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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday Chat  4-30-16  Part 1 of  3

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Dinar Updates Saturday Chat  4-30-16  Part 1 of  3

Holly1 says():Karim Jadou  Urgent announced the Baghdad operations shut down all entrances to the Foreign Baghdad and just let them out until the visit means ruined
MarineMom says to larrykn():[7:10:14 AM] da58: ABADI DECLARED A STATE OF EMERGENCY...does this give him the power to make the necessary changes?
Would anyone be inclined to comment on this?
larrykn says to MarineMom():they are two groups of protester over there, 1 maliki group that were in Parliment on last Tues, and Sadr group which are protecting outside of parliment, the frist group doesn't want the reforms to happen, the second group does,

​that is what is going on over there but the good news is jesus is alive and all is getting done over there , don't worry about the govenment they will get it done , watch the money that is what we want to see and that is moving forward nicely now :)

MarineMom says to larrykn():Thank you for your reply... I am aware of the two sides/dynamics... Would love to know if anyone knows if this gives Abadi the power to make changes unilatterally... maybe we just have to wait and see
Pablo says):Wow, step away from chat for a while and all xxx breaks loose in Iraq.
MarineMom says to Holly1():Thank you... have been watching this unfold this morning... lots going on over there today
Pablo says():I wonder what Abadi is going to do now?
larrykn says to MarineMom():I believe if he has to he can change out the whole parliment in a day, but I don't think he will have to, the rest of the cabnet will be seated within the next few days and things will get real interesting after that :)
MarineMom says to Pablo():I'm wondering if he has the power to impose his reforms due to the state of emergency being declared
Pablo says to MarineMom():That's what I am wondering too.
MarineMom says to larrykn():Are you aware that session is lifted until May 10th?
Pablo says to MarineMom():I had a feeling that was going to happen.
Pablo says to MarineMom():They won't go quietly.
larrykn says to MarineMom():didn't read that yet but we'll see how that works, I've seen them do emergency meeting an get things done a day after they said they wouldn't meet for 2 weeks time will tell
MarineMom says to larrykn():Parliament to raise its to the tenth of May
April 30, 2016 14:32  It raised the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Saturday, the 27th of the second legislative term of the second legislative session for the year to next Tuesday, (the tenth of May 2016), for lack of quorum, and concern visit the death of Imam Moussa al-Kadhim (AS).
larrykn says to MarineMom():like I said I don't believe everything I read from Iraq
Holly1 says to subgirl():Newsflash ….  Abadi East News reporter: I am ordered to allow the demonstrators to enter the Green Zone
Holly1 says to subgirl():Urgent Urgent ....... ........ urgent …….   news about providing Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi ..... resign in the coming hours
tman23 says():The fact is that change in Shia ranks was never going to be easy....... You see in Baghdad a group of Shi’ite militia Hashd al-Shaabi have hoisted the Iranian flag during a massive rally in Baghdad.....
This is the militia supported by Iran and was under the command of Ameri who subsequently reports to Maliki..... They have been in southern Kirkut shooting at Peshmerga......
They have been in Sunni territories killing Sunni villagers........ Maliki and Jaafari are the heads of the snake...... SURPRISE......... Joe Biden went to Baghdad and Erbil......not to mention that a group of Sunni's have been in Washington petitioning for Sunni territory..........
Not to mention that the UN and WB are sending Kurdistan 2 billion dollars AS A START (ASAP) with more to come and if it is not possible through Baghdad then they are opening an office in KURDISTAN............
Pablo says to MarineMom():resign? from what the Daawa party?
futuremoney says to Holly1():this is what I was afraid of...
futuremoney says to Holly1():back to square one.....omg....
larrykn says to Pablo():yes so he can go after Maliki after the cabnet is set
Holly1 says to subgirl():Iraqi satellite channel Iraqiachannel  Liked · 1 hr  ....... Urgent urgent urgent....
News for providing the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi ..... resign in the coming hours
Holly1 says to subgirl():go read the comments
subgirl says to Holly1():it is from the Dawa party not as PM !!!!
MarineMom says to tman23():Thank you for the post... yes there are multiple factions of shia militias... one of which is th Mahdi militia (Sadr's) ... Although they are all shia, they will go against each other for power/control
larrykn says to Hutch():the thing that gets me is why now, before cabinet is in place an why is Baghdad in a state of emergency now, IMO something is a foot :)
Hutch says to larrykn():ARE THEY?
dale says():MOD.larrykyn, Hutch : That's my understanding.
Hutch says to larrykn():HERES A GOOD ONE...
Hutch says to larrykn():United Nations announces the closure of all its offices in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad   30-04-2016 03:37 PM
Hutch says to larrykn():AND THEN .....
Hutch says to larrykn():UN denies closure of its headquarters in Baghdad
Holly1 says to Hutch():(lol) welcome to the delusional iraq:D
subgirl says to Hutch():thank MODHutch!!!! :) appreciate you very much!
watson1 says():hmm what did bgg say confusion just before rv
larrykn says to Hutch():crazy days lol
MarineMom says():Iraq is definitely a crazy place to follow. Thank you everyone for your input and articles
MarineMom says():US Embassy denies asylum to Iraqi officials based in Baghdad
Saturday April 30, 2016 17:35 LINK
MarineMom says():Here it is on Bloomberg...
Iraq Declares Baghdad Emergency as Protesters Storm Parliament
We are hearing both sides and lets just wait to see what happens!
MarineMom says to subgirl():Agreed, just sharing
CeeCee says():again, GOOD MORNING ALL. TO: anyone... is it thought sadr is trying to usurp abadi and get himself in? i kinda thought he was helping him. & i thought parl was finally insession today to finalize cabinet. this makes no sense... but maybe i missed something ... i have much admiration for abadi and he has so much sh*t to deal with.
futuremoney says to CeeCee():could be, but I dont see how that would work. Sadr is a Sunni and a minority in the Parliment, sooo...
BGG says to futuremoney():Uhhhhh - Sadr is NOT A SUNNI.  That is inaccurate.
futuremoney says to CeeCee():love that!!!!
larrykn says to CeeCee():there is so much going on today that I don't know how much is true and how much is smoke, I think its time to set back and watch what happens today, I wouldn't get to worried about anything at this point, they have not come this far to fail now :)
CeeCee says to futuremoney():thanks :) ... it wasnt what i or anyone expected to wake up to. lol its 8am here    appreciate feedback... going to try to not spill any more coffee when i read stufff
futuremoney says to CeeCee():I am very depressed right now, I know Im selfish...but I am really needing this rv...BAD !
futuremoney says to CeeCee():I guess Im wear my emotion on my sleeve...LOL
futuremoney says to CeeCee():I know there are many people out there just like us...
larrykn says to futuremoney():the one thing I've learned over the years because I'm one that has always tried different ways to make money is never count on any of them until the money is in hand. until then live life like you have not invested and wait , I know thats hard but it does keep you sane :)
futuremoney says to larrykn():Ive done that...but China ruined my business. Went from 10 employees to 2. Had to sell off equipment at a loss that I had purcheased for the job. Thanks to the gov.. now they want to take do you see why I need this to happen. No fault of my own..
larrykn says to futuremoney():I understand and I know this is going to happen but I hate to count on anything that you fell will change your life , if it takes longer you get disappointed
eman4u55 says():i just saw a a news clip from iraq of people protesting and tearing down walls in the green zone is this old news or what
larrykn says to eman4u55():no its sadr group and they are doing it now
eman4u55 says():o boy
Romello says():Jubouri MP calls on al-Sadr to withdraw demonstrators from the Green Zone and warns of "state collapse"
4:49:04 p.m. 30.04.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad appealed to the Attorney Haitham al - Jubouri, the Sabbath, the cleric Moqtada al - Sadr to withdraw demonstrators from Baghdad 's Green Zone, warning of the "collapse of the state", while calling for the formation of a new government of national out - of - quota parties.
Jubouri said in a statement that appeals Sadr , " the withdrawal of the demonstrators from the green Zone for fear of uncontrollable things and the collapse of the state." he stressed Jubouri , " the need to seek to form a complete new government of national out - of - quota parties.
larrykn says to CeeCee():I know I have friends like that too lol
Romello says():it was al- Sadr decided on Saturday, resorting to "i'tikaaf" for two months , a rejection of the return of "corruption and the corrupt, "as he emphasized that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi subjected to" heavy pressure "by wishing quota system.
stormed the protesters Sadrist movement, today, the House of Representatives building in the green dotted Baghdad to protest the lifting of its meeting until next week without a vote on the complete cabinet reshuffle. announced Baghdad operations command, today announced the closure of ports DC completely and let out only.
Romello says():Video: a moment to storm the parliament building
16:37:52 30.04.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad;
Romello says():Green criminal hackers smashing furniture and besieging parliament hall staff
4:27:04 p.m. 30.04.2016 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad besieged criminal hackers Green Zone on Saturday, the House of Representatives staff inside the parliament hall after smashing their furniture and control of all the Parliament buildings.
He said our correspondent in Baghdad , said the demonstrators Sadrist movement who stormed this afternoon, the Green Zone and the parliament building, downtown Baghdad, surrounded the parliament staff after smashing furniture and major constitutional halls.
The reporter added that, protesters fanned out to all buildings and halls of the House of Representatives, while still employees and many of the deputies inside.

Hutch says():I wonder what the Iraqi's think about the chaos going on in the US? Do they think that this country is about to fall apart with all of the protesting that is going on here. If you watch the videos here, it appears to be so.... people attacking one another and destroying cop cars etc.
Even Trump having to sneak thru baracades makes it look like he's escaping death on the videos, if taken wrong. Sooooo...... we are looking at the iraqis thinking doom and gloom and they are looking at those crazy americans thinking the same for us.
Romello says to larrykn():No prob.
CeeCee says():good Grief!!
Romello says():Thinking rv sooner than
eman4u55 says():still that not the usa and that cant be good
Romello says():Added pressure I thought
eman4u55 says():ok am i looking at this the wrong way ??
Romello says():Don't think Sadr still care too much for US or US presence
tman23 says():FUNNY STUFF HERE........ YA GOTTA LAUGH

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