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Thursday, March 31, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning 3-31-16

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DebTarHeelGirl's Conference Call Playback is via weblink only. 

Fantastic pre and post RV information was given with powerful prayers throughout
Click here to listen
Starting April 1st Commercial Banks In Vietnam Are Banned From Offering Corporate Loans In Currencies Other Than The Dong.

Starting April 1, commercial banks in Vietnam are banned from offering corporate loans in currencies other than the Dong, according to Circular No. 24 the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)...
See Article Below:


ScoobyDoo:  It's April 1st tomorrow if it RV's people may think it's a joke. I'd love to see it.



Sparke:  Deal about to be reached in parliament. New technocrat ministers nominated by parties, reduce to 18 ministries, 10 days to vote in

Defence & Interior will be last to vote in. Within 30 days a change for all independent commissions & bodies senior staff

Sit ins will end, Sadr to leave IZ. Deal led by Abadi, Hakeem, Sadr agreement this morning. Other parties backed this short while ago

RaginCajun:  10 days to vote in, a few days to pass laws, a few days to plant flag in mosul, a few days we at the bank

Tulips:  Link to the article;  My article is yesterday's news. Sparke has the INFO.

Sparke:.PM submitted names of 16 ministerial nominees to Parliament. Tells parliament to discuss & accept or propose new ones. No vote likely today

Sparke:  Means parties now have to make the decision, PM put ball in their court. They have 10 days to agree. Defence+Interior will be delayed

Sparke:  PM says reforms would not have happened without GA Sistani and thanks @Mu_AlSadr for support & peaceful push


Greenrage:  I get a news letter from Palisade radio...and he usually had some good info about gold.. Jim Rickards: The US Dollar Is a Shadow Gold Currency - The New Case for Gold


Doodlebug:  Baghdad critical hours between the parliament and the government and the protestors

Baghdad critical hours between the parliament and the government and the protestors 
A travel ban on officials in the lists of the investigation into corruption 

Baghdad-Iraq is a crucial hours Thursday as parliament discusses the new government formation provided by Haider Abadi, head of government with the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr continued to push to rid the new selection from the influence of political parties. 

While holding the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption, on Wednesday, a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and took a number of decisions notably support the Integrity Commission on the Prevention of travel officials who are under investigation, and support workers in the regulatory procedures, as well as the central bank's competent to monitor financial institutions accounts and balances officials and follow-up in accordance with the law.
Ebadi said in a statement the Office of the time received a copy of it, that the Prime Minister chaired today a meeting of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption, noting that the Council has adopted a number of decisions in this area. 

The statement added that among the decisions to support the Integrity Commission on the Prevention of travel officials who are under investigation procedures and based on the evidence available to it, and support employees in supervisory organs of the integrity of financial control offices of inspectors general judges banking and credit control directorate and provide them with protection. 

He noted that the decision also included the Central Bank of Iraq competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and balances officials and follow-up according to the law, and to assign a member of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption in coordination with the competent integrity judge and investigator competent integrity to accelerate the completion of procedures for resolving the big issues of corruption. 

The statement continued that decisions are included as well as identify a mechanism to check the income of traders buying and selling real estate sources, in addition to a number of other decisions of the actual contribution to the fight against corruption and the prosecution of corrupt money and tampering with the Iraqis and putting them behind bars. 
The Abadi called on March 7, 2016, to revolt against the corruption starting with the head of the corruption of the highest in the state, while stressing the need to open large files, warned of the arrival of corruption to the regulatory agencies. 



Walkingstick:  Iraq is moving to implement IMF reforms

10:02:52 31/03/2016 BAGHDAD / obelisk: Put the IMF package of financial and economic reforms, which would conclude his visit in the middle of this week, after talks lasted nearly two weeks with .officials in Baghdad Iraq has suffered like other oil­producing countries, the decline in financial revenue as a result of falling crude oil prices by 68 percent, and fighting al Daash in many cities, and that .drained the treasury According to Anatolia, said Iraqi Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Adviser Abdul Hussein Al­Anbuge, "The conditions set by the International Monetary Fund to cope with the financial crisis in Iraq, which fall under the reforms that the government which seeks to ".reduce economic damage

He Anbuge, "There are no tough conditions imposed on Iraq by the International Monetary Fund in exchange for cash loans, the ideas proposed by the IMF is part of the reforms, but it may have an impact socially unacceptable in the long proximity," adding that "to reduce the " .damage to be forced to acceptance of certain conditions to face the biggest problem And head of the International Monetary Fund to give Iraq a financial loan demand by next June,

which would allow Iraq's $ 15 billion in international aid over the next three years, .according to a statement of Christian Gooch, head of the IMF mission in Iraq last Tuesday Anbuge explained that "some government institutions started to increase taxes such as the Ministry of Health, which raised medical services prices, the secretariat of Baghdad, raised the municipal services prices, currently operates several government committees to determine the possibility of selling some state property such as land, machinery and real ." estate, residential complexes, which are steps aimed at tackling the financial crisis Baghdad agreed in November last year to place the financial and economic policy to control
the International Monetary Fund for the years 2015­2016 a

fter the aggravation of the .financial crisis because of low oil prices in world markets The International Monetary Fund says that the biggest challenge before the agreement to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion will be gradually cut spending to match revenues, allowing .the country's debt to be stabilized by 2020 at 75% of GDP It sees Iraqi finance officials, that some of the conditions of the International Monetary Fund .can not be applied at the current stage, especially those associated with chip citizens A member of the Finance Committee in Parliament MP Sarhan, Ahmad, "The talks held by Iraq since last year and so far with the International Monetary Fund and some donors resulted in the agreement to give Iraq $ 6 billion, that the Fund shall oversee the loans and grants spending mechanism, but what some of the harsh conditions of the fund still can not " .

be applied Ahmed added that "among the conditions to raise subsidies for fuel (fuel) and off the ration card project, and this can not be applied and approved, because it is linked to a wide array of ".the Iraqi people The government will face a problem in raising taxes or creating new doors for the fees," because the law does not give it to issue decrees authority to raise taxes contrary to what is stipulated in the federal budget for the 2016 law," adding that "any increase in taxes should " .the government back to parliament for his approval Iraq relies by more than 85 percent of the annual financial revenue on sales of crude oil, whose prices have fallen by 68 percent since mid­2014, to less than $ 40 a barrel at the .moment

He warned the Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament member Abdul Qader Mohammed, the breadth of the phenomenon of tax evasion and corruption increase rates after raising the tax rate on some imported goods increased by 100% to meet the .
requirements of the International Monetary Fund Said Mohammed, "The government has raised taxes on the goods and the goods supplied from outside the country at different rates, some ratios were consistent with the scientific assessment, but some of the other ones, which imposed increases of 100%, including . "cigarettes and other materials will lead to more tax evasion and increasing corruption rates It shrank real GDP in Iraq by (­2.1 percent) over the past year, due to the continuation of the current conflict with the terrorist organization Daash, which exacerbated the deteriorating .infrastructure and disrupt the movement of trade and declining investor confidence Soaring oil production in areas controlled by the Iraqi government to reduce the decline in the local economy, "but in general the gap in the balance of payments of up to 5.1 percent of .the deficit to GDP," according to the fund

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