Don't WAIT!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Early Saturday Afternoon 3-5-16


W8tn4it2rv: My own thoughts and opinions

Since we are close to receiving our blessing I wanted to share information with you family.

On Christmas day of 2014, my sister gave me a prophetic word that the RV date was 3/17 but the year was not revealed.

Last week I shared my facts with Frank that he gave to you on last Thursday's CC.

History shows they make their money moves in the middle of the month:

- 4 PIP change on 1/17/2012
- 2016 Budget on 12/16
- Tariffs implemented on 1/16/2016
- CBI spreadsheet updated on the 17th of each month

Next week right before 3/17

News says completion of the Amnesty Law
Frank says a new CBI Governor

Today Frank shared they will show us a FLAG IN MOSUL in MARCH!

Islandg1211:  The next six weeks is going to Very Intense. Last year, when Abadi and Shabibi came to D.C. and met with the IMF, they were given the "Green Light." But, they weren't given the road map. The US, IMF, WB, had a "hands-off" policy towards Iraq. The RV was left in Abadi's hands along with the rest of his reforms.

As I have stated, I was not expecting the RV New Years, but Hello April - June. I want to point out the change of strategy by the US since mid-January 2016 compared with 2015. Now there are consequences for Iraq if they don't reform. There are threats. There were no threats up until now. The CBI and the GOI could steal and be corrupt and delay the RV. That's changed. Jail time. Executition. Fired. Funds retrieved.

Look closer at the article from the US denying yet confirming the US contingency plan to evacuate the US Embassy should the Mosul dam - controlled by the US - break. An estimated 500,000 people could die. Iraq's wealth is under the ground. Above ground, they are a problem. The 12 are in this for the long game. That article is a veiled threat. It came out in Feb 2016. This has gone from a "its in Iraq's hands" to the US is in control. Change in policy happening Now. Sticks and Carrots.

In January, Barzani gave a CNN interview in which he stated that the "US had No plan" for Mosul. He felt that it would take six month of planning and six months of fighting. The US now has Publicly announced they are attacking ISIS in Mosul. They want to get this fight over before the heat hits. The US could have waited until next Fall. They could have planned more for the battle, and waited until the government was reformed, laws passed, and the corrupt dealt with. But, the U.S. is doing all of this NOW.

There will be no RV until Mosul is free, and this urban battle is tricky. Hopefully, the citizens and the ISIS defectors will give the US led Coallition the needed Intel.
Look who's coming to dinner. UN. WB. IMF. They are serving carrots.

Frank26:  Well???????? ................... Look at Your M CC NOTES from the last two weeks.
Said IMO ........ #2 is going over there as o can ............. NEVER.
But Your M CC has been waiting to TEACH on many subject in order to say again ........... TA DA LOL .
KTFA   Frank...... Can You imagine the number of COOOOOOOKIES it could have bought

FrostyTheSnowman: ABU DHABI // US vice president Joe Biden will visit the UAE this weekend to meet the country’s leaders in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Mr Biden and his wife, Jill, will fly from Washington to the UAE on Saturday then travel to Jerusalem and to Ramallah in the West Bank for meetings on Tuesday with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the president Reuven Rivlin, and the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas.

His final stop will be in Amman, where he will meet King Abdullah II to discuss ISIL and the civil war in Syria. He is also expected to visit a US-Jordanian military training camp.

Analysts said the vice president’s trip comes at an “interesting” time, with the administration of president Barack Obama nearing the end of its term.

“It will probably choose to leave any important decisions for the incoming leadership,” said Sabahat Khan, senior analyst at the Dubai-based think tank Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis.

“However, the regional situation is evolving rapidly and almost all of America’s regional allies are upset with Washington’s positions on a range of regional issues, especially the Syrian civil war.”

Mr Khan said he anticipated Syria will be the focus of discussions as it ties many other issues such as Iran, Hizbollah and ISIL. “Undoubtedly, Biden will hear complaints and get a pulse on the ground before he returns to Washington,” Mr Khan said. “All of this might prove useful in pressing the US to expand and speed up military support and better balance its diplomatic efforts with Russia, because the perception is that its Plan A and B for Syria failed some time back and Plan C is failing now as well.”

Last month, the UAE Ambassador to the US, Yousef Al Otaiba, described the Syrian conflict as “the only game in town” with no other strategy in sight.

“Biden’s greatest interest is foreign policy,” said Dr Albadr Al Shateri, adjunct professor at the National Defence College.

“His visit is probably to have all the allies on the same wavelength regarding Syria. Biden was promoting the idea of soft partitioning of Iraq. He could [potentially] be advocating for a federation for Syria where the Alawis, Kurds and the Druz will have their own autonomous region.”Before assuming the vice presidency in 2009, Mr Biden served as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee.

“He struck a deal with the president that he will be involved in all foreign policy issues,” Dr Al Shateri said. “He played a significant role in hot spots from Iraq to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine.”

Other potential areas of discussion include ISIL. “The Saudis are taking the lead on this and the Ra’ad Al Shamal, or Northern Thunder military exercise, is part of the preparation for the bigger political manoeuvre to oust Bashar [Al Assad] and cut [ISIL] to size,” he said. “Biden probably wants to have all ducks in a row for such eventualities.”

Dr Theodore Karasik, senior adviser to Gulf State Analytics, said topics would be centred not only on the fight against ISIL, but on issues regarding Palestine.

“This effort by the US vice president comes at an important juncture in the heart of the region as the next phase of the war for Syria enters a new stage,” he said.

“The outcome is coordination on what comes next as all issues are interconnected.”

US analysts said Mr Biden may want to confer with the UAE leadership about the situation in Syria, assess the state of the ceasefire, and discuss policy options given different scenarios.

“There have been a lot of reports that the Russians, the Iranians and the Assad regime are using force in certain places, [although] not as much as before,” said Mark Katz, professor of government and politics at the School of Policy, Government and International Affairs at George Mason University. “So, the question is at what point do those supporting the opposition decide that they need to continue to do so, and my sense is that the Obama administration will want to give the ceasefire a chance.”

He said discussing the GCC’s labelling of Hizbollah as a terrorist organisation and what further actions should be taken against it could be on the agenda.

“He [Mr Biden] would also want to reassure the UAE that the Iranian nuclear accord has not resulted in Washington becoming unaware that Iran’s regional policies are a matter of great concern to America as well as the Gulf,” Mr Katz said. “He is likely to argue that even so, an Iran subject to the constraints of the nuclear accord is better than an Iran not subject to any such constraints.”


The Truth Call from Friday Night with Fisher (RV intel about minute 35)


Perle:  dallied any word on the street

Dallred123:  Just my contacts are excited beyond belief… I don't believe it is held up at all… I am a very optimistic person but right now my cup is overflowing

Dallred123 :  I like tonight……Yes all is done


GodBlessTony:  Any bank that "may" be exchanging some for Dollars, IMO is doing so on their "belief" that the Dinar will soon go International, not because they know something we don't. It's like a loan at this point

Mangelo: I expect something today......we know it's a process......we just wait.....then when it's time...just like when you go a restaurant...and you have a reservation...their is still a waiting time involved

Martha:  yes the soverigns should be done.The Admiral's group is just about done then we are next. There are so many more people then noted in the last years

Beamer:  They are not done in REno.. I know a paymaster.. and he hasn't even been called in yet ….. They haven't even started the groups yet .. at all

Martha:  Beamer is right, they are working thru it right now. Most do not have to go since deposits were already done

LasVegas:  I also know a Paymaster working for a Reno group thru WF and they are still on high alert to go..but not there yet. But yes so many Tiers to the groups.

Wiz:  Beamer- agree- high end groups are not done. PRIVATE exchanges are occurring - people with previous relationships

Martha:  everyone just be positive that we can start sooner than later…. There is a major reason for us to be in asap with implementation of other events to come

Beamer:  The Tiers have changed.. so I won't comment on that

Beamer:  When the Private Placement groups get called to go exchange.. you will see many just disappear.. that is the best clue we'll get

Darkman:  I’LL SAY THIS. WHEN I WAS FIRST PUT ON TO THIS, I LAUGHED BUT GOT IN IT ANYWAY. AS OF LAST NIGHT 11:47pm I truly know for a fact that this is 100% real and happening. I did not exchange but a family member did and she just left to go car shopping

Beamer:  I know people who exchanged in Oct 2012.. they have skrs.. and will be the first to go liquid.. as of now.. they are waiting just like the rest of us

Chief53 : If people would be more connected to life and learn to use decernment, they would know "in their bones" that this thing is about to domino
wolfy : Chief and the first domino has been pushed over


Bamaguy:  To all intel providers, thanks for what you do, To all doubters, if you think you can do better do so or leave the ones giving intel alone. Most appreciate the intel. No one has a crystal ball that tells all. Thanks to all intel providers. I for one am greatfull for what you do.


Sabickford:  Here you dropped this. It's your sense of humor. You lost it when you picked up that giant bag of stuff you call an opinion.

Angry people who can't take a joke have no idea how hilarious they are to the rest of us who can.

Miracleman:  Morning Fellow members..WARNING from two people on this site, We trust top sources on DERIVITIVES

VATICAN/CHINA trust money and Historical bond money.IS NOT for BAILING OUT BANKs, but using new CURRENCY VALUES for HUMANITY

CHINA will not use these monies for BANKS or CORPORATIONS, and help there bottom line, but for HUMANITY our BOTTOM LINE..


huge derivative exposure..CITI..CHASe..Goldman,Bank of a*****eS(oops )America..BIG TIER 2 BANKS

So when dollar devalues, just like oil lately, BANKs and CORPORATIONs will implode and OUr NEW WEALTH exposed ,possibly, at these institutions

OPTIONS..almost NO deriviative exposure

Small MOM and POP BANKS..CREDIT UNIONS..(very safe)..Many tier 1 banks..and BROKERAGE HOUSES

Been on many calls, trust credibility of Hosts be listen too.DIVERSITy..I Will leave 50% at wells Fargo

Then move my base to BROKERAGE HOUSEs to keep control, out of way NEXT 6 months..NOT INVESTED in STOCK MARKET,

using houses to move money to friends/family and foundations..

LAST NOTE...DO NOT..wire funds over $500,000 to other INSTITUTIONS..simple..
GEt CERTIFIED CASHIERS CHECKS, and put in ACCOUNTS..Swift system still there..NEVER TRUST FED, they will use any excuse to HOLD FUNDS,and could
put in BULLET PLATFORM trades (5 days) using your money...GOOD LUCK..BE SAFE..miracle


RoseStillaRose:  Miracle you are amazing.  (Recapping)

Miracle heard from two trusted sources that Chinese (Elders) won't be bailing out banks or corporations.  (Maybe because Wells Fargo is Chinese owned) Wells Fargo is expected to be solvent post RV, which means safe.  

Other tier one and tier two banks not so much.  When the dollar loses value internationally (as it's expected to do when world currency value becomes tied to assets) Large banks other than Wells Fargo may be over exposed, and this could be bad for you if your money is there.

Other good options are small mom and pop banks and credit unions.  

Miracle plans to leave 50% with Wells Fargo and move the rest to brokerage houses.  He won't be investing in the stock market for the first six months post RV.  He plans to use houses to move money to friends, family and foundations.  Better not to wire funds over $500,000 even bank to bank, but instead get a cashier's check and walk it over yourself.  Something about bullet platform trades.

Whether this all is true or not, I don't know, but I appreciate your sharing what YOU know, Miracle Man.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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