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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  5-24-16   Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  5-24-16   Part 1 of 2

rcookie says():Kurds were absent from attending parliament sessions
24-05-2016 01:46 PM  The start of the meeting of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives on Tuesday with the heads of the blocs, but without the presence of Kurdish deputies.
rcookie says():Jubouri convene an "expanded" with parliamentary blocs in the Constitutional Hall
Jubouri convene an "expanded" with parliamentary blocs in the Constitutional Hall
subgirl says to rcookie():do you think they continued even tho the kurds were not there???
rcookie says():Abadi meet with 9 ministers only!
Last updated: May 24, 2016 - 13:41 Baghdad / Iraq News Network Cabinet held on Tuesday, its regular, headed by Haider Alebadi.ozkr statement from the Office Abadi today, that " the Council of Ministers held today, its regular, chaired by Council President Haydar al - Abadi" .
According to a photo published desktop, the nine only ministers who attended the session, had intercourse Alebadi.oelzim Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, earlier, through a document issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Ministers all send their agents and their representatives in the event of absence from the Council of Ministers for any reason whatsoever.
subgirl says to rcookie():what do you think expanded means ??
subgirl says to rcookie():WOW so it looks like they still met with 9 ministers only? WOW1
rcookie says():Kurdistan Alliance: MPs, ministers will not return to Baghdad until after the implementation of the "benefits" region (Details)
24-05-2016 01:37 PM Hits: 1038  Orbit News -  He confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Najiba Najib, on Tuesday, the House of Representatives and Minister of the Kurds will not return to Baghdad to participate in the meetings of the parliament and the government only after the implementation of the "benefits" territory.
Najib said in a press statement, that " the House of Representatives and Minister of the Kurds and the provincial government are facing unrelenting rally and popular for not only our return to Baghdad after the implementation of the Kurdistan region benefits."
" The return of ministers and MPs do not respect the security subject , but as a result of public pressure calling for the implementation of the full benefits of the region, most notably the payment of salaries , " asserting that "MPs and ministers Kurds have decided that no return does not share with Baghdad only after the implementation of those benefits."
jeffjane says to rcookie():Do they have the money to write a check?
rcookie says):NOT YET...
rcookie says():The United Nations set up camps in Habbaniyah Amiriyah Fallujah to receive displaced people (Details)
24-05-2016 12:07 PM Hits: 419  Orbit News -  The United Nations announced on the number of families managed to escape from Fallujah and access to the camps by the body to them.
Said Leila Jane Nassif, Assistant High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees ( UNHCR ) representative in Iraq (protection officer) that the Iraqi government has informed the UN at the end of last March it will open safe corridors to allow civilians to move out of the city of Fallujah.
She said if the population was able to leave through one of these corridors, the Commission has set up with the capacity to accommodate a thousand families in Habbaniyah Amiriyah Fallujah camps.
She pointed to the existence of plans ready for all humanitarian agencies to emergency situations and is ready to provide assistance to people - both displaced people in the camps as well as for those who remained in the city, when it can be accessed and declared safe area.
She added that as with the UNHCR in Baghdad confounded emergency tent of ten thousand and ten thousand a package of basic relief supplies that can be used to help families.
Nassif said he was reporting the escape of 80 families from Fallujah during the past few days. Also reportedly killed three people while trying to escape.
She explained that the Commission conduct a rapid assessment of needs, as well as its willingness to distribution of basic relief supplies packages for newly displaced families.
Nassif pointed out that the flight of families from Fallujah, in some cases, the lives lost as they make their way out of Fallujah, including women and children account.
She said some families managed to escape through the tractive and then on to the main road between Amiriyah Fallujah and the city of Fallujah, while other families have fled by crossing agricultural fields , which lies between the Amiriyah Fallujah and the city of Fallujah.
Families who succeeded in escaping with Iraqi security forces in Habbaniyah military base, who in turn isolate the men and older boys from women and children for further security verification has been met.
She stressed that the verification process initially expire in two days, expressing concern about the safety of the men who have been dismissed, not to mention their wives and children who are facing a situation very weak in particular.
UNHCR expressed its concern about the safety of some ten thousand families have not been able to leave Fallujah , and they are now in a precarious situation too. "
rcookie says():The start of the second page of the liberalization process of Fallujah's city center
Tue, 24 May 2016 10:29:07 It was launched at dawn on the second page of breaking up terrorist to liberate Fallujah's city center from the three-pronged process.
Commander of the liberation of Fallujah operations Lt. Gen. Abdul Wahab al-Saadi as saying that progress first axis starting from Alsjr area, and the second from the control of the staff, while launched the third axis of the regions of Nuaimiya and COPD.
"The al-Saadi, announced on Monday, freeing most of the city of Fallujah from Daash terrorist gangs villages and raising the Iraqi flag over Qaimmqamah vine spend a building after a few hours of starting Alamlah.kma Saadi pointed out that the ongoing battle Iraqi pure and has no any external interference.
rcookie says():Kurdish blocs to visit Baghdad next week to meet with al - Abadi
24-05-2016 01:35 PM President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives, but Talabani announced that the heads of Kurdish blocs decided to visit Baghdad next week to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Talabani said that the number of officials who visited the Kurdistan region to persuade the Kurds to return to Baghdad, adding that for this reason the heads of Kurdish blocs decided to visit Baghdad to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi during the next week.
rcookie says():Barzani Jabouri: providing guarantees before the return of our deputies
Last updated: May 24, 2016 - 12:11  Arbil / News Network Iraq senior source revealed, Tuesday, for a meeting President of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani and Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri details, noting that the meeting took several hours. The source said: "
The Jubouri called Barzani , the need to return the Kurds of Representatives as soon as possible Baghdad, however , Barzani asked Jubouri provide guarantees in order to instruct the return of MPs and ministers Kurds to Baghdad.
"the source added that" al - Jubouri , pledged to be the deputies Kurds main role in the political process and promised that will meet all the requirements of Representatives in order to stay as speaker of parliament .
" He pointed out that: the meeting took several hours where he began at noon and Ataathy to Monday evening. "the source pointed out that" al - Jubouri 's visit to Arbil , comes 48 hours after the visit of a delegation of the protesters Representatives of Barzani which understanding was reached with both parties on a number of issues , notably the dimensions Jubouri for the presidency through the legal process, but the latter addressed the matter of Barzani 's visit yesterday. "
rcookie says):Transportation intends to implement a railway line Bozrah - Falmjh by investing
Wrote: May 24, 2016  Train-Chinese General Company for Railways are going to implement a project to connect the line (Basra - Falmjh) between Iraq and Iran after the presentation on investment.
The director of transportation and operation department of the Ministry of Transport company Jawad Kadhim said the company demanded in order to facilitate the transfer of passengers to visit the holy sites in Iraq, in addition to the transport of goods, it plans to implement a project to connect the line (Basra - Falmjh) of a length of 32 km, between the province of Basra and the city Iranian Khorramshahr after a presentation to the investment, adding that the project will play a major role in promoting trade between the two countries.
He said the Iranian side will implement a navigation slot bridge stretches across the Shatt al-Arab parallel to the bridge (formerly Khalid) located within the Iranian border, while the Iraq remaining the implementation of the project, pointing out that the lack of financial allocations had prevented the implementation of the project, prompting the company to currently joint investment.
He noted Kazim that in the event of completing the project, it will be the transfer of seven thousand passengers a month, along with the transfer of nearly 750 loads a bus with goods, and thus it will help ease the case of momentum taking place in the border crossing points between the two countries, especially in the religious events as well as increase the trade exchange movement.
He pointed out that the company intends to activate all the rail with which it has with neighboring countries such as Syria and Turkey lines after the stability of the security situation in the country, in addition to working to expand globally by linking the country Skkia with other countries.
subgirl says():sounds like Jubouri and Barzani are trying to work it out so the Kurds will come back to Baghdad...
subgirl says():Transportation and implementation are good words together...
subgirl says to rcookie()::D $$$$ I like it lol
rcookie says():The Iraqi Ministry of Defense: the 17th Infantry Division launched a military operation within the eastern axis of the city of Fallujah
Wrote: May 24, 2016  Department-Defense-Iraqi
Iraqi Ministry of Defense confirmed that the formations of the leadership of the seventeenth Infantry Division launched a major military operation within the eastern hub for the Liberation of the city of Fallujah with the participation of the popular crowd and the attribution of heavy artillery.
The ministry noted that the operation were distributed to My brigade infantry fifth and sixtieth sessions within the regions of Zoba and Bustan al-Tikriti, and the return of thanks and bridge Alveban and villages beauties and Ma'ameer, and resulted in the killing of four members of al-Daash and the dismantling of a large number of improvised explosive devices by the engineering effort for the band who had a role in the construction of earth mounds fighters and the opening of safe corridors for families coming from the city of Fallujah.
rcookie says):Adviser to Barzani 's office: demands of the Kurds are not conditions
Tuesday , 24 May 2016 13:10    Alsumaria News / Erbil  Media adviser said in the Office of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, on Tuesday, that the demands of the Kurds are not conditions, noting that the demands represent a program to support governmental and parliamentary reform.
Kifah Mahmoud said in an interview for the Sumerian News, "The Kurdish blocs in the Iraqi parliament stresses the need to solve problems with the Baghdad government and the application program Abadi, who has promised to implement it, especially on the province."
He said Mahmoud, that "the demands of the Kurds are not conditions, but a program to support governmental and parliamentary reform and the protection of the legislative and executive institution of any breach of its sovereignty, as happened in the recent events and displays of Representatives to direct attacks."
He continued, that "everyone understands the importance of the Kurdish role in parliament and the Iraqi government," adding that "the Kurds are the second national and key partners in the Iraqi state and build a new political system."
And it announced the head of the National Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives, but Talabani, earlier in the day Tuesday, the heads of Kurdish blocs decided to visit Baghdad next week to meet with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
And witnessing the Iraqi political situation strained evolution after demanding a change of ministerial cabin and then turned to the change of the three presidencies, to be replaced with only five ministers and the postponement of the parliamentary session, which was dedicated to changing the rest of the cabinet due to lack of quorum,
 prompting protestors angry to break into the green zone twice, before their withdrawal pending the completion of the rest of the desired reforms, underscoring government officials, including the three presidencies on the need for a comprehensive parliamentary hearing.
The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani instructed on Monday (16 May 2016), the deputy minister of the Kurdistan Alliance to return to Baghdad to attend meetings of the House and Minister for "saving" Iraq from the current crisis.;
rcookie says():The Ministry of Finance province of Kurdistan: the distribution of salaries are in accordance with the funds obtained
By Roudao 4 hours ago   Roudao - Erbil
The Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government, said there is absolutely no political reasons behind the delay in the province salaries distribution, and agent said the minister, said that the distribution of salaries are in accordance with the money obtained, confirming that he will be the salaries of the month of April for the staff of other ministries distribution , respectively.
Said Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Rapper friend, network Roudao media, the distribution of salaries are in accordance with the money they receive and about delayed salaries "Do not we receive oil revenues at once, and before it reaches a certain share of the Ministry can not start distributing salaries" .
And about delayed for April salaries of staff, said that "the provision of the Kurdistan Region salaries of the staff, from the government's priorities, and the allocation of ministries and security institutions at the forefront of the salaries of the sequence of ministries by order of the Council of Ministers."
On the news spread that the ministry does not distribute salaries decision of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, against the backdrop of the agreement between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Movement for Change, a friend said, "is not for the news baseless,
but unfortunately, they want to return people to that, we have not done the distribution of salaries staff in Arbil, Dahuk and Sulaymaniyah cut employees' salaries, so it's not for that matter any basis in fact, assured citizens that we will continue to distribute the salaries of the month of April. "
With regard to high oil prices, said a friend, "Oil prices have not risen to the extent that we can from the distribution of salaries on time, and the oil money not only for the disposal of salaries, but the government should spend this money to provide all the services."
rcookie says():Agreement on Sunday as the date for the convening of the parliament session
Identified the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the heads of political blocs next Sunday as the date to hold a parliamentary session.
And it held the presidency of the House of Representatives on Tuesday held a meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs Constitutional Hall in the Council building, headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the absence of Kurdish blocs.
He added that the meeting is scheduled to be in the presence of deputies of Kurdish blocs and the Union forces and most of the deputies of the National Alliance blocks.

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