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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday PM Chat  3-30-16    Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Wednesday PM Chat  3-30-16    Part 3 of 3
Loop says():Annagaz..altsoat scenario ministers Abadi provides Jaafari and al-Shahristani resignations
Political Since 30/03/2016 19:02 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News  I learned / balances News / The Prime Minister will be presented on Thursday to the list of the first ministerial change includes seven ministries, as will be presented next Wednesday candidates for two ministries formed a knot over the past few days, the two ministries of Higher and external education and in the rescue scenario to see the response of the political blocs with the new list Abadi.
Correspondent / balances News / political it was agreed to provide al-Abadi on Thursday and the House of Representatives during the session seven ministries are "transport, health, agriculture, water resources, trade, finance and justice."
He added, "according to the leaked scenario it and while the House of Representatives voted to approve the sidelines, candidates for these ministries, the Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Higher Education Hussain al-Shahristani will present their resignations."
He continued, "After that comes on Wednesday, the next prime minister candidates to fill the two new foreign higher education my bag."
It was Saad al-Hadithi, a spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office revealed extensive consultations conducted by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to indicate the position of the political blocs in principle prepared Kan list of upcoming ministerial changes.
"The prime minister has a ready list of ministerial amendments can be submitted at any time, but was waiting for what Sntantj talks with him today and the position of the political blocs will be talking about the principle, which has prepared and the jurisprudence of this list and not the names of candidates."
He pointed out that most of the political blocs sticking to nominate ministers as "prepared for the Committee of Experts list of ministers technocrats away from it," .anthy 29 / tc n
Loop says():according to the leaked scenario it and while the House of Representatives voted to approve the sidelines, candidates for these ministries, the Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Higher Education Hussain al-Shahristani will present their resignations."
Loop says():Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Higher Education Hussain al-Shahristani will present their resignations.
daytrader says to Loop():Thanks Loop. If true, would uncomplicate Abadi's life.
Loop says():Central sales rise today
Economy Since 30/03/2016 15:34 pm (Baghdad time)  BAGHDAD - balances News   Central bank sales recorded, Wednesday, in the auction for the sale of foreign currency to sell up to $ 82 million.
According to a statement of the bank it received / balances News /, a copy of which, "The size of the amount sold today reached 82 million and six thousand and $ 644, priced at 1182 dinars to the dollar exchange rate and with the participation of 26 banks and 17 financial company to convert."
He added that "the amount of remittances and credits amounted to 51 million and 272 thousand and $ 477, while the quantity sold was 11 million in cash, and 120 thousand dollars."
And the statement, that "the amounts transferred to the accounts of banks selling abroad is priced at 1190 dinars per dollar, and the cash sales price shall be the price of 1182 dinars per dollar," .anthy 29/9 P
rcookie says():Obeidi: joint Peshmerga forces with combat troops in the battle of Nineveh
By Roudao Two hours ago
hutch says():Parliament: "ready for the success of the reform process"
March 30, 2016-2:49 pm   Baghdad/Iraq News Network-suggested House speaker Salim al-Jabouri, Wednesday, Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi options on a cabinet reshuffle to be announced, confirmed the intention of the Parliament to complete the package of legislation include amnesty law.
Al-jubouri, said at a press conference in the building of the House of representatives today: that "while confirming House's intention to complete the package of legislation such as the amnesty law and the law of the Federal Supreme Court, the House of representatives considered that the Prime Minister Haider Abadi two options: to them," al-Jabouri, "
The first option is to submit the required specifications for Ministers and crisis, or the formation of a Government of technocrats ", stressing that" the Parliament is ready in case the creation of the necessary conditions for the success of the reform process, "the State of law coalition called on Wednesday for an emergency meeting between Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi and heads of political blocs, one day before the upcoming ministerial changes provide Abbadi.
Read More :
cookie says():Interior reveal 300 cases of administrative and financial corruption in the past month
Department: security landscapeViews: 413Published on: Today, 10:44BAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:
Announced the Office of the Inspector General of the Interior Ministry, on Wednesday, for monitoring 300 cases of administrative and financial corruption during the month of February, in his report for the month of February last for monitoring 300 cases of administrative and financial corruption were discovered in various joints of the Ministry of Interior during the month he came across the activities of its committees and Mvarzh inspection and audit by the exercise of its functions entrusted to them in the fight against corruption and evaluate the performance of employees in the ministry.
According to the monthly report issued by the Planning, Monitoring Division in the office and seen by "Sky Press," "The Angels audit and financial control directorate has been able to restore (28,005,978) dinars to the state treasury and recommended that (69,049,713) dinars and prevented from waste (1,200,000) dinars, as also managed the Directorate of auditing 17 draft contract and expressed its opinion on the 67 council investigative She BSA by 147 improbable report to the Bureau reports it issued 98 reports.
rcookie says():"The inspection Baghdad Directorate has carried out during the month, 137 Tvicaa active and accounted for 34 of the Committee on auditing and had 7 visits resulted in the monitoring of 100 cases of administrative corruption and 19 cases of financial corruption,"
explaining that "the cadres of the provincial inspection directorate carried out 221 active Tvicaa through (166) Commission inspection and 49 of the Committee on auditing and 6 visits resulted in 151 monitoring the case of administrative corruption and 22 cases of financial corruption.
The report pointed out that "Monitoring Directorate and performance evaluation carried out during the month of February 10 committees of inspection resulted in monitoring 10 cases of administrative corruption and received 125 informing via the hotline Office of the Inspector General and through other sources provided by the Directorate for suspicions of corruption and violations and complaints,"
 noting that "the Directorate monitoring is also able to send (3694) revealed financial interests form to the integrity Commission and the numerous visits evaluation of the various departments of the Ministry in Baghdad and the provinces. "
rcookie says():The report regarding the human rights directorate has reported that "the directorate was able during the month of implementation of the 58 active and visitation of the positions of the ministry as well as interviews and visits by international and local human rights organizations and the meeting with civil society organizations and other activities. And received the Directorate during the month also 96 complaints and threw 22 lecture on arrested in attitudes. "
rcookie says():
Dr Dave says():do they need a super majority for this or 164 votes?
Loop says():Coalition: 90% of the ministers who Siqdmanm Abadi tomorrow of his choice
Wednesday 30 March 2016 | 17:54 BAGHDAD / .. revealed a coalition of state law, Wednesday, providing Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi 90% of the new ministers technocrats of his choice and not a choice of political parties or forces.
The leader of the coalition, Saad logistical's "Eye of Iraq News," that "the rule of law face his deputies present at the session on Thursday to vote on the cabin New Abadi," noting that "a coalition of state law authorized Abadi choosing his ministers out of the blocks or from within." .
He predicted logistical, "The new cabins Abadi will pass on Thursday, even though a majority of the deputies adopted the rule of law and brings good intentions," adding that "Abadi will provide 90% of the new ministers technocrats of his choice not choose the political forces."
As he emphasized the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Wednesday, he will present the ministerial change to the House of Representatives as he promised during the parliamentary session on Thursday, calling on Parliament to resolve his order to vote on the cabinet. Ended 9
Dr Dave says():will Sadr be satisfied come tomorrow?
Dr Dave says():I recollect a Few years ago when Sadr was refusing to bath....because of stalled laws
Dr Dave says():that did not work
BUCK says():well either sadr is forcing things or.....we are on the verge of things going wel and sadr is making noise so he looks like a catalyst......either way i hope we get paid lol
Loop says():Social and Economic Inclusion Key to Stability in Iraq
March 30, 2016 in Iraq Banking & Finance News, Politics, Security
World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim (pictured) told a special session of the Iraqi parliament that the path to stability and shared growth in Iraq lay in empowering local governments, opening up and diversifying the economy, and improving the management of public finances by reforming the public sector and increasing accountability.
The speech came during a joint visit to Iraq by Kim and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to show international support for Iraq as it confronts the triple challenge of defeating Da’esh, maintaining momentum on reforms, and coping with the financial impact of the fall in oil prices.
“Even in the face of substantial challenges, democracy is taking root in Iraq,” Kim told members of parliament.
“Iraq has chosen the path of political inclusion – a decision that created difficult challenges and holds great promise. It requires political compromises to build the broad coalitions needed to achieve national goals. As complex as it may seem, as difficult as it may be, political inclusion is part of the critical path to long-term stability.”
The World Bank Group president said that the new atmosphere of open competition among different perspectives and the difficulty of building the necessary coalitions to achieve national goals were a positive sign.
Kim drew on Iraq’s historical legacy for lessons on how the great civilizations had thrived by balancing central authority with local autonomy. “Let me suggest that the best way to protect and preserve the cohesion of the country is to do what your forebears did, “said Kim. “Empower all its regions, and to give more capacity to local governments, all the way to the municipal level.”
The World Bank president pointed to a recent US$350 million Bank-supported project that entrusted local authorities to rebuild infrastructure and restore services in areas liberated from Da’esh. It was an example of how bringing government closer to citizens underpins stability by restoring confidence in the state’s ability to meet basic needs
The speech also urged parliamentarians to unite around efforts to open up and diversify the economy, as another important step in unlocking Iraq’s immense potential. “You, the representatives of the people,” said Kim, “have the capacity to adopt laws that would open the door wide for young entrepreneurs, who are eager to take risks and engage in new ventures.”
In managing the financial crisis, Kim indicated that there was far more Iraq could do to strengthen its financial sustainability by improving the management of public funds and eliminating waste. Reforming energy subsidies was especially urgent as they were contributing to pervasive shortages of electricity. Replacing subsidies with cash transfers would better target and empower the most vulnerable.
Greater public scrutiny of government spending would also, Kim suggested, increase efficiency and contribute to the national priority of fighting corruption. Kim also said that a clear commitment to reforms would build confidence, which he hoped would lead to greater international support for coping with the impact of low oil prices.
The World Bank Group president also proposed using financial incentives to encourage local governments to be more accountable to citizens and provide better quality services. In view of the size of its economy and its strategic geographic location, Kim observed that the stakes were high in Iraq.
“We believe that Iraq’s success could bring stability and prosperity to hundreds of millions of people,” said Kim.
The joint visit to Iraq is part of a four-country tour that includes Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia, to deliver the broader message of global support for the region as it copes with conflict and instability. Kim noted the recent US$1.2 billion loan to help Iraq weather its financial crisis — the Bank’s largest ever direct budget support in the region — as evidence of the Bank’s commitment to the country and its people.
Loop says():Over the past several months, the World Bank Group has reoriented its strategy in the MENA region to promote peace and stability as the necessary conditions for development. Working with partners, the aim is to focus directly on the causes of conflict, while helping countries address its consequences and to recover and rebuild. The new strategy is built on four main pillars:
-Restore trust between citizens and their governments with greater accountability and improved services,
-Promote increased regional cooperation around the shared priorities of education, energy and water,
-Support countries and communities hosting large numbers of refugees, to strengthen their resilience,
-Prepare for reconstruction whenever and wherever peace emerges.
To raise the volume of financing needed to implement the new strategy, and to rally the international community around the common goal of promoting peace and stability in the region, the World Bank Group has partnered with the United Nations and the Islamic Development Bank Group.
Together they have convened the international community to develop the New Financing Initiative to Support the MENA Region, which aims to:
1)provide concessional financing to support refugees and host communities in Jordan and Lebanon, the middle income countries of the region that have been the most impacted by the Syrian refugee crisis; and,
2)raise a greater volume of financing needed for post-conflict reconstruction and economic recovery for countries across the MENA region.
Importantly, this initiative will create a unique platform among multilateral development banks and the UN to strengthen coordination on development assistance to the region at this critical juncture.
At the Supporting Syria and the Region conference that took place in February in London, the World Bank Group announced that it will triple its investment in the region as compared to the previous five years. Funding from the New Financing Initiative to Support the MENA Region combined with current programs is expected to total about US$20 billion over the coming five years.
Next month, at the International Conference for the New Financing Initiative to Support the MENA Region – an event co-chaired by the leaders of the World Bank Group, United Nations and Islamic Development Bank Group – ministers from G7, Gulf Cooperation Council and broader European countries, as well as the heads of various international and regional organizations, will gather at the World Bank Group headquarters to pledge their support for the New Financing Initiative to Support the MENA Region.
(Source: World Bank Group)
foxmulder says():
Martha Sue says to subgirl():Subby ... I just found this ... please watch this ... before you fly out! I know you were concerned that there might be thunderstorms ... but this will calm the seas! "How Great Thou Art!"
msdiva says():Abadi better do what he said and get this done on Thursday I got a gut feeling hes going to back petal hes not acting like a good leader sorry maybe you guys feel differ
foxmulder says():
msdiva says():any articles on Alak resigning
Loop says to msdiva():I disagree. If Abadi had compiled the list of new technocrats and rush right over to Parliament and handed it to them it would have given them to grandstand and posture (more then there already have). Instead I think that his strategie is to wait until the due date to put all the pressure on them to take action.
Loop says to msdiva():given them time to..
Loop says():Global financial safety net disappoint many emerging markets
3/31/2016 0:00 Morning / Agencies  International Monetary Fund said in a new research paper published last week: The financial safety net set up by the central banks and exporters and the IMF have grown in recent years but have not succeeded in protecting many of the emerging market countries of the global economic shocks.
He said that the accumulation of reserves foreign exchange increased since the global financial crisis in 2007-2009 , although there are more bilateral swap agreements among central banks but that benefited mainly the developed economy.
The IMF said that some emerging economies may still suffer from financing gaps in times of crisis.
The paper aims which IMF staff prepared to launch discussions between Member States and 188 in connection with reforms to strengthen the global financial safety net. She said that the first step is to assess the appropriateness of the current system , which it described as a very fragmented and did not testing and costly.
It is noteworthy that Christine Lagarde , director of the International Monetary Fund called in February to expand the precautionary financing instruments to help emerging markets to cope with shocks.
During the financial crisis , the banks Central in the United States, Canada , European Union, Japan, Britain, Switzerland and activate swap agreements developed economies helped to contain systemic risk.
But emerging markets were not a party to this swap lines and had, according to the paper Monetary Fund to accumulate foreign exchange reserves are high cost.
One of the few options available resorting to emergency lending to the IMF's trillion dollar reserves , but that carries a stigma market, political and perhaps approval be very slow during the financial crisis.
The paper proposed a reform option is to launch the rehabilitation process critical to reduce the recourse to lending reserves in order to obtain liquidity during the shocks of economic .
Another option is to strengthen the cooperation between the central banks and governments , regional and lending structures that make up the financial safety net , according to the paper.   Source;
Loop says():Proposals to overcome the financial crisis in the country
3/31/2016 0:00 BAGHDAD - The joy of pumice at a time of financial crisis countries stand out among other measures to overcome these challenges and promote the economy and this is what the government rushed to the support of experienced professionals, as adopted inter reforms backed praised by specialists, while others submitted proposals interrelatedness including the adoption of new laws.
Has praised economist Hamid Hamdani steps to provide support to the private sector for the development of its product quality and quantity of what contributes to move the wheel of the Iraqi economy.
Among »Sabah» that the private sector plays a vital role in the operation of the unemployed, led by graduates of universities and institutes in the financial and real estate, commercial, industrial, agricultural, service and tourism and the various branches of its investments small and medium industries.
He said al - Hamdani , the importance of the continued support of this sector as a sector producing goods and services essential and complementary to the citizen 's life by granting soft loans and providing fuel at subsidized prices, especially after the activation of the tariff laws, and other economic laws that support the wheel of the national economy.
However , he cautioned that employment is « a few» currently in this sector, as they are suffering from a shortage of funds, so called for continued development and support of the private sector to keep pace with its counterpart in the world.
As part of proposals aimed at promoting development in the country, urged the specialists group , including expert Mahmoud Alloush the adoption of new laws, including special legislation for infrastructure, especially that many job offers, and supports the reconstruction of service and development projects in the country.
Alloush said in a statement » Sabah », that« the adoption of such a law includes a huge investment projects to serve the country as a solution during the financial crisis faced due to lower selling prices of crude oil in the global markets, especially as the payment of the funds are in such laws on credit ».
He predicted expert that in the event was approved Thus the law it will save nearly a million jobs and operates dozens of laboratories and factories and stir wheel construction and reconstruction in Iraq.
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watson1 says(4:41 PM):

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