Post From Currency Chatter 3-01-16
Tlar: Iraq's previous oil minister under Maliki, Shahristani, is one of the biggest crooks in country. As he acted under Maliki and was the cause for all the troubles with the Kurds which culminated in a total lack of trust between the Kurds and Baghdad. It's about time this monumental thief is called out.
When Maliki promoted him to the position of deputy prime minister heading the oil ministry, he did so because parliament was getting ready to indict him for stealing 6 billion dollars.
I am sure he and Maliki were both recipients of the spoils when he stole the 6 billion. Parliament had proof that Shahristani paid nothing but shame companies for work they never did, 6 billion worth.
Tlar: Iraq's previous oil minister under Maliki, Shahristani, is one of the biggest crooks in country. As he acted under Maliki and was the cause for all the troubles with the Kurds which culminated in a total lack of trust between the Kurds and Baghdad. It's about time this monumental thief is called out.
When Maliki promoted him to the position of deputy prime minister heading the oil ministry, he did so because parliament was getting ready to indict him for stealing 6 billion dollars.
I am sure he and Maliki were both recipients of the spoils when he stole the 6 billion. Parliament had proof that Shahristani paid nothing but shame companies for work they never did, 6 billion worth.
With his new promoted position he was untouchable by parliament so they dropped the charges for years now. Maliki and he proceeded to then steal billions because they were now on the receiving end of all the oil revenue coming into Iraq All the money went through their hands for years.
One can only guess at how much money they stole there. Almost immediately they stopped paying the Kurds and that festered the relationship. When Shahristani finally started releasing some monies to the kurds he shorted them.
He down graded what was a very high quality oil from the territory only paying them for low grade oil saying it contained lots of Sulphur. The oil had been tested many times and it always came up very high grade with almost no Sulphur but Shahristani would only pass them as if it was a very low grade oil.
The Kurds were pissed but, Shahristani and Maliki controlled the purse strings so the Kurds could not do much about it. I am quite sure Shahristani and Maliki will be found to have pocketed billions by screwing the Kurds out of their share.
Shahristani was the promoter and loudest proponent of scrapping the original 17% agreement in favor of giving the Kurds 14% of their share of the oil revenue, again screwing with the Kurds money.
It has taken a long time for the Kurds to learn to trust the Iraqi government again but the recent agreement between Bagdad and Kurdistan that brought the oil from the territory under the control of the government once again is a testimonial to Kurdistan putting their trust and faith in Abadi.
The more Abadi does the more they trust. Abadi is consolidating his power by putting together a new block in parliament which basically mutes the SOL vote, his own party.
The SOL has tried doing everything they can to .top Abadi but the crooked leaders of the party are seeing more of the bottom of the party defect. The party has already split months ago and it is my belief it will be a party in total disarray very soon as the only guys left fighting will be the crooks headed by Maliki.
Sadr is the opposition spoiler because he can muster the people and as such plays a major part in the change coming.. He essentially is threatening anyone or party that tries to stop Abadi's progress for change. He has put himself in harms-way as we saw from the assassination attempt a few days ago.
These ministers were Abadi's choice as parliament gave him cart blanche. The SOL tried desperately to horn their way into the decision making process thinking they could help shape the decision on who the new ministers were, but was out flanked and left out of the process.
Either Abadi made these choices or the British think tank assigned the file, made the choices. No matter, those choices were obviously made before hand and those choices will end up being the new ministers.
If I am right, parliament will rubber stamp the choices. The eight ministers still standing is either because they did nothing wrong or did so little and are doing a good enough job for Abadi to let them stay.
It is my belief that Abadi given this one chance to do it right and change the future of Iraq, would not leave them there if he did not feel totally comfortable they were good at these positions.
One can only guess at how much money they stole there. Almost immediately they stopped paying the Kurds and that festered the relationship. When Shahristani finally started releasing some monies to the kurds he shorted them.
He down graded what was a very high quality oil from the territory only paying them for low grade oil saying it contained lots of Sulphur. The oil had been tested many times and it always came up very high grade with almost no Sulphur but Shahristani would only pass them as if it was a very low grade oil.
The Kurds were pissed but, Shahristani and Maliki controlled the purse strings so the Kurds could not do much about it. I am quite sure Shahristani and Maliki will be found to have pocketed billions by screwing the Kurds out of their share.
Shahristani was the promoter and loudest proponent of scrapping the original 17% agreement in favor of giving the Kurds 14% of their share of the oil revenue, again screwing with the Kurds money.
It has taken a long time for the Kurds to learn to trust the Iraqi government again but the recent agreement between Bagdad and Kurdistan that brought the oil from the territory under the control of the government once again is a testimonial to Kurdistan putting their trust and faith in Abadi.
The more Abadi does the more they trust. Abadi is consolidating his power by putting together a new block in parliament which basically mutes the SOL vote, his own party.
The SOL has tried doing everything they can to .top Abadi but the crooked leaders of the party are seeing more of the bottom of the party defect. The party has already split months ago and it is my belief it will be a party in total disarray very soon as the only guys left fighting will be the crooks headed by Maliki.
Sadr is the opposition spoiler because he can muster the people and as such plays a major part in the change coming.. He essentially is threatening anyone or party that tries to stop Abadi's progress for change. He has put himself in harms-way as we saw from the assassination attempt a few days ago.
These ministers were Abadi's choice as parliament gave him cart blanche. The SOL tried desperately to horn their way into the decision making process thinking they could help shape the decision on who the new ministers were, but was out flanked and left out of the process.
Either Abadi made these choices or the British think tank assigned the file, made the choices. No matter, those choices were obviously made before hand and those choices will end up being the new ministers.
If I am right, parliament will rubber stamp the choices. The eight ministers still standing is either because they did nothing wrong or did so little and are doing a good enough job for Abadi to let them stay.
It is my belief that Abadi given this one chance to do it right and change the future of Iraq, would not leave them there if he did not feel totally comfortable they were good at these positions.
Millionday still thinks that the dinar will go international (article Viii) this month and so do I. My reasons may be different for why I think so but in the end we both have come to the same conclusion right or wrong.
If Iraq is to metamorphosis into an internationally accepted sovereign country doing business world wide, they must be able to use their own currency.
With oil being as low as it is they barely have enough USD to handle the street let alone the potential for growth and the remittances that would need to be paid in USD.
So if they are ready to "open" their country up to international investments, trade, investment etc. they must have an internationally accepted currency with which to trade. We all know that there is monies sitting at BIS that belong in the reserves.
Turki was the one who set these deposits up when the US released the 80 billion USD equivalents that had been being held in US banks as a result of the sanctions.
I believe we will soon see that money accounted for, for the first time on the CBI's web site. It will come with the RV and not before. .
Disorganized thoughts from a feeble mind. Achmedtlarious Tlar
Articles With Links Referenced:
Sadr demands Sharistani be the first one.. NOW Sadr calls to punish al-Abadi al-Shahristani “immediately” LINK
Din Mohammad pride away from foreign political balance and its impact on the Iraqi scene why Mr. Abadi can not refer to Mr. Maliki judiciary? LINK
Zamili’s / balances News /: We will host Ghaban Obeidi and the commander of Baghdad operations soon LINK;
If Iraq is to metamorphosis into an internationally accepted sovereign country doing business world wide, they must be able to use their own currency.
With oil being as low as it is they barely have enough USD to handle the street let alone the potential for growth and the remittances that would need to be paid in USD.
So if they are ready to "open" their country up to international investments, trade, investment etc. they must have an internationally accepted currency with which to trade. We all know that there is monies sitting at BIS that belong in the reserves.
Turki was the one who set these deposits up when the US released the 80 billion USD equivalents that had been being held in US banks as a result of the sanctions.
I believe we will soon see that money accounted for, for the first time on the CBI's web site. It will come with the RV and not before. .
Disorganized thoughts from a feeble mind. Achmedtlarious Tlar
Articles With Links Referenced:
Sadr demands Sharistani be the first one.. NOW Sadr calls to punish al-Abadi al-Shahristani “immediately” LINK
Din Mohammad pride away from foreign political balance and its impact on the Iraqi scene why Mr. Abadi can not refer to Mr. Maliki judiciary? LINK
Zamili’s / balances News /: We will host Ghaban Obeidi and the commander of Baghdad operations soon LINK;
via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog
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