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Monday, June 1, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments

Morning News Comments 06/01/2015

Parliamentary Finance warns of corruption and manipulation in the printing of the new currency

[tlm724] the parliamentary finance committee, warned Monday, of the existence of corruption and manipulation in the new currency printed categories of the "50" thousand and "100" thousand.

[tlm724] "corruption and manipulation is through agreements with the central bank staff,

[tlm724] easy to buy off some of them.
[tlm724] because everyone is looking for personal and partisan interests."

[tlm724] wow she is pretty negative, I would imagine some can be paid off but I also would hope that the CBI is weeding them out as well


Parliamentary economic: the time is right to apply the customs tariff in all of Iraq

[tlm724] the time is right to apply the customs tariff in all of Iraq

[tlm724] hear hear !!!

[tlm724] without exception !!!

[tlm724] "the application of the law sets up Iraq to the application of the required foreign trade standards,"

[tlm724] apply the law and Iraq can move forward with trade agreements and the WTO as well   

[tlm724] "government should enforce laws prescribed by the House of Representatives and the provinces to abide by the directives,

[tlm724] that there is a high coordination between the central government and the governments and the Kurdistan region to apply customs tariff law,

[tlm724] the law legislation came as part of a political agreement between the blocs.

[tlm724] thats right it's a done deal now get on with it !

[tlm724] "the time is right now for the implementation of the customs tariff in all of Iraq, because the delay application of the law does not serve any party and hurt trade

[tlm724] refusing to "apply the law to a particular part of the country, because the people will feel no justice if applied to the province without the other.

[tlm724] "the law of customs tariff will add the general budget and reduce the deficit, If you do not apply the Treasury will remain deficient.

[tlm724] so apply it in all provinces at one time, don't let Basra run over you ! Make the revenue you all need to bridge the budget gap and move on and be big boys playing on the international stage of trade !


Parliamentary Finance: customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month

[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* customs tariff will be applied in Kurdistan, beginning next month  

[tlm724] the federal government agreed with the Kurdistan Regional Government on the application of the customs tariff starting from next month

[tlm724] whew about time

[tlm724] an agreement to which the inclusion of Iraqi Kurdistan tariff customs like the rest of Iraq's provinces Other, noting that the application would be the beginning of the month of July next.

[tlm724] now we're cooking !

The Ministry of Commerce based strategy to support the private sector 

[tlm724] stressed, that the Central Bank of Iraq will be distributed loan trillion dinars the private banks to "a fair", and denied the existence of Marqlat facing the distribution process.

[tlm724] Marqlat think that means delay

[tlm724] so no delays 

[tlm724] they expect this to launch the private banks and private sector , I like that ! needed to be done to move forward

[tlm724] Saleh added, that "the Central Bank will distribute the loan on small and medium enterprises that are active capital and economic course in Iraq," noting that "some of the complaints which may be raised by the private banks, but the central bank is able to solve them." 

[tlm724] The Economic Adviser to the Chairman of the Board Minister that "the loan is aimed at activating the economic activity and addressing the recession suffered,"

[tlm724] *hallelujah* lets roll this thing out !pump that life blood back into the economy ! Liquidity !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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