Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dr. Clarke Wednesday Update Post, emailed to Dinar Recaps

DR. CLARKE: I just LOVE this blog and all the people here. It’s really ALL so Good, Exciting and Fun……even Mysterious. I want to commend people like MG, Frank, Rayren, Millionday and a number of others, who are sincerely doing their “Best” to share themselves in a way to assist millions of people, in a positive way. This is NOT a race to see who’s right and who’s wrong. This is really NOT a competition, for most - for that doesn’t serve anyone. This is a Long Post, but we felt all of you, and NOW is the time. Again, re-read this several times, because there is TONS of info here…..

Let’s just lay some things right out here on the table in plain sight for just about everyone, (not completely everyone), to see. We always want to share things that assist you from many different angles, so that you don’t get stuck on just one viewpoint, belief or perception, and think that’s “all there is”. This is education & human soul expansion. Let’s start with this:
We recommended the movie “Forest Gump” for many reasons. What you call a “riddle”, is the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of your investment. There is so much information in that movie, that will serve you the REST OF YOUR LIFE on so many levels, that is way beyond just “becoming wealthy”. A few days after I personally became VERY wealthy many years ago, I realized the importance and priority of “Living”. I still had to eat. I still had to sleep. I still had to buy toilet paper. I still had to interact with my fellow humans, that either added to my happiness or took away my happiness - all those things that were always important, whether I had wealth or not. I was still going to DIE some day. It’s guaranteed to happen. The wealth, was very important, but it didn’t replace the things I still was, BEFORE I had wealth. 

Forest Gump also has many clues to this investment. Forest always “Lived in the Moment”, no matter what. He took life a Moment at a time, never knowing what was next. He acted on his “Feelings”, no matter what anyone else said - and things ALWAYS worked out Better than he ever expected. He realized that life was being orchestrated by something “Bigger” than himself, in partnership with him - especially when his mother died. Forest “living in the moment”, without “trying too hard”, always led him into good things and outcomes. He never had a “Plan”. He just Trusted and sought his own happiness, which translated into assisting all others in the process. He didn’t get on the internet every hour and check to see if he was now a new millionaire - and thus being disappointed with life, when it didn’t happen yet. He didn’t stress himself out, by trying too hard on things he couldn’t control. He lived within the things he could control - which was the way he chose to perceive his personal circumstances - and when they weren’t what he wanted - he changed them - like when he started running after his mother died, and ran for 3 years straight, because that’s the way he felt. As a result, he inspired millions, not meaning to. Forest Gump also provides you with clues as to the timing and circumstances around this investment. Vietnam. Government systems. Rags to Riches. June 6th. Lieutenant Dan - who made lemonade out of lemons, by transforming his attitude and making peace with God - understanding what True Happiness REALLY is - and it’s EVERYTHING in life. EVERYTHING. 

INSANITY is: “Doing the same things over & over, and expecting a different result”.
Forest understood that all good things come from WITHIN first, then the things on the outside take care of themselves. That’s why he would sit with himself quietly for long periods of time, in personal contemplation, or Meditation and WAIT till the right time or feeling, to ACT. But, not a moment too soon or a moment too late. When he was inspired, he moved, but not before, because it wasn’t TIME - for OPTIMUM RESULTS. He was a MASTER.

Now some SPECIFICS: You want to know 1st and foremost “WHY?” the Dinar rate in Iraq has not increased and “WHY?” everyone hasn’t exchanged their currency yet? You want to know “WHY?” - or you wouldn’t even be reading this blog, in the first place. 

We’ve been giving you the #1 reason, and it’s still the #1 reason, regardless of what anyone else wants to believe, or argues about or thinks they know. Additionally, there are several different significant elements that are interconnected, that make the timing of this so critical - and we’ll give you those, as well.

The #1 Reason is and continues to be: TERRORISM - ISIS - DAESH - ISIL. A major revaluation up till now in Iraq or Vietnam or other countries, would fund and grow an organization, that puts the entire WORLD’S POPULATION at risk. THIS IS A WORLDWIDE threat and concern. Not so much about MONEY, but about LIVES. To stop this funding, so there can be major revaluations, the Coalition has cutoff ALL THEIR FUNDING SOURCES, destroyed their Banks holding exchangeable currency, stopped OIL revenues and now finally, and legally, listed and designated those political leaders within Iraq and other countries, who are connected with ISIS, supporting them, funding them, stealing for them, and protecting them - and are eliminating them - primarily in Iraq and others countries, as well. Iraq happens to be ground zero, when most of the money and corruption has been centered - BUT NOT ANY LONGER.

Now, at the same time all that we just described above, is and has been taking place, the infrastructure of Iraq is reformed. Laws being passed. Banks being strengthened. New politicians being appointed - and public trust in their government, slowly being restored. Slowly.

We listed in yesterday’s post, all the important happenings of late. You can see a pattern. Our projected dates of March 22-24, came & went. But you saw what happened around those dates - Major Terrorist Attacks. Brussels, Pakistan, The White House, Plane Hijacking - Why? Because in the “PLAN” that we showed last week BEFORE any of this occurred, the rate and status was to change, during that time frame - and so, you see a plethora of terrorist activity, taking people’s lives, in order to stop the currency movement. Why do you think the UN/WB was in Iraq on Saturday - just 2 days after the 24th? It was supposed to have been done, as the most inconspicuous time, when nobody would expect it, so to speak. I know, many of you are saying, “well they still weren’t ready” - but according to who? All the printed articles you’re reading, that show an exact, logical timeline as to supposed events either being done or not being done? People in jail or not in jail? Laws being passed or not being passed? Everything NOT being perfect? 

We can tell you with certainty, that our March dates WERE IN THE PLAN. That’s why you saw all the sudden major terrorist activity spring up in that week - ALL that week. In fact, it STARTED on March 22nd with Brussels - the exact day of our “1st Period” - when you haven’t seen or heard anything for quite awhile. Then you hear about ISIS Finance Minister and 2nd in command, being taken out last week. This is huge, and no coincidence of timing. Again, it’s about MONEY. Shutting down their funds. It’s #1. Stop their funds and you stop ISIS. They cannot survive - even if they have guns in their hands, they eventually lose everything - and at the same time, the coalition military dismantling them, without too many civilian casualties. Add to this that Russia last week, suddenly decides to retreat their airstrikes and stop for now. Why? Because they have ISIS right where they want them - on major decline. Palmyra, Syria was liberated and more to come. Security overall WORLDWIDE is much better, and Iraq is even Better. Mosul, will be handled soon. They could take it over tomorrow, if they wanted to. But there is a PLAN. It’s about TIMING (Forest Gump). They have some people to catch. They have some things to uncover. The have some last few Foundational details that MUST be done in order, to secure the safety, security and Long-Term welfare of not only Iraq, but ALL THE MIDEAST, including Iran, Saudi, Jordan, Israel, Libya, Afghanistan, Qatar - all of them and including Europe & Africa - not to mention the U.S. - and don’t forget China & Russia. N. Korea is a major Nuclear threat, because they don’t care. Major loose canon. They don’t listen to anyone, not even China, their closest ally. Major threat. You don’t read even a smidgen of the information that’s going on behind the scenes with this N. Korea situation. It is tied to Iraq, the revaluation or even Vietnam, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Iran, China. YES! Hell YES!

What does all this have to do with Iraq increasing the value of the Dinar, or other countries increasing their currency, such as Vietnam? WORLDWIDE SECURITY. The UN, IMF & WB WILL NOT APPROVE AND SUPPORT ANY ONE SINGLE GOVERNMENT’S DESIRE TO SUBSTANTIALLY CHANGE THE RATE OF THEIR CURRENCY, (because it is such a major economic event for even ONE country to do it, within that country & the impact on global trade) - in the midst of a SIGNIFICANT WORLD EVENT, whether it be a Nuclear one or Major Terrorism activity. Additionally, and especially when you’re risking an organization such as ISIS being able to potentially exchange BILLIONS of Dollars, through Dinar, or Dong or any other currency, and significantly increasing their funding and thus their capability to recruit new members from all around the world, because you can not pay them AND you can now purchase the weapons to support - THUS QUICKLY GROWING THEIR NUMBERS - all because of a pre-mature revaluation of some country’s currency. This is “WHY?” IT HASN’T HAPPENED YET.

Where are we RIGHT NOW?
G-20 meeting tomorrowMarch 31, 2016. You think this has nothing to do with Iraq, revaluation, money, economy worldwide. Are you kidding me? This meeting is ALL ABOUT ECONOMIC REFORM AND STABILITY WORLDWIDE. PERIOD!….and ESPECIALLY IRAQ. You’re Not going to read that in the newspaper. The UN/WB was in Iraq on Saturday for a HUGE reason, which you also not going to read about in the newspaper.

We an tell you when the increase in the Dinar WILL NOT HAPPEN. It’s not happening Today, this week, or next week. In Fact, its NOT happening in the next 3 weeks. NOT going to happen Friends, so learn to live like Forest Gump. It’s NOT going to happen anytime in the next 3 weeks. 

BUT, I can tell you there is a small possibility that the rate MIGHT increase - MIGHT - has a chance, has a potentiality, has a shot, has a probability factor, has as good a chance as any - Weekend of APRIL 29, 30 - MAY 1, 2016.

These dates are NOT part of the original “PLAN” we laid out, which is STILL IN EFFECT, with the 2nd PERIOD: Week of JUNE 6th. Because events have changed FAVORABLY in Iraq and because ISIS is where they are, and because MOSUL is further along than is publicly reported, and because there are 1 Million people near and in, the Green Zone, and because 3 Laws are about to be passed, and because UN/WB has publicly showed they have physically been to Iraq and publicly given them a “smile”, and because the Currency Auctions are dwindling down to next to nothing each week now, and because OIL is rising (which spells major revenue), and because Bank infrastructure is “good enough” now, and because Iraq is attempting to diversify their economy, and because Iraq now is now in the “Gas” game, and because Summer is coming soon and at least they now have electricity, and because the Mosul Dam could bust at any moment, and because they’ve just about exhausted all the use of Maliki to their advantage, as they can (yes, he’s being used), and because there are over a Million Refugees roaming across Europe in countries that cannot monetarily support them, and it gets worse every day, and because the election in the U.S. is getting closer to this administration leaving office……..BECAUSE OF ALL THAT AND MORE - if nothing HUGELY, INSANELY Upsetting happens i.e.: Major World Catastrophe takes place - then this April 29-May 1st time frame is being considered at this time. SERIOUSLY in place. BUT, the JUNE 6th date is and has been the Plan, that’s right behind it. THEY REALLY WANT THIS DONE ASAP, Don’t kid yourself for a moment. But, it is a Worldwide Consensus that we cannot risk over-funding ISIS, any more than it will already happen so some degree any way - and unnecessarily cost the world lots more LIVES, in the process. It’s just NOW at really great point - for instance, THAT’S why you’ve seen OIL prices go up the past 2 weeks - ISIS has little control or revenues anymore, through the oil fields.

So, there you have it - when it’s NOT going to happen - and when it IS scheduled to happen.
IT’S ALL SPECULATION FOLKS! But in the wisdom of Forest Gump, “Live the most of your Moments RIGHT NOW”, and that doesn’t include stressing about this every day, in a “Any Time, Any Minute, Any second” mentality. It’s not healthy, and it takes a HUGE toll on you. HUGE. 
REMEMBER: What good is all your wealth, all your money, all your possessions - IF you stressed yourself out for days, weeks, months and even years, to the point that your health was sacrificed and you when you FINALLY have it, you’re sick and can’t enjoy it? You don’t have to pay that high of a price, because NONE of it is worth it. De-stress yourself NOW. Stop SPINNING. Go watch a movie. Distract yourself. Let the time pass. Let what you cannot control - GO. These events are happening, and as Forest knew, “There is a TIMING and a Force, at work that is beyond all of us - but INCLUDES us” - WE, just have to partner with it, and let it do it’s job by “Living the Happiest in the MOMENT.” This Moment, not waiting till you’re Wealthy……because you’re carrying all your problems, that are not money related, right with you - and you can handle them RIGHT NOW. 

Many Millions are suffering on this planet. We have tremendously deep Compassion. But, there are reasons beyond just some extra money to help fix it. Each person has a path in life, and nobody knows exactly what that is, except them, at the core of their being. Over time, it is revealed, even if it’s not what we expect. We cannot fix the world’s problems - because some are meant to experience what they experience. We can only take care of ourself first - just like Forest. And when we take care of Self first, then all others benefit - because then we have more go “give” - not just talking money here. We give more Love, more Time, more Fullness - more of our complete “SELF”…..we’re more balanced, and from a Health standpoint, even more importantly. In the words of Warren Buffet, “You Cannot Give, What you Do Not Have” - which includes everything…..including money. Lots of money does, lots more. I know, I’ve been without and now with, and I can tell you, life is MUCH BETTER with more money. But, it isn’t the main reason the be alive. The main reason, is to find our Happiness in ALL THINGS - then the money will come. Forest was not a “chaser” - he was an “allower”. Be an “allower” and allow the Universe/God/Source or whatever your higher power definition is for you - Do it’s job. 

Be in a Calm, Relaxed, Confident, Trusting, Believing, Knowing, Balanced, Happy and Loving, state of being, as much as you can - regardless of what hurricane is blowing around you - or how much life really Sucks right now, or has for a long time. THIS is what it means to be “HEALTHY”…..and you can start RIGHT NOW. Nothing stays the same, and EVERYTHING changes. EVERYTHING….and it is. Take it 1 Day at a time.

That is our message today. You asked, so we “Let’r Rip”. Lots to digest here. But, you know, we had to come out of the Bleachers for a short while, because it just became more FUN to be on the Field, than sit in the bleachers - at least for now. You don’t have to believe anything we say, and we don’t want anything from you, not in the least little bit. Our full satisfaction comes from knowing, at least ONE person might benefit in some way, from our words.

“All Hell is about to break Loose”…….in a good way. Go get you a “Box of Chocolates”.

I Intend the Best for ALL,
Dr. Clarke

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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