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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-25-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-25-16  Part 1 of 2

Also Included:  Shredd & Tlm724 Chat / Discussion

Federal Court starts its for the appeal Bgelsta Parliament proceedings[/size]
25/05/2016 10:10 | Direction Press / Baghdad
Federal Court began Wednesday to consider appeals filed in connection with the two sessions of Parliament in the month of April.
And united Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud made suits to challenge Bgelsta Parliament, to consider them, to shorten the time and effort.
The meeting was also attended by a number of protesters Representatives.
And united Mahmood 11 lawsuit challenged the introduction of more than 35 deputies.
It consists defense team for the Presidency of the Parliament of three lawyers from the Legal Department of the House of Representatives. The sa
 [tlm724] courts yakin about it, what more can I say, theres a session scheduled for Sunday the 29th
[tlm724] shunshine as you pointed out Ramadan begins June 7th thru July 6th
[shunshine] yep
[tlm724] we'll see what happens with that, hard to call at this point, so much up in the air as far as parliament is concerned
SOMO: Iraq pumped about 4.5 million barrels per day and aspires to be increased to six million
History of edits:: 24.05.2016 22:29     {Baghdad: Euphrates News} head of the Iraqi oil marketing company SOMO} {Falah al-Amiri Iraq pumped about 4.5 million barrels per day announced aspires to be increased to six million.
The agency quoted {Reuters} for Amiri as saying during a conference of Iraq 's oil sector on Tuesday that "Iraq is pumping about 4.5 million barrels per day and aspires to increase to between 5.5 million and six million barrels per day by 2020.
" That goal , "if there 's a good investment and if made ​​available investment the coming years is not a problem I have in it ... we will not reduce our production , but will continue to grow , but slowly. "
and won the collapse of oil prices - now at $ 49 a barrel , less than half the level of two years ago - of Iraq 's revenues and other producers were forced Baghdad in the past year to reduce a more ambitious goal to increase supplies.
The price decline triggered concerns of a slowdown in the growth of Iraqi oil production or stop it . Oil Iraq Companies of delayed projects and has already warned that if the government insisted on radical spending cuts this year.
But Iraq has managed to continue to raise production so far , despite some expectations dumped in pessimism.
In the last year , the country is the source of the fastest growth before the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries , where increased produced more than 500 thousand barrels per day , despite spending cuts and the war against Daash.
With the depletion of financial resources demanded Iraq 's foreign oil companies to reduce their budgets for the second year in a row. And working Royal Dutch Shell , which operates Iraq 's Majnoon field to cut costs by reducing the number of foreign workers. is over
 [tlm724] Iraq pumped about 4.5 million barrels per day and aspires to be increased to six million *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] "if there 's a good investment and if made ​​available investment the coming years is not a problem I have in it ... we will not reduce our production , but will continue to grow , but slowly. "
Trouble dollar and rates of customs taxes invoking the prices of goods
05/24/2016    Dinars / Abbas Al passengers / .. attribute more wholesalers in Iraq rise of imported goods of all kinds price to the turmoil at the price of US dollar in the Iraqi market and an increase of customs taxes imposed on the entry of these goods outlets border ratio, especially cigarettes and alcohol because of the classified as one of the goods is necessary to add some other goods such as perfumes, accessories and cosmetics, which ranked among the cosmetic goods, while this rise included all the necessary consumer goods in the life of the Iraqi citizen.[/rtl]
And see, "Ammar al-Saidi," the owner of a food store, that the advent of the month of Ramadan stands primarily behind higher prices in the markets, and says that the rise because of the dollar higher taxes is the most important, Ammar adds that every need exists in the shop prices have risen 500 dinars Iraqis any the equivalent of 40 cents, especially canned goods, dried dates and fruits are imported.  [/rtl]
He says Abu Younis website that noted the rise in prices when he bought cigarettes foreign tray from the seller that the difference was worth far, two days before the 250 Iraqi dinars or 20 cents, almost, and there is a height of up to more than this amount for other types of cigarettes, Abu Younis and adds that when for the seller asked about the reason for the rise was the answer because of the high dollar exchange rate.[/rtl]
Recalls that the Iraqi market is hardly rely to be entirely on imports from abroad and the conversion of hard currency to the exporting countries to Iraq of goods and products making the Iraqi market belonging to the supply and demand markets of those countries and this affects more or less ordinary citizens by raising the prices of these goods by traders Wholesale Iraqis.[/rtl]
And taking the dollar to rise gradually since December even arrived at its price is currently rolling 129.5, while experts expect prices to continue to rise cashed until the imaginary numbers because of the demand and the lack of hard currency sold by the central bank.[/rtl]
Iraqi traders expect prices will continue to rise to the holy month of Ramadan, where the market will see strong demand for commodities and goods by citizens in the absence of the ration card items almost be final.[/rtl]
The Cabinet decided in its meeting No. 217 for 2015, according to the circumstances that Iraq is going through, he decided to meet the customs tariff wages starting from 01.08.2015 in all levied on goods entering the border crossing points into the country,
as well as taxes, including sales taxes on Kartat mobile recharge and purchase cars imported from abroad in accordance with the law (32) general federal budget for Iraq for 2015.
This decision has faced public opposition and formally applied to the extent of the establishment of popular demonstrations to prevent the application of the work done by the Iraqi citizens and activists of human rights Dealers, and the reason for the rejection is manifested not to be applied in all the ports,
but confined to the perpetrators of Basra and other implementers and the exclusion of the Kurdistan Regional outlets of its application which leads to prejudice the right of traders who enter their goods through those ports, especially the port of Basra,
 for his part Basra Governorate Council rejected its application for the time being because of the absence of justice applied, while Iraqi traders say an increase of more than 15% of the shipment value ratio and this leads to added weakness the cost of shipment which Sadtrna that we raise prices in proportion to the size of the delivery to the Iraqi markets and expenses which in turn will reflect negatively on citizens and their income.]
 [tlm724] BondLady addressed this very issue in the Bremer interview, how can you tax people who have very little ??
[tlm724] yes the taxes are needed, it's part of the plan but what should go hand in hand with that is a lil increase in purchasing power for the people
[tlm724] each month inflation rises and as they add more taxes in the system the people hurt more
[tlm724] while this rise included all the necessary consumer goods in the life of the Iraqi citizen
[tlm724] so the lil things in life are being taxed, their deodorant, shampoo, perfume etc...
[tlm724] that every need exists in the shop prices have risen 500 dinars Iraqis any the equivalent of 40 cents, especially canned goods, dried dates and fruits are imported.
[tlm724] I say give them more bang for their buck, more ding to their dinar
Recalls that the Iraqi market is hardly rely to be entirely on imports from abroad and the conversion of hard currency to the exporting countries to Iraq of goods and products making the Iraqi market belonging to the supply and demand markets of those countries and this affects more or less ordinary citizens by raising the prices of these goods by traders Wholesale Iraqis.
And taking the dollar to rise gradually since December even arrived at its price is currently rolling 129.5, while experts expect prices to continue to rise cashed until the imaginary numbers because of the demand and the lack of hard currency sold by the central bank
[tlm724] while experts expect prices to continue to rise cashed until the imaginary numbers because of the demand and the lack of hard currency sold by the central bank
[tlm724] Shredd thoughts ?
[Shredd] not much....stating current situation with the dollar and trade...
[Shredd] I think the balancing of pricing will be similar once the dinar has stabilized in their market economy
[Shredd] but during the change from dual currency situation and bringing value to the dinar, the trade and pricing process will need to be closely regulated in my opinion
[Shredd] since the price will fluctuate but the good news is the rate will be set consistently unlike today
[tlm724] you think perhaps a managed float to begin with ?
[Shredd] a continued managed float, perhaps,  I see a lot of logic in it
[tlm724] let me ask a hypothetical question
[tlm724] could or would there be a possibility that Iraq could be floating the dinar ( in country or M.E. region) without officially showing that on the CBI ? making adjustments ??? creeping it down in compliance or in conjunction with the IMF ?
[tlm724] did I scare you lol 
[Shredd] I really don't think so
[tlm724] k
[Shredd] no lol was just pondering lol
[tlm724] ponder away my friend lol 
[Shredd] I believe they have been modeling it for quite some time.....possible market reactions to changing the regime
[tlm724] it just has me wondering ie: the MOF showing different rates and his site was adjusted the other day
[Shredd] for example, lessons learned for sure when the auctions were stopped
[Shredd] yeah I hear you but I look at it from the perspective of purchasing power 
[tlm724] what has me here is knowing that the IMF has the con, it makes sense that an exchange rate examination is on-going, they must prepare for the eventual shift of the dinar being internationally recognized and then they won't need the dollar to pay for imports
[tlm724] the auctions are so low now which tells me they are weeding out the corruption
[Shredd] right and we should also pay attention to articles about the supply of the dollar as it could be telling as to how soon a change may be coming
[tlm724] so the shift is still and always has been a series of actions (steps) to eventually stop the dual currency use
[Shredd] right
[tlm724] I don't know but as I have discussed with BL things feel different now , the IMF is there in the background and I think, as does she, that things are going on that we can't see fully, all these different rates etc... that BondLady post's and points out to us, that they are changing almost daily, just has us scratching our heads, hmmm moments
[tlm724] and there are tons of articles saying "stop the auctions ! " we just gotta watch and pay attention to ALL and everything that is happening
[tlm724] tyvm Shredd
[tlm724] my final thought is this, Ambassador Bremer stated clearly that Iraq could NOT be dollarized, that they HAD to have their own currency. That the dinar was intended to float ! The IMF has control of their economic policy, that is a fact, so it makes complete sense that the plan is going forward BECAUSE the currency reform is a MUST DO ! It goes hand in hand  Wink

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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