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Monday, March 28, 2016

​BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 3-28-16

Post From BondLadys Corner
​BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 3-28-16

Jubouri claimed squatters on transactions and contracts for the General Union of cooperation since 2003
28/03/2016 09:33 | Direction Press / Baghdad
The head of the parliamentary bloc competencies Haitham al-Jubouri, Monday, squatters on all transactions and contracts for the General Union of cooperation since 2003, but until now, calling for regulators to review the status of all the unions that operate according to the old laws absent oversight plan.

Jubouri said in a statement that "the trend Press" received a copy of it, "We demand the Integrity Commission and the Office of Financial Supervision lay hands on all transactions and contracts for the General Union of cooperation since 2003 to this day legally and financially and review."

He said al-Jubouri, it will be locked in "the first leg of the General Union of cooperation and its branches in Baghdad and the provinces, especially the Cooperative Association in Salehia which recorded the largest fraudulent transactions and waste of public money,

 and must refer the police colonel and president of the association Fuad Kadhim al-Tamimi to investigate the BSA and the Integrity Commission, including Treasury loss of hundreds of millions of revenue from the contracts Tamimi refuses referral General taxes and having dozens of real estate with fictitious names
and destroy the design foundation for the complex through the construction of random buildings and enter into contracts without obtaining the approval of the new design and maps of the engineering department at the Municipality of Baghdad and Melvah many corruption Snahilha to the integrity Commission

The Office of financial supervision and the General Authority for taxes and the Municipality of Baghdad and we will demand compensation through the courts for hundreds of millions wasted because of this corruption. "
He called al - Jubouri , the regulators, to "review mode for all unions that operate according to the old laws have missed the oversight plan, making a lot of corrupt where manipulation and overtaking on the funds, real estate and transactions of these associations, trade unions, according to the real indicators of many Almelvah available to us draws condemnation hard to corrupt these money, real estate, which is a year - old money ". the sa
 [tlm724] "We demand the Integrity Commission and the Office of Financial Supervision lay hands on all transactions and contracts for the General Union of cooperation since 2003 to this day legally and financially and review.
[tlm724] Cooperative Association in Salehia which recorded the largest fraudulent transactions and waste of public money
[tlm724] must refer the police colonel and president of the association Fuad Kadhim al-Tamimi to investigate the BSA and the Integrity Commission, including Treasury loss of hundreds of millions of revenue from the contracts
[tlm724] its all coming out now

The House of Representatives to vote on setting a deadline of two weeks to implement reforms[/size]
28/03/2016 11:53 | Direction Press / BaghdadHouse of Representatives voted today to the statement of the political blocs on the reforms, which was followed by Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri today at the meeting included identifying two weeks to implement reforms.
A parliamentary source told the "direction Press" that " the House of Representatives voted on a statement the heads of political blocs on the completion of reforms to give time for two weeks. The sa
 [tlm724] Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri today at the meeting included identifying two weeks to implement reforms.
[tlm724] *hallelujah* lets do this thing !

Parliament speaker describes Palmtlkih government to implement reforms
28/03/2016 12:01 | Direction Press / Baghdad  Accused Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri government to "Allko" in the implementation of reforms.
Jubouri said in today's session that "Parliament has been and continues with the reforms the government has called more than once to send the reform projects, but the government balked."
He added that the House is "keen on reforms and so far, the Council did not reach anything requires the acceptance or rejection of the government."
Jubouri pointed out that "the parliament select a time horizon to push reforms and if the period expires without a move, it will take the appropriate actions on the promises made to reform because it is the rights of citizens."
He pointed to the council, "waiting for the legal contexts used for the reforms to take the final position in respect thereof and renews that Parliament did not reach any paper from the government for discussion or presentation to the parliament."
 [tlm724] "Parliament has been and continues with the reforms the government has called more than once to send the reform projects, but the government balked."
[tlm724] he has been waiting for Abadi to send them !
[tlm724] the House is "keen on reforms and so far, the Council did not reach anything requires the acceptance or rejection of the government."
[tlm724] Jubouri pointed out that "the parliament select a time horizon to push reforms and if the period expires without a move, it will take the appropriate actions on the promises made to reform because it is the rights of citizens."
[tlm724] so one way or the other the reforms will happen, with or without the GOI (COM) Jubouri has the constitutional right to do so

Finance and Economy Alniabaten discussing the sale and rental of state funds law
27/03/2016 15:47    Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: discussed the financial and economic Alniabaten Committees, on Sunday, during a lengthy meeting, the sale and lease of state property law.
The head of the Finance Committee Faleh applicable during the meeting which was attended by a reporter , "tomorrow Press", that "during the meeting was to discuss the sale and lease of state property law in order to develop appropriate solutions to all the problems arising from the manipulation Pauliat the money and property by the spoilers. "
He added," It was also during the meeting also discussed the government banking Act and these meetings came to their importance and direct impact on reality. "   LINK

 [tlm724] , that "during the meeting was to discuss the sale and lease of state property law in order to develop appropriate solutions to all the problems arising from the manipulation Pauliat the money and property by the spoilers. "
[tlm724] It was also during the meeting also discussed the government banking Act and these meetings came to their importance and direct impact on reality.
[tlm724] also discussed the government banking Act *mission*  
[tlm724] discuss the sale and lease of state property law

Parliamentary economy: $ 250 million allocated by the World Bank loan repaid later
History of edits:: 03/28/2016 9:09   {Baghdad: Euphrates News} for economic and investment commission in Parliament made it clear that the $ 250 million that the World Bank announced allocated for Iraq, is a loan to be repaid later.
The Vice - Chairman of the Committee Harith al - Harthy, told {Euphrates News} " The amount of 250 million dollars, which was announced by the World Bank president, the loan is repaid later."
He pointed out that " the Islamic bank manager said, there will be granted to the provinces in order to raise these provinces and municipalities, as well as his call for the formation of a partnership between the public and private sectors. "
He added that the World Bank President said during his visit to Iraq, to be" there are partnerships with the world countries to lift the Iraqi economy , financial, technical and global expertise to participate in building Iraq. "
He explained Al - Harthy, "there will be granted industrial and agricultural sectors for the advancement of the Iraqi industry on the one hand and the development of agriculture, so there will be a renaissance of a comprehensive, he said Ban Ki - moon said that Iraq possesses all the components can be that it becomes the first industrial and economic countries in the world."
it was World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, announced last Saturday, the allocation of $ 250 million to restore stability in the areas liberated from Daash gangs.
He said during a press conference, jointly with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, the head of the Islamic Bank Ahmad Muhammad Ali, "there are economic and administrative reforms we intend to take to achieve stability , "pointing out " we need a more intensive efforts to achieve this endeavor and for the fight against corruption and Daash ".anthy
 [tlm724] economic and investment commission in Parliament made it clear that the $ 250 million that the World Bank announced allocated for Iraq, is a loan to be repaid later
[tlm724] the Islamic bank manager said, there will be granted to the provinces in order to raise these provinces and municipalities, as well as his call for the formation of a partnership between the public and private sectors
[tlm724] there are partnerships with the world countries to lift the Iraqi economy , financial, technical and global expertise to participate in building Iraq. "
[tlm724] I like it  Very Happy
[tlm724] Ban Ki - moon said that Iraq possesses all the components can be that it becomes the first industrial and economic countries in the world.
[tlm724] *hallelujah*
Parliamentary Economic: World Bank grant conditional to fight corruption
3/28/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - Shaima Rashid alerted the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives that the World Bank on condition of good governance, participation and cooperation between the legislative and executive branches and the fight against corruption in submitting a grant for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the liberated areas of "Daash."
Said committee member Najiba Najib, told the "morning": The World Bank has granted Iraq $ 350 million for the reconstruction of areas that have been liberated from the Daash through its branches located here , "pointing out that" the amount allocated to support the electric power, water and health projects , which will be under the direct supervision of the bank 's projects. "
She said Najib" this The amount will be provided by the reconstruction fund the liberated areas and the ministries of planning and finance , "indicating that" these funds will contribute to accelerate the return of families to inhabit the liberated areas after the reconstruction and rehabilitation of its infrastructure. "
said a member of the Finance Committee that" the Secretary - General of the United Nations did not identify Iraq 's share of the $ 20 allocated to the strategy of sustainable development for the Middle East and North Africa billion. "
the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi has welcomed the international initiative for the reconstruction of areas that expelled Daash, saying:" the visit of the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki - moon to the country aimed at helping Iraq in the field of reforms announced by the government to meet popular demands, while stressing Ban Ki - moon , United Nations support for Iraq in its war against terrorism, the call is directed to the international community to help him in the face and attributed the organization Daash.
 [tlm724] World Bank grant conditional to fight corruption
[tlm724] I LOVE THAT ! put conditions on the loan !
[tlm724] if you want it you MUST have good governance, participation and cooperation between the legislative and executive branches and the fight against corruption in submitting a grant for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the liberated areas of "Daash.
[tlm724] IMO once they do the reforms and get the ball rolling then and only then will the WB give them the money ! money talks BS walks !

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