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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Currency Chatter Member Discussion

Currency Chatter Member Discussion

Mike   Central Bank: the issuance of three categories of cash in 2017

Publisher on: June 23, 2015  BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - Director General of the version number and inventories at the CBI Ihsan Yasiri delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency and a national project to feminine Iraqi currency, likely work on the project early in 2017.

"The Yasiri (IMN) that" the central bank began to develop the study of new designs for the currency after the removal of zeros it, "noting that" the deleted currency zeros will deliberate for Sntn in the local markets, as the bank continues to center to pull the old category of the currency over ten years. " .

 He continued that "it is likely the launch of the new category from the beginning of the currency in 2017 because there are a number of opponents of the project," 

pointing out that "monetary Asaddaramlat category 50, 100 and 200 to ease trading burdens currency after deletion of zeros, as well as the provision of liquidity to the means of transportation of currency."
 The Iraqi Central Bank decided earlier, re-exchange companies deprived of the central auction of the coin and the end of their sentences.

 The central bank decided to open a window at his headquarters in Baghdad to meet delegates and scholars requests abroad in dollars and the official price.

mally   lol, same as it ever was

danny griffin    yea i wish the paris club participants would tell iraq to get off the pot and do something now, or they will take back the agreement and demand iraq pay up the full amount owed by end of this year.  it would serve iraq right.

KJWayne    "watch what they DO not what they SAY " !   Same thing was said and printed in 2011 about 2013 and also 2015 and now 2017. I think I see a pattern here !   :D

Brule   Exactly, JK, exactly.

Schizz     You just gotta look at it right, just because they are intending to release 3 new cats in 2017 doesn't mean that they don't have lower denoms before then. It just simply means that they will release new denoms of those notes in 2017. Means nothing in the now and is prolly just more talk.

They should try sorting things out now instead of planning for 2017.

I will say again, imo this isnt saying no rate change until 2017, it just says they may or may not release 3 new lower denoms in 2017, heck for all we know it could be because they expect the ones they currently have to be really worn out in 2 years or simply because they want to improve the design on them.

Could mean anything but it totally doesn't mean no rate change before 2017. To assume that would be looking at everything all wrong and worrying yourself over nothing.

If they said they wanted to build a new dam in 2017 would we assume that they would just stop using the ones they currently have until then? nope....i know its different but im trying to put some perspective on things.

Schizz  Or it could be right on the money and there will be no currency reform for another 2 years. I can't see that but depends on how long its going to take to kick isis out of iraq.

Currency reform is put off till then imo. Lots of promising arts though from the cbi lately.

Me thinks turki is trying to keep his job. I think ive seen more arts from the cbi in the last 7 days than i have seen in the last 4 yrs

Schizz   ^^^^ that is my disclaimer post :

A9BALLKID    What they DO is TALK a lot ...:)

DreamWeaver    Schizz, I'm with you all the way.  :D

These parts:  " of new designs for the currency after the removal of zeros it, "noting that" the deleted currency zeros will deliberate for Sntn in the local markets, as the bank continues to center to pull the old category of the currency over ten years."         "category 50, 100 and 200 to ease trading burdens currency after deletion of zeros."

IMO, this is saying they are going to delete the three zeros and release the new lower denoms, most likely by beginning of 2016, if the current GOI Governor hasn't been replaced.  Could happen a little prior if that proxy position becomes legit.

Then, AFTER deleting the three zeros, there will be a "burden" on citizens and merchants to carry and hold a lot more of the smaller denoms in order to pay for goods or make change, they are going to add 3 new categories (denoms) to the marketplace:  50, 100, 200.

Right now the categories are:  250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000.  There have been articles in the past stating new denoms will be:  1, 5, 10, 20, or even 25.  We've theorized they might or might not include a 50 and/or 100.  

First time I ever remember them talking about printing currency AFTER delete the zeros.  IMO what's not to love about seeing this type of an article?

Basically telling us good news as far as they expect delete the zeros to be done by 2017 and all the denoms are going to circulate for 10 years.  When was the last time we saw them state all denoms would circulate 10 years?

I'm optimistic we will see movement in July - September with rate change, even a miniscule one (1166 to 1000), by no later than Jan 2016. Heck, they could still do an intial RV at $.86 or even over $3. 

No way to know their exact plan.  Though I'm not banking on what is said in this article as they love to talk, talk, talk  and  print, print, print  currency --LOL--  I do definitely view it as a positive to see it in the press as that means they're at least talking about it.  Best ~ DW

CASHMONEY    2017 is very plausilbe with these idiots..... 

DreamWeaver    Schizz, all these articles from CBI are reason I'm so optimistic.  That's exactly what I expected, and posted in March, we'd see happen in June:  Announcements by CBI.   Really makes me uplifted about the rest of what I intuitively felt:  July the tide turns as far as ISIL and expecting some movement regarding currency reform.

No doubt my own intuition and connection with Divine consciousness is a blessing to me personally as all of what I've felt so far has happened ... all the way back to when Maliki was in power ... so it keeps me feeling peaceful and optimistic.  Still have 100% belief in this investment as well as delete the zeros. 

Never waivered.  Can certainly understand why people are burned out, but IMO we are still in position to experience our dreams.  I'm not ready to let timing or how things "appear" steal my energy or peace. 

So, I'm definitely hanging loose, expecting MOVEMENT in July as I keep getting validation all along the way that my dream (rv) is still very much alive.   :)  Blessings ~ DW

Revenuerog would you guys feel if it went to 2020?...

DreamWeaver    Revenuerog, I'm in it until it  MANIFESTS as you never know with Iraq.  :P

CASHMONEY    Honestly I just want them to do something.... good or bad..... just fricking do something and stop talking about it..... been listening to the BS for 6 yrs.... I dont think I would or could hold out to 2020.......

rDiddy    "develop the study of new designs for the currency after the removal of zeros it, "noting that" the deleted currency zeros will deliberate for Sntn in the local markets, as the bank continues to center to pull the old category of the currency over ten years. " .

He continued that "it is likely the launch of the new category from the beginning of the currency in 2017..."

Not that we can trust what's in this one article, but there's some good news in it:

They're going to start working on the designs for new bills prior to their release at the beginning of 2017,

The zeros will be deleted before then,

The old bills will be honored for 10 years.

I have a hard time believing they can wait until 2017 to have bills of these demoninations, but then again, I had a hard time in 2009 believing I would be sitting here discussing the IQD RV in 2015.  ;)   -mrs d

Jackt    I had a close family member recently had to sell out and cash-in about half of their Deenar's because of developing financial struggles. I pray none of us will need to do that before this thing pops. Maybe we will see this ol RV happen before the coming global crash which I believe is approching this fall.  JMO...

XXXX:    I wouldn't call it a crash... but definitely a sort of restructure... the new banking system is kicking in Jan 2016 with the SDR model.

Also, as per Martin Armstrong's economic confidence model (, October 2015 is key to watch in terms of global economics.

Schizz   I just hope we get to cash out and invest in gold before the crash. Gold wil lalways have value and theres talk of governments stocking up on gold and rich people too.

When it all goes to ** paper money will be useless. Would be my type of luck to gain from this rv and for the world economic system to fail and make it all worthless.

Chasting   keep your double chins up....=)

Revenuerog   I'm right there with ya DW..My financial life is so upside down right now it's certainly not even funny...but I'm IN IT TO WIN IT!!!

NC    Hang in there, my financial life was/has been in a mess too but I'm starting a job next month that will double my monthly income. I'm going to be gone on the road all week but for now it's worth it.

Greg      This article reminds me of an article that came out in 2011 or 2012 where the cbi said they were going to delete the zeros in 2013 and everybody said there is no way they can wait that long, the country is broke, it's all smoke meant to throw us off... Boy were we ever gullable.

G-Lin    Everytime I read a currency art., the first thing I think is "is this info mean't for Daash?" The currency arts. have been all over the place for the last few months. I know I'm confused. Hopefully Dassh is too. There is no way they will expose their economy in a public form. JMO.


23/05/2015  BAGHDAD / JD / .. the parliamentary finance committee demanded, the central bank is implementing a project to delete the three zeroes from the currency, rather than issuing new editions of major categories.

A member of the committee MP Abdul Qader Mohammed Omar told / JD /: "The central bank plans to issue new editions of major categories of 50 000 dinars and 100 dinars for, while the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency delayed its implementation until further notice."

He added: "The project to delete the zeros is the best of the issuance of new editions under the current circumstances", calling for the implementation of deleting three zeros to restructure the local currency and to reduce the money supply in the country, ".

jaxjags   Excuse me!!!!   This sounds great!!!

G-Lin   Hey jax yes it does. I could go back and post so many arts. from the last 30-60 days that has us going in circles. By design I would say. But, this last weekend Finance Committee took over the reins so to speak. I really don't know what will come of it, but there is something going on with their currency. And remember tariffs are due to start Aug. 1st. We will see. I'm still looking for WTO info.  ;)

Rockstar    G-Lin If there is anyway you could make them RV the currency to over a dollar before August 1, 2015 I would be forever greatful!!! Lol

Jaxjags   G-Lin,.......agreed.

This conversation/information we read about is totally about the preparation of the currency that the citizens will be carrying with them so that they will be able to drive the economy. 

The denominations will be determined by the eventual value of the IQD...............and that is what will determine how much "buying power" the Iraqi citizen has.........because, 95+% of all goods on the shelf is imported. And those prices are determined by the value of the currency doing the purchasing.

IMO,.....we will see this this year.

G-Lin   Oh Rock I wish. Does tapping my foot and giving them the evil eye count?  :lol:

Revenuerog  Hey..I just read on the IQD teams site...Daash is putting out their own currency soon...1=139$

Greg    Yea I saw that article. They say their currency will be gold. Kinda makes it hard to buy a Coke at that rate huh.. Especially if you only make about $400 USD equivelant a month. LOL

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