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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  3-29-16    Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday AM Chat  3-29-16    Part 3 of 3

David212 says():rcookie the IMF is this enormous global finacial organization which is controled bybthe US to analysis what they want or what the process is is beyong human icapcity short of knowing LaGrade personally. They are apolitical.
We know that Iraq hos to led the ME with a model democratic , market economy . In fact the refugee nightare can only be solved by using Iraq as an example to spur the unwinding of economic oppression of the world poor a large majority.
clay says to David212():that I agree with
JAMVOX says():Loop, is there one we can sign to keep him locked up
clay says to JAMVOX():lol
rcookie says():A potential $ 15 billion loan to Iraq of international lenders
Posted: 29.03.2016 | 15:00 GMT |Last updated: 29.03.2016 | 15:10 GMT
Head of the IMF mission in Iraq, Christian Gooch said on Tuesday, March 29 / March, the Fund has agreed to grant a loan of Baghdad's demand for a period of 3 years, by June next year.
He added Gooch told "Reuters" that if an agreement is reached during the meetings to be held in Washington during the month of April / April next, Iraq will receive under the agreement to finance the estimated $ 15 billion, a third of the International Monetary Fund and the rest from international institutions and other donors.
Gooch said that Iraq had made good progress in the talks, which began last November on loan demand for three years, adding that the amount could come from several sources, including the IMF and the World Bank and the Gulf states and the United States and the Group of Seven adults.
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rcookie says():He said the head of mission "if introduced amendments to make ends believe that Iraq would need funding of $ 15 billion over three years," predicted that Iraq gets a $ 5 billion at least this year and the rest by the end for the funding.
For his part, Finance Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said on Tuesday, March 29 / March, that his country is waiting to receive a financial aid worth $ 6.4 billion this year from donors and international institutions.
Zebari said the agency "Reuters" after talks with officials from the International Monetary Fund in Jordan, "This year we expect the International Monetary Fund and other financial institutions and donor aid by about $ 6.4 billion."
Iraq earns almost all of its revenues from oil sales, and finds it difficult to pay off its obligations in light of the decline in world crude prices.   Source: "Reuters"; bad link
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clay says to JAMVOX():let him out if we get the RV (lol)
JAMVOX says():right pigs fly
clay says to JAMVOX():lol
NWBeauty says():? for RCookie - dedollarization where are they in Iraq? Do you think they will resort to 1:1+ to clear the streets of USD and cover those values while dollar is relatively strong or something else??
rcookie says():$15 billion over 3 years...6.4 billion this year......
rcookie says to NWBeauty():no....smething else....
NWBeauty says():I thought the CBI would shuffle to reserves
rcookie says to David212():its a $20 billion regional development fund to which iraq is vying fr a share as you can see in the above report....
NWBeauty says():ramping up their efforts !! LOVE it
rcookie says():i disagree with the assertion that the process is beyond human the imf & wb have transparently laid out the expectation...and action plan for hte past....currently and through is in ink......
NWBeauty says():I'm a simple military type engineer with limited financial / world economic exposure and learning but even I can see that there is more control and planning in every country in the silk road and TPP as those emerging economies fall under the IMF and WB perview
NWBeauty says():
rcookie says():and is visible in every economic policy and action we see every day....just sign on to the cbi website...and open the imf letter of intent in another window...the wb economy profile 2016 in another...wb rebuilding iraq economic reform & transition....wb/un joint needs assesment working paper for soe privatization plan......
Zig says():You can analyze the death out of this.....and many do....I look at it with my simple bought low and "hope" to sell high with no "expectations".....a simple speculative venture using some of my risk and hold.....
NWBeauty says():it's fascinating to learn about the inner workings Already read that MOU in Feb sometime
NWBeauty says():or LOI ...
BGG says to Zig():We simply comment on current news and keep an eye on legitimate trends.
BGG says to Zig():pretty basic "due diligence" - lucky someone is doing it...
NWBeauty says():our world is a complex and continually refined place to do business the trends are important to recognize and dazzling to be a part of !!
Soonergirlie says():Larry, I'm looking for it too...
subgirl says to NWBeauty():hope you do too!! cya laters!!:) (})
rcookie says():Iraq continues to avail itself of the transitional arrangements under Article XIV, Section 2 but no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2, and currently maintains three exchange restrictions and one multiple currency practice (MCP) subject to Fund approval under Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 3
rcookie says():The exchange restrictions arise from (i) the requirement to pay all obligations and debts to the government before proceeds of investments of investors, and salaries and other compensation of non-Iraqi employees may be transferred out of Iraq;
(ii) an Iraqi balance owed to Jordan under an inoperative bilateral payments agreement; and (iii) weekly limits on purchases of cash by financial institutions from the CBI. These limits are currently $300,000 per week for banks with capital of at least ID 250 billion, $150,000 per week for MTCs, and $50,000 per week for MEBs.
rcookie says():The MCP arises from the official action to limit the purchase of foreign exchange, with no mechanism to ensure that exchange rates in the official auction and in the market do not deviate from each other by more than two percent. The average spread between the official and market rates was around 2.4 percentage points in November 2015.
In addition, one exchange restriction maintained for security reasons should be notified to the IMF under the framework of Decision 144–(52/51).
David212 says to rcookie():Last question the IQD is still pivitol over the time frame through June 31st.
David212 says to rcookie():I have been looking ay WB reports and IMF operating proccedures as well. Do I understand it ... Not completely.
Iraq continues to avail itself of the transitional arrangements under Article XIV, Section 2 but no longer maintains any exchange restrictions or multiple currency practices subject to Article XIV, Section 2, and currently maintains three exchange restrictions and one multiple currency practice (MCP) subject to Fund approval under Article VIII, Sections 2(a) and 3
rcookie says to wmawhite():THERE HE IS...
kayb says to wmawhite():Ok. I read it. What does it mean? 
 wmawhite says():Folks any of you understand what this is saying......................Let me show you paragraph #20 from the LoT........The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement....
wmawhite says to kayb():those were the two remaining issues for acceptance of the obligations of Artice 8...........verbatime
wmawhite says():IMO....what we are viewing is the actual process of the CBI (Iraq) moving into article 8 and with it entering the world markets.
monique13 says():WHOOOPWHOOP!!!
sheila3 says to wmawhite():wow thank you
_firefly_ says():Iraqi talks with the IMF and the international financial institutions fund in Oman ( started on March / 201627-28 in Amman financial and economic talks between Iraq and the experts of the International Monetary Fund )  03/29/2016
_firefly_ says():Jus keeps getting better (y)
subgirl says to wmawhite():thank you so much!! WOW!
Investor1 says():Mr White I like your opinion
ronda says():I might be wrong but it says gradual which means slower than slow
R&R says():So if you read what wmawhite just posted, those first three things do not have to be eliminated in order for them to be considered Art 8 compliant... they only need to be in the process of being "gradually" removed...
eman4u55 says():well i think that deserves a call
futuremoney says to ronda():you are probably right
ronda says():R&R Thank you
_firefly_ says to R&R():Correct
R&R says():Once they go international, the MCP and the 2% differential are basically self-fulfilling!

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