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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

17 Million Millionaires In The World

 Soon .. millionaires control half of the world's wealth

The "Boston Consulting Group" Foundation for Economic Studies to millionaires that would control, soon, half the wealth on the planet by the end of the decade.

The study added that the millionaires in the world divested accounted for 41% of the total private wealth in the world during 2014, a slight increase on the previous year.

The report said: The global wealth of the millionaires will have 2015 which accounted for 46% of total global wealth by 2019.

The study showed that the number of millionaires in the world increased to 17 million people last year, an increase of two million people from 2013.

According to the study, China accounted for almost half of that increase, bringing the number of millionaires in China to nearly 4 million people, but the United States still has the largest number of millionaires than any other country in the world, registered 7 million millionaire.

Meanwhile, "Boston Consulting Group" report, pointed out that private wealth has grown the fastest pace in the Asia - Pacific, an increase of more than 5 times than in North America.

He pointed out that it is expected to reach financial private wealth in the Asia - Pacific what the total value of $ 57 trillion in 2016, surpassing than in North America, the $ 56 trillion dollars.

And jumped private wealth in the world by 12% during 2014 to the total value of $ 164.3 trillion, driven by the gains in stocks around the world.

The study predicted that the volume of global wealth to rise to 222.1 trillion dollars by 2019.

In terms of focusing the number of millionaires, replaced Switzerland in the first place B135 millionaire in every 1,000 households owns a private fortune worth more than a million dollars, followed by Bahrain 123 millionaire, Qatar 116 millionaire, Singapore 107 millionaires, and Kuwait 99 millionaire, and finally Hong Kong 94 millionaire, according to study.

A separate recent study has shown that China's new billionaires included almost every week during the first quarter of this year.

The study, conducted by each of the "UPS", the company specialized in the field of wealth management, and "PricewaterhouseCoopers", the largest specialized in the field of audits in the world institutions: 

The issue of wealth creation check tremendous boom in China, supported by strong economic growth Big rally in the capital markets.

He said Francis Liu, Managing Director for "UPS", the Chinese billionaires are making their fortunes mainly in the areas of real estate, technology, health care and other consumer industries.

Liu added that in 2014, China has seen 200 billionaire versus 570 billionaires in the United States.

It uses Chinese billionaires also their wealth earned in spending on charitable activities in their communities, where the older of these wealthy generations focus generally in spending on education and health care, while cares billionaires from the middle and the young social issues ages such as support for the poor and miserable societies.

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