Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Wednesday Afternoon 3-30-16


PJ:  So Intel has slowed down quite a bit which "could" be a good thing. Should we just sit back and assume it may go much longer. We aren't seeing much bombing in Iraq which is a good thing, maybe they are further along than we know. If the killing has decreased that is surely something to be pleased about.

Stag1:  I heard that Abadi has his cabinet picked . he's done so much in so little time . He can pick the right people quickly and why is Largarde going to Vietnam last week then Iraq this past week

RaginCajun: stag1- that would be a huge step in the rv..., my back window is still the middle to end of april- hoping sooner

Stag1- if he sets the government, then they can pass the remaining laws, the flag planted in mosul, arrest maikli and his goons, we're done…. this could all happen within the next few days
Dinar Chronicles:
"The New Iraqi Dinar" - TZX Intelligence Report

TZX Intelligence Report  Posted on March 30, 2016
According to news reports, the Iraqi Dinar is now an internationally recognizable currency. But where is the RV and why is it not recognized in banks yet?
The IQD may be internationally recognized, but there is still a little bit more of road ahead. Although, The news of this is enormously good and shows that the process is moving forward.
What's next?
The introduction to the New Iraqi Dinar (IQN). We know many of you, have heard of the IQN long ago. Well, it is real and it is now in the process of becoming a reality. PM Abadi continues to be pressured to push reforms. We've stated in our last report that the politics coming out of Iraq is all a political play. The real and ultimate process is of global magnitude and is occurring behind the scenes. What you see in Iraq is the movie and not the set. Therefore, the Iraqi Dinar becoming internationally recognizable is a significant sign of the ultimate process moving forward.
The difference between IQN and IQD
There is no difference. Once certain things are in place and certain entities give the go, Iraq will rename the IQD to IQN. No new currency will be issued. All higher denomination notes will be exchanged for lower denomination notes.
When will we see the IQN?
Watch the news coming out of Iraq in the coming weeks. The month of April is significant for Iraq to push monetary reforms.
The IQN and the USN
The United States Notes is in-fact linked with the New Iraqi Dinar. How they are linked, remains unknown and/or classified. If someone out there in the know may explain how, feel free to do so.
Iraq has been given the month of April to introduce the IQN.
The USN will shortly follow after the IQN and commence the Global Currency Reset.
This has been TZX Intelligence, ending report.


Landa Global Conference Call Wed. 3-30-16

Landa Global has been hosting a dial-in conference to inform holders of assets and intermediaries of the current status of the historic bond processes, and general information in respect of procedures.

In addition, Landa and Humanus host Guest Speakers that offer a glimpse into the various Project sectors Humanus is actively supporting, as well as funding.

To access the weekly conference, please observe the following information: 

Date:  Each Wednesday
Time: 4:00 p.m. CST (USA) or 5:00 p.m. EST (New York)
Conference Number:   641-715-3580
Access Code:   484-959#

   See international call numbers below.  Access code is the same as above


Notthe1:    If I may .... ??? Rumor ... WF bank ... I just got off the phone from a pastor from CA ... Who just got off the phone from a pastor in Florida ...

WF banker called him in for an exchange (Dong) ... Banker said the screen was live showing 3:1 and later 5:1 ... Also said they did not have the go to exchange until 3:00 AM. 3-31-16.

just causing some excitement.. Lol off to Dr office ... Need my blood pressure checked.

Nadito:  I will treat this as a rumor from the cartoon section.  I hope it's true.. I can go in next week to exchange.  In fact, two weeks ago I got a call from a banker out of the blue... I have been scratching my head


ReddStarr: Jubouri: Parliament was "ready for the success of the 
reform process!

Baghdad / Iraq News Network suggested Parliament Speaker
Salim al-Jubouri, Wednesday, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi
two options on the reshuffle, announcement to be with him, as he emphasized the determination of Parliament to complete legislation include amnesty law 

Jubouri package at a press conference in the House of Representatives
today: It is "at a time when the House of Representatives confirms
its intention to complete the legislation package into law a
general amnesty and the law of the Federal Court,

the House of Representatives believes that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi
two choices only two." he added al-Jubouri, said: "the first option
is to submit the required specifications minister and dealing with
crises, or the formation of a government of technocrats 
comprehensive ", stressing that" the parliament is ready in case the conditions necessary for the success of the reform process

"the State of law coalition called on Wednesday for an emergency meeting between Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and heads of political blocs, one day before provide Abadi upcoming ministerial substitutions.


Reddstarr:  Supreme Council of corruption takes decisions to the travel of officials and their property and their money

Twilight News / chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Wednesday a meeting with the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption. 

He said al-Abadi's office in a statement, said that this meeting comes within the reform plans by the Prime Minister, where he was discussing the resolute actions that have been taken by the Council to prosecute corrupt, plans and strategies, which began to be implemented to reduce the phenomenon of corruption in the country.

He added that the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption has taken a number of decisions in this area, including: -

1. support the Integrity Commission concerning the travel ban on officials who are under investigation and based on the evidence available to it measures. 

2. support for the regulators (COI - Financial Supervision - inspectors general offices - judges - Monitoring Directorate banking and credit) and provide them with protection. 

3. The Central Bank of Iraq competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and assets of officials and follow-up according to the law. 

4. assign a member of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption in coordination with the competent judge of integrity and impartiality investigator concerned to speed up the completion of procedures relating to the resolution of large corruption cases. 

5 - determine a mechanism for scrutiny dealers sources of income to the sale and purchase of real estate. In addition to a number of other decisions of the actual contribution to fight corruption and prosecute corrupt and tampering with money Iraqis and put them behind bars.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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