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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 1 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 1 of 3
magnetlady says(): Read More :

Thursday 31-03-2016 | 3:03:19  Abadi Parliament delivers full names of the ministers
larrykn says():so now parliment needs to vote on them, will that be today too
magnetlady says():Abadi up to the parliament building and held a closed meeting with al-Jubouri
Author: HH, SSJ editor: HH   3/31/2016 13:54  Long-Presse / Baghdad
Arrived, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Thursday, to the House of Representatives to provide new ministerial cabin for a vote, while a meeting was held closed with House Speaker Salem al-Jubouri.
A reporter (range Press), said that, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived at the parliament building to provide new ministerial his booth for a vote of members of parliament, noting that, Abadi was received by the Deputy Speaker of Syria, Sheikh Mohammed, the head of the coalition of state law on the writer.
The reporter, said that al-Abadi held upon his arrival in a closed door meeting with House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri.
The Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Thursday, its the 21st of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, headed by Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 285 deputies, while the agenda of the meeting includes the host, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to view the new ministerial cabin and vote on the bill and final accounts for 2007, and discuss the three laws.
And it decided the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Thursday (31 March 2016), to postpone the hearing of 21 of the second legislative term of the second legislative year, which will see the host, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to view the new ministerial cabin, half an hour, for lack of quorum.
The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi confirmed Wednesday the (30 March 2016), willingness to give the new cabinet line-up to parliament on Thursday, according to the deadline set by Parliament, which, with some accused of "general change stand and declares the opposite in the media, He stressed the need for the parliament up for grabs today.
He called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Tuesday, the (29 March 2016), the House of Representatives to determine his position clearly on the issue of reforms, as he emphasized that the political blocs, "insisted" that are nominated minister by it with other demands by choosing ministers outside quotas, pointed out that "not wise" to provide ministerial lineup facing rejection from the House of Representatives.
The Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq lifted, on Monday, the (28 March 2016), its 20th of the second legislative term of the second legislative year to the day Thursday, after the vote on grace, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi until today to provide new ministerial his booth, and to discuss a draft law and to postpone the vote on the two bills.
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magnetlady says():That was posted^^^^by Loopback this morning.
larrykn says():so they postponed it for half an hour, we will have to wait and see what happened after that
jtank says():thought abadi was going to fire the slackers that didnt show-
larrykn says to jtank():its early we will have to wait an see what happens thur the day, it always changes
jtank says():abadi needs to show them who is the boss, a few holding up the gov voting- rediculas
foxmulder says():

Geofitness says():
DETAILS               NOTES
Number of banks              29
Number of remittance companies              18
Auction price selling dinar / US$  1182
Auction price buying dinar / US$  -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$)            79,005,544
rcookie says():Industry: 2016 in relying on local product to activate the private sector
Economy Since 2016-03-31 11:41 (GMT)– The balance of new  A spokesman for the industry Ministry Abdul wahed Al-shammari, Thursday, to 2016 will be in relying on local product Iraq, noted the adoption of private sector companies in the Ministry.
Al-shammari said/the balance of news, "the Ministry of industry had adopted through its reform agenda to be private-sector-oriented genuine and comprehensive guide to all the joints of the production that relies", stating that "the private sector has become an important and vital supplement in the Ministry of industry and minerals companies.
It was considered that "private companies of task in meeting the requirements of local product", adding that "a contract was signed with the Iraqi Federation of industries, which include small and medium-sized enterprises in order to activate this parameter.
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rcookie says():He noted that "domestic product returned in 2016", adding that "private companies must have produced real competing foreign importer upheavals due to the fact that Iraq has become a mere consumer market for many goods entering the goods it distracted too much money".
He continued, "the recently launched many national product", pointing to "a real moves to protect national products when it is unable to compete with foreign and local markets."
He called that "there are laws that protect the local product, likely to be 2016, relying on local product Iraq."   From: HP Noureddine;LINK

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rcookie says():theres those pesky words again..........
rcookie says():local product and industry driving the private sector with market protections for these local producers and products....
rcookie says():this quote says it all......."the private sector has become an important and vital supplement in the Ministry of industry and minerals companies."
rcookie says():Border crossings: 36 billion revenue for the two months
Economy Since 2016-03-31 at 09:34 (GMT)  – The balance of news The head of the Interior Ministry's border major general Samy, Thursday, the arrival of border revenues to 36 billion Iraqi dinars within two months.
He said Sudan/News/balances, "border revenues reached the first month up to 1/3 to 36 billion Iraqi dinars within two months", adding that "these revenues into the State Treasury, Ministry of finance.
He added, "there are some ports is down but these revenues included Central and southern ports."
The parliamentary Finance Committee, earlier, about corruption in large border where some change tariff rates for imported materials customs to mas'alah Iraq.  From: Heba Noureddine; LINK

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jtank says():Rcookie - do u think it will take years to get the private sector up to speed-- re-educate workers , build factories ad try to get more production from the Iraq worker?
dorisjean says to rcookie():I dont think Sadr is going to contain his peeps for another 10 days, you?
rcookie says():Aajl..alag a comprehensive change except for two ministries and shrink the government to 18 ministries
Thursday 31-03-2016 | 3:20:40  Twilight News / Twilight News has learned, for agreement on a comprehensive change in the Iraqi government and exclude Zaratan, to be put to the vote in Parliament.
Sources for Twilight News, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the meeting with the Presidium of the parliament's decision to change out of independent bodies within a period of one month.
It added that it was agreed on a comprehensive change of government Astty from the Ministry of Interior and Defense, in addition to the reduction of the Iraqi government to 18 ministries.
She noted that the agreement was also to implement the government decision within ten days.
rcookie says():
LLN65 says to rcookie():hoping we can figure things out
rcookie says to dorisjean():TOTALLY AGREE!!
tman23 says():Legal expert says Tariq Harb, the forthcoming Ministerial change requires the approval of a simple majority in Parliament.
And, that "majority required in impeachment walastizar is easy and simple majority is a majority of those present and not a majority number of members so that the majority of the total members 165 members, while the majority of those present and if present are 200 101 member only and this is Prime can go and obtain approval of impeachment walastizar". 
rcookie says():India willing to buy all the excess oil production
Economy Since 2016-03-31 at 08:24 (GMT)  Follow-up – balance news   India suffers from the problem of oil, relying mainly on the State of import, so Indian companies planning to build State strategic petroleum reserve depots, with a capacity of more than 15 million metric tons, and it is likely that those stores simlaha OPEC oil.
Running a State-owned Indian companies to build three warehouses with a capacity of 5.3 million tons, or enough for oil storage enough for about 12 days. The first store, in visakhapatnam and completed and is filled with oil, either stored others located in Mangalore webador and is scheduled to be run in the spring of this year.
The company also plans a second round of expansion up to 12.5 million metric tons, this adds an estimated 28 days of oil, the Government said.
rcookie says():It is likely that these experts will fill stores with OPEC, which pumps out the organization led by Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Venezuela, U.A.E., now 86% of oil imports, India India is working with the UAE to draft "Mangalore", Indian Oil Minister, darmandra Pradhan, recently that the State seeks to "facilitate" the Indian oil companies to import crude oil from the UAE.
He said the research manager of commodities "Clipper Datta, Matthew Smith, founder India relations with oil producers in the Middle East is logical, given the continued growth of oil consumption in India and the lack of oil in the State to meet that request.
Added Smith, "U.A.E. is a great example of the oil-producing country, and currently can not find oil, has stored nearly fullness." Ended 29/4 e
rcookie says():; LINK

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