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Friday, March 4, 2016

More Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Late Friday Night 3-4-16


Islandg1211:  As many of you know, I posted in November that I did not expect the RV on New Years Eve because Eagle1 had informed us a few years ago that banks do their end of the year accounting from Dec. 15 - Jan. 15th.

I study and take notes, but at times come to a different conclusion than others. When the RV did not happen, and many felt discouraged, I was concerned that some might sell the Dinars just because it didn't RV on New Years.

So, I posted again, stating that IMO, I wasn't expecting the RV that time of the year. Repeatedly, my opinion is questioned. But, I hope that some of you listen to my logic. The IMF RVs countries historically 90% of time during the month of April. It's beyond me why I'm the only that brings this Fact up.
So, what do you think all the other countries that have RVd in the month of April do in the months leading up to their planned RV? They get prepared. They do what the IMF tells them to do. They RV when the IMF tells them to. It's Planned for.

Did the IMF plan for Iraq to RV on Jan 1? No. Now, it's a fact and not my opinion. The IMF and Iraq, in fact, were planning Not to RV Jan 1, by evidence of their LOI which points to the first half of 2016. Do you really think that Iraq's RV, and possible other countries RV is not already planned for? I don't. I think the most likely month for an RV is April.

We are seeing all of the coordinating efforts of the CBI, GOI, WB, IMF and US led Coalition forces complete their assignments. Corruption and Mosul of course have to be taken of before an RV. But, IMO it's being prepared for and targeted.

The consequences for lack of a completion have just gotten a whole lot more severe. Look at the effect of low oil prices. Look at the article talking about the US Embassy needing an evacuation plan should the Mosul Dam "break." Look at Sistani and Sadr's protests. Low oil prices can again be manipulated and dams can break and Abadi can be fired - sounds like a US threat.

IMO, this RV isn't planned for months away, but weeks away, by design, to fit the IMF's preferred date. This is all my opinion. I wanted to explain why I differed from Frank and his team on what month I was expecting the RV to be targeted.

We just had different expectations. I looked at the IMF's historical pattern. God's speed to the liberation of Mosul and to Abadi's fight against corruption.

I look forward towards the later part of April, if and only if, there's flag in Mosul, a fully formed GOI with laws passed, and all of the IMF's LOI requirements met.

Islandg1211:  The analogy of the GOI getting a speeding ticket for mowing the lawn is funny, sad and unfortunately true. Remember in Nov 2014 when we were expecting the basket of laws to get pass? They GOI has passed nothing in the last few months.

 They've been back in session for seven weeks and what have they passed, signed, and published in the Gazette? Nothing. No wonder the crowd is approaching the Green Zone.
The consequences are being increasing raised if the GOI doesn't get their act together.

This is a change a pattern. A year ago, IMO, the monetary reform was left in Iraq's hands. They were told to get their act together. In August, I disagree with ITeam that it was "here we go," feeling like it was "here we go again" based on the fact that at the time Allak was talking about selling bonds.

But, until now, there was no consequences for Iraq if they delayed their RV. In fact, they were rewarded by the delay because they could continue to skim off the daily CBI auctions and the sale of oil. If and when they RV, the auctions will stop and the HCL will be implemented with money going to the citizens.

But, look at the situation now. It's completely different. US TROOPS ARE PUBLICALLY IN IRAQ. This isn't a "hands off" policy by the U.S. anymore. There are real consequences if Iraq doesn't get their act together. There's criminal prosecutions. There's people being fired. The IMF and WB have monetary consequences. There's even divine/eternal consequences from Sadr and Sistani.

I want everyone to consider an article that came out from the US denying that they have issued an evacuation order of the US embassy based on the possibility that the Mosul dam could break flooding the entire area. Why was that article published? What was the intent? Who was is talking to and who was saying it and who has control of the dam?

 Look at the crowds of protestors. Wake up people, there's a threat of consequences being issued by the U.S., by the citizens, and by Sadr and Sistani if the GOI doesn't get their act together.

This threat didn't exist last year. In fact, we didn't even have a stated plan to retake Mosul. Keep in mind, Iraq's wealth is in the ground. The PTB know that and could walk away from Iraq, because they play the long game.

They could let it flood. They could let ISIS stay there. They could put Iraq back under sanctions. And they are saying all of this to Iraq.

If we are back in Iraq fighting in Mosul now, issuing these type of "sticks and carrots" policies, it means that now there is a serious plan and objective. These are just some more of my reasonings why April looks better to me than last December, and it fits with an end of April target date that the IMF has historically favored.


JamJam: @Island...I know the IMF sequence of which you speak. I saw it about a year ago. I'm an infant in this investment. About 1-1/2yrs. So I won't try and act like I know more than you So I say the following with all due respect Sir.

I hear ya... and under different recent events I would DEFINITELY agree with you. Let me lay out some of the reasons why I feel it "MAY" not...( go to mid to late April.

1. We are in control. Thus we control IMF and tell them what to do. IMF's comfort zone may have always been 15th-17th of April but @ 12 almost 13 years dealing with Iraq...I'd say they..(USA) is getting ansy.

I will keep it real by saying April IS NOT FAR AWAY and your time line is not upsetting at all. I mean HECK I've waited 1/10th of what you fine people have so whats another 30-45 days. Not making fun of anyone...I'm just saying.

Abadi's pressure points.

2. Sistani & Sadr....NUFF

3 Abadi doesn't want the peeps stormin the And Sadr's 45 day window is up 3/28. That is a Monday. If Abadi comes and goes passed this date I fully expect Sadr will have the Peeps storm the castle (green zone) that Friday...4/1/16 It will most likely NOT be pretty. I pray for Abadi.

Thats it. I don't wanna keep adding stupid hopefull reasons as to why mid April is not in aggreeance with me because it would be me

SO with all that said....and to include your time line; to be fair Sir.....
For the sake of argument, lets say Abadi misses the 3/28 deadline and Sadr is LIVID....NOW SISTANI IS LIVID...AND NOW FATWA...may be put into action...who knows..

Is your date, ISLAND plausible..???? YOU BET IT IS....

Is what I layed out a possible polar opposite to yours...You betcha.

Island. all I'm trying to convey to you Sir, is that there is a HUGE amount of pressure on Abadi. So lets see what he does.

Island...sorry for all the Sirs if you are infact a woman...HAHAHAHA...My appologiess...SIR...UUHHH...MA'AM....Just

With all family love Island.   Jay I.


Dnari131:  Government to issue gold bonds on March 29 - statement

Business | Fri Mar 4, 2016 4:05pm IST Related: TOP NEWS, BUSINESS

A salesman helps a customer (R) to select gold bangles at a jewelry showroom in Mumbai,

India, May 21, 2015. REUTERS/Shailesh Andrade/Files


The government will issue gold bonds on March 29 as part of its market borrowing programme, the finance ministry said in a statement on Friday.

Investors can apply for the bonds between March 8 and March 14, which will sold through banks and designated post offices, the statement said. (

(Reporting by Rajesh Kumar Singh; Editing by Anand Basu) ... NKCN0W610N


Turtle1:  It is time to get the big boy pants on in reference to the assets questions. My suggestion is this. Look up how the UNITED NATIONS called for an inventory for all assets of all countries. For example, GOLD AND SILVER IS NOT THE ONLY ASSET.. That is your first clue. If you seek the truth, one may find it. Water is an asset... You are an asset, botanical plants, trees, etc are an asset. Good luck to you all We in fact, all related

starman : Fyi, MY WM banker came by my house today! said dont leave town, Going live late this after noon. Not my words, I have known him for 8 years and he is a straight shooter.  Dont know the time!!

 Laszlo : All my associates in iraq got their card loaded from jan 2015 till feb 2016 on their qe cad today. All of them. And this is NOT from a source,this is strait from a horses mouth.

Laszlo : if some of you don't know i do work in iraq.   I'm back and forth

MoonLady : LASZLO, can you give us a rate ? Please?

Laszlo : Moonlady---Don't know yet...ill be there by Sunday morning, and i will tell you what they have on Baghdad Int Airport

kerraic : so whats the latest?

AtmosphereChanger : Kerriac what a day!, 600+ employees walked out of exc centers after finding out this is for real, waiting on 800# now, at least two folks from this room have already exchanged today. Etc. going to be quite a night. You are here just in time.


Emailed to Recaps:

Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed
will never pass again.  Enjoy every moment of life.
As a bagpiper, I play many gigs.  Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man.  He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Nova Scotia back country.
As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions.
I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight.  There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch.  I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late.
I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place.  I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.
The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around.  I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends.  I played like I've never played before for this homeless man.
And as I played "Amazing Grace", the workers began to weep.  They wept, I wept, we all wept together.
When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car.  Though my head was hung low, my heart was full.
As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen anything like that before, and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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