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Thursday, March 31, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 3-31-16


AdminBill:  NEWS INFORMATION - Starting April 1st Commercial Banks In Vietnam Are Banned From Offering Corporate Loans In Currencies Other Than The Dong. Starting April 1, commercial banks in Vietnam are banned from offering corporate loans in currencies other than the Dong, according to Circular No. 24 the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV)....

Turtleisland1:  Internally, vietnamese peeps have been using gold for quite sometime to conduct COMMERCE... ( per news article)

JanMan:  AdminBill or anyone that can answer, what is the latest information re​garding China’s president visiting the U.S. today (Thursday 03-31-20​16)  LINK

We were told that it is RV related as he is the mouth piece for the ​elders to make sure things are completed.
**sparke :  Speaking now from his tent just inside IZ entrance @Mu_AlSadr , Calls end to sit in at IZ gates, organised withdrawal. Calls for weekly Friday demonstrations to pressure parliament to accept new cabinet, Called PM decision brave. Warns parties if they don't approve Sadrists will topple govt


Angel:   FBI And Justice Department Probing Huge International Bribery Scandal

The feds are working with Australian and British investigators to investigate Monaco firm Unaoil and its partners

.The FBI, U.S. Department of Justice and anti-corruption police in Britain and Australia have launched a joint investigation into revelations of a massive global bribery racket in the oil industry.
The news comes as Fairfax Media and The Huffington Post reveal that U.S. giant Halliburton and its former subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root are embroiled in theUnaoil bribes-for-contracts scandal through their operations in former Soviet states.
The biggest leak of confidential files in the history of the oil industry also unveils rampant corruption inside Italian oil giant Eni in many of the countries in which the firm has been contracted by national governments to manage their oilfields.
Texas firm National Oilwell Varco, Singapore conglomerate Keppel, Norway’s Aker Kvaerner and giant Turkish joint venture GATE also are implicated.
Information from hundreds of thousands of emails to Unaoil’s chief executive, Cyrus Ahsani, show individual executives and managers from Halliburton and Kellogg Brown & Root, which split in 2007, knew or suspected that Unaoil was acting corruptly to win contracts in Kazakhstan.
Managers from Eni, Spanish Firm Tecnicas Reunidas, French firm Technip, drilling giant MI-SWACO and Rolls-Royce not only actively supported bribery, but were offered, or pocketed, their own kickbacks. And U.S. defense giant Honeywell and Australian firm Leighton Offshore agreed to hide bribes inside fraudulent contracts in Iraq.
Companies approached by Fairfax Media and The Huffington Post about their contracts with Unaoil have emphasized their strong anti-corruption policies and have committed to investigating their dealings with Unaoil.
Unaoil denied any corruption.
Police begin probes, face questions about past failings
The U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, U.K. National Crime Agency and Australian Federal Police are now jointly investigating Unaoil and some its multinational clients. The probe is likely to be one of the world’s biggest, given the number of companies and countries involved.
The leaked Unaoil files show that in the Middle East, Unaoil bribed two Iraq oil ministers, Iranian oil chiefs and the right-hand man of Muammar Gaddafi’s son, among others.
Questions are emerging about how Unaoil operated for so many years with impunity, using bank accounts in New York and London to launder funds and pay bribes from 2000 to 2012, and possibly more recently.
Unaoil has its headquarters in Monaco and is controlled by the wealthy Ahsani family, led by patriarch Ata Ahsani and sons Cyrus and Saman.
The trio all have British passports. Many of Unaoil’s crooked deals were organized  in London, or used U.K. and U.S.-linked middlemen, bank accounts and shelf companies. British authorities appear to have been in the dark about Unaoil and the Ahsanis, who also operate a London property investment company. The British foreign office has even assisted Unaoil overseas, giving Unaoil and its executives briefings and support.
The Ahsani family, meanwhile, has mixed freely with the elite political and business crowd in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Saman Ahsani sits on the board of an Iranian NGO in London, alongside former chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont. The Ahsanis host charity events with Prince Albert and Princess Caroline of Monaco, and have paid Prince Albert’s good friend, Mike Powers, to sit on Unaoil’s advisory board.
There is no suggestion that Powers, Lamont or the Monaco royals were aware of Unaoil’s corruption.
The Caspian states
To win contracts for its clients in Kazakhstan, Unaoil paid multiple bribes to Eni and Kazakh officials overseeing tenders in the giant Kashagan oilfield and elsewhere.
It appears from the leaked files that senior managers from Kellogg Brown & Root, or KBR, were pushing Unaoil hard to win favor. One email written from a KBR manager told Unaoil to concentrate its efforts on “a good spaghetti house” and “a little shashlick.”  The code refers respectively to the officials from Italian company Eni and the Kazakh government who were overseeing the contracts KBR wanted to win.
The leaked files show Unaoil sought to corrupt a number of influential figures, including senior Eni manager Diego Braghi and Kazakh senior official Serik Burkitbayev, to give its clients an advantage over rival companies.
Unaoil used the same formula in neighboring Azerbaijan, where KBR also paid it millions of dollars to help it win contracts. A leaked KBR file said Unaoil’s key middleman in Azerbaijan was “very close to the President and his family ... [and] has an access to every office in the country”.
This middleman, Reza Raein, received millions of dollars from Unaoil in multiple bank accounts. In return, he leaked highly confidential information from senior Azeri government officials to Unaoil, which was fed back to its multinational clients.
Unaoil also sought to build its shady empire in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, including by liaising with a middleman who promised access to “the company of the [Uzbek] President’s daughter, Gulnara Karimova”.


BHisham:  For what it is worth....Tlar makes a very encouraging point… "...Iraq has achieved transparency and banking wise is now qualified to enter Article VIII. I think we will see it very soon. So in my mind as interesting as the politics are, they won't stop the opening of the Iraqi economy. Iraq's banks are ready. Investors are lined up. All the signs are there that this is about to go down. "

Daz:  Iraq's parliament postponed its session until Saturday after Prime Min​ister Haider al-Abadi presented a new cabinet lineup aimed at combatin​g corruption, state television said on Thursday.

Harambe:  Emerging-Market Currencies Head for Record Month as Stocks Rally




Blessed2bless:  TOMTOME I agree with you! When I hear of more arrests...or banks caught supporting funds to the I. people...I can wait longer. Praying for discernment and wisdom for those that are doing good deeds on our behalf!


Mangelo:  My Wealth Manager sent an email to me today: Eight Steps to Protect Yourself from Financial Fraud What would you do if the IRS, Medicare or Social Security called you, requesting payments or personal information? What if you received an email from a worthy-sounding charity asking you to click a link and make a donation? If you wouldn't think twice, and then hang up the phone or delete the email, you could be risking your financial well being.

Walkingstick:  Deputy: Parliament Select 10 days to study the candidates for cabinet reshuffle
deputy for the National Alliance said that the House of Representatives Select 10 days to study the biographies of the list of candidates submitted by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi in a cabinet reshuffle.
Said Harith al-Harthy told all of Iraq [where] that "the parliament select months for a change in the independent bodies and special grades and deputy ministers, military leaders and all the positions that are managed by proxy" .anthy

Samson:  Border crossings: 36 billion revenue for the three months

The head of the Interior Ministry's border major general Samy, Thursday, the arrival of border revenues to 36 billion Iraqi dinars within two months.

He said Sudan/News/balances, "border revenues reached the first month up to 1/3 to 36 billion Iraqi dinars within two months", adding that "these revenues into the State Treasury, Ministry of finance.

He added, "there are some ports is down but these revenues included Central and southern ports."

The parliamentary Finance Committee, earlier, about corruption in large border where some change tariff rates for imported materials customs to mas'alah Iraq.  LINK


Walkingsticck:  US official hints at allowing Iran to deal in dollars

Thursday, March 31

WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Jack Liu seeks as it seems to pave the way for allowing Iran to deal in dollars , despite stiff opposition from Congress after the historic agreement signed with the West last year to curb its nuclear program in return for lifting the sanctions. In a speech in Washington, the American minister warned against excessive use of financial sanctions, which could weaken the role of the United States and the dollar in world markets.
He told the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace "We must be aware of the risks involved in the excessive use of sanctions, which could weaken the leadership position in the global economy and the effectiveness of the sanctions themselves." On the other hand we must not get carried away "easily" behind the sanctions.

The minister acknowledged that Washington must be "ready to ease sanctions when you give a result" despite the fact that it is difficult in the case of Iran. After the historic agreement signed in July 2015 between the major powers to lift the related sanctions, Iran's nuclear program, Liu stressed that Tehran was "committed to its promise."
He added that in contrast, the responsibility of the United States' commitment to its promise. " At the same time Jack Liu reiterated that the sanctions are not related to the nuclear issue against Iran and related supporting terrorism and regional instability "still exist." He stressed that the US administration has interpreted to foreign business circles that can be done in Iran, referring implicitly to the European banking concern in particular.

 Ray Marek Dopoviz expert at the Defense of Democracies Foundation that the conflict of the minister's position suggests that the US administration is preparing to carry out "major concession to the Iranians by allowing them to conduct transactions in dollars," a change that will be meet stiff opposition in Congress. He said in response to questions from AFP, "It is clear to me that the administration seriously consider the issue of allowing Iran to use the dollar in commercial transactions." Battle in Congress slit basic respect to indirect transfers currently prohibited, which allows banks to Iranian and foreign remittances in dollars.
These transfers banned in November 2008. In the last week warned the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives Ed Royce in a letter to President Barack Obama that some permits could allow carry out these transfers in dollars. Marc Dopoviz and see that the tone of the Exchequer, "opens the door to ease restrictions in the future" while the Government of the Islamic Republic take on the United States not lifting sanctions, "only on paper".

He accused the Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last week in Washington "not to respect its commitments," stressing that Europe is reluctant to do business with Iran, "fear" of the United States. But according to Patrick Clawson, director of research at the Washington Institute specialist on the Middle East, the Treasury secretary's remarks reveal "an internal political battle with Congress." He saw the open door to ease sanctions on Iran "would be difficult to manage."

And the intervention of Secretary of the Treasury not only aims to "prevent Congress from imposing new sanctions" against Iran. He stressed that if the administration considered "that has a problem with the sanctions regime and the difficulties in the filed after the state's commitment to the pledges, they should talk about Burma, for example," recalling that many of the sanctions are still imposed on this country, despite the democratization process
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