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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dinar Updates  Monday AM Chat  3-28-16    Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates  Monday AM Chat  3-28-16    Part 2 of 3

rcookie says():SOUND FAMILIAR....
cookie says():THEY ARE CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO MEET WITH THEM...BECAUSE THEY ARE BUTTONED UP AS THIS IS THE progress REPORT CArd for 2016 imf loi/mefp/tech mou....the mefp (memorandum economic & financial policies) is exactly what they are meeting about....they have complied with all the requisite expenditure policies...maximize revenues...reduce public expenditures...reduce fiscal deficit...

rcookie says():its like the excitement of showing your parents straight a's on your report card.....
rcookie says():especially if you have been a screw up in the past.....
Loop says():Another curious thing about the IMF meeting going on in OMAN is that there was zero news yesterday regarding this meeting. We usually here about them prior to the event or the day that the meetings begins. Deffinately has the feeling that more is going on then what is being reported. Of couse that is just speculation on my part.
Loop says():course..
Loop says():The Washington Institute: Abadi is stuck between the chest and the status quo
Political Since 28/03/2016 16:49 pm (Baghdad time)Translation balances News
Back again the leader of the Sadrist movement to the front of the political scene for a serious challenge for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his plans to reform the government.
Says the Washington Institute for Near East Policy that no one denies that Ebadi's efforts to fight corruption and replace the minister incompetent government of technocrats and faced resistance several months ago by the representatives of the vested interests of various parties, sectarian ones, and ethnic, that want to maintain their influence and privileges. As-Sadr, who showed himself at first as an ally of Ebadi, shall be paid now toward more radical changes in the government and threatens to get rid of them completely.
Perhaps the next few weeks are critical, but if Sadr insisted on continuing his ambitions to take control of the Iraqi political arena, there may be serious consequences.
In contrast, a possible failure of the uprising by al-Sadr to bloodshed between large numbers of his followers and government forces will, but if successful such uprising, Vstzbb in a complete breakdown of the political process under way in Iraq.
Sadr and reflect divisions among Iraq's Shiites, which are now beginning to show, where revolves mainly conflict about the relative costs and benefits associated with the impending ministerial amendment would play Abadi positions.
The face of the latter now resistance from political actors familiar that benefit from maintaining the status quo, in addition to at least put the chest predictable and more extreme.
Pressure mounted against the reforms proposed by Abadi rapidly since February that. In the fifth of February, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, who had authorized the Abadi last summer decided to suspend political sermon on Friday, making a strong reforms.
This step indicates a partial withdrawal from the political scene and left a vacuum filled rushed to the chest. In less than a week, al-Sadr moved and replaced with support for Ebadi deadline ominous, Abadi Giving 45 days to implement reforms under the guidance of the chest, but the latter will seek to find a replacement for him.
Since then, al-Sadr began mobilizing his movement, and led a massive demonstration in Baghdad on Friday, February 26, during which he delivered a speech flagrant front of thousands of his followers, echoing what is usually posed as a representative in its criticism of the government from the inside.
Sadr's speech revealed his desire to take advantage of the current wave of public frustration due to the unstable situation in Iraq, accusing the entire political class of corruption. This included a charge assistants who have become MPs and ministers thanks to his movement.
Sadr asked his followers to carry out a demonstration following Friday, and appealed to the protesters to be more closer to the borders of the Green Zone, where the seat of government and most of the foreign embassies.
Sadr said that the protest will be entirely peaceful, but the threat had existed, perhaps breaking into supporters of the Sadrist movement, the Green Zone if Abadi failed to achieve satisfactory results of the chest.
If Abadi not carried out these obligations, the plan requires the chest dismissal of the current government and replace it Baltknuaqrat who are selected by a committee of his aides rapporteurs and elected through a vote in parliament. However, al-Sadr said that the people will deal with parliamentarians who do not vote in favor of the plan, transforming the parliament into an instrument to legitimize the new government.
Loop says():Another indication that chest again trying to show himself as a leader at the national level, that is, verbal praise on the grievances of the Sunni Arabs in his speech on February 26. Sadr, this tactic has been used for the first time in 2012, when former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki addresses the attempt to oust him by Sunnis, Kurds and secular parties.
Since chest hair weak Maliki joined the opposition in the hope that presents itself to the Sunnis and the Kurds as a partner an alternative by Shiites.
And realize the other main Shiite Sadr's intentions and other parties; including Abadi's rivals in the "Dawa Party," and "Supreme Islamic Council" ( "Supreme Council").
They do not want to deliver strong positions for "independent technocrats" nominated chest. He insists, "the Iraqi Islamic Supreme Council," and "the Dawa Party," and representatives of the Kurds, the government modified the composition must maintain a basic balance in the system, but will have to leave office Abadi also is forming a new government from the beginning.
Also try some Shiite figures, including Nuri al-Maliki and Transport Minister Bayan Jabr, building new bridges with policy makers in the United States to show their names as an alternative reasonable Ebadi.
But the difference between al-Sadr and his competitors is that they are actors within the organization and are not interested repeal the existing system.
Not yet clear whether Iran has involved itself directly in the conflict between al-Abadi and chest. It is unlikely that Tehran be satisfied with the government dominated by al-Sadr, given the history of the struggle for power between the chest and the agents close to them, "League of the Righteous" and "Badr Brigade", and contempt for the chest to shed Iran in general.
Loop says():Valebadi stuck between al-Sadr's desire to make a doll, and among other Shiite forces that seek to maintain the status quo. But Abadi did not give up, but resisted pressure cleric in a speech on March 9 / March, which criticized Damaguiguh chest. Abadi also confirmed that reform must come by working together, not like imposing a fait accompli, stressing his intention to implement the reforms of the Council of Ministers soon, according to the Constitution.
However, Abadi's ability to successfully implement these reforms is another matter. If the obstruction has Abadi ministerial plan amendment or approval in parliament fails to risk an open confrontation with al-Sadr. In the most extreme scenarios, it may cause it do thousands of al-Sadr's followers broke into the Green Zone, but in any case, it will lead to the loss of credibility and overall increase in popular anger.
Instead, the move Abadi forward Baslahath and his changes of ministerial, if the situation remains as it is, it will have to appease the "Supreme Council" and "Dawa Party," and at the same time prevent the chest from infiltrating into the process, and his claim that he played a larger than life role in Baghdad.
It will be the way forward turbulent and unexpected. This dangerous situation highlights the fragility of the inter-relations between the Shiite parties and the role of senior clerics in Najaf, which encourages stability.
It would be better now to accelerate reform and or persuade Sistani to engage again in the political discourse rather than wait to see if the chest is already serious about imposing his views by force. Would not be the first time that al-Sadr and his followers to drag the country into confrontation is Gamh.anthy 29 / m n h   By: Bushra full   Source
Loop says():Sadr is dressing in green in the green zone.
clay says to Loop():too funny
Loop says():He's a cameleon! Now where did he go? Where's Sadr?? Anybody see Sadr?
Loop says():Oh there he is!!
clay says to Loop():hes a snake
rcookie says():Parliamentary Economic: World Bank grant conditional to fight corruption
101 Show Last update: Monday , March 28, 2016 - 9:07
Parliamentary Economic: World Bank grant conditional to fight corruption
BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid alerted the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives that the World Bank on condition of good governance, participation and cooperation between the legislative and executive branches and the fight against corruption in submitting a grant for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the liberated areas of "Daash."
Said committee member Najiba Najib, told the "morning": that the World Bank has granted Iraq $ 350 million for the reconstruction of areas that have been liberated from the Daash through its branches located here, "pointing out that" the amount allocated to support the electric power, water and health projects projects which will be under the direct supervision of the bank. "
Najib explained that "this amount will be provided by the reconstruction of liberated areas Fund and the ministries of planning and finance," indicating that "These funds will contribute to accelerate the return of families to inhabit the liberated areas after the reconstruction and rehabilitation of its infrastructure."
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rcookie says():She said the Finance Committee member, said "The secretary-general did not identify Iraq's share of the $ 20 allocated to the strategy of sustainable development for the Middle East and North Africa billion." The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has welcomed the international initiative for the reconstruction of areas that expelled Daash, saying:
"The visit of the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to the country aimed at helping Iraq in the field of reforms announced by the government to meet popular demands, while stressing Ban Ki-moon to support United Nations for Iraq in its war against terrorism, the call is directed to the international community to help him in the face and attributed the organization Daash.
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R&R says to rcookie():Sounds like they got the WB loan, albeit it's "conditional." That didn't take long (y)
rcookie says():world bank conditions to iraqs share of $20 billion me regional development funds.....good governance...participation & cooperation between legislative & executive branches...fight against corruption...after granting $350 million for reconstruction for liberated areas....and are meant to expedite the repatriating of iraqi citizens....
R&R says to rcookie():And they are stating they're case for IMF loans as we speak....
jarhead says():i still dont understand the loans.....if they'd revalue the currency they wouldnt need loans it would seem to me.....but...IDK
rcookie says to R&R():exactly......thats why the imf loi/mefp/tech mou is so vital & transparent to what is going on......
clay says to jarhead():its the use of other peoples money
_firefly_ says():Statement by IMF Managing Director at the Conclusion of her Visit to Vietnam
Press Release No. 16/119   March 18, 2016
jarhead says():i guess
clay says to jarhead():first line of business
clay says to _firefly_():hey brother Iraq now Vietnam?
clay says to _firefly_():whats up
_firefly_ says():IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde today concluded a three-day visit to Vietnam and issued the following statement:
“It has been a great pleasure to visit Vietnam to see first-hand the vibrancy and achievements of this beautiful country.
_firefly_ says():“I wish to thank the Government of Vietnam and the officials I met during my visit for their hospitality and productive discussions. In particular, I wish to thank General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, State Bank of Vietnam Governor Nguyen Van Binh and Finance Minister Dinh Tien Dung for their warm welcome and very productive exchange of views.
_firefly_ says():“I commended the government for its achievements over recent years, including establishing macroeconomic stability with high growth rates, integration into the global economy, higher living standards, lower poverty, and excellent progress towards its Millennium Development Goals.
Our discussions focused on how to broaden and sustain these achievements through a second generation of reforms that continue macroeconomic and financial stability, accelerate structural reforms and further integrate Vietnam into the regional and global economy.
_firefly_ says():“Economic prospects for Vietnam remain favorable. Against this backdrop, I welcomed the government’s adoption of a more flexible exchange rate regime, and agreed that it would provide an enhanced external shock absorber that would help preserve macroeconomic stability and allow an accumulation of international reserves.
_firefly_ says():“Economic prospects for Vietnam remain favorable. Against this backdrop, I welcomed the government’s adoption of a more flexible exchange rate regime, and agreed that it would provide an enhanced external shock absorber that would help preserve macroeconomic stability and allow an accumulation of international reserves.
_firefly_ says():“Economic prospects for Vietnam remain favorable. Against this backdrop, I welcomed the government’s adoption of a more flexible exchange rate regime, and agreed that it would provide an enhanced external shock absorber that would help preserve macroeconomic stability and allow an accumulation of international reserves.

_firefly_ says():“I also encouraged the authorities to further strengthen the country’s fiscal position and resilience amid external volatility. A growth-friendly fiscal consolidation over the medium term would reduce the public debt-to-GDP ratio while providing increased space for important social and development expenditures. Accelerating reforms to the banking and state-owned enterprise sectors will help achieve greater economic efficiency and support higher robust medium-term growth.
_firefly_ says():Accelerating reforms to the banking and state-owned enterprise sectors will help achieve greater economic efficiency and support higher robust medium-term growth.
_firefly_ says():“I had the great pleasure of participating in an engaging discussion with students at the National Economics University in Hanoi that highlighted the vital importance of job creation, skills upgrading, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship to help Vietnam reap the full benefits of its demographic dividend. I also had an inspiring exchange of perspectives with women leaders.
Vietnam has made good progress on gender equality, and continued efforts will allow women to have a broader role in the economy, which in turn will help to raise economic growth.
“Once again, I would like to thank the authorities and the people of Vietnam for their warm hospitality and I look forward to continuing our close cooperation.”
clay says to _firefly_():WOW!!!
Loop says to _firefly_():Thanks for bringing that
Woodywoodpecker says():I might have to get somemore dong
_firefly_ says():Pretty interesting coming direct from CL
clay says to Woodywoodpecker():already did (lol)
_firefly_ says():Ok, I lost my fonts ... everything lol
sunshinez82 says to _firefly_():Thanks Firefly!
Loop says to _firefly_():I welcomed the government’s adoption of a more flexible exchange rate regime
Loop says to _firefly_():Coming directly from her is HUGE
_firefly_ says to Loop():Nice catch my friend !
_firefly_ says():I'm not looking at Iraq media any more !
_firefly_ says():No need to
_firefly_ says():IMO of course :)
jarhead says():u feel that strongly firefly ?
_firefly_ says():I do
jarhead says():kool
_firefly_ says():I'm watching what the central banks are doing now globally
clay says to _firefly_():I'm watching mine 8-)
_firefly_ says():Lots of moves lately
sheila3 says to _firefly_():wow thank you (F)
_firefly_ says to sheila3():Many adjustments

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