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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-3-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-3-16  Part 1 of 2
Wall Street Journal: Obama's decision to withdraw US troops from Iraq folly
Reports  Since 05/02/2016 17:09 pm (Baghdad time)  Follow-up scales News
Singled newspaper "The Wall Street Journal," a front-page editorial expanded to talk about the situation in Iraq, and said that the chaos in the country shows US President Barack Obama's strategy to fight Daash risks.
The newspaper pointed out that the Obama administration is talking about military progress against Daash fairly count the number of dead organization and to predict the victory of next year, but things may not be as well. It suggests here that "the recent political turmoil in Baghdad highlights the risks of Obama, which is based on the gradual escalation policy."
The newspaper added that "embarrassing for the visit by US Vice President Joe Biden to Iraq highlights the folly of Obama's decision to withdraw all US troops from Iraq at the end of the 2011 failure" .. and suggest that "this decision weakened the American political influence to almost zero in Baghdad, making Iran is a party outside his biggest influence in the country.
" The Times concluded in the end to say that Obama, the current direction, "Daash will not be defeated by the time he is leaving the White House, will have most of the Middle East is in turmoil. The next president will inherit this mess, but without a plan for better performance." Hillary Clinton says she prefers Obama's strategy, while Donald Trump is to destroy Daash without explaining how or whether to use ground forces Vhz happy for the next president. LINK      

Defense Secretary Carter: American killed in combat in Iraq
ROBERT BURNS,  Associated Press 1 hour 3 minutes ago
STUTTGART, Germany (AP) — Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Tuesday that an American serviceman has been killed near Irbil in Iraq.
"It is a combat death," Carter said at the outset of a news in Stuttgart, Germany where he has been consulting with European allies this week.
The defense secretary provided no other details, other than to tell reporters that the serviceman lost his life "in the neighborhood of Irbil."
"A Coalition service member was killed in northern Iraq as a result of enemy fire," the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement. "Further information will be released as appropriate."
The CENTCOM statement noted it is the policy of the military "to defer casualty identification procedures to the relevant national authorities."
A U.S. military official said the American was killed while performing his duty as an adviser to Kurdish Peshmerga troops. He was killed by "direct fire" after Islamic State forces penetrated the Peshmerga's forward line. The American was three to two to three miles behind that front line, the official said
Vice President Joe Biden visited Baghdad last week to exhort leaders of the government in Iraq to resolve internal political strife and concentrate on the effort to defeat the Islamic State group.
Carter, likewise, visited Baghdad recently. The Obama administration has been pressing the effort against IS, which has been slowed down in its quest to overrun Iraq.
Carter presided earlier at a ceremony installing a new commander of U.S. European Command, Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti.
[tlm724] God bless our men and women in the military and their families   
[tlm724] ^^ didn't have to happen ! The white house is tying the hands of our military !
[tlm724] From 1st art : that the chaos in the country shows US President Barack Obama's strategy to fight Daash risks
[tlm724] "embarrassing for the visit by US Vice President Joe Biden to Iraq highlights the folly of Obama's decision to withdraw all US troops from Iraq at the end of the 2011 failure
[tlm724] Hillary Clinton says she prefers Obama's strategy, while Donald Trump is to destroy Daash
[tlm724] if you haven't voted yet then remember that ! ^^^^^^
[Mikey] Leave it to the military commanders, not the agitator in chief
[tlm724] exactly but he listens to NO one and his failed policy has cost countless lives !
[Mikey] Kill the b*stards before they kill you, by any means possible. George Patton
[tlm724] Mikey yes !
Former deputy holds the leaders of political blocs responsibility for the crisis in the country[/size]
03/05/2016 09:20 | Direction Press Special /  MP and former judge Wael Abdul Latif said the political process in Iraq shaky since 2006 and confined between dismissive and disabled and the violator.
Said Abdul Latif in an interview with "Press direction" that the shaky political process has created chaos in the lack of respect and document the people and social covenant and then evolved into withdrawals from the Council of Ministers and the suspension of work of the ministry, parliament and these are provided for in the Constitution or laws or bylaws, noting that things have evolved over until I got to demonstrate and protest, and then to sit and finally to break into the biggest legislative institution in the country.
He added that the House of Representatives passes a very dangerous period, and its division and fragmentation into two parts is not the easy things and this requires a serious and quick solutions, pointing out that the healing of the House of Representatives will not come to nothing and will remain scattered and conflicting agendas.
And Abdel-Latif, leaders of political blocs responsibility for what happened, these significant reason for the scourge, which is going through the country, pointing out that the failure to find Ansjammehm crises, the real solutions to the fate of Iraq is moving into the unknown.
And witnessing the Iraqi political situation strained after demanding a change of ministerial cabin and then turned to the change of the three presidencies, to be replaced with only five ministers and the postponement of the parliamentary session, which was dedicated to changing the rest of the ministers until next week due to lack of quorum, prompting protestors angry to break into the Green Zone and the parliament building and sit Square celebrations downtown.
Bondlady    imo,  there all guilty in one way or another,  that goes for past and present.  in more ways than one, if they turned a blind eye to corruption or kept a tribal conflict going so no laws  could get passed ,
or refusing to vote if they didn't get there whey. many kinds of wrong doing, when it comes to being a leader of the people...there supposed to represent the peoples voice, supposed to be doing whats best for there people, which obviously iraqs been void of....BL
 [poopsie] amen
[tlm724] amen !
Nechirvan Barzani is expected to further escalations in Baghdad, says the Kurds do not feel that they are partners in Iraq
History of edits:: 5/2/2016 20:00        {Arbil: Euphrates News} The Cabinet held in the Kurdistan region, on Monday, the regular meeting chaired by Nechirvan Barzani, President of Kurdistan, Qubad Talabani and Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
A statement by the Council of Ministers of the region received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of which was "in the beginning of the meeting eighth Council victories Peshmerga in the center of Bashir on Monday night," Comforter , the families of martyrs Pettmnaat a speedy recovery to the wounded, subsequently brought to the Prime Minster light on the developments and events in the capital , Baghdad , which is expected to see further escalations, praising the position of Minister unified and House of Representatives of the Kurds during the recent events in Baghdad. "
the statement added , " then Nechirvan Barzani talked about the results of the visit the delegation of the Government of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad and his meeting with the Foreign Minister and US officials in Iraq, stressing that he had told and Besrahh Iraqi parties that the Kurds do not feel that they are partners in Iraq. Adding that US Secretary of State John Kerry said the continued support of the United States military and financial support to the Kurdistan region.
Subsequently, the Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government , Qubad Talabani , a summary of the visit of a delegation of the Kurdistan region to America, adding, that the delegation discussed with US officials , the World Bank and the situation in the Kurdistan region and the efforts of the provincial government in the reforms and overcome the financial crisis, adding that the Americans assured continued support to the Kurdistan region, describing the visit , the mission and successful.
according to the agenda of the meeting, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and economy occur agency list of employees ' salaries for the month of March, which was distributed salaries it within 17 days, indicating that staff salaries for the month of April will begin distributing the security forces ' salaries in accordance with the revenue and the percentage of salaries will be distributed to the ministries accordingly, stressing the ministry 's commitment and constructive endeavors regardless Salaries in specific times per month.
 With regard to the steps of the Kurdistan Regional Government on greater transparency in oil imports and expenses declared Prime Minister that the government is in the final stages to identify the third party of an international neutral to scrutinize the participation of four international companies known to check the oil and gas expenses and the support and cooperation of the Office of financial supervision in the Kurdistan region, and calling it a big step toward transparency in revenues and expenses on the domestic and international levels.
and the chairman of the coordination and follow - up Department about the previous resolutions of the Council of Ministers and the decisions of the Supreme Committee for the face of the financial crisis to the Council to discuss the implementation phases and developments and challenges, also discussed the cabinet meeting , several important issues related to improving economic conditions and also decided to resume the granting briefings without pay for doctors Batrien.
and the cabinet he was pleased the progress made in the definition of Daash terrorist crimes against the Yazidis as crimes of genocide file stressing that the Kurdistan Regional Government will make all efforts in this regard, expressing his gratitude to the countries and parliaments , which supports the definition Daash crimes against Yazidis as crimes of genocide file.
at the end of the meeting dealt with the Council of Ministers, the issue of distribution of spare land to non - beneficiaries before, and communication services and transport in the region and plans of the ministry concerned to provide the best services in the region.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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