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Sunday, May 1, 2016

 BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  5-1-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  5-1-16  Part 2 of 2

Source: A large number of officials leaving the capital through the Baghdad airport 
Author: HH Editor: the AT, HH 30.4.2016 17:56        Long-Presse / Baghdad
According to the source, at Baghdad International Airport on Saturday that dozens of officials, have left the country over the Baghdad International Airport, hours after the storming of the supporters of the Sadrist movement Green Zone in central Baghdad.
The source said, in an interview with (long-Presse), "The Baghdad International Airport has seen since the third hour of the afternoon, leaving a large number of officials in the Iraqi state, accompanied by their families, the country, through the Baghdad airport."
The source, who requested anonymity, that "the officials began arriving at the airport and assembly within Nineveh hall to go through them out of Iraq, just hours after the storming of the supporters of the Sadrist movement, the Green Zone and access to the inside of the Iraqi parliament hall."

​ The Baghdad International Airport administration, announced on Saturday (2016,4,30), for "the continuation of" air traffic in which the occurrence of any cancellation Aongaar flight process, while suggesting the restoration of security and the absence of armed manifestations within the airport, denied the registration of leave any Iraqi official.
Thousands of demonstrators Sadrist movement stormed on Saturday, the Green Zone and the building of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, the center of Baghdad, to protest against the lack of comprehensive reforms, minutes after the speech by the current leader Moqtada al-Sadr in which i'tikaaf announced for two months and the province of the political process and the good of the people between the quota system and bring down the government .
It comes storming of the Green Zone, minutes after the declaration of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr during a press conference on Saturday ,, (April 30, 2016), the province of all politicians and rejected "Majalsthm" Whatever demands without "radical reform",
and as he emphasized that the "waiting for uprising Great people Great people's Revolution ", counting the people is the only one on the selection of their own destiny." As for the quota system to keep or drop the whole government. "
As al-Sadr also announced during the press conference, i'tikaaf for two months rejection of quotas and the return of corruption and condemnation for "shortening" Some of the popular classes, and decided to stop political action in all joints of the Sadrist movement, with an exception of political action to form a bloc of "cross-sectarian," called liberal bloc to boycott sessions "quotas of" parliament.
And raising the Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Saturday, the 27th session of the second legislative term of the second legislative year to next Tuesday, (the tenth of May 2016), for lack of a quorum, and concern visit the death of Imam Moussa al-Kadhim is completed (p).
The Presidency of the Council of Representatives on Saturday, decided (30 April 2016), to postpone the hearing the 27 of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, earmarked to host Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the reshuffle until one o'clock this afternoon, due to lack of quorum.
With early detection, a political source said on Saturday that the Sadrist movement Liberal bloc decided to boycott the parliamentary session scheduled for today, to host Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the reshuffle, in protest against the "partisan quotas" in the selection of the new ministerial cabin.
As announced, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, said on Saturday (30 April 2016), for attending the meeting of the House of Representatives allocated for hosting on the reshuffle scheduled for today, if the session.
It was scheduled to see the parliamentary session scheduled to be held on Saturday (30 April 2016), the vote on the decision to consider the city of Baiji, a disaster area, hosting the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on the reshuffle, the first reading of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary Command Council Resolution Act (dissolved ) No. 213 of 2000,
and the first reading of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary command Council resolution Act (dissolved) No. 80 of 2000, and the first reading of the proposed cancellation of the Revolutionary command Council resolution Act (dissolved) No. 481 of 1989.
Referred to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq lifted, the first on Thursday, (28 April 2016), the 26th session of the second legislative term of the second legislative year to the day Saturday (30 April 2016), after the formation of a committee to negotiate with the protesters and vote on the request for resignation MP for the coalition of state law Hassan Sinead, and the end of the first reading of two bills and discuss three bills.
The session witnessed 26 of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, which was held on Tuesday (26 April 2016), a unanimous vote on the nomination Ala rich and Minister of Health and meet James Baldwin, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, and Hassan al-Janabi, a minister of water resources,
and Alaa Disher and Minister of Electricity and Abdul Razzaq al-Issa, Minister of Higher Education and scientific research, and in order to vote on the candidate the post of foreign minister and Sharif Ali bin Al Hussein, the parliament failed to grant confidence to the ministers of Education and Justice.
The meeting also included a vote on the invalidity of the protesters deputies measures, through the hosting of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to view ministerial cabin, and Machdth of a quarrel between the MP for the coalition of state law Kazem Sayadi and protect Abadi after trying Sayadi attack on the Prime Minister, as Abadi also received bursts Baknana water by some protesters of Representatives.
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi political scene of severe congestion compounded by a sit-in group of deputies, and removal of the Presidium of the parliament, the center refused Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, a collection of important political blocs, recognizing the legitimacy of the procedure,
while the Sadrists pressure on the current ministers to resign immediately, demanded a vote on "closed envelope" first, to resolve the current crisis list, to announce the then vice-Liberal bloc to end their sit-in at the invitation of the current leader Moqtada al-Sadr.  LINK

 [tlm724] that dozens of officials, have left the country over the Baghdad International Airport, hours after the storming of the supporters of the Sadrist movement Green Zone in central Baghdad
[tlm724] leaving a large number of officials in the Iraqi state, accompanied by their families
[tlm724] we must keep in mind that there is also a legislative break until May 10th too
[tlm724] just sayin
[tlm724] Thousands of demonstrators Sadrist movement stormed on Saturday, the Green Zone and the building of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, the center of Baghdad, to protest against the lack of comprehensive reforms, minutes after the speech by the current leader Moqtada al-Sadr in which i'tikaaf announced for two months and the province of the political process and the good of the people between the quota system and bring down the government .
[tlm724] if they don't get rid of the quota system it's lights out !
[poopsie]  Crying or Very sad    
[tlm724] they have to make an example of the highest order against corruption too !
[tlm724] I know some of you don't want to hear it but it's the truth, Iraq is on the edge of a cliff here !
[poopsie] scary stuff
[tlm724] will they step back and save themselves ? Lord I hope so !!
[poopsie] sure hope they do
[tlm724] yeah it is scary stuff but it is reality, you can't sugar coat the truth with dinar fairy dust here
Chihod: the only solution out of the political crisis lies the sacking or resignation of the three presidencies

01/05/2016 12:43 |  Direction Press / Baghdad
 A member of the House of Representatives for a coalition of state law, reformist MP Mohammad Chihod that the only solution to get out of the political crisis lies the sacking or resignation of the three presidencies and salvation of sectarian symbols that destroyed Iraq.
He Chihod in a press release received "direction Press" a copy of it today that: both go to the non-resignation or dismissal of the three presidencies, including going to the cabinet reshuffle but wants to keep Iraq's valuable endless cycle,
noting that "the country is going through conditions sensitive than It requires parliamentary blocs to bear the historical and national responsibilities and attend to all of the House of Representatives at the invitation of chairman of the interim parliament, Adnan al-Janabi, to elect a new presidency of the body. "
He added that: first tasks body new presidency will question the prime minister signaled the dismissal of thegovernment and accelerate the formation of an efficient and professional government commensurate with thechallenges of the stage, either just thinking about the survival of the quota system of party symbols and Ketloah Ministerial and change the partial or total this is a waste of time and laughed at the chins. "
tlm724:     I smell a rat here, three actually, Maliki, Allawi and Najafi !!!

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