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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  3-29-16    Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  3-29-16    Part 3 of 3
rcookie says):Economist: loans are easier and wider door for overcoming the crisis and fears of corruption institutions
Confirmed Economist, the solution to the economic crisis the country is facing are two options are reduced expenditures and increased revenues or loans, except loans "section easier and wider" to overcome the crisis, he stressed that international institutions will provide loans in cash. "
Expert in finance Bassem Jamil told Antoine (range), that "Iraq today faces the plight and deepening economic crisis and undeniable, because of lower imports of oil sales by over 60%, and the lack of other sources," returned "the economy was moving at random and disorganized in the absence of the productive sectors, especially industry, agriculture and tourism, which were very large financial resource will serve the country."
Antoine said, that "the solution to the crisis facing the country is to reduce expenses or increase revenue and loans", stating that "the first option is not easy or easy, accompanied by the imposition of taxes and fees, so the loan is easier and wider door."
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rcookie says():Antoine, noted that "the World Bank loans and financial organizations in accordance with the conviction of the Iraqi economy on track, not by the mood of the Iraqi rulers", noting that "these institutions will provide loans in cash but will provide the funding for projects submitted by Iraq, under the control of those institutions."
And expert opinion in financial affairs, said that "the financing of budget deficit this year should be via loans, one Islamic Bank loan amounting to $ 500 million," he said, adding that "this loan, and is lending Iraq $ 250 million dollars."
Antoine promised that "there is a fear among the international institutions that characterize those corrupt loans, such as those that swallowed the $ 800 billion through successive budgets without offering something tangible," stressing that "loans would be subject to scrutiny and control.
Warnings withdrawal of international institutions for the "helping hand"
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rcookie says():For its part, the Commission stressed the economy and investing in the Chamber of Deputies, on the need to "preserve the funds provided by international institutions," warned "pull those institutions to help be wasting that money."
She is a member of the Parliamentary Committee on the economy and investment in Nora albegari (range), that "it is necessary to maintain the funds will be converted from international banks and Islamic, asserting that" many of those funds which have been allocated to help Iraq formerly went without knowing their fate
Albegari, called for "serious work for lasting liaison with international financial institutions, through the implementation of vital projects through loans," warned "pull those institutions to assist in the event of non-implementation of those projects and the squandering of funds, leading to a very big problem because of the suffocating financial crisis facing the country."
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 rcookie says():World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, (26 March 2016), possibility of making World Bank assistance to the Iraqi Government headed by Haidar Abadi "for economic and administrative reforms", while referring to allocate 250 million dollars for reconstruction of the liberated areas of e Organization (daash), "stressed the international community with Iraq in the war against terrorism."; LINK

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rcookie says():holy &^EE^#*......
_firefly_ says to rcookie():Very nice (y) (y)
msdiva says():I had to laugh when i ready XXXXX float theory again i dont care if floats flops or flips just show a rate
subgirl says to rcookie():NICE :) WOW! World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, (26 March 2016), possibility of making World Bank assistance to the Iraqi Government headed by Haidar Abadi "for economic and administrative reforms", while referring to allocate 250 million dollars for reconstruction of the liberated areas of e Organization (daash), "stressed the international community with Iraq in the war against terrorism."
bigrudy says to hutch():Been hearing the same things for the past few month. "This is a great new!!" :D
bigrudy says to hutch():So where is our money then? (lol)
msdiva says():so have they entered article 8 already
bigrudy says to hutch():so what does it mean?
jtank says():wmawhite talks about art 8 around 11-30 today in chat
msdiva says():that sure was a quick move on their part
RickeyT says():
hutch says():If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
Edoman says():can we finally say that Iraq have exited Article 8 as for today. yes or no. l just came in.
msdiva says to Edoman():8-| im confused on that one you might want to check the forum
jeffusa says():A major showdown is underway in BaghdadShia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose armed followers once fought US and Iraqi forces, is now demanding the Iraqi government get rid of corruption. He is championing for better government and wants technocrats to lead the country.
jeffusa says():The adoption of a points system .. Abadi new ministers are ready to vote next Thursday
2016 - 03-29 State of Law Coalition, revealed that the new ministerial cabin ready to vote next Thursday, noting that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi points system will depend ministerial change.
The leader of the coalition , said Saad logistical »new ministerial cabin was to be presented today to the parliament for a vote and is ready to vote next Thursday», indicating that «Abadi another offer ministerial cabin at the request of the National Alliance leaders«.
jeffusa says():He added that the logistical «Abadi points system will depend ministerial change and the principle of balance between the components of Iraq», and the selection of ministers from nominations Sadrist leader among the «Abadi would run from the chest cabins ministries operated by the Sadrists now».
It is said that al - Abadi deadline of the political blocs to submit their candidates for ministerial change has ended yesterday the first Friday after the duration of two days and before that a whole week.
rcookie says to subgirl():No real growth in the economy without advanced banking services
cjquade54 says to rcookie():advanced banking services are pretty much ready to go yes?
rcookie says to cjquade54():yes...they sure are...
cjquade54 says to rcookie():(y)
rcookie says to cjquade54():only 6 people read wb
jeffusa says to rcookie():was Shabbi one of them?
rcookie says():there is so much amazing news and developments.....
msdiva says to rcookie():its coming all out the wood works isnt it beautiful (F)
rcookie says to msdiva():yes it is...but some are missing the scenery....
jeffusa says to rcookie():getting car sick.... ready to get out of the car (lol)
msdiva says to rcookie():awww dont worry they will catch up
rcookie says():Coalition raids in Mosul and the Heat kills 120 Daashaa including a senior leader
the source: BAGHDAD - A statement agencies   Date: March 30, 2016
jeffusa says to rcookie():nice
rcookie says():No real growth in the economy without advanced banking services
3/29/2016 0:00  Adnan Kanani economic growth in modern Iraq can not be released without a growth in the overall and sectoral economic indicators of the economy with an increase in the volume of investment in order to raise and improve the living standards of the citizens.
The GDP one of the important indicators , where he expresses the economic performance of the country 's efficiency and the development of the national income , which will reflect on the improvement of per capita income and economic and social well - being of the individual.
the oil can be considered as the main source for the growth of the Iraqi economy through large fiscal revenues , where the Iraqi economy dependent Klaaaly oil exports and revenues to finance the federal budget , which Almsdralosas in financing for development and investment spending government programs.
But in Iraq , the financial returns of oil did not invest in the development of existing industries or create a new industry and that is what we observe through the paralysis of our national industry and our agriculture and its dependence on import for the needs of the local market and providing food basket and opened the floodgates of foreign industrial and agricultural products ,
which invaded our markets and destroyed our economy . as well as the longer average per capita one income and economic growth measurable indicators, as an increase in real per capita income Ooxiaodh its ability to meet the needs means achieve economic growth in the country , which leads to people 's livelihood improvement.
the provision of job opportunities for citizens and the elimination of unemployment is another indicator of economic growth as well as providing goods and services required to satisfy the needs of citizens and to improve the health, educational and cultural level, as economic growth reflects reduce social and economic disparities between the layers of the society, as well as a reflection of that growth to the improvement of the balance of payments and to achieve the national security of the state.
social justice is the most important requirements of economic development as the lack of availability lead to a breach in the development process, and reflects the economic growth and development of the remarkable economic development
rcookie says():there is a clear reduction in the investments that we feel is caused by the weakness of the banking and financial sound environment, and the lack of necessary credit, in addition to the lack of clarity in the decisions issued by the Central Bank of Iraq, particularly with regard to interest rates.
necessary to expand the use of more monetary policy instruments and the balance between the objectives of policy cash and cash instruments at the same time to ensure that there is no inconsistency between them, hopefully the application of the most important international accounting standards and the standards of the Basel Committee 1, 2 and 3.
the presence of financial control over the government and commercial banks and other financial institutions action that would lead to activating the performance of monetary policy in order to reach to the harmonious and in parallel with international standards and practices

the environment and to the entire banking sector takes a major role in the development and accelerate the formation of a supreme body shall take clear and practical recommendations in order to build an effective strategy in Iraq to reform the banking
 and the achievement of current developments and future related to the banking system, because the activation of the role of government and private banks became now an urgent need not accept the delay and procrastination , because it stems from the philosophy of the current state based on free economy.
rcookie says():previous policy removed iraq from growth circle....and underdevelopment caused poor un rankings....and high corruption rankings...and poor banking process...reporting and transaction surveillance tracking (data capture)....and data transparency that builds and encourages economic & financial confidence and credibility....
sassy says():In other words Maliki's policy
rcookie says):they want the 2 state banks restructured & privatized available to international investment to showcase newly implemented technologies and training making them on par with global standards....which is refreshing due to the gov't & private banks lagging and outpaced so badly in the the banking services and instruments sector...
Rcookie says():they identify weakness of banking and investment and lack of necessary credit as well as clarity in central bank policy especially toward interest rates...
cjquade54 says():those 2 state banks were 90% restructured a month or 2 ago .. they gotta be pretty much done
magnetlady says():That sounds awesome rcookie. I would think that would make all the difference in the world for their growth and trust around the world.
rcookie says():necessary to expand more monetary policy instruments...apply int'l accounting standards...and basel 1,2, control over gov't & commercial banks that would lead to activating the performance of monetary order to reach harmonious with int'l standards & practices....
rcookie says():developing banking sytem and role of private banks without delay or urgently needed for success in free economy...
rcookie says to magnetlady():yes it does the majority of news...
magnetlady says():YEA!!!!! rcookie
rcookie says to cjquade54():correct....and have been planned for such since not a new or rushed process...

rcookie says():so much revealed today from wb & imf....
rcookie says():posted article that hutch got in very early this morning that is amazing.....
rcookie says():all this development loan money from international agencies... not going to be funneled through same corrupt iraqi banking and ministries....

subgirl says to rcookie():cleaning out the banks is good!!

Jonhenry says():do you think that some was funneled before it got there by the way it was stated
jonhenry says():that was for cookie
rcookie says to jonhenry():nooooooo waaaaaaaay!!!
mydinar100 says to rcookie():Your research and analetical talents are incredible. Some time as you bring all this knowledge, throwing in your opinion helps also. Anyway thanks for your hard work. Did I mention a date and rate is needed. Seriously thanks!
 hutch says():MORE BANKING NEWS
The conclusion of the internal audit cycle in banks organized by the Iraqi private banks association
Economy News: Concluded in Baghdad on Tuesday, 03.29.2016 training course organized by the Association of Iraqi private banks around the internal audit banking.
And thrown in session over the three days of lectures and research focused on Ttaiwiramufhom General of the Department of Internal Audit. And consolidate Almkhatrodor idea of the functions of the Department of the banks and their structure.
He participated in the course, which was supervised by the International Training Expert Rami Hourani (32) of workers in the private banks.
He Maderaltnive Association Tariq Ali vacationer in a speech the importance of the conclusion of the session and the impact of such courses in the development of the capacity of workers in the private banking sector. For the advanced banking experiences in the world and transferred to the workers in this sector.
Referring to the Association plans to set up more training courses in Ataralatvakiet which had previously concluded with the Arab and international institutions specialized sober affairs in banking.
The association of Iraqi private banks were organized in the past Alashahrakulailh many workers in this sector training courses covering various specializations.
hutch says():

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