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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Thursday AM Chat  3-31-16    Part 2 of 3

tman23 says():The heads of the factions of five major Kurdish political parties, including the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Change Movement (Gorran), Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU) and the Kurdistan Islamic Group (KIG), decided on March 30 to remain in a united position in dealing with the upcoming political developments in the capital Baghdad.
According to a joint statement by the Kurdish MPs in Baghdad, Kurds insist that they must receive the Kurdish share as a nation living in Iraq, and not “as political parties.”
rcookie says():AUCTIONS AT $79 MILLION.......
larrykn says to rcookie():keeps going down every time :)
tman23 says():Kurdistan Region President, Masoud Barzani, believes that a real partnership ceases to exist in the Iraqi federal government and establishing a technocrat government has no value without a real partnership, said the Spokesperson of the Kurdistan Region Presidency (KRP) on Tuesday.
A Kurdish member of the Iraqi parliament told BasNews that if the Iraqi government designates a Kurdish candidate outside the Kurdish factions to a ministerial post, Kurds will withdraw from the cabinet.
Commenting on the KRP's statement, Shakhawan Abdullah, the Iraqi MP, said that the statement indicates that Barzani has lost hopes in partnership with the Iraqi federal government.
On March 28, the political parties in Kurdistan discussed the current developments in Iraq and the establishment of a technocrat cabinet by the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. They later released a statement pointing out that establishing a technocrat government is an attempt to hide the tensions in Iraq and to end the coexistence in the country under the pretext of formation. This is an effort to marginalise the people of Kurdistan, Turkmens and other ethnic groups in Iraq, said the Kurdish political parties.
Dinar Investor says():So 16 ministers have been sent for approval except Defense and interior. A week to study the names, I doubt we'd be waiting a week Sadr would create another protest! Morning all :)
tman23 says():The Deputy said the Kurdistan blocs Coalition Kurdish deputies would withdraw from the Parliament session if a cabinet reshuffle included Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari.
Rinas confirmed Jano told "withdraw from the meeting host Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi if his list included the Ministerial change".
Abbadi arrived shortly before the Parliament building to attend the meeting hosted by and offer his cockpit Cabinet and Prime Minister's Office announced that Abbadi "will display a list of names of candidates for ministries and their biographies who were selected by a Committee of experts specialized on grounds of professional competence, integrity and leadership capacity in the light of document sweeping reforms."
A government source revealed Wednesday by political pressure exerted on Al-Abbadi to raise my Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari and Minister of higher education and scientific research, Hussain Al-Shahristani of the change list
rcookie says(:  Iraq signs a loan worth 220 million dollars with Japan
History Tahrir:: 2016/3/31 14:32 • 98 times mqrw’h  [Where - Baghdad] Iraq signed on Thursday a loan of 220 million dollars with Japan to Tnimh financial reform.
A statement by the Ministry of Finance received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the "Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari met with Japan 's ambassador to Iraq , Fumio Iwai and head of the Japanese Agency for the Office of International Cooperation [JICA] and the Finance Minister during the meeting to sign a loan development policy , financial reform at $ 250 billion yen , equivalent to $ 220 million , a direct cash loan to support the 2016 budget. "
he added that" this loan is part of a co - financing with the World Bank , which already is the other , and provided a loan to Iraq to support the development of financial reform policy.
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heartland says():tman23...thanks for your posts. I have been looking forward to hearing from you again. A couple of weeks ago you were of the opinion that the current time frame could be of critical importance...any change of opinion now?...Thanks
watson1 says to tman23():do you the pm will be able to pull it off?
rcookie says():Iraq initiate a draft assembly and production of Chinese cars
History Tahrir:: 2016/3/31 10:31 • 106 times mqrw’h
[Where - Baghdad] Iraq began Bhmrua assemble and produce cars Crete Wall] Chinese.
And the company 's general manager Adnan Ahmad Razin said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the "General Company for the manufacture of cars and equipment , one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals announced the immediate project assembly and production of cars Crete Wall] in cooperation with Iraq approach the company and Crete Wall of China .
"The company embarked on the implementation of civil works for the project, which covers an area of 7,500 square meters and a total cost of one billion and 223 million and 750 thousand dinars, which include sewer boycotted and the creation of steel structures and extensions of water and compressed air, electricity and pour the ground,
adding that" after the completion of civil works will be initiated setting up the assembly and production line, expected to start production of pickups and saloon end of this year, pointing out that "cars type of Crete Wall] has received a great demand in the Iraqi market for Maatmtaz its high durability and specifications.
He noted that" the company has in an earlier launch of the new production of pickups as the type of Orson with Qmarp one payload of one ton to local markets at very suitable with traffic signs after he embarked on actual production Card [15] car / per day in conjunction with Aiko Iranian company.
rcookie says():
larrykn says to rcookie():sure are a lot of companies coming into Iraq :)
watson1 says():yes larry and irqa need to tradable dinar(y)
watson1 says():i hope know this
larrykn says to watson1():this is the beginning of seeing that :)
watson1 says():i just soon before everyone walk away with the hand up in the air .. irqa is so lucky right now
watson1 says():the could really be super power in the middle east if they all would get along
RickeyT says():When will the annual April fool's junk start? Try and be creative and write a "breaking News" article, not just a "it RV'ed" post....
clay01 says to RickeyT():they will probably start on Aprils fools day, I would think
RickeyT says to clay01():Baghdad time or East Coast time?
Baxter says():SO.... is this Abadi's Day in Parliament?? His 9 New Ministers announced?
RickeyT says to clay01():it's 4:36 PM in Baghdad right now....
clay01 says to RickeyT):East Coast more than likely
Baxter says():Should be about over with then....
larrykn says to Baxter():he has presented his cabinet but parliment was put off due to lack of quardum
Baxter says():(lol)
Baxter says():Figures
larrykn says to Baxter():that was for only half an hour so I don't know now
rcookie says():The House of Representatives to raise its next Saturday and vote on the new cabinet within 10 days
PM: 04: 28: 31/03/2016 Khandan   It raised the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, Thursday session, which was attended by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to next Saturday, while confirming that the vote on the new ministers would be within 10 days.
A reporter for "Khandan", who is now in the House of Representatives, said Abadi pledged before the House of Representatives to change the heads of independent bodies no later than a month from now.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, had delivered the names of candidates of all ministries except the ministries of interior and defense, to the Iraqi Council of Representatives, said a vote on them within 10 days.
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rcookie says():A parliamentary source told the reporter, "Khandan" "Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, handed all the names of candidates for government cabin except for the interior and defense ministers, to House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri," noting that "al-Jubouri, will submit it to the heads of parliamentary blocs to study them."
For his part, MP Adel Beeston in a statement to "Khandan" The new ministerial cabin will include 16 ministries only, noting that 14 ministries will be changed and the ministers except the ministries of defense and interior.
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Baxter says():Another 10 Days...... Oh Boy.....
Baxter says():Lets see... that puts us to about the middle of April...
watson1 says to rcookie():is that next week sat
msdiva says():8-| really come on
Baxter says():Unbelievable....
watson1 says():poppy3 was right lair lairs
msdiva says():Abadi wont make it til then
Baxter says():Yep
tman23 says():My opinion is......... Abadi is teetering on the fence....... They speak of no confidence and have done so a few months ago where President Massoum said it just was not practical to hold a no confidence vote now.......
Abadi was a no show at Parliment......the Kurds said "replace Zembari and we walk !!! Done with the federal government........They had a is ABADI with a huge problem and nobody sees his changes as anything other than prosthetics............
Baxter says():Lies...lies..and more lies 
llighthouse says():Good morning all, i missed the beginning of this conversation, why will it be another 10 days?

msdiva says():why is Abadi stalling
llighthouse says():Good questions
clay01 says to msdiva():We may never know, lol
watson1 says():abadi is done and i think the ink and world bank will walk soon . like cnn ,abc and nbc said these last few day it looks like civil is coming and back to way it always been there . the gov will go back toa dictor and one more mess up on us .
msdiva says():i felt it my gut he would pull this stunt delaying or delying
watson1 says():so we just wait and chill
clay01 says to watson1():As always,
watson1 says():i hope it does work out cause it would be just one more thing our news was wrong on like oil going down to $20.00 by june
msdiva says():well this early morning news poppy3 always said its better to see what happens in the evening news as well
rcookie says to watson1():whAt are you talkking about.............
clay01 says to watson1():if you hear it on the news, believe only half of it, you get to decide which half, lol
watson1 says():i still have hope ,but it the middle east ..
msdiva says():we wait and see whats next nothin we can do but wait
apollo says():hoping for this weekend
rcookie says to watson1():the world bank and i assume you meant the imf are going to walk away.....can you read...
watson1 says():yahoo news is pro irqa .
clay01 says to watson1():our news is about RATEING'S, the truth just gets in their way
dale says():rcookie : Amen

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