Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 3-07-16 Part 2 of 2
Parliamentary Integrity: the assignment of corruption files into private banks judiciary
Political Since 03/07/2016 13:18 pm (Baghdad time) Special - balances News
Admitted to the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, on Monday, all civil investigations of banks is completed and forwarded to the Integrity Commission and the judiciary, describing those banks as "shops" to sell the currency and smuggling of currency abroad.
Said committee member Mohamed fact that L / balance News /, "The committee began an extensive investigation into the work of private banks and responded to it by Akhbarat this regard where he was awarded a number of those banks files into the Integrity Commission and the Iraqi judiciary and timely issued arrest warrants and Astkdamat toward managers number from private banks, "noting that" measures have been taken and were different and disparate judicial rulings in this regard. "
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 3-07-16 Part 2 of 2
Parliamentary Integrity: the assignment of corruption files into private banks judiciary
Political Since 03/07/2016 13:18 pm (Baghdad time) Special - balances News
Admitted to the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, on Monday, all civil investigations of banks is completed and forwarded to the Integrity Commission and the judiciary, describing those banks as "shops" to sell the currency and smuggling of currency abroad.
Said committee member Mohamed fact that L / balance News /, "The committee began an extensive investigation into the work of private banks and responded to it by Akhbarat this regard where he was awarded a number of those banks files into the Integrity Commission and the Iraqi judiciary and timely issued arrest warrants and Astkdamat toward managers number from private banks, "noting that" measures have been taken and were different and disparate judicial rulings in this regard. "
He added that "the files relating to banks and civil varied including those related to money laundering and the other is the existence of suspicions of corruption in connection with the work of those banks where the most Alakhbarat received by the Commission confirm that some of those working in Iraq banks just" shops "to sell the currency shall not exercise its banking customary form a globally assigned to it according to the law. "
He pointed out that it "was a means of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad," explaining that "the Commission stressed the central bank to take legal measures lead to the provisions of the work of these banks."
He explained that "the central bank move a number of cases against a number of banks in the past and the imposition of various fines as a result of financial and administrative irregularities by those banks," noting that "most of the criminal cases brought by the Central Bank decided by the Iraqi judiciary issued various provisions to fine those banks ".
It is said that the Parliamentary Integrity Commission member Adel Nouri revealed, earlier, to contain the currency auction of the massive smuggling of state funds operations in addition to fit on a forged bonds, while noting that the Commission has developed community banks in the black list. is over LINK
From: Nur al-Din Wahba
[tlm724] Integrity Commission, on Monday, all civil investigations of banks is completed and forwarded to the Integrity Commission and the judiciary, describing those banks as "shops" to sell the currency and smuggling of currency abroad.
[tlm724] wow !! and timely issued arrest warrants and Astkdamat toward managers number from private banks,
[tlm724] Commission confirm that some of those working in Iraq banks just" shops "to sell the currency shall not exercise its banking customary form a globally assigned to it according to the law.
[tlm724] He pointed out that it "was a means of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad,
[tlm724] revealed, earlier, to contain the currency auction of the massive smuggling of state funds operations in addition to fit on a forged bonds, while noting that the Commission has developed community banks in the black list
[tlm724] looks like they are issuing arrest warrants as well as fining, love it !!
[tlm724] therealbubbie thats why the auctions have been low, the corrupt are being watched and caught !
Antoine calls to attract money chunky among citizens
3/7/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi urged economist of the Central Bank expert on the need to take action and quick measures to convert the large masses of cash from savings blocks to investment blocks in light of the financial and economic situation ,
which is going through the country, whether they are in Iraqi dinars , or the dollar. Scarce liquidity and added economic expert on behalf of Antoine Speaking «morning»: in light of the crisis experienced by banks and lack of liquidity, the amounts chunky among citizens and investors estimated at about 77 percent of the funds , according to financiers, economists ».
He noted the possibility of making use of those funds in the activation of investment , especially after the new amendments to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and make it commensurate with the reality of the country, because it would open a window of revenues rather than relying on a single revenue in the conduct of economic activities.
The investment law amended He said the investment law according to the rate of economic and investment commission will go to the development of the housing sector, and other sectors as well as the protection of foreign investors and joint investments and the granting of facilities in the area of loans and allocation of land through the single window.
It aims window circle one, according to the National Investment Commission to simplify the investment process by clarifying the legislation and improving the quality of services in the licensing process,
registration and allow the allocation of land and aims to provide investment applications in hand and one easily accessible, as well as the establishment of units for the exchange of information enables investors get answers to all their questions and inquiries,
let alone grant investors a preliminary approval provide them with facilities in the areas of partnership for Local market information - sectors and investment incentives. attract masses of cash and returned expert Antoine to say: to attract the masses of cash to banks will rid the country of foreign borrowing and its consequences ,
as well as enable it to create a cash substitute for borrowing and that there were benefits will remain at home, and reflected positively on the citizens with the need to take into account the focus on this block to be invested in investment issues and not a consumer. he concluded by saying but that requires speed up the enactment of the deposit Insurance Law, it is sponsor encourage citizens to save in banks.
[tlm724] he concluded by saying but that requires speed up the enactment of the deposit Insurance Law, it is sponsor encourage citizens to save in banks.
[tlm724] only way it will work !
The Washington Post: Iraq's reserves could fall to $ 43 billion .. fiscal deficits on the rise
translation: Range
Each month the Iraqi government paid nearly $ 4 billion for the salaries and retirement of the military and to the large numbers of public sector employees. But with the adoption of the government in more than 90% of its revenue on oil, and with the collapse of oil prices, this revenue Atsd more than half of those salaries.
The United States is trying to make sure Iraq 's ability to continue in military spending at a time trying to international loans and is prescribed in the plan austerity. However , some officials and analysts say that the Iraqi government may suffer the end of this year to pay 7 million employee salaries public, which could fuel a wide unrest.
With oil prices hovered around $ 30 a barrel, the whole region is forced to cut budgets and reduce the aid granted by the painful adjustments other. But for Iraq, the collapse came amid a war undermine its stability, there are lists for the reconstruction of the cities that were destroyed, and help the 3.3 million displaced people inside.
At a time when the state is facing the specter of bankruptcy, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi is trying to tackle corruption and increase government revenue in ways that sometimes seem not familiar. He says the appearance of the benefit of the economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
In recent weeks , Muqtada al - Sadr to mobilize tens of thousands of demonstrators in central Baghdad to demand reform is increasing the pressure on al - Abadi. These demonstrations echo the summer protests that came out to the streets to protest against government corruption and lack of services.
And today asked the public to pay more for these services has been reduced, while 3% of the salaries of state employees. Sadr said in his speech to the crowds last Friday , " the day the corrupt government asks the people of austerity, and because of the unknown fate trillions," adding that the demonstrations seeking to "save Iraq from looters."
Every day , Iraqis face new wages; Hospitals - which was free a long time ago - calling for symbolic wages even visitors of the sick, and there are plans to increase electricity fees, and in the southern city of Basra traders protest against the setting Kmarkip new fees.
he says horses carpets, a researcher at the Iraq Institute for economic reform for the wage increase, "this does not fit in wartime because it affects the morale. "
in the month of December the World Bank signed an agreement with Iraq to lend $ 1.2 billion to help it offset the decline in oil prices and security costs associated with fighting Daash. But Abadi says that the government collect money from any possible source.
He expected Iraq to be this year 's budget deficit of $ 25 billion based on the price of a barrel of oil to $ 45, but the benefit of appearance say that the deficit may be twice that number.
To deal with this situation on the near term, Iraq indulge in foreign reserves expected to fall to $ 43 billion this year after it was $ 59 billion last October. While cross - Abadi was confident the government 's ability to overcome the crisis, some seem more pessimistic in.
He says one of the officials in the West declined to be named . "They Istnvdon precautions faster than expected, which can lead to a point where it is difficult to continue to import and manage the country 's economy."
Iraq seeks more funding for the international Monetary Fund after receiving an emergency loan of $ 1.24 billion last year.
for its part offers the United States a loan of $ 2.7 billion for military spending, also it lent money to Germany , Iraq , more than 500 million euros (559 million dollars) for reconstruction. the
Iraqi government is trying to issue bonds and treasury bonds, but the bonds issued last year stopped because of the high yields demanded by investors.
at the same time the Iraqis that their leaders are stealing the country with impunity complain. Over the past month caused MP Mishan al - Jubouri, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee charged with monitoring corruption, with much fanfare when he admitted taking bribes in millions of dollars ,
saying of the Iraqi channel , "Every one of us has a role in corruption", and when asked by axes "you taken a bribe?" Replied , "I swear by my honor that I took a bribe , " he said , adding that at least he continued his work inquisitorial.
Trying Abadi move against graft, where the four officials referred to the court last month on charges of corruption, but with the prospect of losing a strong personalities and rampant graft at all levels of government , the challenge may be great.
he says in favor of the prime minister " is not easy to change 12 years of waste and corruption between day and night, but he is trying (Abadi)."
horses and believed that the government may be involved with some scratches in the current year but will face great difficulties if continued falling oil prices up to 2017, says : "if the government can not pay salaries , there will be strikes and breach of the law and order."
says Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity as long as the country needs it. The industry has been hobbled by years of international sanctions against Saddam Hussein, while the looting of more country factories in the looting that took place during the US invasion in 2003.
With a few jobs in the private sector, the Iraqis are accustomed to government jobs where workers do not produce more than 15 minutes a day on average, according to Saleh , "everyone in Iraq is seeking to lunch and bed and free breakfast."
in an effort to diversify in recent months , some of the old Iraqi factories began to work again for the manufacture of cigarettes, soft drinks and leather products. But even these new efforts are under because of the complexity of the political bickering and accusations of corruption and the quality of products. He said one of the demonstrators last week , "This country is rich, but they are asking the poor to bear the burden of corrupt government 's mistakes." LINK
[tlm724] At a time when the state is facing the specter of bankruptcy, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi is trying to tackle corruption and increase government revenue in ways that sometimes seem not familiar. He says the appearance of the benefit of the economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
[tlm724] economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
[tlm724] lol
[tlm724] sorry just thought him referencing a cash cow was funny
[cstacy] lol
[tlm724] to fall to $ 43 billion this year after it was $ 59 billion last October. While cross - Abadi was confident the government 's ability to overcome the crisis, some seem more pessimistic in.
[tlm724] it may fall that low, hard to say at this point
[tlm724] says Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity as long as the country needs it. The industry has been hobbled by years of international sanctions against Saddam Hussein, while the looting of more country factories in the looting that took place during the US invasion in 2003.
[tlm724] Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity
[tlm724] the question remains does Iraq have what it takes to make positive changes ? I think they do
He pointed out that it "was a means of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad," explaining that "the Commission stressed the central bank to take legal measures lead to the provisions of the work of these banks."
He explained that "the central bank move a number of cases against a number of banks in the past and the imposition of various fines as a result of financial and administrative irregularities by those banks," noting that "most of the criminal cases brought by the Central Bank decided by the Iraqi judiciary issued various provisions to fine those banks ".
It is said that the Parliamentary Integrity Commission member Adel Nouri revealed, earlier, to contain the currency auction of the massive smuggling of state funds operations in addition to fit on a forged bonds, while noting that the Commission has developed community banks in the black list. is over LINK
From: Nur al-Din Wahba
[tlm724] Integrity Commission, on Monday, all civil investigations of banks is completed and forwarded to the Integrity Commission and the judiciary, describing those banks as "shops" to sell the currency and smuggling of currency abroad.
[tlm724] wow !! and timely issued arrest warrants and Astkdamat toward managers number from private banks,
[tlm724] Commission confirm that some of those working in Iraq banks just" shops "to sell the currency shall not exercise its banking customary form a globally assigned to it according to the law.
[tlm724] He pointed out that it "was a means of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad,
[tlm724] revealed, earlier, to contain the currency auction of the massive smuggling of state funds operations in addition to fit on a forged bonds, while noting that the Commission has developed community banks in the black list
[tlm724] looks like they are issuing arrest warrants as well as fining, love it !!
[tlm724] therealbubbie thats why the auctions have been low, the corrupt are being watched and caught !
Antoine calls to attract money chunky among citizens
3/7/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD Shokran Fatlawi urged economist of the Central Bank expert on the need to take action and quick measures to convert the large masses of cash from savings blocks to investment blocks in light of the financial and economic situation ,
which is going through the country, whether they are in Iraqi dinars , or the dollar. Scarce liquidity and added economic expert on behalf of Antoine Speaking «morning»: in light of the crisis experienced by banks and lack of liquidity, the amounts chunky among citizens and investors estimated at about 77 percent of the funds , according to financiers, economists ».
He noted the possibility of making use of those funds in the activation of investment , especially after the new amendments to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 and make it commensurate with the reality of the country, because it would open a window of revenues rather than relying on a single revenue in the conduct of economic activities.
The investment law amended He said the investment law according to the rate of economic and investment commission will go to the development of the housing sector, and other sectors as well as the protection of foreign investors and joint investments and the granting of facilities in the area of loans and allocation of land through the single window.
It aims window circle one, according to the National Investment Commission to simplify the investment process by clarifying the legislation and improving the quality of services in the licensing process,
registration and allow the allocation of land and aims to provide investment applications in hand and one easily accessible, as well as the establishment of units for the exchange of information enables investors get answers to all their questions and inquiries,
let alone grant investors a preliminary approval provide them with facilities in the areas of partnership for Local market information - sectors and investment incentives. attract masses of cash and returned expert Antoine to say: to attract the masses of cash to banks will rid the country of foreign borrowing and its consequences ,
as well as enable it to create a cash substitute for borrowing and that there were benefits will remain at home, and reflected positively on the citizens with the need to take into account the focus on this block to be invested in investment issues and not a consumer. he concluded by saying but that requires speed up the enactment of the deposit Insurance Law, it is sponsor encourage citizens to save in banks.
[tlm724] he concluded by saying but that requires speed up the enactment of the deposit Insurance Law, it is sponsor encourage citizens to save in banks.
[tlm724] only way it will work !
The Washington Post: Iraq's reserves could fall to $ 43 billion .. fiscal deficits on the rise
translation: Range
Each month the Iraqi government paid nearly $ 4 billion for the salaries and retirement of the military and to the large numbers of public sector employees. But with the adoption of the government in more than 90% of its revenue on oil, and with the collapse of oil prices, this revenue Atsd more than half of those salaries.
The United States is trying to make sure Iraq 's ability to continue in military spending at a time trying to international loans and is prescribed in the plan austerity. However , some officials and analysts say that the Iraqi government may suffer the end of this year to pay 7 million employee salaries public, which could fuel a wide unrest.
With oil prices hovered around $ 30 a barrel, the whole region is forced to cut budgets and reduce the aid granted by the painful adjustments other. But for Iraq, the collapse came amid a war undermine its stability, there are lists for the reconstruction of the cities that were destroyed, and help the 3.3 million displaced people inside.
At a time when the state is facing the specter of bankruptcy, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi is trying to tackle corruption and increase government revenue in ways that sometimes seem not familiar. He says the appearance of the benefit of the economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
In recent weeks , Muqtada al - Sadr to mobilize tens of thousands of demonstrators in central Baghdad to demand reform is increasing the pressure on al - Abadi. These demonstrations echo the summer protests that came out to the streets to protest against government corruption and lack of services.
And today asked the public to pay more for these services has been reduced, while 3% of the salaries of state employees. Sadr said in his speech to the crowds last Friday , " the day the corrupt government asks the people of austerity, and because of the unknown fate trillions," adding that the demonstrations seeking to "save Iraq from looters."
Every day , Iraqis face new wages; Hospitals - which was free a long time ago - calling for symbolic wages even visitors of the sick, and there are plans to increase electricity fees, and in the southern city of Basra traders protest against the setting Kmarkip new fees.
he says horses carpets, a researcher at the Iraq Institute for economic reform for the wage increase, "this does not fit in wartime because it affects the morale. "
in the month of December the World Bank signed an agreement with Iraq to lend $ 1.2 billion to help it offset the decline in oil prices and security costs associated with fighting Daash. But Abadi says that the government collect money from any possible source.
He expected Iraq to be this year 's budget deficit of $ 25 billion based on the price of a barrel of oil to $ 45, but the benefit of appearance say that the deficit may be twice that number.
To deal with this situation on the near term, Iraq indulge in foreign reserves expected to fall to $ 43 billion this year after it was $ 59 billion last October. While cross - Abadi was confident the government 's ability to overcome the crisis, some seem more pessimistic in.
He says one of the officials in the West declined to be named . "They Istnvdon precautions faster than expected, which can lead to a point where it is difficult to continue to import and manage the country 's economy."
Iraq seeks more funding for the international Monetary Fund after receiving an emergency loan of $ 1.24 billion last year.
for its part offers the United States a loan of $ 2.7 billion for military spending, also it lent money to Germany , Iraq , more than 500 million euros (559 million dollars) for reconstruction. the
Iraqi government is trying to issue bonds and treasury bonds, but the bonds issued last year stopped because of the high yields demanded by investors.
at the same time the Iraqis that their leaders are stealing the country with impunity complain. Over the past month caused MP Mishan al - Jubouri, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee charged with monitoring corruption, with much fanfare when he admitted taking bribes in millions of dollars ,
saying of the Iraqi channel , "Every one of us has a role in corruption", and when asked by axes "you taken a bribe?" Replied , "I swear by my honor that I took a bribe , " he said , adding that at least he continued his work inquisitorial.
Trying Abadi move against graft, where the four officials referred to the court last month on charges of corruption, but with the prospect of losing a strong personalities and rampant graft at all levels of government , the challenge may be great.
he says in favor of the prime minister " is not easy to change 12 years of waste and corruption between day and night, but he is trying (Abadi)."
horses and believed that the government may be involved with some scratches in the current year but will face great difficulties if continued falling oil prices up to 2017, says : "if the government can not pay salaries , there will be strikes and breach of the law and order."
says Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity as long as the country needs it. The industry has been hobbled by years of international sanctions against Saddam Hussein, while the looting of more country factories in the looting that took place during the US invasion in 2003.
With a few jobs in the private sector, the Iraqis are accustomed to government jobs where workers do not produce more than 15 minutes a day on average, according to Saleh , "everyone in Iraq is seeking to lunch and bed and free breakfast."
in an effort to diversify in recent months , some of the old Iraqi factories began to work again for the manufacture of cigarettes, soft drinks and leather products. But even these new efforts are under because of the complexity of the political bickering and accusations of corruption and the quality of products. He said one of the demonstrators last week , "This country is rich, but they are asking the poor to bear the burden of corrupt government 's mistakes." LINK
[tlm724] At a time when the state is facing the specter of bankruptcy, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi is trying to tackle corruption and increase government revenue in ways that sometimes seem not familiar. He says the appearance of the benefit of the economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
[tlm724] economic adviser to the prime minister , "we have to fill the gap but it is measured now and cash flow is very slow. Cow cash - old carried them milk."
[tlm724] lol
[tlm724] sorry just thought him referencing a cash cow was funny
[cstacy] lol
[tlm724] to fall to $ 43 billion this year after it was $ 59 billion last October. While cross - Abadi was confident the government 's ability to overcome the crisis, some seem more pessimistic in.
[tlm724] it may fall that low, hard to say at this point
[tlm724] says Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity as long as the country needs it. The industry has been hobbled by years of international sanctions against Saddam Hussein, while the looting of more country factories in the looting that took place during the US invasion in 2003.
[tlm724] Abadi that there are some positive changes will come with the crisis - an opportunity for economic reforms and economic diversity
[tlm724] the question remains does Iraq have what it takes to make positive changes ? I think they do
Kurdish lawmaker: Abadi agreed to share the Kurds ministerial change and will support the region financially
March 7, 2016 14:28 Vice said the coalition of Kurdish blocs that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed to grant share of the Kurds in the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle and he would launch an initiative to bring out the Kurdistan region and help from the financial crisis. "
He said the JI Bloc chairman Ahmed Haji Rashid, who attended the meeting of the heads and a representative of the Kurdish blocs in parliament with Abadi latter's office yesterday evening that "the meeting discussed a number of important topics, including the differences between the KRG and the federal government,
In this regard, the Prime Minister expressed his willingness to launch an initiative towards the Kurdistan region, which is assisting the region in the economic sphere and take out the Kurdistan region from the financial crisis afflicting. "
He said Rashid "We also discussed the reforms conducted by the Prime Minister, and the need to be holistic file, we emphasized the need to be Kurds 20% in the government, and the Prime Minister agreed to this proposal, as we have agreed to put forward several candidates to fill ministerial posts in order to be prime minister free in the selection of the candidate who suits him in the government work. "
He said Kurdish lawmaker "We also talked about the need to be for the Kurdistan region's share of foreign loans given to Iraq and expressed Abadi is ready to exchange the Kurdistan region proportion of these loans on condition that the province provides guarantees to repay these loans jointly, as we talked about entitlements peasants of Kurdistan, and in this topic also Abadi confirmed approval of the disbursement of these funds. "
He said MP Ahmad Haji Rashid "We put forward the subject of treatment of the injured chemical weapons, and we went back and studied Abadi treat those wounded at government expense."
[tlm724] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed to grant share of the Kurds in the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle and he would launch an initiative to bring out the Kurdistan region and help from the financial crisis
March 7, 2016 14:28 Vice said the coalition of Kurdish blocs that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed to grant share of the Kurds in the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle and he would launch an initiative to bring out the Kurdistan region and help from the financial crisis. "
He said the JI Bloc chairman Ahmed Haji Rashid, who attended the meeting of the heads and a representative of the Kurdish blocs in parliament with Abadi latter's office yesterday evening that "the meeting discussed a number of important topics, including the differences between the KRG and the federal government,
In this regard, the Prime Minister expressed his willingness to launch an initiative towards the Kurdistan region, which is assisting the region in the economic sphere and take out the Kurdistan region from the financial crisis afflicting. "
He said Rashid "We also discussed the reforms conducted by the Prime Minister, and the need to be holistic file, we emphasized the need to be Kurds 20% in the government, and the Prime Minister agreed to this proposal, as we have agreed to put forward several candidates to fill ministerial posts in order to be prime minister free in the selection of the candidate who suits him in the government work. "
He said Kurdish lawmaker "We also talked about the need to be for the Kurdistan region's share of foreign loans given to Iraq and expressed Abadi is ready to exchange the Kurdistan region proportion of these loans on condition that the province provides guarantees to repay these loans jointly, as we talked about entitlements peasants of Kurdistan, and in this topic also Abadi confirmed approval of the disbursement of these funds. "
He said MP Ahmad Haji Rashid "We put forward the subject of treatment of the injured chemical weapons, and we went back and studied Abadi treat those wounded at government expense."
[tlm724] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed to grant share of the Kurds in the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle and he would launch an initiative to bring out the Kurdistan region and help from the financial crisis
via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog
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