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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dinar Updates  Monday AM Chat  3-28-16    Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates  Monday AM Chat  3-28-16    Part 3 of 3

rcookie says():Required teams to attract foreign investment
Last update: Monday , March 28, 2016 - 8:57  BAGHDAD - Farah pumice increasing day after another need for the formation of institutions and task forces to lead a private economic activities and coordination with other countries to attract investments to implement profitable projects that contribute to the advancement of the labor market.
According to the consultant in industrial development and investment Amer Jeweler, these institutions or teams, to emanate in line with the recommendations of the strategies approved by the government, and some of the approved laws, and drafts of other laws in the way of approval. He noted that the aim of the face of economic challenges both locally and internationally, calling that is characterized by the formation of this new professionalism, transparency
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clay says to _firefly_():We know you dont do dates but with all we are seeing do you think they will wait till June as IMF stated
rcookie says():and vision and clear goals and policies without concern for the institutional and functional inflation institutions, due to their importance in the face of change and construction requirements according to the new methodology.
Currently working government to bring the quality of the Iraqi economy, which suffered concussions because of the former regime's policies and dependence on oil revenue boom, so I started the process of a major reform to promote the sectors of production on according to prepared plan by consultants and experts, in addition to seeking to attract talent.
In this regard, the jeweler confirms that Iraq possesses great potential to coordinate with countries, especially those with diversity in the natural food resources and industrial capacity. He Advisory importance of
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clay says to _firefly_():IYO of course
rcookie says():attracting foreign and Arab investments, which is «an important gesture», as it requires different sectors in the country such as agriculture, industry, tourism and others to increase the interest in them and introducing them into joint ventures, as well as going to other countries to carry out joint projects.
He also urged the experts and specialists leads the Iraqi moves to attract and encourage two-way investment, which is a challenge and a competitive, leading to attracting major real investments to the country, combined with the interlock between Iraq and the orientations of the official and other countries, and implemented on according to government reform program, as well as strategies and previous plan
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_firefly_ says to clay():IMF stated Iraq will enter the Global Economy BY the 1st half of 2016. The IMF doesn't lie :)
clay says to _firefly_():thats good for me thanks :)
_firefly_ says to clay()::)
_firefly_ says to clay():Many of these items most are looking at have nothing to do with the monetary reform
_firefly_ says to clay():They are very good for Iraq's growth and grat for the citizens
_firefly_ says to clay():great
clay says to _firefly_():if they go global they need a reality rate right
clay says to _firefly_():and thats what we all want
wmawhite says to clay():The IMF never said June.
clay says to wmawhite():for going global?
_firefly_ says to clay():Does it make sense to go global with their present rate? Are they working so hard to compete in the global markets if they weren't planning a change?
clay says to _firefly_():right
wmawhite says to clay():Never said June........they stated that Iraq will enter the economy market during the 1st half of 2016.
jtank says():any time
rcookie says():industrial development teams will operate in line with the gov't strategies and investment laws to overcome economic challenges local & int'l for goals of transparency...
_firefly_ says to wmawhite():Correct !
clay says to wmawhite():and to do that as I said with FF they would need a reality rate
sunshinez82 says to wmawhite():so that means anytime between NOW and the end of June 2016 :)
wmawhite says to clay():I am splitting hairs they entered the markets at 1182, IMO.....they would be broke within weeks.
clay says to wmawhite():thats what Im saying
clay says to wmawhite():they would need a reality rate
clay says to wmawhite():lol and no your not splitting hairs
_firefly_ says to wmawhite():They IMO would need a reallity rate prior to entering the markets
wmawhite says to clay():Why pay/settle foreign remittances at 1182 for every $1 of purchase when we believe that their true value is thousands of times greater than 1182.
clay says to wmawhite():Im in agreement with ya
clay says to _firefly_():right
NWBeauty says():I've been thinking about the contracts with Siemens (of Germany) and another with Italian masons to do bridges. Isn't it possible they're writing contracts in USD?
cantwait2rv says():Video of Ba Ki Moon World Bank Prez speaking in parliament over the weekend..
cantwait2rv says():I'll try that again lol... Video of Ba Ki Moon World Bank Prez speaking in parliament over the weekend..
 rcookie says to NWBeauty():to what benefit long term would that serve them and their national currency....
NWBeauty says():it doesn't Just a work-around to get infrastructure up to speed
clay says to NWBeauty():GM :) would hope its in deenars
NWBeauty says():be interesting to read through the contracts
cantwait2rv says to clay():likewise new chat with the sounds...movin up in the world =)
_firefly_ says():Fact is (and I keep repeating myself), the IQD NEVER lost value, it was cut off by the UN at the request of the US
rcookie says to NWBeauty():the ge contract is written into..guaranteed and insured through the 2016 is the boeing contract...
clay says to _firefly_():right the question is how and when will they get it back
clay says to cantwait2rv():lol
Baxter says():CLAY..... are we ... R I C H..... yet?
clay says to Baxter():hey bud still not yet
Baxter says():BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........
clay says to Baxter()::(
NWBeauty says():the contracts are a GREAT sign to me !!
cantwait2rv says to _firefly_():and the UM Guy that announced the easing of the Iraqi sanctions in 2013 just spoke this weekend in parliament...HMMM
cantwait2rv says to _firefly_():and he has no clout in this deal? lol
clay says to cantwait2rv():nice thanks
_firefly_ says to cantwait2rv():BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!
cantwait2rv says to _firefly_():(y)
Baxter says():Might as well go fishin..... later..
clay says():Bax you lucky dog
NWBeauty says():Jim Yong Kim is WB and Ban Ki-Moon is UN ... Didn't JYK cancel tour?
rcookie says():teams of international experts arrive in anbar to remove ied's.......
NWBeauty says():YAY!!!!!!!! GO Navy
rcookie says():no there were statements and quotes by all except legarde...
NWBeauty says():7 years of service behind counter-proliferation after my late husband served in Al Asaad (Anbar)
R&R says to NWBeauty():Remember also that the Siemens signed a MOU with Iraq... not a contract yet... but that will come I'm sure. And Siemens will likely source materials and labor from Iraq, which will be paid in dinar and they will use the single-window to hedge their currency risk ;-)
rcookie says()
NWBeauty says():hmmmmmmmmmmm
NWBeauty says():it all looks good from here get the people water, electricity a/c and passable roads
rcookie says to NWBeauty():(y)
R&R says to NWBeauty():That's what all multi-national corporations do around the world... from Coca-Cola to Caterpillar
_firefly_ says():IMO we are at the oint of no return. Central Banks have already started adjusting. Not rumour or intel but direct US media news
_firefly_ says():point
rcookie says to NWBeauty():important for the people....and industry investment and development...
NWBeauty says():Economic hitmen step aside and help te Iraqi people !!!
cantwait2rv says to _firefly_():yep point of no return in more ways than ever before imo both internal and global
_firefly_ says to cantwait2rv():Exactly !
cantwait2rv says to _firefly_():exciting times
subgirl says to cantwait2rv():yes it sure is!!! Come on IRAQ~~~ keep it comnig IMF!!!
Loop says():More foot dragging by parliament with regards to reforms
Loop says():Text of a statement of political blocs voted by Parliament today about the cabinet reshuffle
03/28/2016 14:17   [Oan- Baghdad]  issued a statement on the political blocs on Monday on the ministerial change and voted by the House of Representatives to approve during its meeting held on Monday.
The statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "In these difficult days as being the decisive confrontation with the forces of terror to purge the land of our beloved country from the evils and sins and crimes, and where the rising voices to demand a resolute reforms, we emphasize the following:
1. The battle against the scourges of terrorism, corruption and a failure to serve the country and the people is one battle that differed squares, each of these pests eat the cliff homeland and the people and destroy and destroy what is left in it from the veins of the hopes of the constitutional state and the peaceful rotation of power and national partnership and real developmental renaissance and wetlands back on our people well and security and peace and prosperity.
2. that any reforms do not take into account the priority of maintaining Iraq 's cohesion and national partnership and unity of the social fabric and overcome past failures are not available on the constitutional and legal standards and the preservation of the political process will not be merely adds a new crisis to crisis that has plagued Iraq basket.
3 - the battle of the reforms on the extreme importance , should not divert attention, efforts and attention from the battle to liberate the Iraqi territory usurped by the forces of terrorism.

4. the parliament is the legitimate representative of the people and confirms that next Thursday is the deadline for the government to provide ministerial cabin is considered as a first stage of the reform process and not to be initiated parliament as early as next week to question the prime minister for the delay in providing ministerial cabin.
5. the setting specific time limits for reforms reflects a desire in the marketing of those national mission to goals only proper, since the reforms mean a thorough thorough review of reservoir failure and dysfunction, treatment and promotion of reservoirs success factors developed within a specific and well - known period, and the reforms are not a desire or an attempt to evade responsibility as what is the responsibility lay on the shoulders of all important break the impasse on less sacrifices and a shorter time.
6. the Iraqi Council of Representatives, as it greets warmly brothers and sons protesters who expressed their high sense responsibility and a deep sense of their role and a clear commitment to laws and regulations,
confirms accordance with its constitutional powers and responsibilities of the national historic he would seek to consolidate any reform effort a serious and responsible and by comprehensive national, and at the same time will take the necessary measures to protect state institutions and to maintain the prestige of the state and respect at the exit of any recall effectiveness of the legal side or constitutional.   Source
cantwait2rv says to Loop():that's allrite...they might stick that leg out a bit too far and might get bit off real soon
NWBeauty says():Any confirmation on mass exodus of officials to Jordan and UAE?
cantwait2rv says to NWBeauty():pretty wild over there right now is what I'm getting
cantwait2rv says to NWBeauty():some leavin others trying to hold on
NWBeauty says():shine a bright light, the vermin scramble !!
rcookie says to NWBeauty():i posted a report over weekend...have not seen anything today yet.....
Loop says to cantwait2rv():THey are getting close to that point. Sadr is not going to let up and smart politicians would not get in the way of what he has started.
cantwait2rv says to NWBeauty():haha
clay says to rcookie():thanks
cantwait2rv says to Loop():yup
NWBeauty says():really sounds positive for their future Bless those people
cantwait2rv says to Loop():def not his first rodeo doin this stuff
Loop says to cantwait2rv():If the politicians in Iraq were made of coal they would all be diamonds at this point. Lots of pressure.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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