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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tlar: Politics Will Always Be Contentious & Frustrating 

Post From Currency Chatter

​Tlar:  So Enjoy The Politics.  They Will Always Be Contentious, Irritating, Frustrating depending on which side you are on, and interesting if you don't get too involved and let them take over your persona.  ​

danny griffin:      it seems abadi ends up being as feckless as maliki.  he could have had maliki and the other crooked goons arrested and really completed some reforms. it just makes you wonder what maliki may have on abadi. all abadi's promises now seem empty. i fear he is nothing more than hot air, just like maliki and the other leaders in iraq and our politicians.
Tlar:    Danny, I don't think that is the case at all.  The make up of parliament is a reflection of the blocks percentage they won in the last election.  Certain Shia blocks along with the Kurdistani block are causing the delays.  Abadi has his list but everyone he shows it to is making demands and threatening to have their MP's vote no in parliament if those demands aren't met. 

It is a losing situation if Abadi presents his list and a majority in parliament votes it down.  The threat of a no confidence vote is just that.  Those threatening are just trying to force Abadi to give his list to parliament  now so they can vote it down.
The Kurds are demanding 20% of the new positions be Kurds, and that Zebari, a known thief, get to stay in his position.  Many in the NA are speaking out demanding their fair share of positions each wanting a business as usual approach..  Shahristani still has not resigned.  This gets harder as days pass because the opposition is banding together.  I am not sure how this will get done but it has to.
Sadr cannot hold the masses together much longer IMO without some kind of action being seen in the next couple of days or all hell could break loose as he loses face or control of the demonstrators.  So something must break in the next 48 hours IMO. 
Abadi is trying but he would be stupid in my opinion to present his list before he was reasonably assured that it will pass parliament.  Evidently the new party he was attempting to form fizzled out and not enough MP's joined to assure a victory.
  Don't count this over by a long shot though.  Abadi has a lot going for him as in the international community, the US, Sadr and Shahristani, al-Sistani, as well as some in the NA.  Iraq may be sovereign but they are not invulnerable to outside influence if that influence is in the best interest of the outside world and Iraq as we have seen time and time again.  We will hopefully see some kind of action between now and the 31st.
I am very interested in the politics of Iraq but have mostly thought in the post Maliki period that politics and economy are two separate issues. 
One does influence the other no doubt but politically speaking, I believe the Abadi government is trying to change the government as one issue and at the same time trying to fix the economy and open it up to the world as a separate issue.  In other words I see the economy opening whether or not the political issue is resolved quickly.
The IMF works with many article VIII countries that have political issues and yet their currency and economy roll on.  I consider the US government to be laced with both economic and political issues and yet the IMF has never suggested taking our currency out of Article VIII. 
China is communistic/capitalistic but their currency is convertible.  So all types of governments around the world, even military dictatorships can have an articxle VIII Currency if they follow the rules and if they qualify.
Iraq has achieved transparency and banking wise is now qualified to enter Article VIII. I think we will see it very soon.  So in my mind as interesting as the politics are, they won't stop the opening of the Iraqi economy.  Iraq's banks are ready.  Investors are lined up. 
All the signs are there that this is about to go down.  So enjoy the politics.  They will always be contentious, irritating, frustrating depending on which side you are on, and interesting if you don't get too involved and let them take over your persona. 

Oops.  Sorry. For a moment there I lost my train of thought.  I thought we were discussing US politics.  Tlar

Articles ::

JD Blue:   Thursday .. or withdraw confidence
Sumaisem: Abadi not recommend a lot of speeches and will withdraw his confidence if it did not submit his booth Thursday

March 29, 2016 Walter   History of edits:: 29/03/2016 21:57 • 31 visits readable
his booth Thursday
[Oan- Baghdad]said Ali Smeisim , spokesman for the protesters , “I would advise the prime minister [Haider al – Abadi] not a lot of useless speeches , ” referring to the word Abadi Tuesday evening reviewed the process of cabinet reshuffle and the security file.
He said Sumaisem at a news conference of tents sit – ins at the Green Zone in Baghdad , “We reject any idea on the table for prosthetic reforms, and will be for the people of his word and Oagafth front obstructionists her” calling ” The prime minister revealed the political parties that obstruct the reform process.”
Between, “Reform have the institutions and systems are all state and we are shifting from commodity to commodity gouge , “adding that” if al – Abadi did not give his booth on Thursday , we will resort to the withdrawal of confidence with him. ”
he revealed Sumaisem for a cleric Moqtada al – Sadr , ” an intensive political consultations to complete theproject of reforms , “he said ” I do not entitled to any political statement on behalf of Mr. Sadr , in any situation was.”​
and the price leader of the Sadrist “all Poses solidarity by trade unions and the tribes that supported the reform project, and we have received many messages of telegrams from different segments of society declared their desire to come near the green for Commission protesters coordinate them. ”
the House of Representatives had given Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi until its meeting next Thursday to introduce the new ministerial his booth or he will withdraw trust him with the continued pressure of the protestors to implement reforms and fight corruption.
he called al – Abadi in a speech this evening , ” the House of Representatives be established a clear position and Maatalbh of the Prime Minister: Is it required to be ministers of the political blocs or provide ministers technocrats out of the blocks and quotas and whether the recent vote means or mean something else also states that some of the leaders of the blocks? “
JD Blue:   Better get cracka lackin'....
Political movement to break the deadlock followed by an exchange between al-Sadr and al-Abadi

Baghdad balances News  After facing the strong positions of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi began accelerating political movement on Tuesday evening, in order to get out of the impasse that has entered the political blocs to him.  March 29, 2016  LINK

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