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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Iraqi Dinar In The Eye Of The Storm

Iraqi Dinar In The Eye Of The Storm

Baghdad has become a market for speculators and banking offices and transfer of funds feed on fluctuation of the exchange rate on the expense of the people and for the benefit of the few powerful.

 Middle East Online    By Taher Alwan

Iraqi citizen glued sitting in front of screens, looking for a glimmer of hope amid tragedy that surround it on every side, ongoing war in more than Iraqi city of those that they left the hands of Daash, minorities and ethnicities problems, conflicts eternal phenomenon and hidden between politicians political blocs since set foot offices, palaces and assumed positions and were informed guards and boarded a black armored luxury cars, those conflicts did not know the overt and covert truce nor quieter days so Iraqi congratulated peace.
The scene was a dramatic day when a senior official concerned with the affairs of the hand cleaner afternoon and integrity, saying he is Rhth revealed "Hekana" of the attackers on the public money and mafias corruption and thunder in men and foamed and threatened and vowed he would reveal all the files soon, the day commented Iraqi many that the man this storm was contrived but covers the Mdharbath millions in private in the dollar exchange and money market currency and so on where to collect large sums of money.

This story is repeated even counted politicians and parliamentarians who threatened to reveal the looters and plunderers of public money to found them frequent Catherh but one name was not disclosed until today and those strange phenomenon, but the strangeness has become unusual in the political scene,

especially an hour that a senior official on the screens appear to declare they are keeping silent on those violations and thefts in order to preserve the political process and do not maintain those dear to one of the muggers left in a position of responsibility process.

Amid this and you wander in the heart of the capital, Baghdad will draw your eyes proliferation of money transfer and exchange companies as well as emerging private banks that came looking for the same names and you find, for example, trade, investment, development and Islamic Credit words are repeated on the facades of those luxury buildings newly established in upscale areas of Baghdad.

With this reproduction in private banks and companies remittance and banking facilities provided by the State of remittances was the Iraqi Central Bank announced what became accustomed to hear the Iraqis a sessions sell the currency or sell the dollar,

is not to prepare the souls of sessions but it took character surreal surprise when the Iraqis discovered suddenly that some of the mafias money exchange and transfer of funds and some private banks may be affected quickly from behind these sessions.

The issue is very simply to attend dealer currency these sessions the dollar buys and within a short time after each session to achieve a quick deal because of speculation in the sale of the currency market down to the contrived crisis announced by the Iraqi government recently,

a serious indicator concluded that the Iraqi economy is losing at least a billion dollars Only a month in order to stabilize the exchange rate in the face of speculators and perhaps engaged in money laundering.

Analysts were talking about different monetary policy before the current year as the sale of currency by the central bank in the daily selling sessions open either in light of the collapse of oil prices and the crisis of the state budget has set sales amount not to exceed $ 750 million per day, which shares directly in addition to speculation shortage in supply of the dollar on the one hand and its high price.

From here, Iraqis found surprises and wacky much as it was a surprise rise in the dollar price of 1180 dinars to the dollar to 1430 which is soon began to reflect on goods that affect the lives of the citizen as alert traders to raise their prices,

and already the citizen began to feel the pinch even if turning Thread a nightmare for new may affect the livelihood of the people and the ordinary citizen is fed up and the media was left of the talk going on, but the busy heart of the dollar.

Then stepped in government and is said to have put their hands on speculators were the ones who caused the crisis to another report that regional banks and exchange companies linked to him is the one who plans the process and arranged in stages through the currency sold by the central bank

in stages through exchange outlets and speculators others collect and refrained from sold then imposed later pricier to exchange currency outside the central bank's control,

which led to that storm of surprise or the rumors and throughput of the media as the government pointed out that "there is manipulation and conspiracy occurred 'by some' who are hostile to Iraq and finance spoilers and trying to influence on the current situation, "said the government statement.
A lot of talk fraught atmosphere of rumors that no one amount of credibility knows that the whole crisis, politicians influential far reported that the bank was not the subject of suspicion also has a network of interests with Iraqi politicians but again and again 

and as is the case in dealing with suspects ghost in issues affecting public money here too I did not know until the time is not one defendant not Ahli Bank and Exchange Company nor otherwise remained scene full of mysteries and secrets, 

but the state remedied the rapid collapse of the price of the currency exchange Links lavished interview procedures through which more dollars Vodt frequent supply and control to balance and reasonable price exchange,

but no one It can predict how long this will hold for a rapid solution in the market in light of the greed of the greedy speculators and under an atmosphere tainted by suspicions of many in relation to the banking behavior of speculators and some currency traders and who is supposed to control the Iraqi dinar exchange rate today and tomorrow.

 Taher Alwan

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