Hey...Isn't that A Song......

Anyway it Rose w/ A set the Stage and Realities for Emerging Markets/OIL back then......

NOW, We see OIL going Up the DOLLAR going Down and CHINA Pegging itself to Their Gold instead of the DOLLAR.....and Yet it goes Up Friday and the YEN is
Treading Water as The CONTROLLED CHAOS Unfolds.....

Since Values will go from EAST to WEST is CHINA Making a Predetermined Move Here......???....Hmmm.....IRAQ sure is Happy this Weekend.......Pics Show that.....But I digress....Get on Point....I Know....

LOL......The USA and CHINA are Going to Be Working Together {NOT} Against One Another....So IMO.....These TWO will Meet  and Have Some Expensive Dinners as The NEW REALITY makes it's Way Towards Us Here......IMO
Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.....and MANY Await A Public Spectacle.....IMO

Thunderhawk:  Double Play!!!

Yen surges again, hitting stocks and dollar
The yen rallied to an 18-month high on Friday as investors wagered the Bank of Japan might be done adding fresh stimulus to the economy, weighing on stock markets around the world.
With Japan on holiday, speculators drove the yen through 107.00 per dollar for the first time since October 2014, Reuters reported.
Often seen as a sign of broader risk aversion among investors, the move coupled with a decline on Wall Street overnight to pushed Asian and European stocks into the red.
US futures pointed to a lower open on Wall Street. Read more at :


Recent rise in yen 'extremely worrying'
Japan's Finance Minister Taro Aso said late Saturday the recent sharp rise in the yen is ‘extremely worrying’, adding Tokyo will take action when necessary.
The remarks, which suggest Tokyo's possible market intervention, came after the Japanese unit surged to an 18-month high against the dollar in New York, AFP reported.
It extended the previous day's rally, which was boosted by a surprising monetary decision made by the Bank of Japan.
On Thursday, the central bank shocked markets by failing to provide more stimulus, confounding expectations it would act after a double earthquake and a string of weak readings on the world's number three economy.
The dollar tumbled to 106.31 yen in New York Friday, its lowest level since October 2014, from 108.11 yen.  To read more:


Mountainman:  I'm Just LMBO.......These Guys are So ANXIOUS for this NEW REALITY......that COOPERATION=TRADE AGREEMENTS is Easier than Two Kids Flipping A Coin as to Who Wants to Do the Dishes........LOL........Keep it Up......{ALL} will Benefit in this Deal.....IMO

Blessings,Mountainman    (8)=New Beginnings.......for New Developments.......

Thunderhawk:  India ready to clear $6.5b in Iran's oil dues but seeks clarity on payment mode

Keen to step up engagement in hydrocarbon sector with Iran, India has conveyed to the Persian Gulf nation that it was ready to clear nearly $6.5 billion of the dues for oil import from that country at the earliest, provided there was clarity on payment channel.

The message has been conveyed to Iran even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to visit the oil-rich country later this month, Times of India reported on Sunday.
Government sources said there has been a series of discussions at various levels both in Tehran and New Delhi and both sides were confident of resolving the issue soon. "We are working on clearing the dues to Iran and are hopeful that the issue will be resolved soon," they said.
Following lifting of sanctions against it in January under a historic nuclear deal, Iran had terminated a three-year-old system with India of getting paid for half of the oil dues in rupees and has been insisting on being paid in euros for the oil it sells to Indian refiners. It has also scrapped free delivery of crude oil to Indian refiners. 

To read more:


Mountainman:  Hey Z World.....Who Us....ZIMBABWE....???....Yes You Guys......Are you Ready w/This Kick Off w/us RUSSIANS.....???....We have Need of Your GOODS ......Yes indeed....Here it Comes HARD ASSETS/SECURITIZATION.......and These GLOBAL Countries Know What's Priority in the Coming Changes for Economies.......RESOURCES are Play A MAJOR ROLE......IMO

Blessings, Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings

Thunderhawk:  Russia, Zimbabwe to Start Building Platinum Production Complex in 2016

Russia and Zimbabwe plan to start construction of a joint platinum production complex from July 2016, Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said Saturday.
On Friday, Russian Trade Minister Denis Manturov visited the Zimbabwean city of Bulawayo to attend the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, where Russia is presenting a number of products and services.

"I have been informed that the feasibility study of the project will be ready by July 2016. After that the construction of the first stage of the production complex will begin," Mumbengegwi said during the session of the Russian-Zimbabwean intergovernmental commission.


Mountainman:  So.....Hey WORLD did You hear Us.???.......We Are [NOT] Budging so Raise the OIL Budgets Where We {ALL} can benefit and Time Will LEVEL things Out for ALL......We are Not Stupid.....STUBBORN Yes......But {NOT} Stupid.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings......for BLACK GOLD.......IMO

Thunderhawk:  Iran Confirms Plans to Increase Oil Production But Wants Higher Price

Iran will participate in the meeting of the OPEC countries due to take place in early June in Vienna, according to a source in the Iranian Oil Ministry.

Iran will increase oil production to the level that existed before the introduction of the embargo against the country, however, Tehran supports the measures to strengthen the oil prices, a source in the Iranian Oil Ministry said Sunday.

"Our position remains unchanged, we have repeated it many times: we will continue to increase the production [of petroleum] until we reach the level that we had before the embargo. However, we support all the steps that may lead to the strengthening of oil price," the source said.

The source also confirmed the intention of the Iranian side to participate in the meeting of the OPEC countries due to take place in early June in Vienna.

"Iran will participate. We are always involved and do not miss these meetings," he said.


Mountainman:  With the PETRO DOLLAR heading South....The SAUDI'S Recognize their Need to Stay in the OIL COMPETITION Arena....So The OLD FIAT is Squealing as the Air Deflates in it's tires Ever so Slowly.....TIME is A Wasting S.A. ......So get busy Making Deals before It Cost you in the Long Run.....Pride is A terrible Polarizer of the Worst kind.......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings......for Saudi Arabia's OIL.....

Thunderhawk:  Saudis 'Bite Back' at Russia in the Rush for China’s Oil Market

Russia’s rising rivalry as China’s top crude oil supplier in March has forced the Saudis to do something they’ve never done before – to sell a crude oil cargo to an independent Chinese refinery, its first spot sale to this type of buyer in a sign that the world's biggest oil exporter is trying to regain lost market share. 

Read more here:

Mountainman:  Smart BANKING Start w/ WISE LENDING PRACTICES.......And Careful Watch to Ones Flow of Capital Coming in as to it's Going Out

is A Breath of fresh Air as the SBV is Seeing A New Value Coming for the DONG and It's A New Approach to have BALANCED Lending w/Incentives.....Way to go VIETNAM......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings......for SAFE and BALANCED LENDING.......
Thunderhawk:  Vietnam: Major banks to lower lending rates

Major banks have lowered their lending interest rates following official calls to ease business operations and assist the market.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) had called for the rate cuts, before the PM took part in a dialogue with enterprises in HCM City on April 29.
Tran Bac Ha, Chairman of the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV), said his bank cut rates for short-term loans by 0.5 percentage points, and adjusted the rates for medium to long-term loans to no more than 10 percent per year on April 29.

The adjustments will apply for loans related to production and business activities.  Read more at:
Mountainman:  Hey it's NOT Fair says Germany......the other EU Countries are Making Deals....What about us....???.....LOL.....Like kids in Grade School huh......Don't Worry The Banking Issues Will Be Resolved as Timing and Positioning is Rolled Out as Planned.....

So as a Rule Be Patient Work Together w/ Your Business Goals and The Returns on the Agreements will Out weigh the Concerns on How You will get Paid.....Right Now the US is Positioning the Dollar and it's Interests before the US Banks Open their Doors......So Hang Tough,it Will Be Worth it in The End......IMO

Blessings,Mountainman  (8)=New Beginnings.......for Ones INTERESTS......

Thunderhawk:  German economy minister due next week

German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel is scheduled to visit Tehran on May 2 to attend the Iran-Germany Joint Economic Commission meeting.

This will be Gabriel's second visit to Iran after last July's nuclear deal. The trip is aimed at expanding economic relations between the two countries, Fars News Agency reported.
Iran-Germany Joint Economic Commission meeting will be held on May 2-4, for the first time after 15 years. The last meeting was held in 2001.

Gabriel will head an economic delegation representing the country's major companies.

Read more at:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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