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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Reader Thoughts On New Age Socialism & The End Of Debt-Based Money Creation  Part 2 of 2

Thoughts On “New Age Socialism & The End Of Debt-Based Money Creation
Excitableone       Like you said, problem created, solution provided. We are begging for a solution to a problem that was created by the same people who will be providing the “newer, better solution”. Mankind needs to simplify overall. Get more local, more family. “Money” needs to go away. That is our solution
Marioa       socialism and capitalism , meshed together. Sounds like Frankenstein. Good always negates evil , so it’s my perspective that capitalism (good) will outshine Socialism(evil) and we’ll be left with a capitalist world where everyone controls their own destiny .
Unless it’s coerced upon the population then it will be a new dark age.
Just doesn’t seem right to me . I was surreal to hear the leader of the free world say there is little difference between the two. How’s socialism working out in Valenzuela , Cuba and Nicaragua ?
Speedspirit      The rich get richer and the poor loose any chance of becoming rich. Instead the poor and those without jobs will become artist, for man must express himself. Those who get lost and distracted by lesser human emotions will perish.
Dane     And as the cultured sects of humanity gravitate to art perhaps these future artists will find impossible wealth from the very folks who have been condemned by the poor. Wouldnt that be a twist of fate. But the circle is there.
Good perspective speedspirit. Also in nature the weak animals usually fall behind and are eventually left behind if they can’t find the strength to keep up. The whole is more important than the individual it would seem. That doesn’t mean society in its current state of fear is running in the right direction or at a humane pace though. The river runs were the river runs.
Archivesdave      One ‘Black Swan’ that u seem to be overlooking: A full blown Global War, (hopefully not nuclear)!
JC Collins      Not overlooked. Has been written about here extensively. There will be no global war between nations.
Tezcatlipoca     JC,   What you have described in this article, quite accurately IMHO, is part of the accelerating and overarching process of the implementation of global governance over all aspects of human life.
In the monetary sphere, as in all others, what we are witnessing is the complete and total takeover by unelected, unaccountable global institutions such as the BIS and IMF, through a multilayered dialectical process.
The current global political monetary system’s thesis, private issuance of the currency and credit through private banking, and its antithesis, state control of the monetary system, possibly through public banking, has led inexorably to the undesirable synthesis of global centralized monetary control in the hands of the ever fewer.
Obama’s recent comments on there being little difference between capitalism and communism serve to highlight this ongoing process. The demand for change, as part of the Hegelian dialectical process, as you correctly point out, “is one of the fundamental injection points for the new age socialism which is emerging.”
Unfortunately, ‘new age socialism’ = totalitarianism and therein lies the rub and challenge for us all.
Dane    But how do we create these institutions with elected officials without added government for the election process? Only government officials are elected by the people.
Tezcatlipoca     Dane,    That’s exactly the point. The dialectic, as applied to the global monetary system, keeps us thinking in either/or mode in terms of what choices we have and leads us to the undesirable synthesis I’ve described. More ‘government’, whether so-called democratic or authoritarian, is not going to get us where we need to go.
In order to imagine a synthesis which increases human freedom we should be thinking beyond the choices presented to us and that is now finally happening. For example, these very issues are being discussed everyday in the cryptocurrency world where systems are open-source and decentralized.
Dane        I’m thinking along these lines but wondered if you had suggestions to spark a line of thought.
How would an election process be born from an open-source type of format? I can kind of tie it to a form of capitalism in that the peoples participation or purchasing faith in the produced product dictates its success or failure. Is this sort of in line with your thinking or am I going in the wrong direction?
Only with that line of thinking we see societies have given away this purchasing power and marched onto the steps of government to fix the products they want. This leads to higher prices for the consumer but they seem to not mind because they keep purchasing and marching.
But the scary part of open-source is when that code is in robots or AI. With all the deficiencies remaining in the collective human complex what will keep these defects in balance?
I’m thinking the VW computer issue is a robotic brain that just lied. And the google self driving car that is winning its legal battle for the right to get a drivers license.
Susan       What about the biosphere? How does that fit in? And will the geoengineering stop once global Socialism is achieved?
Mark       Don’t really know what you’re saying here.
Because I can’t believe banks will willingly give up their ability to create money from nothing… unless they’ve got bigger fish to fry, like a more efficient way to suck money from the masses.
From where I sit the most successful participants in present day economies are all criminals. They flout the law and even when caught ‘suffer’ only minor cost and simply go about their criminal activity… banks being the most egregious example of such activity… not that I know this personally, just from my reading of the situation.(most recently made clear by William Black interview on
Guess I need more understanding, what!!!
hugovictor54     Dear J.C.:  It is amazing to what extent people will go in order to live when in fact they know or should know that they will die. Why all of the effort?   Jack
Dane      Jack your comment touches my heart. We live to experience the beauty of nature and life itself. Not for money to buy all this stuff we see in the world today. It’s a sad day when societies children are asking how they can stop fearing death. Why do they think of death at such a young age when they are supposed to be thinking they are invincible?    The Empty Pickle Jar—A Lesson On Life
Dane      Oops wrong video but still a good one. This is the video I meant to post.
How shall I be rid of the fear of death?
John John      News from Cobra and Resistance Movement concerning the esoteric side of change are on line:
A sudden event is under preparing in order to trigger the change of the financial system and planetary liberation:     Be prepared!   With kindest regards.
John John    This is what you may expect in the financial domain after the unfolding of the sudden Event:
Chili Palmer       Meanwhile, the Chinese keep snapping up US assets:
neal poole        Great post!  I’m a bit skeptical about the part where commercial banks loose the ability to create money out of deposit slips.
Positive money is campaigning for the power to create money to be used in the public interest and they’re gaining some traction. But what evidence suggests this solution will be part of the multilateral synthesis?
Speedspirit      JC you allowed John John to post that information that cannot be verified and the author admits to LSD use which I gotta believe has affected his reality.
JC Collins      Yes, I did allow it, knowing that readers here would laugh it off. The whole Cobra galactic whatever thing is so silly it simply serves as cheap entertainment dressed up as non-fiction.
Pedrofalls      I want to begin this post with a heart felt thank you for JC and all the POM contributors. I came to POM about a year ago. Since then I’ve gone back to POM’s day one, and read and watched everything available to non-subscribers, at least two times and in many cases as much as ten times. Everything, and that includes all comments and many of the links provided by the contributors.
I’m satisfied that process has greatly improved my level of knowledge and has provided me with a much wider world view than most of the other sites I visit put together. And for that I say thanks to each and everyone of you. 
Now, with all the above mentioned posterior’s well inflated with smoke. please allow me to blow some up my own. On Jan. 28, 2016 I responded to JC’s post of Jan. 18, 2016, UBER COOL (FREEPOM) with this post.
‘Very interesting. I wonder if some of the dynamics being discussed here aren’t cause for what I see as start seeds beginning to germinate themselves during this current presidential election cycle.
To simplify, not for anyone’s benefit but my own. If it should come down to bull moose capitalist Trump, versus, pinko commie peace freak Sander’s. Wouldn’t we be witnessing the birth of a political debate brought into sharp relief by these widely different world views? And wouldn’t that be a good thing?’
The fact that it only took JC two months, and a blatant statement by Obama to catch up with my thinking,only proves the colloquial ‘great minds think alike’ well applies. Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are that’s funny. To be clear, the joke lies between my ego and self deprecation. So, hehehe.
To elaborate, it is Trump and Sanders who are able to draw crowds of 10 and 20 thousand plus to their rally’s. I’m not prepared to offer any definitive’s on what this means in it’s entirety. However I feel safe, suggesting the changes being discussed here today, can and will come about with a stunning speed.
I don’t know if the road is headed in the best direction. I see a road full old pot holes, new speed bumps and chicane. Destination a traffic circle, or perhaps better said, a centralization.     At the risk of being redundant. Thank you POM.

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