Don't WAIT!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Thursday Night 3-31-16


Elmerf123456: Sharing
I promised not to drop names but was told to inform all of the family that  a very close friend of mine gave me a call 30 minutes ago.  This friend is very special and had it not been for this individual, many of us may not be in this venture today. One could say he certainly is a pioneer!
This has been an arduous task to say the least and there have been many ups and downs that have caused a strain. This particular person is elated and I have not seen this much enthusiasm from them in a long time.

From what I was told, the information is good and and moving to great! With all the things that have transpired this week know there are no coincidences! We know better, we're good students...And have been fortunate to be surrounded with great teachers among us!  
I share in their excitement and have been prepared for the conclusion and am ready to embrace its arrival and I'm confident all of you are as well.

We are in a good place and our patience will be rewarded. I consider I'm  to be fortunate to have been included in this endeavor and will do my part to make this Blessing not just about money, but empowerment to better our world. 

Walkingstick:  Deputy: Parliament Select 10 days to study the candidates for cabinet reshuffle

deputy for the National Alliance said that the House of Representatives Select 10 days to study the biographies of the list of candidates submitted by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi in a cabinet reshuffle.

Said Harith al-Harthy told all of Iraq [where] that "the parliament select months for a change in the independent bodies and special grades and deputy ministers, military leaders and all the positions that are managed by proxy" .anthy

Agreement between Parliament and Abadi on the change of independent bodies during the month

 BAGHDAD / .. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the Iraqi Council of Representatives agreed Thursday to change the independent bodies within a month.
A reporter for "Eye of Iraq News," that "the Presidency of the Council of Representatives agreed with the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to change the independent bodies within a month."

He added, "The Commission also agreed with the submission Abadi (22) a name to fill the ministerial positions, and set a deadline a week, to study that does not include the ministers of defense, interior, and that the requirements of the current stage of security."
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi entered the parliament hall, while the Presidency resumed session of parliament in the presence of 285 deputies to ask Wazzra.anthy change the file 8

Jay:  First let me say I stongly feel this article is BS....but if it not..OH would love some input fam.

Really..10 days for a background check..c'mon man. They know who these replacements are otherwise they would have not put their names in the hat. Month(s) for what..? JUNE..????

I would really like to know if Franky's notes take us into June or not cause if this article is not BS..its lookin like it to me...IMO... Hope I'm wrong. Iran, Vietnam...step out of the line and walk up towards the front

Frank26:  IMO .............  Good post response !!!
OneWildRide:  Emerging-Market Currencies Head for Record Month as Stocks Rally

Updated on March 31, 2016 — 6:42 AM CDT

Equities poised for strongest monthly gain since October 2011

Brent crude rebound spurs March rallies in ruble, ringgit
Emerging-market currencies were set to cap the strongest monthly rally on record as commodities rebounded and the dollar weakened.

An index tracking 20 exchange rates rose 0.5 percent as of 7:39 a.m. in New York, led by Russia’s ruble. The measure has climbed 6.1 percent in March. The MSCI Emerging Markets index of shares added 0.4 percent on Thursday, poised for its biggest monthly increase since May 2009. A more dovish stance by the Federal Reserve has put a U.S. currency gauge on course for its steepest monthly loss since 2010.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen this week calmed investors unnerved by a chorus of U.S. central bankers signaling a quicker pace of interest-rate increases, saying policy makers must proceed cautiously as the global economy presents heightened risks. Her speech helped riskier assets resume a rally that had been stalled by the dollar’s six-day advance through March 25 against major peers.

“The stars are aligned for EM currencies right now,” said Per Hammarlund, the chief emerging-market strategist at SEB SA in Stockholm. “They were long overdue for a correction, as valuations in many emerging markets had become very attractive. In addition, concerns over China have eased. The Fed has turned more dovish over the past two months.”


All 24 emerging-market currencies tracked by Bloomberg appreciated in March. The Brazilian real and ruble posted the biggest gains and increased more than 11 percent. The two exchange rates climbed at least 6 percent each against the euro.

On Thursday, the ruble added 1.5 percent as Brent crude headed for the best monthly increase in 11 months. The South African rand advanced 1 percent.

The emerging-market currency index also rose 4.8 percent in the first quarter, the biggest jump in more than five years, and reached the highest level since November. Malaysia’s ringgit, the real and ruble took the top rankings in the three months.


As Brent crude climbed 8 percent in March, energy and materials shares led the month’s gains among the 10 industry groups in the MSCI index, which rose 13 percent. The gauge is valued at 11.3 times its 12-month estimated earnings, compared with 16 for the MSCI World Index, which increased 6.5 percent for the month.

Relative Rotation Graph shows energy and raw-material stocks are outperforming the MSCI gauge by the most.

Relative Rotation Graph shows energy and raw-material stocks are outperforming the MSCI gauge by the most.

On Thursday, Dubai’s benchmark measure rose 0.9 percent to a one-week high. Russia’s dollar-denominated RTS Index headed for a second day of gains.

The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index of mainland stocks listed in Hong Kong rose 0.3 percent, paring the month’s gain to 14 percent, the best since April last year. Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. surged the most on record after billionaire Wang Jianlin was said to consider privatizing the company. The Shanghai Composite Index completed its steepest monthly rally in a year.

“Foreign inflows are returning to emerging markets and corporate earnings will be something to watch out for in the next few quarters,” said Danny Wong Teck Meng chief executive officer of Kuala Lumpur-based Areca Capital Sdn., which manages about $224 million. “The main uncertainty would still be statements from the Federal Reserve, as they can shift targets and stance at anytime depending on the data.”
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