Don't WAIT!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Mnt Goat Update Monday 3-28-13: "The Technocratic Saga Continues" Part 1 of 2


Edition: UU6915         Dated: March 28, 2016
Title: “ The Technocratic Saga Continues….  ”
Hello Everyone,
Oh boy! Do I have some interesting news for you today. Seems the weekend was very busy for Iraq. The news is not again exactly what we wanted to hear but at least we can see continued pressure and movement. Also they are communicating with us too, so this is also very good.
NO Hype, NO Rumors, just the FACTS.

Today’s News
Today is Monday March 28th  2016. Still no RV.  Sorry Charlie!
 I know once again there was much hype for this past weekend to RV.  Just another sad Monday morning once again for thousands of  people. These same perpetrators bring their news to you so often and all I can say is WAKE UP!  No RV until the needed SECURITY and STABILITY is acquired in Iraq.
Does it look like Iraq is  politically secure and stable?  Does it look like the banking system is secure (with all the corruption still) or do they have all the needed banking parts/laws in place to communicate with and work with the international community especially their Arab neighbors? It’s what we don’t know they still may have to institute and so we wait.
I am constantly trying to paint this picture to you (to educate you) and to help you see that the level of security and stability that is needed and is fast approaching. This is their goal for both the political and financial paths I refer to so often.
But you chose who you want to believe and what you want to believe. It is after all  - your sanity….lol…lol… I am bringing you the truth. No secret sources from Iraq, No banks stories and certainly no RV timeframe unless I have some significant proof and can prove it.
So in late February I gave you an RV window of mid March to mid April. At this time the evidence was telling us that, if Iraq could complete certain tasks like – passing mandated laws, “fully” seating a “functional” government and “fully” implement their new constitution, the UN would be ready to move them into article 8 of the UN charter.
How do I know this is true?

Once again you must  read the article. Yes – it is time consuming, it is not an easy task to remember and put together events on a timeline to get the BIG picture. It takes time away from your family and friends. However, if  you have done this, you would have read that the IMF told Iraq just what needed to be accomplished. It did not come out all in one nice article. It has been a series of articles over time.
The IMF even stepped in and put the CBI into trust as long as a proxy governor is still acting in place. They sent in financial advisors and experts to help make the decisions that an experienced governor would be able to make. Further, while we are on this subject of governor of the CBI, I know for a FACT that part of the Abadi reforms also MUST include bringing a technocratic governor back to head the CBI. Three of the religious clerics as well as Allawi have also requested this action. Seems Keywords is just not working out, but we have known this all along. Again he is just another Maliki placed  proxy position, put in place to be subservient to Maliki and not for the good of Iraq. By the way Keywords has come out in public lately and told us he will be soon resigning. So this confirms us this action is very close.
I also want to mention again that contrary to what many believe Iraq is still in sanctions. We know they do not portray themselves this way but this is a fact. Until they move to article 8 and obtain once again an internationally tradable currency they are still technically in sanctions.
[Update: Iraqi Economy]
So many think the presence of the UN general secretary and the director of the World Bank means Iraq is going to RV this weekend. Really?
All I have to say to this nonsense is that these individuals know very little about the pulse of Iraq, as they brag they are experts. As I told you each month these figure heads come to Iraq to get a progress report. Abadi and the GOI must meet with them and give them their report card.
As I also said if they like the progress and all mandates have been accomplished, then an RV might be possible. But we can see from this recent news there is still work to be done and they spell out what must still be accomplished. So let’s read the articles and see what they tell us.
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Our economy / Baghdad
A source told the News of our economy that the World Bank Director Jim Yong Kim will arrive in Baghdad on Saturday, accompanied by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
The source, who declined to be named disclosed that the World Bank director will attend the parliament session on Saturday, will also meet Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
The source added that the World Bank director will discuss with the government and parliament, the economic and financial situation and ways out of the current financial crisis caused by lower crude oil prices
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I wanted to include this next article on the gas exports because we have heard all along that gas alone could rival the revenues from oil. Now Iraq seems to be taking advantage of it. All very, very good !
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Friday, March 25 / March 2016 - 14:19

BAGHDAD (Euphrates News) - Parliamentary Finance Committee, stressed that " the export of gas will be positive tributary of the general budget."
The Rapporteur of the Committee Ahmed al-Haj told {Euphrates News}, "The export of oil will be another tributary of the general budget, as it would encourage the economy sector, and leads him to recovery."
He added that " the issue of gas have become a necessity for all countries, as well as the existence of differences between Russia and Turkey, leading to obstruction of Russian gas export , " adding , "But if Iraq exported liquid gas will be another tributary of theresources of the budget."
Haj pointed out that "there is a switch and turn Khasi stations to liquid gas operations, which hurt positively on electricity, leads to reduced state spending, which is a positive sign."
The Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on Sunday, the first shipment of liquid gas condensate {} abroad through the port of Umm Qasr, the amount of estimated ten thousand standard cubic feet..
Abdul-Mahdi also announced on Wednesday, that will be released early next month, Iraq's second shipment of gas derivatives, stressing "We control 55% of the associated gas; to extract from various derivatives of free gas
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March 26, 2016
Our economy / Baghdad
Agency correspondent our economy News confirmed that both Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and planning Salman Jumaili and financial Hoshyar Zebari and the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords attended the meeting Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, the president of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmed Ali construction .

The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has received on Saturday Secretary General of the United Nations and World Bank President and Chairman of the Islamic Development Bank on a visit aimed to discuss the situation in Iraq's political, economic, financial and discuss opportunities to help Iraq out of the financial Zmth and support in the fight against terrorism as well as to restore stability to the liberated areas.
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[Update: 45 Day Deadline for Technocratic Gov’t]
First I want to congratulate prime minister Abadi for the diligence and patience he has shown in the face of trying to forming his new government.
It is a long road and there is much resistance. It is also discouraging at times when you know the final result is for the good of all Iraqi’s yet some still resist change and are insistent in staying in the same old paradigm of corruption, disunity and sectarianism. Note just how different his attitude and ability is in comparison to the former prime minister Nori al-Maliki when asked to accomplish the same.
So in my past news letter I brought you four of the five ministers that still needed to resign. So today we get the fifth minister, the minister of interior.   
I quote from the article – “Political source revealed early on Friday for providing Interior Minister Mohammed Salem Al Ghabban his resignation. Earlier last week Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Transport Minister Bayan Jabr and Minister of Youth and Sports, Abdul-Hussein Abtan, submitted their resignations from their posts”
Then FINALLY, under much pressure,  what do we see come out very early Thursday morning? The names of the candidates for each of the 22 ministries. Note now only 22 ministries. Just 1 ½ years ago it was 32 under Maliki’s administration so cost cutting and efficiency measures by Abadi combined and eliminated some of the ministries. I did not list all the candidates below as they would not be significant to most anyhow.
I do want to emphasis that the judicial ministry is also getting a through overall and they do plan to replace the head of the supreme judiciary council. I can hardly wait till this is all done. We also know once these new members are installed in their jobs it will not be long before we get the Judicial Reforms laws we all expect.
Yes – things are coming along very nicely so far. Just have patience. 
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Scales News
03/25/2016 00:59 pm (Baghdad time)
Reveal / balances News / final regulations made by the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr after he completed
the Committee of Experts mandated to choose candidates technocratic ministries names also reveal the
distribution among the ministries, according to submitted to the Office of the Prime Minister
Haider al-Abadi and Parliament  Speaker Salim al-Jubouri. and noted in this version exclude a number of candidates, most notably Nasser Al-Ghannam, who was a candidate for the Ministry of Defense but has been stricken.
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Next I bring you a series of articles from Iraq. These articles are meant once again to inform the citizens of Iraq and not us investors from the west. I tried to list them in the sequence to which they make sense. So please read them in that order. Here is a quick summary.
So first let me say before any of these articles came out Abadi handed over his list of nominees to Jubouri (the speaker of the house) so parliament had them.
Then the cleric Moqtada Sadr is telling the GOI the protests will continue and he gave assurance they will remain non-violent if they had to continue. But this continuance is now aimed at getting the parliament to VOTE and not at Abadi to do his job and get the nominees from the political blocks. He was expecting a reform package by Saturday and Abadi promised it would be completed by then but instead he got it on Thursday.  
But the most interesting statement from the first article is this and I quote – “offering Abadi the kind of street power he does not have to overcome resistance to reforms from within his own political bloc”
So we see the resistance to his reforms now is mostly coming from his own political block and we all know who is heading that block (Maliki and his goons). So Sadr is hoping Abadi and Jubouri are smart enough to use the advantage of the edge the protestors are giving him to overcome this resistance.
Sadr also states that once the names of the nominees where given to parliament there could still be stalling again by the same  political blocs that did not want to cooperate in forwarding technocratic candidates as replacements. . But he warns these parliamentary members,  that if they have to continue to protest and I quote – “warning that the protests will be directed against the parliamentarians who reject voting”
Then the next article on the very same subject matter but this time from Abadi who reinforces what Sadr just said  in his last news interview about parliament now stalling on ratifying one of these candidates for each ministry. I find this interesting how these two figures are supporting each other and it appears that Abadi is taking advantage of the edge he has with the protestors. I quote from the article – “if members of parliament abstained from voting on the candidates for the ministries, they should face the people”
The articles begin below:
Article Begins
First Published: 2016-03-25
Shiite cleric says Iraq protests will remain non-violent
Thousands of supporters gathered in Baghdad to hear Moqtada Sadr urge Prime Minister to propose 'convincing' reform package.
Middle East Online
Supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr pray during protest
BAGHDAD - Iraqi cleric Moqtada Sadr on Friday urged Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to propose a "convincing" reform package but hinted that further protests if he did not would remain non-violent.
In a speech read by another cleric, Asaad al-Nasseri, to thousands of supporters gathered in Baghdad, Sadr said Abadi should unveil a reform package on Saturday.
"I hope that on Saturday the prime minister comes up with reforms towards an independent government of technocrats that are convincing for the people," he said.
Sadr supporters set up protest camps in front of the entrances of the restricted "Green Zone", where the country's top institutions are located, a week ago to push for reforms.
The young Najaf-based cleric's movement says the sit-in is aimed at offering Abadi the kind of street power he does not have to overcome resistance to reforms from within his own political bloc.
But Sadr has also given Abadi a deadline to present names for technocratic cabinet and a fresh packages of measures to fight against corruption.
He said in his that he expected announcement from Abadi on Saturday but last month he gave the premier a 45-day ultimatum that expires on Tuesday.
"If he does not announce a reform package... we will adopt a different position, which we will announce on Saturday," Sadr said, in the speech read out by Nasseri.
"Our protests in front of the Green Zone will not be enough. All of this will use peaceful means," he said.
Both he and his supporters have threatened in recent weeks to storm the Green Zone, which is home to Abadi's office, parliament and many embassies, including the massive US mission.
The protest camps set up by Sadrists on March 18 were not authorized and they are under heavy surveillance from elite forces and police.
Sadr has also threatened he could pull his movement out of the government.
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FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2016

Baghdad/ Iraq TradeLink: Iraqi Shiites and Sunnis held their joint Friday's prayers at the gates of the well-fortified Baghdad Green Zone.

The joint prayers were called by the Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr.

On the other hand, another prayers were held at Tahreer Square, mid of the capital.

At the prayers, a word by the Sadrist leader was read where Muqtada al-Sadr gave the Iraqi premier Haidar al-Ibadi an ultimatum till tomorrow, Saturday, to announce the technocrat government.

The speech confirmed that al-Sadr will support Premier Abadi if the latter announced "reasonable and acceptable reforms", warning that the protests will be directed against the parliamentarians who reject voting.
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via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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