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Thursday, March 31, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-31-16

Post From BondLadys Corrner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-31-16

Get house in order, World Bank tells Iraq. By Daniel J. Graeber
by dr.schuber
BAGHDAD, March 28 (UPI) -- Faced with threats from terrorism and low oil prices, the world community is ready to help, but Iraqis make take initiatives, the U.N. secretary-general said.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joined the heads of the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank in expressing solidarity with Iraqi leaders struggling to ensure financial and national stability. From Baghdad, the secretary-general said he was calling on regional and international partners to help support a threatened Iraq, though the Iraqis themselves needed to take responsibility to resolve crises.
"These reforms must include measures to empower women and young people, and to bring [about] greater social cohesion," Ban said in a statement.
Iraq's $200 billion economy is one of the largest in the Middle East, though several decades of conflict have taken on a toll on state infrastructure, while the recent collapse in crude oil prices has strained its financial coffers.
The International Monetary Fund more recently warned Iraq is facing twin economic shocks in the form of the national security threat posed by the Islamic State terrorist group and the steep decline in crude oil prices.
Conflict, the IMF warned, was hurting Iraq's non-oil economy because of trade disruptions, a loss of investor confidence and the destruction of infrastructure.
The World Bank, meanwhile, said Iraq "needs to put its economic house in order" by reforming state-owned enterprises, enacting more even distribution of oil revenues and addressing chronic shortages of electricity.
"Through demonstrating a commitment to such real changes, we hope Iraq can find the support it seeks to relieve its immense fiscal pressures in the light of significantly reduced oil prices," World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said.
Source: UPI, March 28, 2016
dr.schuber | March 31, 2016 at 6:55 am | Categories: Reports & News | URL:;
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 [tlm724] Get house in order, World Bank tells Iraq *hallelujah*
[tlm724] the Iraqis themselves needed to take responsibility to resolve crises
[tlm724] hold their hands to the fire baby !!!!
[tlm724] Iraq's $200 billion economy is one of the largest in the Middle East
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] while the recent collapse in crude oil prices has strained its financial coffers
[tlm724] Ali Alak is a lil strained too lol 
[tlm724] The World Bank, meanwhile, said Iraq "needs to put its economic house in order" by reforming state-owned enterprises, enacting more even distribution of oil revenues and addressing chronic shortages of electricity.

Anti-Corruption Council decides to prevent the travel of officials who are under investigation

31/03/2016 10:08 | Direction Press / Baghdad   Top Anti-Corruption Council was held on Thursday a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and took a number of decisions notably support the Integrity Commission on the Prevention of travel officials who are under investigation, and support workers in the regulatory procedures, as well as the Central Bank of the competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and balances officials and follow-up in accordance with the law.
Ebadi said in a statement the Office "direction Press" received a copy of it, "the Prime Minister chaired, on Wednesday evening, a meeting of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption," noting that "the Council has adopted a number of decisions in this area."
The statement added that "among the decisions to support the Integrity Commission on the Prevention of travel officials who are under investigation procedures and based on the evidence available to it, and support employees in regulatory bodies (COI - Financial Supervision - inspectors general offices - judges - Monitor banking Directorate and credit) and the provision of protection for them. "
He pointed out that the decisions also included "a CBI competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and balances officials and follow-up according to the law, and to assign a member of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption in coordination with the competent integrity judge and investigator competent integrity to accelerate the completion of procedures for resolving the big issues of corruption."
The statement continued that decisions are included as well, "identifying a mechanism to audit the income dealers buying and selling real estate sources, in addition to a number of other decisions of the actual contribution to the fight against corruption and the prosecution of corrupt money and tampering with the Iraqis and putting them behind bars."
Confirmed the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, on Thursday (March 24, 2016), the inability to eliminate corruption without going to the law of the new Office of early elections, while explained that corruption is controlled and is pervasive in all aspects of the state,
including the Integrity Commission, the judiciary and the House of Representatives, showed that the corrupt political class Stqil Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi from his job if he took the crucial decisions to fight corruption.
President of the Civic Democratic Alliance criticized Mithal al-Alusi, Monday (March 14, 2016), the failure of the Integrity Commission in the fight against corruption and prosecuting corrupt, while noting that "the Dawa Party" captures the Integrity Commission for the protection of corrupt officials.
 [tlm724] Anti-Corruption Council was held on Thursday a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and took a number of decisions notably support the Integrity Commission on the Prevention of travel officials who are under investigation,
[tlm724] He pointed out that the decisions also included "a CBI competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and balances officials and follow-up according to the law, and to assign a member of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption in coordination with the competent integrity judge and investigator competent integrity to accelerate the completion of procedures for resolving the big issues of corruption."
[tlm724] decisions also included "a CBI competent financial institutions to monitor accounts and balances officials  
The statement continued that decisions are included as well, "identifying a mechanism to audit the income dealers buying and selling real estate sources, in addition to a number of other decisions of the actual contribution to the fight against corruption and the prosecution of corrupt money and tampering with the Iraqis and putting them behind bars."
[tlm724] that decisions are included as well, "identifying a mechanism to audit the income dealers buying and selling real estate sources
[tlm724] nanners, they put on the brakes

Water Resources announces the rising waters of the marshes by 50
 31/03/2016 12:03 |  Direction Press / Baghdad   The Ministry of Water Resources, from the rising waters of the marshes as a result of the rainy wave that took place in some provinces of the country.
The chancellor said Mehdi Rashid Mahdi, in a statement received "Press direction," a copy of the "Ale_mer ratios in the Iraqi marshes increase to 50% up to the present day after it was increase of 29.5% during the month of November, which impact on improving the Iraqi Marshlands environment and restore life to her".
He said the high water levels, has led to "reduce the proportion of salt concentration in the Shatt al - Arab".The sa
tlm724     diff source
Level rise marshes  
31/03/2016 11:26  The Ministry of Water Resources, on Thursday, as high levels of the Iraqi marshlands to 50% as a result of rainfall, noting that the salt concentration in the Shatt al - Arab ratios are down the other.
The chancellor said Mehdi Rashid Mahdi in a press statement that "Ale_mer ratios in the Iraqi marshes today rose to 50% after it was increase of 29.5% over November last year. "
he added Mehdi" the high water in the marshes would lead to improvements in the Iraqi marshes environment and bring life to it, in addition to lowering the salt concentration in . in Shatt al - Arab. "
the Development Centre energy and water, announced in (16 October 2015), the marsh has been a "disaster drought" worse than it was last August before because of the lack of implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Ministry of water resources, in the ministry called on to take urgent action "to save what can be saved."
Warnings of a strong dollar to more than 1,500 dinars  
03/30/2016   [rtl]BAGHDAD / JD / .., the parliamentary finance committee warned of a rise in the dollar exchange rate to more than 1,500 dinars during the coming period, calling the central bank to take urgent steps to save the national currency, while attributed the rise in the dollar to foreign mafias and the lack of selling by the central bank .[/rtl]
[rtl]A member of the committee MP Sirhan Ahmed told / KD /: The main reason for the rise in the dollar exchange rate of the dinar in the local market due to factors including the existence of mafias led outsiders from neighboring countries to buy large amounts of dollars from the Iraqi market and the other is the lack of dollar selling by the Bank Central until it reached to less than $ 75 million.[/rtl]
[rtl]He added that in the absence of central bank intervention to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate against the dollar and the sale of control of the currency market, there is a major meltdown might get the national currency and possibly Asustek dollars percent to more than 150,000 dinars.[/rtl]
[rtl]The dollar exchange rate. The US has seen a significant rise against the Iraqi dinar in the market during the last period where the dollar stood at 1280 dinars. / End / 8 /
[tlm724] warned of a rise in the dollar exchange rate to more than 1,500 dinars during the coming period, calling the central bank to take urgent steps to save the national currency,
[therealbubbie] more than 1,500 dinars
[therealbubbie] urgent steps.... keywords = dope !!    
[tlm724] no doubt lol it's like watching a slow train wreck
Vaquero:   knowing dinar is undervalue i believe this is good news. I'm sure this was not the plan on rv ,but pressure is pushing in our favor. IMO
Tlm724:    you are correct sir the pressure is mounting. Thank you !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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