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Monday, March 7, 2016

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-07-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  3-07-16  Part 1 of 2
Sawaf Mosque in the city of Erbil, located behind him the city center Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)

UN and international delegation to visit Arbil today to discuss the economic crisis and reforms 
Author: AR, HH   Editor: AR, HH 7.3.2016 10:50   Long-Presse / Baghdad
The UN Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), said Monday that a delegation internationalist featuring its president and ambassadors of foreign countries and the World Bank Country Director in Iraq, will visit the Kurdistan region today, to discuss the economic crisis and reforms, while confirming that the delegation will meet with the region's president, Massoud Barzani and Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani.
The mission said in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, "a delegation of ambassadors and representatives of the countries of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, Ambassador Head of the EU mission and World Bank Country Director in Iraq, in addition to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, will visit the region Kurdistan on Monday (the seventh of March 2016). "
The mission added that "the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, the province will receive the delegation will also hold delegation meetings with the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan region Nechirvan Barzani,"
noting that "the visit will focus on the discussion of the economic, financial and social situation in the region, including the reforms made by the government of the Kurdistan region, as well as the potential importance of political unity and support from the international community. "
The mission pointed out, "the possibility also to address other issues related to political and security developments those relating to the fight against the organization and especially (Daash)." 
The Kurdistan Regional Government, facing a severe financial crisis, as a result of the repercussions of the decline in world oil prices, and the war against (Daash), which led to Shell economic life in the region, and delayed its staff salaries for more than four months (since September last 2015), with its large deductions ranging from 15 to 75 percent of the January 2016 salary, which is spending it in the past few days.
The Baghdad and Erbil have reached the end of the year deal last 2014, it stipulates that delivers the Territory and the federal government (oil marketing company SOMO), 550 thousand barrels of oil than those produced from the fields as well as Kirkuk, the Federal Government to take over their share of the general budget of the exchange,
but the agreement did not It stands for long as soon collapsed as a result of "lack of commitment of both sides to implement it," according to released from mutual accusations, although in the current 2016 budget law, which included the renewal of that commitment.
It is said that the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) is a political mission was established in 2003 by resolution No. 1500, issued by the UN Security Council and at the request of the Iraqi government, the mission has been present in the field since then expanded its role significantly in 2007 with the adoption of Resolution 1770, the security Council extended the mission's mandate until July 31, 2016 through resolution 2233 which was adopted on July 29, 2015.     LINK    

 [tlm724] a delegation internationalist featuring its president and ambassadors of foreign countries and the World Bank Country Director in Iraq, will visit the Kurdistan region today
[tlm724] to discuss the economic crisis and reforms
[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* big boys are coming to town  
[tlm724] "the visit will focus on the discussion of the economic, financial and social situation in the region
[tlm724] The Baghdad and Erbil have reached the end of the year deal last 2014, it stipulates that delivers the Territory and the federal government (oil marketing company SOMO), 550 thousand barrels of oil than those produced from the fields as well as Kirkuk, the Federal Government to take over their share of the general budget of the exchange, but the agreement did not It stands for long as soon collapsed as a result of "lack of commitment of both sides to implement it," according to released from mutual accusations, although in the current 2016 budget law, which included the renewal of that commitment.
[tlm724] hope this visit helps resolve the oil agreement once and for all !
[tlm724] bring on the HCL down the road too
Kurdish lawmaker: Kurdistan with reforms Abadi if the "real and realistic."[/size]
07/03/2016 10:47 | Press direction - Special / Kurdistan Alliance MP Hussein Islam, said on Monday that the alliance with al-Abadi reforms if they are "real and realistic", while noting that the recent reforms were partial and did not affect the corrupt.
Hussein told the "direction Press," said that the Kurdistan Alliance had previously announced his position explicit that with the reforms announced by al-Abadi to be a "real and effective" reforms, noting that with the passage of days package turns out that those reforms were "partial" and did not affect the corrupt true.
He added: Kurdistan Alliance position is still supportive of Ebadi to proceed with the reforms that affect these corrupt reforms in the government.
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced his intention in the 1.26.2016 a cabinet reshuffle prospective, denying the existence of any government feminine.
A source in the Prime Minister's Office that al-Abadi said during a meeting with a group of media analysts and politicians that there is no truth to be traded from the feminine to the government, but there is a cabinet reshuffle.
 [tlm724] that the alliance with al-Abadi reforms if they are "real and realistic", while noting that the recent reforms were partial and did not affect the corrupt.
[tlm724] Kurds are saying we are with you but lets do it all out !! Go for broke !
[tlm724] this is huge for PM Abadi, it should kick these reforms in to high gear and the arrest warrants should fly off the shelves
Parliament transmits 991 a corruption case to the public prosecutor and integrity
03/07/2016 13:54   BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press: A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Commission, Mohammad Hamidi fact, on Monday, that his committee has referred 991 files to the prosecutor general and the Integrity Commission, noting that there are 91 files of large files that included all state institutions, notably the prefabricated schools file.
Said Hamidi, for "tomorrow 's Press," " The Integrity Commission has referred 991 files to the prosecutor general and the Integrity Commission, there are 91 files of large files, which include all ministries and institutions," adding that " the most prominent existing files you work on integrity is ready schools . "
 He said Hamidi, said that "there is a great waste of public money in the ready - school file, because the completion rate reached in some schools 3%, in spite of receiving 60% of their funds by the public sector companies affiliated to the state , " explaining that " the contracts signed during the reign former Minister of Education Mohammad Tamim. " LINK

 [tlm724] committee has referred 991 files to the prosecutor general and the Integrity Commission, noting that there are 91 files of large files that included all state institutions
[tlm724] they better get some extra help lol
[tlm724] now we're cookin with fire
Abadi meet today with the Anti-Corruption and Integrity Council judges
History of edits:: 07/03/2016 14:49   {Baghdad: Euphrates News} meets Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Monday, with the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption and the judges of the Integrity Commission.
He said his office, in a brief statement agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of the Abadi "heads the first day of two important meetings with the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption and the membership of specialists, and another meeting with the judges of integrity to give them the necessary support and protection to do their work in the prosecution of corruption and corrupt" .anthy
 [tlm724] PM Abadi to give them the necessary support and protection to do their work in the prosecution of corruption and corrupt"
[tlm724] *mission
Labour calls for foreign companies to support the private sector in Iraq
Economy  Since 03/07/2016 14:06 pm (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - balances News
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, on Monday, several proposals to be presented in the Iraqi - The US Trade and Investment Council meetings in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Labour Ammar Menem, in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "the Labor Department raised its proposals regarding the Iraqi Council meetings
He pointed Menem said "the Ministry of Labour has proposed to strengthen the social responsibility of foreign companies, including the US to implement the service of social programs that support the goals of the Ministry of Labour. It was also a proposal to expand investment in vocational training and technical education to support the national system to raise the professional and technical competencies."
And the spokesman of work, "it was a proposal to strengthen Social Iraqi protection system and encouraging foreign companies to join the guarantee fund and ensure a safe environment as well as taking into account the coordination between the axes and inflation", stressing at the same sustenance "the importance of running 50% of the Iraqi employment projects handled by foreign companies. "
Menem said that "the Ministry of Labour launched Among the proposals to be foreign investment companies active participation in the development of infrastructure in Iraq Ktoled electric power and support the creation or rehabilitation of social and health centers."
And seal the spokesman as saying that the work "The ministry has called in its proposals to support private sector development in Iraq," .anthy 29/4 e strategy    LINK
 [tlm724] The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, on Monday, several proposals to be presented in the Iraqi - The US Trade and Investment Council meetings in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce
[tlm724] "the Ministry of Labour has proposed to strengthen the social responsibility of foreign companies, including the US to implement the service of social programs that support the goals of the Ministry of Labour
[tlm724] go for it !!! get those foreign companies in there to support the private sector
The start of the financial conference on Iraq in Beirut
Economy   Since 03.07.2016 at 10:50 (Baghdad time)  Follow-up scales News
Held on Monday , the third World Conference and Exhibition on the financial and banking services in Iraq ( Iraq Finance 2016 ) and lasts for two days in the capital Albannaanh Beirut.
And held financial Iraq conference sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq, is the leading international event which provides an opportunity open dialogue between Iraqi government officials and decision-makers with the investors in the financial services industry and local such as banks and banks operating in Iraq and international companies seeking to develop its work in the local financial markets.
It is likely that this conference will facilitate the opportunity for professionals and foreign investors for the development of the banking sector in Iraq by providing combining banks and international companies a platform to communicate with decision-makers and the Iraqi banks and the exchange of ideas and experiences, as well as providing the opportunity for business deals for the development of the banking business in the country, the fact that banks play a role president in the development of the Iraqi economy by turning challenges into economic opportunities Astosmar.anthy 29 / d 24   LINK
 [tlm724] this conference will facilitate the opportunity for professionals and foreign investors for the development of the banking sector in Iraq by providing combining banks and international companies a platform to communicate with decision-makers and the Iraqi banks
[tlm724] *hallelujah* get Iraq open to the world, come on Iraq you can do it !! You got the IMF, the World Bank and the UN holding your hand, what more could you ask for ??? A lil stability but really lets go !!

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