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Monday, March 28, 2016

Mnt.Goat Update Monday 3-28-16: "The Technocratic Saga Continues" Part 2 of 2

Part 2:

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Author: NS   03.25.2016   
Long-Presse / Baghdad
Stressed civil rights activist Jassim Hilfi, on Friday, that Iraq is in front of a "deep and comprehensive political crisis", and with members of the House of Representatives warned of "the face of the people if they did not vote on the names of the candidates," called civil forces to "re-organize themselves to have a role in the political independent in the country".
Jassim said Hilfi in an interview with (long-Presse), he said that "Iraq in front of a deep and comprehensive and interrelated political crisis stretching sideways on all the circumstances of life, including economic, political, cultural and social situation," and urged to "get out of this crisis and that has not been the feet of the reform will be a protest movement Last of the process

He Hilfi, that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi introduced reforms and responded to the demands of the people. If there was a group of members of the House of Representatives does not vote on the names of candidates they should face the people and challenge their demands, they are the enemies of reform and Margulwn to reform the political process in the country," he said, adding that " the political process built on the basis of quotas and blocks as a result of a failed policy or design to divide the Iraqi people on the basis of caste. "
He called civil rights activist, civil forces to "re-organize itself and have a role in the political independent in the country," noting that "this movement and Altenseekiet social figures, academic, technical and all those who claim to build an Iraqi democratic and broad is the one who can unite the civil power's decision."
The office of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, announced on Thursday the (24 March 2016), he took the list of candidates for the mass of the Liberal parliamentary technocrats of the Sadrist movement, as pointed out that the list carried the signature of the current leader Moqtada al-Sadr, said that al-Abadi will present his list of amendments Ministers to the House of Representatives during the next week.
The House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, announced, on Wednesday, (2016,3,23), receiving the list of candidates cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to the Government of "technocrats", with the exception of al-Sadr's candidates supportive of the process of government reform.
The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in the announced (22 March 2016), the formation of an independent ministerial cabins "high level" to be presented to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, called the last to be presented to parliament for a vote, and with the exception that he "threw the argument on the government "committee for reforms revealed that the cabin includes 90 personal positions of ministers and agents.
And the holding of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, in the (22 March 2016), held a meeting with the Special Committee formed by the reforms in the 19th of the month of February, to choose ministers technocrats, his home city of Najaf to discuss the findings.
And he presented the cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, in (the 19 of February 2016), a list of independent Iraqi figures whose mission would be to form a committee to choose a new ministerial cabin, warning that failure to accept the proposal of the political blocs will be followed by "other steps".
The Sadrists began on Friday, the (18 March 2016), an open sit-in at the gates of the Green Zone, the center of the capital, Baghdad, after crossing the bridge despite the declaration of the republic's security forces to prevent the organization of the protest.
The leader of the Sadrist movement, launched in the (13th February 2016), a project of reform in the country includes four files, while calling for the formation of a government of technocrats, "far from the ruling party and partisanship," headed by current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and "a political team that includes politically and nationally independent and a judge known Lakeadath, "and as he emphasized the need for the nomination of heads of independent bodies and the leaders of military teams and army Chief of Staff the names of the approved by the House of Representatives, threatened to" no confidence "from the Government Abadi, in the event of non-implementation of the project within 45 days
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Prominent Shi’ite leader in Iraq Moqtada Al-Sadr, leader of Sadrist Movement, issued on Friday an ultimatum to Iraqi Prime Minister, Haidar Al-Abadi, to announce his reforms and a new ministerial council, reported.
Speaking to local media representatives, Al-Sadr pledged to accept Al-Abadi’s reforms if they were “persuasive” enough, threatening anyone who voted against them. At the same time, he called on his supporters to remain peaceful.
Last Wednesday, Al-Sadr revealed information about the escape of “corrupt” officials from the Green Zone, the government compound in Baghdad. He called for the placement of a travel ban on them. He also denied having any difference with the “reformist Shi’ites,”
Previously, Al-Sadr announced the formation of a “high profile” independent cabinet which he proposed to Al-Abadi, calling on him to put this cabinet to a vote in the parliament. The cabinet of 90 includes ministers and deputy ministers. Al Sadr says his is an attempt to help Al-Abadi carry out the reforms.
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( Baghdad – An informed source said on Saturday, that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi decided to postpone the formation of the technocrat government for two days, while pointed out that some political blocs have not submitted their nominations on time.
The source said in a statement followed by, “During the parliamentary session the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi decided to postpone the formation of the technocrat government for two days.”
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added, “The government formation was postponed due to the delay of some political blocs in submitting the names of their technocrat candidates in the period set by the Prime Minister.”
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MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Ares Abdullah, said on Saturday that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi did not involve coalition Ministerial Committee of the problem for the selection of ministers, while stressing that the Kurds will not give any of the candidates for the ministries unless completely changed the government, pointed out that the coalition will stick to his ministers reversed so, count that the Kurds minister, "the owners of expertise and efficiency."
Erez said Abdullah that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi did Icherkna committee formed to choose the minister," noting that "the Kurds did not submit any candidates fact that we do not know the reason for changing the minister."
Abdullah promised that "the Kurds ministers did their duty well they are the owners of experience and competence and experience," asserting that "the Kurds will not present any candidate unless the entire government changed, otherwise, we are staying insist on the survival of our current ministers.
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We see the government stalling again in announcing the completed cabinet. Sadr did give the GOI until Saturday or else the protestors would enter the green zone. Abadi did come out and say the new cabinet would be completed this week.
So what does Sadr then do?
Sadr moves into the green zone by himself to hold firm on his promise. But this is also a warning to the Abadi and parliament that this stalling will no go past this week.
The current status on 3/28 is that Parliament gives Abadi until next Thursday 3/31 to submit his new cabinet. So we see the finger pointing going back towards the GOI and Abadi from parliament as to who it the hold up the effort.
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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Powerful Iraqi Shi'ite Muslim leader Moqtada al-Sadr entered Baghdad's Green Zone, the heavily-fortified center of the city housing government and other official buildings, on Sunday to keep up pressure on the government to enact reforms.
Hundreds of Sadr's supporters began a sit-in at the district's gates more than a week ago and continued to camp out there on Sunday despite heavy rains, but Sadr took the protest forward by entering the zone itself.
"Beloved protesters, I will enter the Green Zone by myself and (my escorts) only. I sit in inside the Green Zone and you sit in at its gates. None of you move," he told them before walking past a security checkpoint near parliament and the Rashid Hotel into the Green Zone. 
Sadr is urging Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to move ahead with a plan announced last month to replace current ministers with unaffiliated technocrats to tackle systemic political patronage that has abetted graft.
Television channels affiliated with Sadr's political party showed him sit down on a white plastic chair in front of concrete barriers inside the district. He sipped on bottled water before sitting on the ground inside a green tent his guards and aides had erected.
It was not immediately clear how long Sadr, the 42-year-old who rose to prominence when his Mahdi Army battled U.S. troops after the 2003 invasion, planned to continue his personal demonstration. Abadi has said he plans to announce a cabinet reshuffle this week.
Along with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric, Sadr has re-emerged as a leader in matters of state in recent months.
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-- 27.03.2016 | 16:52 GMT --
Quoting an official source Jordanian media sources said, Sunday, March 27 / March, that Jordan received during the past two days, dozens of Iraqi officials and their families who have fled Iraq.
According to the official Jordanian source that Iraqi officials had fled after brandishing Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr broke into the Green Zone and to hold corrupt them.
The source pointed out that Jordan is expected to receive more officials in the coming days, without giving names or numbers.
Provided more than 220 Iraqis in charge of parliament and their families out of their country during the past 48 hours, after waving cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to break into the Green Zone, according to the media.
Iraqi Airways has revealed that the majority of bookings on the Iraqi lines and other lines were Iraqis and their families and those close to them who went to the Jordanian capital of Amman to Istanbul and officials, as well as reservations to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
According to the Baghdad airport figures that more than 350 families arrived, numbering to about 1,400 people, including women and children, have left Iraq in recent days, all of whom are relatives of officials and Iraqi lawmakers.
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[Update: Needed Laws]
Did Ki-Moon forget there will not be a National Guard law, instead they are implementing just the Conscription Law (draft)?  Maybe he just misused terms and meant the draft?
So now we also hear it from the mouth of Ban Ki-Moon himself, the UN General secretary telling the three most important laws that Iraq needed to pass and implement: a national reconciliation, amnesty and national guard laws. Their words not mine! But I have been saying this now for months. These laws are needed prior to any RV!
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BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq called on UN Secretary - General Ban Ki - moon during his speech to the House of Representatives hosted ameeting on Saturday to "do reconciliation is based on the unity and adjustments" , urging at the same time "legislation several important laws , including the National Guard . "
The House of Representatives had a guest in its regular Sunday chaired by Salim al - President of the Council and in the presence of 267 deputies, Ban Ki - moon , Secretary General of the United Nations and Jim Yong Kim , president of the World Bank andcivil Ahmed , chairman of Islamic Bank in finished reading the first and second of three Qguanan.ovi beginning of hosting the president stressed Jubouri the historic visit of the Secretary General of the United Nations and the President Alddola Bank and head of the Islamic Bank expresses the international community 's solidarity with Iraq and standing close by his side.   
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So last week we also read article about amnesty being all done and on the table in parliament for 15 days already. So now we know about the hold up. Appears another disagreement.
They are telling once again it will be on the agenda for the next session of parliament this week for a vote.

Will they actually do it this time? This is stalling if I ever saw it! 
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Special - balances News
Parliamentary Legal Committee revealed Sunday, it's the process of the meeting on Sunday to complete some disagreement on the draft general amnesty law points in order to vote on it.
He said committee member Hassan Turan's / balances News / "The Legal Committee will complete all the sticking points that provided the political blocs, and then submitted to the Presidency for a vote in the next parliamentary sessions."
He pointed to Turan, that "the law will be ready for a vote during the current week and keep it at the Presidency in and put it on the agenda for a vote in the next parliamentary sessions."
The political blocs have objected to much of the material in the draft general amnesty law, which he considered equals between a terrorist and a civilian committed a crime, while the Union forces demanded that the law includes whitening prisons with the exception of stolen public money.  
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After all this news in the last couple weeks,  I am beginning to move out my RV window of mid March to mid April. This my sound, logical approach. Even if Abadi does meet the goal and gets Kurdistan to submit their candidates (or leave their existing candidates) then parliament still needs time to review each of the nominees and select the minister and his/her deputy for 22 ministries.

Then they have to have a session and ratify by a vote the final candidates. We have less than 3 weeks remaining in this window and I have little confidence this will be completed during this timeframe in its entirety. But let’s watch and wait.
Remember there are also these last remaining laws that need to be “formally” voted on in parliament. This probably will not have an opportunity to take place until all the ministers are all seated.
Meanwhile the fighting in the Mosul region is still ongoing and must get to a benchmark.
[Update: Fighting ISIS]
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Most importantly please, please, please let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe our prayers are in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing.  
Remember too to pray to the princess of peace – Our Blessed Virgin Mary. She has the ear of Christ and she can intercede in heaven and bring us the peace we all desire here on earth. We can not do it alone. I believe that if we all make this our daily prayer you will see change. It is already working even in the short time since I have been publishing this prayer section. It does not matter what religion you believe, if you pray then to your oven beliefs entity it is still the same powers and good for all of mankind. Ultimately it is all the same God anyhow.
“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and coalition soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be victorious against them in the battle for Mosul! We ask that the victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin!
We pray for the process of the currency reform, the full implementation of  the Iraqi economy to full  international status and the bringing of prosperity and wealth to its people“  Amen!
Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!
Peace and Luv To Ya All, 

Mnt Goat

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