Don't WAIT!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

DebTarHeelGirl 3-3-16: " Your Time is Coming!"

DebTarHeelGirl:  Often times we are told it is here or it's tonight, tomorrow, only to have our hopes dashed to smithereens when the here and now has come and gone with no fanfare.

We must stay the course! As I have written in the past, KNOW IN YOUR KNOWER that your time is at hand and BELIEVE that God has this in His mighty hands.

Oh, I'm sure that there are those who may disagree with my faith and mindset. That's okay.

The fact is whether you're a person of faith or not, getting upset and discouraged about what you've been told will come to pass on this date or that date and it does not come to pass will get you no closer to receiving your blessing. It won't! It will come when it is time.

What will sustain you is KNOWING IN YOUR KNOWER that you entered this venture with complete assurance that you did the right thing, whether on your own accord or by divine intervention.
NO ONE in Dinarland knows the date of this blessing and maybe that's a good thing.
We know we are getting that special Christmas gift, right? Because there it is...sitting under the tree... but we can't open that gift until the appropriate time and even though in that illustration we know the time, still...we have to wait.

In our situation, we know that we are getting our blessing. We can sense it. We can feel it. We can read about it. We hear and read signs/clues about it in the banking world. We just don't have the date. It hasn't been called.

It shouldn't be called! Because that would ONLY be an assumption based on what they've been told by someone else and maybe still, by some else even.

Surely by now we all have somewhat of an understanding of the tremendous undertaking, the detailed internal intricacies necessary for making this event come to pass. It's a monumental task for those making this never-before-seen in the history of the world event come to fruition.

Those involved in this ARE making it happen for the good of all.  Positive things are in motion for the good so that NOTHING will derail this process.  
Folks, do not put your faith in anyone calling a date. It will only continue to bring you down. It is not emotionally healthy.

You have been chosen for such a time as this and as I have said before, our SUDDENLY will surely appear at the right time. Maintain your stance, envision your future, and know exactly what you are to do with your SUDDEN INCREASED finances once your blessing arrives.

Learn, understand and KNOW how to make your blessing GROW! Stay the course and believe in your heart that everything is being worked out. Read and research things for yourself instead of hanging your hat on the rack of someone else's good intentions or personal "knowledge" of the situation . It will do you no good. Has it ever in the past?

We are a courageous group of individuals! Your steadfastness and patience will surely pay off. As others may have scoffed at your investing in this, YOU have stood firm in believing your faith in yourself and/or your faith in God directing your steps.

 I want to encourage each and every one of you today reading this message. Your time IS coming and the incredible wait you've all endured will certainly be worth the incredible BLESSING!!!!!

Stand firm! Stay the course! You will be doing great things once our SUDDENLY has come to fruition.  AMEN?  AMEN!

All My Best~ Debbie
PS:  Do you learn more when you fail or when you succeed?

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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