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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  3-29-16    Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  3-29-16    Part 2 of 3
rcookie says to hutch()::D
rcookie says():The presidency of the Kurdistan region: the proposed amendments to the Iraqi government no longer has any importance to Barzani
PM: 11: 10: 29/03/2016 Khandan  Khandan - The presidency of the Kurdistan region, said the proposed amendments to the Iraqi cabinet and the nomination of other people for ministerial positions or dimensions of some ministers of the government formation, no longer have any importance to remember when Massoud Barzani, attributed it to the principle of partnership in the Iraqi government no longer has any the existence or meaning.
The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Kurdistan region, in a statement, "picked up some of the media reports that that the Iraqi Prime Minister telephoned with President Barzani, and spoke with him about the proposals submitted on the ministerial changes in the Iraqi cabinet and on the dimensions of some of the ministers and the nomination of other people rather than their positions Ministers in the government. "

rcookie says():The statement said that "with regard to such proposals relating to amendments to the ministerial in the Iraqi government, and on the position of president of the Kurdistan region, we announce to everyone that the proposed amendments in the Iraqi cabinet and the nomination of other people for ministerial positions or dimensions of some ministers of the government formation,
no longer have any importance to remember the President Barzani, because the principle of partnership in the Iraqi government no longer has any presence or meaning, and the lack of this partnership Faye value will remain for ministerial seats? ".
The statement added, "We confirm to all, that during the last phone call that took place between President Barzani and Iraqi Prime Minister on March 26, 2016, the two sides have never touches to the proposals made on the ministerial changes in the Iraqi government, but the president of the Republic of Iraq held a telephone conversation with President Barzani on March 28, 2016, and President Barzani expressed his objection and dissatisfaction for the lack of the principle of partnership in the Iraqi government. "
thomas j says():
rcookie says():HMMMM....WHAT WERE THOSE 2 WORDS AGAIN.....
rcookie says():Lack of funds forced the Ministry of communications to use the private sector to run optical cable
2016/06/30 (00:23 pm) - hits: 31 - (3611)Baghdad Muhanad Jawad
Iraqi Ministry of communications revealed on Tuesday, its intention to contract with the private sector to extend the optical cable in the four provinces, with the reason attributed to lack of funds and the "reluctance" of work companies, predicted that turnout will be "significant" on the service of optical networks by two or three to the secured by them "many benefits and services comparable to what the mobile phone companies.
He said the communications Ministry Undersecretary Prince Al-Bayati told the (range), that "the Ministry is currently studying the possibility of contracting with the private sector to implement the draft optical cable in the provinces of Babil, Karbala, Najaf and Basra," returned to "the excesses of the citizens on the sidewalks and streets to impede the implementation of the project".
Al-Bayati, said that "the Ministry is required for investment companies use drilling technology is hidden, the competent government departments, inability to lift those abuses," adding that "the Ministry two weeks ago, has contracted with the firm s samaa for communications services and Internet Ltd, to operate telephone networks in Karkh side of DC and Wasit Province."
hutch says to rcookie():PRIVATE SECTOR
rcookie says():Undersecretary of the Ministry, said that the "draft d optical network in Iraq needs a large field effort and money the State could not secure", pointing out that "private companies can get the necessary approvals to proceed rapidly, and that the routine and mechanism of action of the Ministry and its too slow and had caused the delay.
Al-Bayati stressed that "all Iraqi cities including districts and areas, available to companies wishing to invest through joint operation, adding that there is" a high demand by private companies to run the optical network across Iraq. "
He said Undersecretary of the Ministry of communications, the Ministry specified in its contracts with private sector companies, a time limit must be adhered to, depends on the size of the area covered, usury was optimistic that turnout will be "substantial citizens service optical networks within two or three years, successful first experience of private companies in building optical network, which provides many advantages and services of interest to the citizen match provided by mobile phone companies.
Al-Bayati stressed that "the Ministry put its price to be competitive among companies by granting the project to more than one", stating that "the investing companies will establish the infrastructure for more than 15 years making them compelled to identify the appropriate prices to attract citizens to services."
The Ministry of communications, at (28 December 2015) that brings the optical cable project 120 million dollars annually for the Iraqi Treasury, confirmed that the project would be in partnership with two companies, one supervisor.
scarlet says():ok thanks hutch
hutch says to scarlet():ANYTIME
rcookie says():Iraq seeks for a fiber optic network to link East Asia to Europe via its territory to develop communication and Internet services.  LINK

_firefly_ says():Ok, this is dated yesterday but just showed up today .....................
_firefly_ says():Monday, 28 March 2016 12:28
UNDP and Japan partner to support stabilization and resilience in Iraq
_firefly_ says():Baghdad, 28 March 2016 – The Government of Japan is providing US$23.5 million to support the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its work to help stabilize and build resilience in Iraq. Japan’s contribution will be channeled through UNDP’s Funding Facility for Immediate Stabilization (FFIS) and through UNDP’s Iraq Crisis Response and Resilience Programme (ICRRP).
_firefly_ says():WOW
_firefly_ says():Immediate !
 hutch says to _firefly_():WOW

_firefly_ says():UNDP’s stabilization facility channels fast-track support to liberated areas to help rehabilitate civic infrastructure, kick-start local economies, boost government capacity and promote community reconciliation. UNDP’s resilience programme channels support to areas where social tensions are high and where communities are struggling to deal with the impact of the crisis.
The focus of both programmes is on helping families to rebuild their lives after the devastation caused by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
During a signing ceremony held today in Baghdad, UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Ms. Lise Grande, said: “People have suffered so much. One of the most important things the international community can do in Iraq is to help families return safely and in dignity to newly liberated areas. Japan is a leading, and very generous donor and its contribution will give hundreds of thousands of Iraqis hope for their future.”

_firefly_ says():“It is my great pleasure to announce Japan’s contribution of $23.5 million to UNDP,” H.E. Mr. Fumio Iwai, Ambassador of Japan to Iraq said. “This includes $16 million to FFIS,” he continued. “With this contribution, Japan is privileged to become one of the top donors to FFIS, and I sincerely hope that our contribution will advance stabilization in the liberated areas and promote returns.
In January this year, Japan decided to contribute a sum of $105 million to UN agencies, IFRC, ICRC, Japanese NGOs and so on, to support IDPs and Syrian Refugees in Iraq. Japan has provided over $256 million in total for assistance to Syrian Refugees and IDPs in Iraq since 2014. We would like to call on other donors to continue their support to Iraq.”
_firefly_ says():and promote returns.
_firefly_ says():
hutch says():We say, "It's Greek to me." What do the Greeks say?
hutch says():The short fortuneteller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large
mimi3 says to hutch()::D It is always Greek to me!!!!!
mimi3 says():only thing I understand is "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN 
hutch says to mimi3():"WE CLOSE"
mimi3 says()::D
mimi3 says():how about closer!!!8-|
angus says():how about now....
R&R says to _firefly_():The money is pouring in now, from all directions... What do they know that we don't? Somebody please enlighten me...? LOL
_firefly_ says to R&R():There are a lot of unkown unkowns ..... if you get my gist
R&R says to _firefly_():LOL ... one of the classic Rumsfeldisms!
larrykn says():I say just rv already :D
rcookie says):ok du........this is long...but wow!!!!!
rcookie says():explains exactly what and why they are doing with the loans......
rcookie says():Iraq tops list of World Bank loans worth 20 billion dollars and warned of "squandering it"
2016/06/30 (00:23 pm) - hits: 58 - count (3611)  Baghdad/range press
Assured the Finance Committee in the Chamber of Deputies, on Tuesday, that Iraq suffers from financial and economic problems, "acute requiring international intervention", promised that major international banks visit Islamic Iraq timely, as revealed that Iraq tops the list of project loans amounting to $ 20 billion, indicated its intention to provide 250 million dollars loan to Iraq, promises to Islamic Bank grants.
Commission rapporteur said Ahmed Hama Rashid (range), to "visit the heads of the World Bank and the Islamic Bank is timely, especially since Iraq is suffering severe financial and economic problems requires international intervention."
Read More :
rcookie says():Rasheed said, "the visit revealed the Bank's intention to provide 250 million dollars according to usefulness and reasonable time, as well as the Iraq issue list in the World Bank loan projects amounting to $ 20 billion to countries in the Middle East", adding that "the President of the World Bank called for partnerships with global powers to raise the Iraqi economy, and participate in building Iraq through international experience."
He continued his "Islamic Bank promised to grant a number of provinces, especially exposed to destruction by organizing (daash), granted to the industrial and agricultural sectors in order to promote the public and private sectors", stating that "the Islamic Bank called for deepening relations between the private and public sectors.
rcookie says():Central Bank: a few international institutions amounts to government negotiations and not advice
The Central Bank of Iraq, promised that the payments made so far of a few international institutions do not cover fiscal deficits, calling on the Iraqi Government to negotiate those institutions in accordance with the country's economic interests, and not treated as advisory institutions for advice. "

Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Iraq Ahmed barihy told the (extent), it is hoped that "loans to Iraq by the international and Islamic banks, according to the World Bank loan for Iraq at an earlier meeting, which prepared a report on the Iraqi economy, published at the end of 2015," he said, adding that "the Islamic Bank provides the duration and other aid to its members including Iraq."
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rcookie says):Barihy, explained that "the amounts provided are still few and not commensurate with the size of the deficit in the budget, pointing out that" on Iraq deal with the international financial institutions and try to benefit from it as possible. "
Barihy stressed that "the World Bank loans, the IMF provided opposite terms, those institutions were unable to provide much of Iraq despite dealing with them regularly since 2003.
Barihy, called the Government "for its efforts with those of institutions to negotiate and defend the country's interests as assessed and understood and took responsibility for the Iraqi economy, not as advisory institutions advise for Iraq", adding that "those financial institutions possess objectives at the international level".
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