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Sunday, March 27, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-27-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-27-16  Part 2 of 2

Iraqi talks on the UN to support Iraq economically

26/03/2016 17:37  Tomorrow Press / Baghdad took place on Saturday in Baghdad, intensive talks between checks on the delegation headed by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki - moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmed Mohamed Ali, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and Ministers of Finance, Planning and Central Bank Governor and a number of advisers, on ways to support global financial institutions of the Iraqi economy during this critical circumstances.
The Finance Ministry said in a statement: "Tomorrow Press", a copy of which received "The talks focused on the United Nations and financial institutions to support the government's efforts and discussions to reach an agreement (SBA) with the International Monetary Fund to stimulate economic reforms and monitoring of economic performance, which will provide an international financial loans Iraq to take advantage of them to cover the deficit and meet the security and humanitarian needs. "
He held the finance minister, Hoshyar Zebari, according to the statement "collateral talks with World Bank President talks about the technical teams of the Fund and the need to speed up bank financing for projects in the regions and provinces."
He said the secretary-general "to support the organization's efforts to reform and fight corruption and increase transparency and achieve national reconciliation and to prosecute criminals for crimes against humanity, particularly organizations Daash against the Yazidi community."  LINK 
tlm724     from Minister of Finance site :
Iraqi talks on the UN to support Iraq economically   Saturday, 26 March 2016
Held today in Baghdad in March 2016 26, intensive talks between checks on delegation headed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and President of the Islamic Development Bank, Dr. Ahmad Mohammad Ali and Mr. Prime Minister, Dr. Haider al-Abadi and Ministers of Finance, Planning and the Governor of the Central Bank and a number of adviser to the Prime Minister, on ways to support global financial institutions, the Iraqi economy during this critical circumstances.
The discussions focused on the United Nations and financial institutions to support the government 's efforts and discussions to reach an agreement ( SBA ) With the International Monetary Fund to stimulate economic reforms and monitoring of economic performance, which will provide an international financial loans to Iraq to take advantage of them to cover the deficit and meet the security and humanitarian needs.
The minister held talks with the financial side, World Bank President talks about the technical teams of the Fund and the need to speed up bank financing for projects in the regions and provinces.
Mr. Secretary-General stressed the Organization's support to the efforts of reform and fight corruption and increase transparency and achieve national reconciliation and to prosecute criminals for crimes against humanity, particularly organizations Daash against the Yazidi community.
Parliamentary Finance show Qkulha instability dollar and plans to the Central accountable for currency auction    
History of edits:: 27.03.2016 14:17      {Baghdad: Euphrates News} was a member of the parliamentary finance committee Masood Haider, expressed concern to the committee about the instability of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.
Said Haider, told {Euphrates News} " The Finance Committee talked about the high price of the dollar, which is worried about the instability of the exchange rate , " adding that "We decided two weeks ago to host the committee supervising the auction currency at the central bank, and if given the Central Bank of conditions we will host them and ask for many things , including respect of auction currency. "
he added that" the goal of the Finance Committee exchange rate stability in Iraq, and try to reduce the negative impact on the Iraqi market , "pointing out that" the central bank stressed that he will try to reduce sales, and perhaps there is a negative impact of this thing there some traders traffickers in hard currency are taking advantage of these statements to take advantage in the short term. "
However , Haider , " but the citizen will see in the long term that the exchange rate in Iraq will stabilize at a certain point , "explaining , " We believe in the Finance Committee , there are mechanisms at the central bank take to prevent the closure of the door traffickers in hard currency to control the exchange rate. "
He added that the Finance Committee," will inform the Central Bank of these procedures, and urging them to be followed , "asserting" take those actions will be the initiative , however , the Central Bank and not in the hands of traffickers. "
the past days , a rise in the dollar against the dinar Iraqi, reaching 127,000 dinars currency category $ 100, having been up to 125,000 dinars.
the Governor of the Central Bank and the agency on the Keywords, announced last Wednesday, the bank 's intention to reduce sales of the dollar by 50% for the year 2016 this, stressing the need to take into account supply and demand .
Keywords and said in a televised interview, said that "rationing exists with the bank to sell the dollar during the auction conducted by where we started to cut these sales in 2015, which amounted to 25% compared to the previous year , " pointing out that "the year 2016 perhaps we will reach this sales decrease by 40 to 50% from the previous year. "
It is noteworthy that, a member of the Committee on economy and investment parliamentary Najiba Najib, warned the central bank to reduce sales of the dollar, without the government 's orientation to support the gross domestic product and reduce import.
, said Najib, for {Euphrates News } "if the decision to reduce the sale of the dollar, without taking measures to encourage the industrial and agricultural sector as well as other sectors will have a significant impact on increasing the prices of the dollar against the dinar, which means that the ordinary citizen will bear the brunt."
She explained that " the decision to reduce the sale of the dollar, It will be negative as the price of the dollar will rise, but whether the actions taken by the government are correct and moving toward supporting the gross domestic product, the demand for imports from abroad would be a little, so the lack of demand for the dollar will be parallel with the central bank 's decision ".anthy
tlm724    However , Haider , " but the citizen will see in the long term that the exchange rate in Iraq will stabilize at a certain point , "explaining , " We believe in the Finance Committee , there are mechanisms at the central bank take to prevent the closure of the door traffickers in hard currency to control the exchange rate. "
"if the decision to reduce the sale of the dollar, without taking measures to encourage the industrial and agricultural sector as well as other sectors will have a significant impact on increasing the prices of the dollar against the dinar, which means that the ordinary citizen will bear the brunt."

Stimulate banking activity
Author: Yasser incumbent   3/27/2016 0:00   There is much talk about the phenomenon of compactness any retention of citizens for their money at home, it is estimated that more than 70 percent of the money they are trading chunky at home , referring to not dealing with no government - owned banks do not own.
Analyzes and explanations come from here and there about the reasons for the reluctance of citizens deposited their money in banks what is the effect on the size of their contribution to the development because of poor credit policy, is the question that the citizen is right Bazovh despite compactness risks that warns them money and economists,
which boils down to exposure to damage , or for any theft , and most importantly decreasing real value, then what causes that deepened this phenomenon?
key factors led to the emergence of the phenomenon of compactness firstly preoccupation with banks and other activities check her Mazmonh gains and distance it from the credit risk after being exposed to the many problems in their inability to recover loans and this is the banks led to a lack of interest in the deposits was offset by the weakness of encouragement and lack of incentives for citizens to deposit his money this is the part of the other hand the loss of citizen 's confidence in banks due to ill each administration in dealing with the citizen

where is facing difficulty in pulling his money otherwise harm the reputation of the banking sector due to the mistakes of others, that 's all there is to it . 
now an urgent need for the role of banks in the development through its support to the productive sectors soft loans because banks rely on lending to what is available of their deposits has faced great difficulty and this case was one of the beauties of the financial crisis that led to the scarcity of Alciolhlabesbb not available but for hoarding more than three - quarters of the houses to motivate banks to return to this activity , how can we develop the country?
Before now , the banking sector and in light of this crisis , a historic opportunity for the expression of the success and the possibility of a citizen 's confidence in his ability to fulfill its obligations by seeking to ensure the success of development loans launched by the central bank and work program to deal with it professionally and carefully in order to pass this test,
 if able to achieve goals needed the confidence to not return just for the banking sector but will grow and deepen .olna vision to build on these successes Azlabd the central adoption of the principle of assessment and proper classification of banks via his initiative the adoption of international institutions to assess the performance and adoption in the seed banks support through announced to deal with ministries and prioritized in the implementation of loans and legislation deposit Insurance Law to fully contribute reassertion of confidence in banks to enable it to perform its role and achieve the desired goal of central banking activity in stimulus for development.
tlm724    the central adoption of the principle of assessment and proper classification of banks via his initiative the adoption of international institutions to assess the performance and adoption in the seed banks support through announced to deal with ministries and prioritized in the implementation of loans and legislation deposit Insurance Law to fully contribute reassertion of confidence in banks to enable it to perform its role and achieve the desired goal of central banking activity in stimulus for development.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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