Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Early Wed. Evening 5-25-16


Blackeyepea:  Hydration is flowing folks!We are just about there. Good stuff is happening. We are at the end!

This comes from some of the most conservative out thr…. the people that gives the info are polar opposite of every day every day! Lol!   They are excited!

The good thing about this is that what was hydrated makes way for what we seek. We have moved to the point of no return..enough said.

Jubilationgirl:  on Landa call Jerzy said Global Funds have been released but he can't say more .. in a black out mode… They are all very excited on the call..

Blackeyepea:  Jubil some of those bonds etc will be paid after privates!
Garmst:  Hello BEP, Did the Rothchilds accept the gold ? Iraq is international right? Have all the glitches to system rectified?

Blackeyepea:  G never believed one man was holding up this system. If they were the hammer came down in the last 24

Garmst:  Bep- wow thats good news then!!

Blackeyepea:  If the American people got wind that our markets crashed because certain people would NOT yield to the new system it would be a riot and revolution. That's what they don't want

Garmst:  Bep- One of the biggest events globally was Veitnam sanction lifted and becoming soveirgn, That gave them the ability to revalue thier currency correct?

Blackeyepea: G China controls them..not so much us..that economy will be booming

RubyRed:  Im hearing the full push it out tonite or in the morning at 3AM. No more excuses.

Blackeyepea:  Also Fisher and Yosef have Been very accurate this week. Every night they have been trying to push this out and it WILL CONTINUE!!


Blackeyepea: will see none of this on MSM..nothing.. It's like.cutting off the head of a snake and the MSM report on the snake twitching but they didnt tell you the snake was already dead. They just show the body moving
Garmst:  Bep- we are hearing that the Fiat dollar is officially dead as of monday. What is the USA using for payment to stay in operation? Are asset back now, but still hidden from the masses?

Blckeyepea:  G..way above my pay grade..I have no idea. That's a Yosef, Fisher


Blackeyepea:  Your zim alone will make the dinar and dong feel like a dinner roll on a plate of Porterhouse steak!!   I'm serious though folks. It's like that!

De.Mark:  BEP, with the delays, etc. should we, on the cautious side, look at the first few weeks of June as a soft target for exchange or ?????

Blackeyepea:  Doc they want us done before June. They have had to do this the hard way… Doc they wanted us done in Feb . Before March but they went around some things and here we are.

Blackeyepea:  This we can say they have been pushing this all week and will continue.


Blackeyepea:  Let me say again..any intel that is coming out is just moving us closer to the 800s. Much and many have had to be gone around to make it to us


Beams:  Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, & Vatican​ — Total Media Blackout Jay Syrmopoulos May 25, 2016 >> ​rld-bank-vatican-total-corporate-media-blackout-ensues/#lZ5Y7zcVhHuiMc​ qW.99



Ronnie28:  Im hearing the final push it through is here!!! No more excuses!!! Reliable source.

TurtleIsland1:  Golden Secrets by Bix Weir May 25, 2016 at 2:55 PM

Read where some of this secret gold lies waiting...  Golden Secrets by Bix Weir
May the Road you choose be the Right Road

 I can't tell you how many times Gold Bugs have claimed that the amount of physical gold above ground could only fill 2 Olympic sized swimming pools. It's a lie that they heard somewhere once and repeated. The above REAL ground gold can fill DOZENS of swimming pools and the below ground gold that is being hidden away can fill LAKES!
Read where some of this secret gold lies waiting...
Golden Secrets by Bix Weir
The best thing about the coming chaos is that, if the Good Guys win the day, all these secrets will be revealed and we can jump up and down screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" to all our friends and family who thought we were nuts all these years! :)
That being said, when the world finds out that gold is relatively plentiful they will also find out that silver is as scarce as can be! Yes, gold will still be very, very valuable in relation to other monetary instruments after the crash, but SILVER will be off the charts as far as increasing in value multiples compared to gold.
Will the silver-gold ratio pass 1-1? I sure think least for a while until the world figures out what the TRUE price ratio should be based on above ground and below ground supplies.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir

Bernice:  Frank are we still looking at when articles are printed that they have usually already happened as in that article about Mosul?

Frank26:  IMO ........Yes.

Dinardek:  Frank, as in Mosul may already be ours, they are just picking the time to tell the world? Thanks for everything you and teams do on an hourly basis!

Frank26:  IMO ............ Yup.


ReddStarr: Click on the link to view the full page....I posted this several weeks ago....but for those that didn't get a chance to see it...this is happening in July....just enough time for Iraq to get everything done...and for Iran to step onto the global a BIG way....IMO
The opportunity

Meet key decision makers from both government and the private sector

Discover what investment opportunities are available since the lifting of the sanctions

Know the facts about the Iranian Stock Exchange and the opportunities of investment in Iran.

Find more about Banks and Banking services in Iran

Learn about the huge opportunities in Iran’s insurance industry

Hear the most recent regulations and policies regarding doing business in Iran

Be the first to learn about how Iranian business will cope with the opening up of the economy

Have exclusive on- to-one meetings with key Iranian officials and major stakeholders


Purifiers:  READ MORE HERE------->

Why does U.S. MEDIA.... wish to tell us this?    Purifiers

Mountainman:  Because We Are About to SEE the PANAMA PAPERS PART 2......=US CORPORATIONS  and The US GREEDY CEO'S/ELITE......Set TIMING that Leads to More Reasons of A COMING CHANGE ??? .......[IMO] ......Hmmm
Blessings,Mountainman   (8)=New Beginnings.....for......I SEE YOU....
A third of cash is held by 5 U.S. companies

The rising cash holdings of U.S. corporations are increasingly in the hands of a few U.S. companies, with just five tech firms having grabbed a third of it. And nearly three-quarters of cash held by non-financial U.S. companies is stashed overseas, outside the long arm of Uncle Sam.

Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet (GOOGL), Cisco Systems (CSCO) and Oracle (ORCL) are sitting on $504 billion, or 30%, of the $1.7 trillion in cash and cash

equivalents held by U.S. non-financial companies in 2015, according to an analysis released Friday by ratings agency Moody's Investors Service.  

That's even more cash concentration than in previous years, as these five companies held 27% of cash in 2014 and 25% in 2013. Apple alone is holding more cash and investments than eight of the 10 entire industry sectors.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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