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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tlar Thoughts On Bank Seizures Linked To ISIS

Post From Currency Chatter 3-29-16

Interior Ministry announces seizing 3 banking companies linked with ISIS
By Amre Sarhan -  Mar 28, 2016
Archival photo.Archival photo.
( Baghdad – The Financial and Economic Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Interior announced on Monday the seizure of three banking companies that were transferring funds to the ISIS-controlled areas in the provinces of Baghdad and Kirkuk.
Tlar:    I am sure these companies were participating in the auctions but until further info comes in that is just a guess.  For the Central bank to be involved there is no doubt that they were buying a lot of USD as pictured above using dinars to purchase it. 
 These dinars were most likely stripped from citizens in ISIS held territories and that is precisely why the CBI quit sending payroll to government employees in these areas.  At least these companies were taken out of the picture and that should be reflected in the next week’s auction results. 
We should see the amount of USD sales to the street go down.  Iraq appears to be getting very serious of protecting the USD and only wanting to allocate or sell for legitimate purposes.  It is good to see this government at least trying to stop counterfeiting and smuggling and money laundering. 
Shabibi unequivocally told the Maliki government that it is the job of the government to protect the money.  Shabibi identified many leaks while in office including finding people on the CBI payroll that were stealing for Maliki.  Shabibi tried to remove them and Maliki told him he could not. 
So these thieves stayed on as untouchables continuing to steal for Maliki, protected by Maliki; and the government never followed up on any person, country or company that Shabibi had identified as stealing money either through the auctions or counterfeiting dinars, and passing them on the streets (Iran). 
What a pleasure it is to see this government actually going after the corrupt and catching them.  Maybe I am just jaded but anytime I see something corrupt involving millions of dollars in Iraq like these companies above, somehow I think Maliki is involved. 

He had his hand in everything else.  Why not be involved in the acquiring of hard currency for ISIS taking a piece of the action?  tlar


JD Blue:    Dont give it to Maliki and Sharisttani
Interior Ministry announces seizing 3 banking companies linked with ISIS
By Amre Sarhan -  Mar 28, 2016
( Baghdad – The Financial and Economic Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Interior announced on Monday the seizure of three banking companies that were transferring funds to the ISIS-controlled areas in the provinces of Baghdad and Kirkuk.
The department said in a statement received by that it “seized three banking companies that were making financial transfers to areas controlled by the ISIS in Kirkuk and Baghdad,” noting that,

“The seizure of those companies was made in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq,” referring to “taking legal actions against these companies.”;

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