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Friday, March 4, 2016

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat  3-03-16    Part 2 of 2

Post From Dinar Updates 3-03-16
Chat Room Excerpts & Highlights

Dinar Updates Thursday PM Chat  3-03-16    Part 2 of 2
Loopback says():Sadr's movement: the Preparatory Committee to help Abadi began its work for the selection of candidates independently
March 3, 2016 17:23
The spokesman for the cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, on Thursday, that the Preparatory Committee set up by al-Sadr to help choose the new ministerial cabin works about "completely independent", and as pointed out that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is primarily responsible for the selection of new ministers, drew that the Commission will help him in the selection of candidates and their evaluation only.
rustynail says to Loopback():thank you
Loopback says():Said Salah al-Obeidi, in a newspaper interview that "the Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr, said that the preparatory committee formed by him to assist the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi began its work for the selection of the members of the new government," stressing that "the Commission is working almost independently, without any interference with their work both the Sadrists or the other. "
He said al-Obeidi, said: "The Prime Minister is alone knows the details and criteria established by the Committee for the selection of candidates," adding that "Abadi is primarily responsible for the selection of new ministers, and that the Committee will help him in the selection of candidates and their evaluation."
Loopback says():The leader of the Sadrist movement, launched in the (13th February 2016), a project of reform in the country includes four files, while calling for the formation of a government of technocrats,
"far from the ruling party and partisanship," headed by current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and "a political team that includes politically and nationally independent and a judge known Lakeadath,
"and as he emphasized the need to nominate the names of heads of independent bodies and the leaders of military teams and army Chief of Staff to approved by the House of Representatives, threatened to" no confidence "from the Government Abadi, in the event of non-implementation of the project within 45 days.
Loopback says():Now that article is better then popcorn if you ask me!
Papatom says():i hate to interrupt a political argument, but here is the 2nd article i have found today that shows how smart Isis has gotten and why we need to gain more conttrol on the money before the RV.... just my opinion.....

Papatom says():
Loopback says():Sadr's representive said while Sadr organized the independant search committee the Sadrst have no say and Abadi is calling the shots.
Loopback says():If you remember the articles last week listed the people who are on this search committee and Shabibi was listed as a member.

Loopback says():Better exciting stuff if you ask me.
Loopback says():Maliki
Loopback says():Palace
Loopback says():Date and Rate
rcookie says to Loopback()::D
rcookie: US Delivers Blackhawk Helicopters to Jordan to Guard Border From Daesh
03/03/2016 19:36 (Updated 19:37 03.03.2016) Get short URL
The United States has delivered eight UH-60A Blackhawk helicopters to Jordan to help its coalition partner secure its border from Daesh terrorists, the US Embassy in Jordan announced on Thursday.
Jordan's King Abdullah II arrives a© AFP 2016 / JUSTIN TALLIS
Jordan's King Says 'Truly Global Alliance ' Necessary to Tackle Daesh
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Photos on the US Embassy's social media account showed Wells with Jordanian military officials jointly inspecting the Blackhawk helicopters during the handover ceremony.
"The United States is committed to standing with Jordan to face the threat posed by Daesh ... We are honored to partner with you," US Ambassador Alice Wells was quoted as saying in the announcement during a ceremony to handover the eight helicopters.
The helicopters are "another tool for safeguarding" Jordan's border with Syria and Iraq
rcookie: The delivery comes just days after Jordanian forces killed several militants linked to the Islamic State in the northern part of the country.
Since 2015, the United States has expedited the delivery of more than 26,000 rifles and machine guns to Jordan, in addition to some 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition, hundreds of bombs and about 5,000 night vision devices to support Jordan's "immediate operational requirements, "the US Embassy in Jordan said.
US Vice President Joe Biden is set to travel to Amman on March 10 as part of his Middle East tour, where he will meet with King Abdullah II to discuss the US-led coalition's campaign against Daesh and the situation in Syria. He will also meet with Jordanian troops who are training alongside US forces in the coalition's campaign against Daesh.; bad link
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angus: I just got in don't know if this has been posted or not and I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but Syria's power has been out country wide for 10 hr. so says Fox News.
Clay to rcookie: gotta love them Blackhawks
Clay to angus: probably from bombing

rcookie: "S & P": $ 30 billion of Iraq's debt last year - report
Wrote: March 3, 2016
Standard & Poor's announced credit rating rising debt of a number of Arab countries more than doubled in the past year, predicting that continue to rise during the current year.
The firm said the Iraq's debt last year amounted to thirty billion dollars.
.VIP.clay rcookie: so are all ME countries credit ratings going down
Papatom says():so this morning i found a reuters article ....thanks for the prayers...the article talked about ISIS manipulating currency.....

Papatom says():it looks like a negative article but it's not...
LLN65 says to Papatom():right

magnetlady says():OK Bring it on papatom
Papatom says():it's very positive for points out....they have to conttrol and tighten currency to stop the terrorists from making a lot of money...

Papatom says():then this afternoon, I see another source with a similar article but additional facts...

Baxter1243 says():I read the article.... its a great read...
LLN65 says to Papatom():great find!!

Papatom says():then this's a 3d article with even different facts...all on the same subject

magnetlady says():Awesome.

Papatom says():we havn't seen 3 articles on currency tradng/ISIS before, as much as I can remember

LLN65 says to Papatom():what do you think it means for us?

Papatom says():so that tells me something...
Papatom says():they are trying to tighten themoney supply to keep ISIS from makiang 1000 percent on their stolen money

Papatom says()'s an opinion
Papatom says():and a generalization
Papatom says():but......

Papatom says():3 articles in one day?
Papatom says):someone is puttin that stuff out....i say it's a sign.....
Papatom says():and it makes me pause....

Papatom says():cus i think i have to pause... lol
LLN65 says to Papatom():yeah whats not an opinion...generalization in dinarland :D

Papatom says():right
jtank says():sounds great - more action
LLN65 says to Papatom():good observation my good friend!! (y)

Papatom says():but from experience i know one thing... if you make just 5% on your money a week....and you don't loose....and you do that for a month...the compounded interest is like 100%....

Papatom says():in a month....
Papatom says():something large...
LLN65 says to Papatom():wow

Papatom says():so those bombings that took out banks...
Papatom says():and all those dinar that got burned up....

LLN65 says to Papatom():right
jtank says():(y)

Papatom says():i think that is part of an additional war to cut the money supply
Papatom says():and that smells like it is leading up to a conclusion....
Papatom says():to me

LLN65 says to Papatom():you are making some sense here my friend !!
Baxter1243 says():(y)
magnetlady says():Sounds like it to me too papatom

Baxter1243 says(8:14 PM):Lets pray its this month... (y)

Papatom says():the problem is ... I want this so bad, I could read a article about watermellon farming in Iraq and I"d probably say it's an indication!!!! lol

LLN65 says to Papatom():Thank you for bringing this in!! We miss you and appreciate your input!!(F)

LLN65 says to Papatom()::D (lol)
magnetlady says():Now that should be my line.

LLN65 says to Papatom():BUT we know you are smarter than that :D

Papatom says():i can fool some of the people some of the time
Papatom says():but it does make some sense...
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