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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 3 of 3

tman23 says():All the GOI BS aside......... This past weekend was big in Iraq with visitors........give it 7 days......April 4 to see if change arrives........ All the political posturing is just that.......they need to deliver tangible to the citizens.....
The political game of musical chairs and vision of a great Iraq mean squat to the starving people...... Currency has the strongest pyscho;ogical impact on the people of a nation........
Sunni, Shiite, Kurds, and Turkmen have no love lost between them....... Come April 4th (Monday).......Abadi can be a HERO or a HEAL.......and as of right now his support factor is fading fast.......except with shiite alliances
heartland says():Thanks tman23
rcookie says to tman23():could not disagree more...been hearing about that line in the sand ultimayum gibberish from kurds forever now...wanna go back to december quotes....
tman23 says to rcookie():I know you do.......rotfl
rcookie says():wb and imf walking...right after announcing $15 billkion in loans....conclusion of smp....start of sba and already news of individual development loans to provnces....and all off last weekends visit with goi and kurds.....i guess that was for tea & biscuits....moon, ali, kim....must have had a slow social calendar for the weekend.....;
rcookie says():Masum looking Kubiš with efforts to hold Iraq reconstruction conference
History Tahrir:: 2016/3/31 13:35 • 54 times mqrw’h Baghdad} Euphrates News Search President Fuad Masum, with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jan Kubiš efforts to hold Iraq reconstruction conference.
A statement to the Office of the Presidency, the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, " The President of the Republic Fuad Masum , received at the Peace Palace in Baghdad on Thursday, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq , Jan Kubiš and discussed with him the latest developments on the Iraqi arena and efforts to hold a conference the reconstruction of Iraq. "
 He added that" the meeting dealt with the review of the United Nations Mission programs activities to help Iraq {UNAMI} in the country, in terms of relief to the displaced and the reconstruction of liberated areas. " He Kubiš for the attention of the international community boosted the Iraq to continue their winning streak against terrorism. is over
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msdiva says to rcookie():hey we sometimes have to roll with the punches im sure its going to get done
cantwait2rv says():See More The names of the candidates in the cabin-Abbadi new cabinet
10 days and presented them to vote and to give them confidence.
And the names of the names of the candidates they like my life:
Ali Allawi - Ministry of finance
Abdul Razak Issa - Ministry of higher education and scientific research.
Sharif Ali - the ministry of foreign affairs.
Nizar Salem - Ministry of oil.
Yusuf Asadi - Ministry of transport.
Hoshyar Messenger - Ministry of construction and housing and municipalities.
Okay-jannābī - the ministry of agriculture and water resources. [and is the ambassador of Iraq to the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations / FAO].
Ali Al-Jabouri, ministry of education.
Aqeel Yusuf - Ministry of youth and culture.
Mohamed Nasralla - the ministry of justice.
Alaa Disher - the ministry of electricity.
Wafa call - work and migration.
And the source of it's been in the graceful new government to integrate all the ministries of finance and planning, transport and communications with, and work with immigration and displaced persons, and agriculture with water resources, and young people with culture, and industry with the trade ".
rcookie says():wow...looks like ministry of finance on that list....hmmmmmmm
msdiva says():Abadi will soon be a dead man walking if he doesnt do like hes suppose too
cantwait2rv says():yea...I didn't see that coming
msdiva says():yeah rcookie if you squint your eyes it does lol (lol)
rcookie says():hmmmm i guess a lot of people didnt....rofl...
rcookie says():abdul mahdi...oil minister also....
bizhawk says():morning room-any Iraqis is the room would sure like to know what the Abadi is saying at the House of Reps
cantwait2rv says():Iraqi parliament postpones session until Saturday: state TV
BAGHDAD  Iraq's parliament postponed its session until Saturday after Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi presented a new cabinet lineup aimed at combating corruption, state television said on Thursday.
msdiva says to rcookie():lol
tman23 says to rcookie():How many Kurds are on the NEW LIST......Can you name them ?
rcookie says():rofl....
jtank says():none?
Loop says():Balances News / publish the names of candidates for the new government Abadi
Political Since 31/03/2016 16:38 pm (Baghdad time)  / Balances News / publish the names of candidates for the new government Abadi
Abadi nominate Alaa Mubarak, the Ministry of Health ..
Abadi nominated Ali Allawi, the Ministry of Finance ..
Abadi nominate Hassan al-Janabi, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources ..
Abadi nominate Yousef Majid al-Saadi al-Asadi, or the Ministry of Transport ..
Abadi nominated Ali al-Jubouri, the Ministry of Education ..
Abadi nominated by Sharif Ali Bin Al-Hussein of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ..
Abadi nominate James Baldwin and fulfillment of the Ministry of Labor and Immigration ..
Abadi nominate Mohammed Nasrallah, the Ministry of Justice ..
Abadi nominate Akil Yusuf of the Ministry of Youth and Sports ..
Abadi nominate Abdul-Razzaq al-Issa of the Ministry of Education ..
Hoshyar al-Abadi nominated as minister of reconstruction and housing, municipalities ..
Nizar Salem Abadi nominated as oil minister ..  Source
rcookie says():some of the reports are showing 16 loop...
rcookie says():thats the 2nd list that shows 12...
tman23 says to jtank():I don't know......
jtank says():tman from what the art u brought says kurds are left out
jeffjane says to rcookie():Can you see this working
watson1 says to tman23():where are kurds on the list
rcookie says():the foreign minister APPOINTEE is shaRIF ALI BIN AL-HUSSEIN....WHO IS A RELATIVE OF IRAQS DEPOSED KING IN 1958.....
jeffjane says():I do not see defense min on the list. Maybe a Kurd gets that job.
tman23 says to jtank():Figure that Abadi dismissed Shurways who was a Kurd and a Kurd General serving in the Iraq Army..... He dismisses Zebari........ and doesn't appoint "new" Kurds to positions ........
How do you think the Kurds take it.......and not to mention the 58 votes from Kurds in Parliment wont matter....... The Shiite have cut the Kurds revenue, they have cut off some trade, and if they cut their 17% in government as stated in the constitutuion.....Who believes the Kurds will not have a problem with it...
jtank says():tman23 - sounds like the Maliki regime-
jtank says():All inclusive gov-lol
larrykn says to jtank():same party lol
watson1 says to tman23():yep . hmm i guess the network new this week was correct . opps:D
jtank says():maybe abadi is on the edge of losing--
RickeyT says to jtank():peat and repeat!
watson1 says():anderson copper was talking about the shiite are the problem over there and behind issis . hmm
larrykn says to jtank():I don't think so, I don't see them coming this far to backoff now
jtank says():true larry - sure hope so-- a powder keg fur sur
larrykn says():funny how the news has been so great an them moving right along and now to hear this stuff, I just don't buy it
watson1 says to tman23():wow the network news said that it looks like shiite will bring irqa back to mini dictorship like the last 7 years
RickeyT says to larrykn():the good stuff or the bad stuff?
larrykn says():I don't by the bad stuff, remember the IMF is in control of what they need to get done and Iraq has complied with it so far, seems it to late to go back now
rcookie says to larrykn():OMG....NOW CNN IS THE CLUED IN NEWS AGENCY....
larrykn says():really
heartland says():larrykncopier...we all sincerely hope that is true...our concern however is that Iraq, just like our Republican party here in the U.S., has a proven ability to shoot themselves in the foot!
larrykn says to heartland():there is never a guarantee on this investment but Iraq seems to want to move on now an help its people , not like when Maliki was around or why would the go this far down the rabbit hole, time will tell but for me I'm just going to wait and see this unfold :)
heartland says():agreed
cantwait2rv says():Sadr basically ordered 4000 body bags for the corrupt yesterday and they began to wig out
cantwait2rv says():delays coming with consequnces this time around imo  
jtank says():Abadi is surely different than Maliki and I think he will prevail
larrykn says to rcookie():who said that
Mudder says to rcookie():Alot already
clay says to rcookie():lol agree GM :)
rcookie says to jtank():YA THINK.....LOL
jtank says():I think sadr is really helping to push this a little faster-
cantwait2rv says():yup the dawa party rolled over and waved the white towel yesterday
cantwait2rv says to jtank():totally
cantwait2rv says to jtank():  url signature expired  ??
cantwait2rv says to jtank():now that's the peace brigades defending the green zone and Sadr just walks up in there and they bow to him
cantwait2rv says to jtank():and he said he was walking in there with 2000 men behind today
cantwait2rv says to jtank():that's like you and me walking up on the white house lawn with a six pack of beer and bbq pit hanging out with special agents plaing spades hugging and taking photo ops with no concern
jtank says():sadr got power - no doubt
cantwait2rv says to jtank():"playing spades"
tman23 says():The biggest fear the US had was Iraq leaning towards religous faction for government.......and what would develop is simlar to the Iranian regime........ This movement by Sadr, although favorable at the moment, can turn in a second to mirror Iran ....
jeffjane says():when does parlament vote on the new cabinet
tman23 says():Urgent: Sadr calls for end to sit-ins in front of the Green and withdrawal
jtank says():sounds like an agreement

tman23 says():Just wait for April 4th to see what comes your way............ DON'T LIKE DATES........ WHELP, I JUST GAVE ONE ! LOL

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