Don't WAIT!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

News, Rumors and Opinions Easter Morning 3-27-16


Hoot:  Frank are we there yet,,,lol,,whats the delay,,,,,i just love that word...

Frank26:  IMO .......... There have been a verity of delays ........ In fact some delays have been ....... Delayed.

IMO ............ The last major delay falls in The CITIZENS.

Now listen carefully ............ Just as Isis is dying ....... So is The CITIZEN'S delay.

But that file is not to be shared ....... Yet.

Pure Aloha ........ \m/   KTFA  Frank

Naphtali:  Thanks WS.... this has many good nuggets.  IMO it summarizes nicely pieces of the scavenger hunt and give direction of their thinking and ACTIONS>>>>

Walkingstick:   Expectations of economic growth coinciding with a significant cabinet reshuffle expected


BAGHDAD / JD / .. response to the demands of the Iraqi people, public pressure has been the prime minister decided to submit the names of ministers technocrats during the current week to the parliament for the purpose of voting upon, which made economists and has a concerned look forward economic reform prospective upon the formation of the new government cabin, stressing that the aim of the change Ministerial is to fight corruption and reduce the waste of public money and accounting mischief.

And systems of thousands of citizens an open sit-in front of the gates of the Green Zone to demand to expedite the implementation of political and economic reforms is urgent futures in the country.

He says the Finance Committee member Ahmed Sarhan told / KD /: he can not work on the implementation of economic reforms in the absence of political reforms and radical solutions to some outstanding differences between the political blocs.

Ahmed added that politics and the economy are two sides of the same coin, so the upcoming cabinet reshuffle will aim towards achieving economic reform because he will fight corruption and reduce the waste of public money and will also be working on the corrupt and negligent officials accountable.

He continued to parliament and political blocs must support the prime minister to allow him to form a new government without pressure.

For his part, economist Adel Mandalawi likely to achieve significant economic growth after the formation of the new government of technocrats, because the competent financial and economic affairs will be filled by people who are independent and highly qualified, professional and lay out the jurisdiction of the constructive and development plans in order to achieve a quantum leap in the economy ministries.

He Mandalawi Agency / KD /: that the government programs and economic development plans announced by the Prime Minister with the beginning of the formation of the current government, but it has not been implemented so far due to the presence of ministers incompetent and subject to quotas partisan and sectarian Afeergulwn implementation of many projects because it opposes their interests Ketloah and personal.

He noted that most of the current ministers and officials are accused of corruption and squandering of public money Upon formation of the new government may be held accountable those responsible and recover the money that Hdroha and this is what will give a positive incentive to achieve real economic growth prospective.

He stressed that the Iraqi economy at the moment is suffering from recession and stagnation due to total dependence on oil and the lack of real support and activate realistic other economic sectors, reflective or from the new government to create a great economic revolution, transformation of the Iraqi economy from a yield single-source to multi economy revenues. / End / 8 /



A security source: In conjunction with the arrival of the chest to the protesters camped security force surrounded the home of al-Maliki (Details)

27-03-2016 11:44 AM

Orbit News -

A security source revealed from inside the Green Zone, on Sunday, the arrival of a major security forces to the Green Zone , home to secure a coalition of law Nuri al - Maliki, while the leaks quoted Maliki as saying ' I will not leave my house no matter what happened.'
The source said in a press statement, said that in conjunction with the arrival of the cleric Moqtada al - Sadr to the tents of the protesters arrived in large numbers of security forces to secure the home of former Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki in the Green Zone.
The source added that 'some of the leaks quoted al - Maliki say' I will not leave my house no matter what happened. '

- See more at: http://translate.googleusercon.....6tRoa.dpuf

Samson:  I hope it is to arrest him and not to protect him from the protestors



Glureivygtieark:  Dallred does your buddy think Mon -Tue will be a go for us?

Dallred123:  We should be exchanging by then

ASN: Dallred..I second that..Thank you..:)


Rrrr: … There is so much love in the air…. Sooo many feelings abound… sooo many feelings to share. There’s an eerie feeling about…. Can’t you feel the energy all around? Something’ about to explode… We are on the precipice. Enjoy this Beautiful RV finale dinarians… Our moment is upon us!

Freeway2:  rrrr We just need a little push to put us over

Rrrr: free... the button pusher has been paged

Rrrr: “Button Pushers”…. I’m a thinkin’, a dangerous venture on my part, but this has bothered me for a while. This button to be pushed could be of a foreign style. Has this person been trained in button pushing 101? Buttons, like humans, react in different ways when and how they are pushed. You may need to push the right side… or push the left side… push it in the middle….push and hold… or not! Sometimes it’s the little things that make the difference. Never take your buttons for granted!




Stardot:  In other news Iraq will be entering the Olympics in the specialty sport of kicking the can down the road



BruceA:  Urgent Islamic Bank: We have agreed with the World Bank on the transfer of Iraq ‘s dependence on oil to agriculture and industry

Islamic Development Bank President Ahmad Mohamed Ali announced the agreement with the World Bank and the United Nations on the transfer of Iraq ‘s dependence on oil proceeds as income his chief to agriculture and industry development.

Ali said during his speech hosted in the parliament session today in the presence of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in a statement to inform the Parliament,

“We have agreed to support Iraq and to accompany him strategically to restore the foundations of social and economic stability and covenants that give them is to support Iraq to develop an ambitious vision and translate in sound plans for the advancement and recover, and the resumption of economic ascent, and the headwaters of the enumeration to grow on the basis of transition from dependence on oil to the advancement of agriculture and industry address the discharge of unemployment and poverty and ensure re-focused the national private sector in the development process “followed ..
Rmailed to Recaps:

The Power of One

 One song can spark a moment

One flower can wake the dream

One tree can start a forest

One bird can herald spring

One smile begins a friendship

One handclasp lifts a soul

One star can guide a ship at sea

One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation

One sunbeam lights a room

One candle wipes out darkness

One laugh will conquer gloom

One step must start each journey

 One word must start a prayer

One hope will raise our spirits

One touch can show you care

One voice can speak with wisdom

One heart can know what is true

One Life can make a difference


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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