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Monday, May 2, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2

Figure 2. multilateral filter between money transfer companies
It's easy to see how this way if we take into account the impact on each money transfer company separately:
1. The company is no longer (a) condemns the amount of $ 25 for the company (Q) is no longer worth the amount of the company's $ 25 (b).

2. The company is no longer (b) condemns the amount of $ 25 for the company (a) is no longer worth a total of $ 15 = $ +10 $ 25 from each of the company (Q) and company (r).
3. The company is no longer (Q) condemns the sum total of $ + 15 $ 8 = $ 23 from each of the (b) and (r) is no longer worth the amount of the company's $ 25 (a). Based on that, it will remain the amount of $ 25
4. The company is no longer (p) condemns the amount of $ 10 for the company (b) is no longer worth the amount of $ 8 from the company (Q), which remains in the debtor's credit (r) $ 10
Through these operations, it has been reduced liabilities and a system-wide total of $ 83 to just $ 2 a residual value between the two (o) and (p).

In popular markets in Sulaimaniya the intervention of mediators who settle accounts between money transfer companies. They do not deal with these intermediaries cash money, but they are trying to get a percentage of the associated committees in funds that are trying to settle conversion process. Mbrana did not hear about any company using its own capital in the debt settlement company money transfer. 4
For money transfer companies, such as (a) and (b) that begin with the existence of creditor balances equal extent and the city, the settlement is only a work of accounting entries budget. As for the physical adjustments do not occur only in cases such as those that occurred between the two (o) and (p) where there is a non Even in this case, the financial settlement will not be necessary.
Often have money transfer companies shared a small balance with each other which makes the end of the accounting registration process is possible for more than one period. To make sure that process occurs in a timely manner, the development of a joint strategy for people with debits goal is to reduce or stop transfers fully to the opposite side, and this can be achieved by raising the commission rate on the outbound or reject temporarily transfers.
Similarly, the body of a credit balance can reduce the interest rate or waive it entirely to stimulate outbound money transfers them. With the passage of time, it will reduce the imbalance to zero as the debtor will pay cash to the beneficiaries of remittances received by the creditors.
The money the ability to control the size of their transactions transfer companies, which means that these companies have the ability to control cash flows are greater than the banks have to pay money to depositors while asking for it, regardless of the size of net withdrawals required.
 The money transfer companies are not exposed to the same situation as in the banks, it did not have a firm enough money it could not accept any incoming transfers If you do not do it, it is possible to lose its credibility and its result, but at least will not run the risk of bankruptcy of banks.
Mbrana said that the settlement through intermediaries usually take place on a daily basis in major cities, and a week in small towns with less transaction size. The network of intermediaries constitute an international scope, even financial settlements between the local money transfer companies could be settled in regional centers such as Dubai and Istanbul, or even in some cases as far afield as Shanghai and Beijing.
We can get an idea of the relative importance of networks of brokers outside of the annual report issued by the United Arab company 's financial converter (MTUA) is the fourth largest of the fourteen companies registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange in terms of revenue.
Figure 3 shows the amounts due from eight foreign correspondents, which represent a total of 39%. 5
Figure 3. Receivables company transforming the United Arab funds due from the foreign correspondent at the end of 2014 , as one might expect, the funds located in regional financial centers have contributed to transforming companies more after Western Union company , which has extensive operations in Iraq.
The site refers Western Union - mail to the existence of 75 centers to transfer money in Iraq, 8 of which are branches of the United Arab company to transfer funds in Baghdad.
The money transfer companies similar to banks, not only in their work Kmtahda payments system but also the bringers of short It is not only effective to grant loans to the money transfer company corresponding with which it shares payable balances owed, but can also finance the transfers issued to known customers a service that may be similar to bank overdraft facilities in the clouds.
She said one of the transfer of funds in the popular market companies in Sulaimaniya that it can cover from 10% to 100% of the benefit of the transfer amount, without guarantees, for a period of up to ten days.
The main difference between the companies and the banks money transfer is that the former does not accept deposits, they also do not keep cash balances in funding a precondition for future remittances expected. The natural role of banks is keeping customer funds based on the same client's desire, which may waive the Bank's role in the control of his money when he takes the decision to move his money.
We may believe that all clients money transfer companies have the reserves and household deposits 100%. If we take this matter with the results of money transfer services firms into account, this would be the simplest forms of the banking system.
 It is clear that this is not an optimal measure for most economies in the world, but one of the things successful seamlessly in the private sector in Iraq to save the collapse of economic activity in an environment where there are few effective legal guarantees or government regulations.
3. The  implications for monetary policy and bank supervision
Banking business with the comprehensive provision have important implications for monetary policy and banking supervision management. In Iraq, most of the tools available to central banks and regulatory bodies which are inappropriate or ineffective in other countries, and in some cases, the application of these policies will be harmful.
For example, if we apply the interest rate policy in the country has a developed banking sector, the higher interest rates that will slow down the growth of the economy through the creation of a factor inhibitor for individuals and businesses. The lower interest rates, it will have the opposite effect.
In Iraq, such measures would not cause a big difference because of the decline in lending to the private sector ratio. They will not have much effect on the public sector, since the lack of tough budget constraints mean that lending decisions will not rely on interest rates.

The same is true of changes in required reserve deposit rate, which is one of the most successful weapons of the Central Bank in many developing countries. As for the banks covered entirely with cash reserves and deposits, they have acted in the same style of the Iraqi Central Bank on the first of September 2010 to reduce the reserve rate from 20% to 15%, which is an important event.
In Iraq, the most effective means to control the money supply is through the exchange rate control, because the money mainly arise from the conversion of the Central Bank of dollars of state oil exports to the local currency. If the central bank raised the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar, it will add an additional dinars per dollar purchased from the government. If the exchange rate has reduced the money supply growth rate will slow down.
Since the stability of the exchange rate is one of the main objectives of the Central Bank of Iraq, the use of the exchange rate for macroeconomic management was limited. In addition, the price of oil has become the main engine to display the Iraqi currency.
When the price of oil rises, it will be the Ministry of Finance more dollars to be transferred to the Iraqi dinar with the central bank. If the exchange rate stable and has not changed, the more Iraqi dinars must be provided for the purchase of which will lead to increased supply cash. Conversely, a fall in oil prices would have the opposite effect.
The prudential supervision based on the bank's capital ratios are not suitable in the Iraqi context, too. For banks with large loans, the capital adequacy ratios (for example; core capital to risky assets) is essential because it measures the proportion of losses from bad loans.
In Iraq, these ratios are not relevant and that the common trait may be non Given that the liquidity risk and credit risk is not the main issue, it is clear that the deposit of money is the best indicator for regulators to monitor.

Based on the CBI's policy for the Bank and the capital of the company transfer of funds on the capital levels in absolute terms. For example, I have asked all private banks to increase capital to 100 billion Iraqi dinars by the middle of 2011, and 150 billion Iraqi dinars by the middle of 2012, to 250 billion Iraqi dinars by the middle of 2013.
Similarly, the CBI has been asked lately the last of the money transfer to the capital increase to 45 billion Iraqi dinars companies. It is not clear whether it was possible to justify those policies on the basis of precaution. But it looks like an attempt to force banks to increase lending rates, and force small banks to merge with each other (which is not yet) happening as well as reducing the number of money transfer companies.
In some cases, the insistence of the Iraqi Central Bank on the capital increase led to an increase in the amount of capital at the expense of quality. It is said that most of the shareholders have used personal credit from their bank accounts in order to buy their own problem in this topic is the new shares in the absence of the customer was able to pay off their debts to the bank which will lead to the loss of the bank which affects the capital.
Similarly, the Committee on combating money laundering in the Iraqi Central Bank policy (AML) have had unintended consequences in some cases. For example in 2012, the central bank introduced new regulations require anyone who wants to buy the US currency was worth official to submit evidence showing the purpose of using that currency.
Instead of blocking the flow of illicit money to Iran and Syria, the new regulations has created a market for certified version lists special shipping Iraqi government, which can be used as a document to prove the existence of a legitimate deal to the process of converting the money. This policy led to the granting of an opportunity for government officials using official seals to make a quick buck through the seal and false documents.
It is doubtful that the Commission for the fight against money laundering will be effective in the Iraqi cash economy, when asked the banks to work to take anti Also, filling the required documents by the bank is just a waste of time. It can not be meaningful to the abolition of the role of money transfer companies. It will not be able apply the requirements of the "know your customer" for the company's clients who deal with cash only and therefore there will be no paper trail for them.
4. Conclusion
In developed countries, the use of cash in all transactions, even the smallest one is calling for suspicion. In the United States, if someone tried to hold huge buying process using banknotes valued at $ 100, it is likely to be a criminal. Most foreign media coverage of private companies and focuses the transfer of funds as financiers of terrorism. More recently emerged growing calls for the elimination of $ 100 and 500
The realization of monetary bitter reality in Iraq allows us to see the positive side of cash, in a situation in which government measures are ineffective and regulations based on the cash economy will not be a way for terrorists and drug traffickers in the first place. It is a preparation for economic activity sector. The alternative to this would be to return to a barter economy.
The absence of a system of partial reserve in Iraqi banks is not the result of an error issued from banks or money transfer companies or their agents. It is a natural result of the dominant role of banknotes as a means of exchange.
Which has forced companies to raise capital and its insistence that it applied money laundering on the Western way, and so the attempt procedures be converted into a "real banks" will not change their approach. Without any improvement in the effectiveness of state institutions, the actors in the private sector will continue to rely primarily on cash. And that the entire current system corned change inevitably will prove that it was a false target.
Of course, none of the above is an indication that the reserve system will be optimized in the advanced economies hundred percent. The key point is that this system may be the only effective system in a country like Iraq. The advantage of this system lies not in improving the business cycle, as is the case in the city virtuous monetary policy proposed by the Austrian Huerta de Soto started, but the protection of private wealth in unstable environments to a large extent, and often lawless.
1. Look at the book Harto de Soto, 2006, the Chapter IX Part I, to review useful to this literature.
2. Look at the previous report writer in Altgariralaracah of the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IIR), (D Weaver 2015), a study similar to the consequences of the disaster that occurred in the Kurdistan region of Iraq
3. Portions of this topic appeared in the subject posted on the site by the author about business news in Iraq on February 27 and March 5, 2014
4. It seems that such wholesalers do not exist in other markets. Guide does not appear on their presence in Dubai and the United Kingdom and the United States, Pakistan and India. See, for example (foundation 2003.50-15)
5. Unfortunately, this was the only annual report of the funds which have provided this information to convert the company. The proportions shown in the figure is not necessary to be a model for each of the listed companies or the sector in general.
Note: This translation according to the original article located at the source below, and the center is not responsible for the content, including titles and terms mentioned in the text.
the source:
[url= Iraq Report IIR_Mark DeWeaver_Inside Iraq's Cash Economy_2016_0.pdf]'s%20Cash%20Economy_2016_0.pdf[/url]
tlm724:   In Iraq, the most effective means to control the money supply is through the exchange rate control, because the money mainly arise from the conversion of the Central Bank of dollars of state oil exports to the local currency.
If the central bank raised the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar, it will add an additional dinars per dollar purchased from the government. If the exchange rate has reduced the money supply growth rate will slow down.
Since the stability of the exchange rate is one of the main objectives of the Central Bank of Iraq, the use of the exchange rate for macroeconomic management was limited. In addition, the price of oil has become the main engine to display the Iraqi currency.
When the price of oil rises, it will be the Ministry of Finance more dollars to be transferred to the Iraqi dinar with the central bank. If the exchange rate stable and has not changed, the more Iraqi dinars must be provided for the purchase of which will lead to increased supply cash. Conversely, a fall in oil prices would have the opposite effect.
Launch cross-radio mobile environmental campaign on the road to visitors of Imam Kadhim {p}
History of edits:: 5/2/2016 8:37                                                
{Baghdad} Euphrates News launched the Ministry of Health and the Environment, an environmental awareness through the "environmental mobile radio" along the route of the visitors of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar peace be upon him campaign.
According to a ministry statement, the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that " the department has launched an environmental guidance campaign through mobile environmental radio along the route of the visitors towards the threshold of Kadhimiya holy to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar {p}."
He explained that " guidelines include the provision of environmental and health required instruction in such crowds millions blessed such as conservation hygiene and lack of water, food and medicinal use and encourage follow the correct environmental instructions and maintain green spaces scattered on the road to the Holy threshold wastage. "
He added that" outreach department of environmental and media teams are to Besides mobile radio distributing pamphlets and Folders include many environmental instructions and ways of dealing with waste generated from services provided by processions service deployed on the road to visitors, "adding that" the previous campaign carried out by the environmental awareness and the commandments of good reference teams contributed to the success of the service plans to visit the millions . " .
and Ofatt statement that "environmental awareness and information department at the Ministry of Health and environment launched a mobile environmental radio service to be part of the department 's efforts in their work to raise environmental level between various segments of society , " .anthy

Bondlady:     the reason why I posted this article...was it reminded me of somethings back about 5-7 yrs ago I had been posting about...  before...when all the gurus were proclaiming it had or was about to rv...   
we talked about how the common people which makes up about 25-30 millon people who couldn't read or write to read papers or whatever,
most didnt even have electric or water much less a tv or radio to be informed by,  so the gov did many things to try and inform the people with flyers and news broadcast,  how the gov had put up big screen TV's,   giant screens,   like the old drive in movies many of us got to go to back n the day...
these were put up to inform the people of things they needed to know lots had to do with there smart cards or banking and how to fill out forms and or apply for things and medical all sorts of things including the money and any thing changing per that, all things I posted on and talked about back then...
so I post this to show u just how far theve come in being able to inform the people of all things they need to stations, and now mobile phone apps as well as for all there banking needs and bill paying,  and medical assistance,  as well as loud speakers and TV's in the streets to assist these millions of people who will be in Iraq for these celebrations ...holidays..
before the poor people only could know news of things , from a person who could read or write or would hear things from a cleric or trusted friend or elder...Iraq has truly come a long long way even if its only been about 7 or so yrs with all the new state of the art technologies they have as well as cameras all over to record ev thing as well as for security...
im just trying to show even tho we can barely see them moving forward, they still are they are a slow people and it sure is takeing longer than the gurus ever knew because they didn't study these peoples culture and what makes them do and say what they do or there behaviors, and how long it takes them to accept change as they are very paranoid  of each other because theres never been for 100;s of yrs very much trust..BL
RCS1947:      Good point...thanks Bondlady!

[SHREDD] well said
[tlm724] indeed, she is so smart, her years of studying weren't in vain

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